The Homeless

I would like to nominate The Homeless for a cunting.

Now this is the season of “Good Will to All Men” (is that sexist? tough), so is the Rebel such an unkind and unfeeling cunt…well, I never used to be….

Last week in Lutonistab I rock up to my usual “unofficial” parking space at the digs and am immediately accosted by a couple of the “spare sam change forra cuppa gav’nor” types asking forra “spare” tab.

I explained I only smoked rollies (with no funny business in there either) – even better they say.

Well it was the first properly frosty night of the year and so I rolled them a couple each (cos they were shivering) and gave them a wee baggy of baccy in a money bag with a packet of papers and some tips.

After we had a smoke together and I was about to leave them they asked if I could spare some change. Well I had no change, I had a tenner, that’s it.

Fuck it I thought, even if they drink it, drug it, or actually go to the hostel – as they said – I couldn’t handle being out in -2 either! So I gave them the tenner.

My kindness was repaid by me finding my car the following morning with no driver’s side window and – the irony – fuck all taken, because there was fuck all to take, because I’m not a fucking idiot!

Lo and behold the digs CCTV shows one of my new found “friends” bricking my window, whilst t’other was the lookout.

O’course Beds police were all over it. After being redirected from 101, to Beds police telephone, to the automated operator telling me I can now register my crime online, or wait to speak to a moron…o’course this was at the unsociable hour of 8.15am…

“Hello this is Bedfordshire Police. No one can take your call right now but if you leave your name, number or gargle with a blood-filled final death rattle, we will get back to you. Your call is important to us.”

So I leave my message, but the infuriating thing is that my mass produced Japanese car had no fucking side glass in the entire southeast of England even though I’ve seen dozens of “grooming rape-gang” types driving them as taxis – yeah really fucking exotic!

That necessitated an extra night in hell and £75 of my hard-earned going to Autoglass.

That’s not what really rankles. What really rankles is the fact I was accosted by another cunt stood outside Lutonistab McD’s yesterday asking for my spare change to which I replied: “No, sorry.”

To be lectured: “Oh, wey’ul vat’s noice mayte. Oy mean, it’s ownly fackin’ Christmas ain’t it!”

I walked straight over to the cunt and gave the cunt the full SP (including showing the cunt the images Bedfordshire police were disinterested in) and said: “So right MATE! WHAT THE FUCK WOULD YOU DO IN MY SITUATION!?!”

“Wey’ul, that wan’t me was it!”

So I offered to buy the cunt a McD’s to which – honestly – the cunt replied: “Oy dun loike ’em!”

Well tough to be you, you cunt! I also told the cunt to pass it around in his circles that treating kindness like a cunt will be repaid tenfold!

This on the same day that it’s announced that 300 or 600 homeless died last year. Well, with the exception of former squaddies badly let down by our immo-loving govt, TOUGH!

As Dick would say, fuck ’em!

Bah Humbug,

Rebel Ebenezer Cunt!

P.S. Bedfordshire police did call back the following day to give me an incident number and to ask if I needed “Victim Support Counseling”, I shit you not! Good job I decided not to deride the cunts on twitter otherwise – as a tax-paying, hated, middle-aged, white man, I’d be in chalky now!


Nominated by Rebel Without A Cunt

38 thoughts on “The Homeless

  1. I feel your pain chap !

    I just ignore the fuckers these days . My good will has long gone.

  2. Yeah I’m a soft touch. As a boss used to say, tone, when shit happens, half of us are only three months from skid row. Gave a couple of quid to guy other day, his mate rocks up, where’s my focking money eh? You got a focking problem with me eh? Take it easy my friend. Sad ain’t it

  3. Plenty of them in Chichester. With iPhones and occasionally well fed dogs in tow of course. Begging scum.

    • Its the priority of the poor, Iphone is a necessetity, makes me laugh.
      I would love to see a survey of how many people who use food banks have an iphone.
      My bet ….. more than 50%

      • As Tommy Cooper famously said to one “starving” homeless person with a dog in tow: “If you’re that hungry, eat your fucking dog!”

  4. My answer, cut the overseas aid budget and use the money to sort out the rough sleeping, note…. for Brits only, any other nationalities can fuck off!

    • Agree. This government should look after its own first and foremost. Unfortunately the opposite is happening.

      Bitch May feeling pleased with herself when she said fewer people are having to rely on food banks under a Tory government.

      Why in the 21st century is there a necessity for any food banks in the UK?

      Current government fucking shit and not in control. Needs to go.

      As things stand UKIP is the only alternative choice.

    • Better still, leave on WTO rules and spend the £39,000,000,000.00 instead on homeless cunts. That works out at £121,875,000.00 squids per homeless cunt!

      Best part of £122 million in each begging bowl should keep even the most feckless cunts from cluttering up the streets for a few years. And put Big Issue sellers out of business to boot.

    • Totally agree ….
      The foreign aid budgets a fucking sick joke when we’ve got people that have served the country left high and dry , the homeless litter the streets of our towns and cities, and people that need psychiatric help are left wandering our communities with the police having to pick up the pieces…….

  5. I quite like to have a drive down to see the homeless in the run up to Christmas.When the snow or frost settles thickly on them,it always reminds me of the snowmen that I used to build as a child So festive with their twinkling red noses,icicles hanging off their beards and bobble hats. It’s nice that they make the effort to get into the Christmas spirit.

    Fuck Off.

  6. If anyone ever goes into Londonistan Kings Cross and walks down the Euston road towards the British Library you will probably see a girl (in her early 20’s i guess) just sitting on the pavement outside the entrance to St Pancras underground/station.
    She just sits there sobbing, occasionally you will see people comforting her, usually a middle aged couple or woman…..

    If you see her once… yes poor girl, homeless in distress, see her time and time again…… maybe a Pro!

  7. Fat guy begs on train in London I travel on. If he is homeless he knows where there is a load of pork fat. He gives it I’m a bit old I can’t get into the shelter. Fuck of mate you fat cunt get a fucking job

  8. Must say I was appalled by your story, Rebel. I’m sorry that happened to you. I say this with no smugness at all, your story gave me an insight into what it’s like to deal with everyday life in the UK these days. A reminder, as if I needed one, that I’m so glad I emigrated all those years ago. Aggravation, harassment and a plod that doesn’t give a fuck. Lovely.

    Been to Lutonistan many times. Used to meet a mate there and go to the football. He was/is a big Town fan. The Kenny – as they call their home ground – is a shit hole, but I digress. I do recall a couple of things about that area of Lutonistan. It’s wall to wall turban wearing, sun tanned folk. A white face walking around seems odd and out of place against a backdrop of ‘their’ shops and stores. The other thing I remember is the stench in the streets. It’s a combination of BO, ‘their’ natural (unnatural?) scent, that incense crap they seem to burn everywhere and traffic fumes. The air seemed heavy and thick with crap around there. It’s awful. God only knows how much worse it is almost 20 years on since I was last there.

    The last time I was asked for some money by a homeless, I was sitting outside the Hard Rock Cafe in downtown Minneapolis. In a moment of weakness, I pulled out my wallet and offered the cunt the 2 or 3 $1 bills I had on me. Seeing the $5 and $10 bills, the cunt actually asked me for MORE!!!! That was the last time I gave anything to any homeless or any human charidee. I only give to animal causes now. They can’t ask for help and their terrible predicament is often caused by bastard humans anyway.

    • Luton-i-stan, the lovely town where I was popped out.
      Good place to live in the 50’s, not too bad in the 60’s, but fucked by the 70’s, which is when I succumbed to white flight and glad I did, bro! Now just about every other town in England has gone the same way and I’m now too old to emigrate. Live in the South and as yet, it doesn’t have the same level of gimmegrants as towns and cities further North. But the South coast does have many dozzers and no hope scrounging parasite alkies and junkies, attracted to the beaches and milder weather. They get bolder and more aggressive every year and I’ve noticed that they have formed into loose groups skilled in working the streets. Some times they fall out with each other and its comical watching their drunken antics when that occurs, frequently at this time of year.
      Most of the old industries in Luton folded and moved to cheaper labour EU countries years ago, encouraged by the EU with “incentives”, read bribery and corruption, in order to expand their empire and stay in power. Can never forgive the EU for doing that, and our fake, self serving politicians, who have taken the EU shilling, in order to allow Great Britain to be fucked over. To you remainers, I ask, if the EU is so fucking good and useful, why now is the begging industry expanding across the DUK, DisUnited Kuntdom? Fuck the Begging Industry cunts and the EU.

  9. Agreed cunting, Rebel and I am so sorry to hear the shit you have been through. You show people some charity and that is the fucking thanks you get….arseholes!!

    I used to be a sucker for the homeless. I regularly bought ‘The Big Issue’, couldn’t pass someone homeless/begging without giving them some change, etc. but as I have aged I have become more cynical and sadly, more mercenary.

    I moved a couple of years ago from the town I had grown up in. It is now besieged with beggars, literally EVERYWHERE….all foreign and usually old granny types, hunched over with their hands in prayer, making friends with the pavement. Once I would have given whatever I could spare, but since learning that there are organised teams of foreign beggars in that very town getting HUNDREDS of pounds a day from dumb fucks like me, I now give them diddly shit.

    The foreign beggars really wind me up, be they organised or otherwise. My primary question would be, ‘Why in the name of fuck are we letting people in to the UK to fucking beg???’ Is this the type of migrant that the UK desires to enhance the country? Real, fake who cares? This is what we have to contend with now. It is a sick joke and we are the butt of it.

    Frankly, I am not flush myself anyway, so my philosophy now is that charity begins at home and it is fucking well going to stay there.

    • I fear like me Nurse Cunty you must be mistaken in your assessment.

      The government (who must be believed at all times) assure us that everyone who they let into this country are law abiding, come here to work, pay taxes, integrate into society are vital for our economy.

      Why, our town is now infested with many friendly types, who are only pretending to be lazy, rude, impolite, ungrateful, shouty, cigarette end discarding, uninsured car driving drunks and whilst originally having thought this myself to be the caseI now realise the error of my ways and that the vast majority of them must actually be doctors or high ranking NHS staff.

      • Yep Willie, we must all be getting the wrong end of the stick…..if we happen to be terminally thick or deaf, dumb and blind.

        Who are those fuckers trying to kid? They know that this country has been irrevocably fucked up over the past 20 years (at least)….why they try to still sell that old chestnut that migrants offer the country so much is beyond me.

        Do they fuck, at least not the vast majority.

        Even the ones that ARE apparently ‘skilled’ and work in the NHS are clueless fucktards, speaking from my own experience. I am sure most of them bought their qualifications via the internet.

  10. Pretty sure the guy I see most days at the station is not only homeless but also dyslexic.
    Nobody is gonna hand over their hard earned for a big tissue….

  11. What a pair of stankarse shit wipes! This is why I don’t give change even when the copper contents of my wallet could wire an entire house. Chances are they’ll just buy booze or drugs anyway which does nothing except prolong misery.

  12. Regent St, in a city that used to be called London. Fat old woman in a trench coat, multiple plastic bags gives me a scrap of paper. On it, written in terrible pidgin EEElish, are the incongruent words “Refugee Homeless starving,need help” I see at the foot of the note a request for “Ten Pounds pleaze” I take out my pencil and I write the words “fuck off you cunt”. Madam suddenly aquire’s the gift of verbal English, basic, and with a heavy accent, but understandable. “You racist English fucking cunt” she says. I thank her before moving along, satisfied in the knowledge that I am a racist fucking cunt and she knows it. Satisfying, very.

    • I give only to the Sally Army and of course the RBL Poppy appeal. Until there is not a single Brother of mine – ex servicemen who isnt living rough you wont get a brass farthing out of me.
      Servicemen are a different breed. They spend up to 30 years being told or telling others what to do 24 x 7. They sometimes retire with a fucking huge wedge of geld and a nice pot of pension and therein lies his dilemma. Nobody to give you a shake in the morning, nobody to bark at you or to bark at. If he was worth his salt he would have made the highest NCO rank and have a social standing within his ship / regiment a shade below God himself. All that dissipates. His words in civvy street mean fuck all to the general public, he means fuck all. Most of the street sleepers will have amazing tales of daring do and an equally long story about why he is where he is. Its generally drink, the fact he hasnt spent more than a year in total with his wife and kids in the last 30, and a general sense of not belonging, PTSD and a little known malady of the amount of toxic shit that has entered his bloodstream if he has been in a combat zone or been readied for such. Going down the Gulf (My time had passed then) the servicemen had God knows what injected into them – the results and the contents are still a closely guarded secret and the MOD wont tell the whole truth, neither will they admit the results of depleted uranium in artillery shells handled by our squaddies.
      All that said they then give them a weeks “civil familiarisation” and some of them walk through the gates for the last time without even a fucking thank you. The lads you see on the street are the ones who (generally) couldnt hack life outside of a senior rates mess and the camaraderie he wont ever experience again.
      They require a place to live with those who know exactly what they are experiencing and have experienced. Its no good slinging them in social housing along with people who have no idea of the psych of a serviceman.
      They require little – an honouring of the Forces Covenant trumpeted so loudly by Camercunt with such devious and faux glossy mags and promises broken would be a start.
      Please – if you are fucked up by your own actions / inaction when you pissed away your life and are looking for a fiver to carry on drinking white lightning or shot illegal drugs into your own body and want mugs to carry on funding your habit whilst supporting the local supplier – dont rattle your tin or wave your cap under my nose with your 2 manky rescue dogs. It would only end in lots of foul language and a skanky cunt with a flea in his ear, having a new arse torn out of him.
      If you do come across a homeless squaddie / matelot and you see him often – see if you can get his service number and give the local Royal British Legion a call – they can and do often help. Do what you can – remember – he gave his career helping to make sure you and yours sleep safe and well.

      • Excellent post, cunto. All the riders of the white lightning near me are mostly fake homeless, as they go scrounging with the look of the tramp, but fuck off home to a nice warm bed, one I saw getting into his van for the journey. Twenty years ago, we only had two or three vagrants, and everyone knew them by name, and you never saw them begging. Proper characters, each with their own unique tale. Now it’s just the layabout junkies and piss heads leaching off the gullible cunts who fall for it.

      • Agree with the posts re ex forces. We have a local homeless lad around here who served with the Royal Greenjackets. He has recently been made homeless from the local SAHA in favour of newly arrived homeless from ? Sand dancers. Rightly so there is fucking all hell let loose around here. For SAHA this is outrageous !

      • Something very wrong if this is the case. Surely we have a duty to look after our own first and foremost, especially ex servicemen?

      • I got pumped full of all manner of shit in 1990 and I was only flying transport planes.

        Didn’t do me any harm.

        Mind you, I am a proper antisocial cunt so who knows?

  13. What appeared to be a larger version of Robert Wyatt has been accosting passers by at the entrance of the Liberty Shopping Centre in the lovely market town of Romfordistan this afternoon.

    Anyone in a suit is game as the cunt thinks you have money – not just content with a hushed plea for money, the cunt tries to single people out for harassment and bellows “excuse me, excuse me, excuse me sir, sir, sir” hoping he will get lucky. Some poor young girl who was in front of me was suckered in. I just walked past the salty old cunt. I was tempted to ask him to sing “Shipbuilding” for 50p so I could film it for You’ve Been Framed You Cunt, but I could be arsed.

    I wouldn’t give the surely, bolshy old cunt the sweat off my puckered ringpiece. One thing that annoys me is bludgers who harrass the public. Yes, I can see you and your tin, but no amount of shouting will influence any decision I may make about giving or not giving you a few pennies.

    • ps, Obvious to me, but not to any other cunter reading my drivel. The cunt was in a wheelchair, hence the Robert Wyatt reference.


  14. I don’t give to any homeless as I don’t believe they actually are. They’re all Romanians and Lithuanians were I am. They disappear in the Winter and magically appear again in the Spring, forever with mobile phones and new trainers.

    When they ask I don’t respond, not even a shake of the noggin. Why should I have to communicate with these indolent cunts. They then try the guilt-trip, “You ‘ave a good evening now” to which I cough up and spit some green margarine-type phlegm.

    There’s a wonderful Sherlock Holmes story about a journalist who goes undercover as a beggar and makes so much money, he continues every day. He quadrupled his money. This was written in the 1890s. The Man With The Twisted Lip, I recall, although that sounds like an EU commissioner.

  15. The only time I gave anything, apart from to an animal charity, was when I saw someone in a shop doorway as I walked through our town centre one afternoon last winter. He wasn’t begging, he was trying to cover himself completely with a blanket in an attempt to keep warm and maybe get some kip. I walked over and said ‘Excuse me’. He stuck his head out and looked surprised, it was a lad in his late teens. I said ‘Are you hungry?’ and he nodded so I went to Greggs and bought him a hot pie and a cup of soup. He was genuinely amazed that someone would do this for him and it was obvious he hadn’t been on the streets long. He said he was on the social service list waiting for somewhere to live. If he’d been sat there with his hand out I wouldn’t have bothered, but I took pity on him because I knew I had a home to go to where I could thaw out.

    • We have a relatively large house and I sometimes wonder wouldn’t it be nice to help someone less fortunate, and give them a helping hand by offering them freer lodging for a period of time. Someone like their person you felt sorry for Allan.

      I then think of the problems this may bring, especially as I have a young son and tiny wife, an insurance policy that would not cover any claims arising from allowing a “tenant” to stay, and the potential trouble and insecurity I may invite into the house especially if I misjudge the character of the person we are trying to help.

      As Judge Judy (and RTC) say “No good deed goes unpunished”

      • Willie, anyone thinking about doing this should remember a fella called Aaron Barley.
        Whatever you do for someone, don’t let them find out where you live.

  16. What we have now is a different class of homeless that are growing causing a more competitive environment. The majority of the homeless aren’t swigging cider or shooting skag anymore (when they were you generally never had too much trouble from them) they are smoking shit like Spice and the stuff is turning them into psychotic zombies.

    Add into the mix a disenfranchised native population, the break up of the family unit the dissolving of communities it leads to the types we are seeing on our streets.

    After my ex walked out and left me with two kids and a mortgage I know how easy it is to fall through the cracks and be swept away. I even feel a bit sorry for some of these people, but all the bleeding hearts in the world and throwing money at it will not really change much, as this problem goes bone deep into the real issues with our society and what we have allowed it to become.

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