Gina Miller [7]

Sorry but this thick-as-pig-shit, married-for-money-to-a-rich-motherfucker n!gger-nagger deserves another cunting for now comparing Brexit supporters with terrorists.

This thick as pig shit and twice as nasty bitch deserves to be exposed for the fucking whinging self centered cunt that she is.

The truth is she sounds as shrill and demented as Alistair Campbellend, and hopefully after March 29th next year the pair of them will be discarded on the waste ground round a manure factory and totally irrelevant.

Nominated by W. C. Boggs

13 thoughts on “Gina Miller [7]

  1. Come, mister tally man, tally me banana gob
    Daylight come and me wan’ go home…

    It’s a shame she fucking doesn’t go home, the tree swinging opportunist slag…

  2. This bitch is nothing more than a patsy for György Schwartz and all the other anti democratic Globalists whose ultimate aim is to implement the genocidal Kalergi plan to destroy the indigenous nations and peoples of Europe.

  3. An unfortunate choice of words perhaps but she was not comparing brexiteers with terrorists, that much is clear.
    Let’s not stoop to their level of twisting words and deliberately misinterpreting statements.
    That’s a cunts trick , strictly for cunts.

    • See your point, Freddie; she was simply cavilling at the phrase ‘going down fighting’. Pity she didn’t make it a bit more general. I have grown accustomed to pols ‘fighting’ for this and that when what they mean is ‘getting some airtime and squawking about’ it.

      Like, “…Far better to fight for the right for the country to rethink, demand that we know the full details of the new relationship before we quit the old one, go to the high ground on opposing Brexit …”
      (You know who, Institute for You Know Who website)

      So Blair’s like a terrorist cell too. Wonder if the mouthy cow agrees?

    • I haven’t heard about some old Doris suicide bombing a Morrisons in Scunthorpe, remoaners having their heads on spikes in Trafalgar Square or Sir Nigel calling for Brexit jihad.

  4. She is a revolting steaming pile of dog shit who is not fit to lick the boots of an Englishman, Irishman, Scotsman or Welshman (sadly including fucking Rob Brydon). This fucker should be gang raped by a prison load of Somali pirates then hanged naked at trators gate. The bitch moves me to fucking violence.

  5. What fucking boils my piss about all this is not one cunt , not one , has actually stood up and said ” You know what , surely the Irish aren’t going to rush out to their weapons stockpiles and fill their magazines with bullets and restart the campaign because the majority of Britain decided to leave a political organisation and its treaties ? ” Surely the irish public wouldnt support a return to the troubles when politicians have not reneged on any deal , but instead the Brits have tried to free themselves from a superstate run on a anti democratic policy.
    What kind of excuse would that be, it would just show the republican as a warmongerer and lover of violence for violence sake

  6. Miller is merely one amongst far too many given an uncritical platform to spread their deluded message.

    Just announced : “Brussels rejects Italy’s Budget”. It’s outrageous!!

    How many more examples are needed to see these EU-cunts meddling in the affairs of a sovereign state?!

    Thanks to that Scots twat wee Gordon standing up to Bliar we are not in the Euro but who on earth wants to see ‘yet more Europe’ in any shape or form? Don’t Remainers see the long term picture? I repeat- AGAIN- The EU is a cosy German/French carve up designed to impoverish everyone else.

    In the immortal words of ISACs …. Fuck Off.

  7. I have nothing more to say about this bitch other than ‘ugh’. It’s a travesty she’s only on 7 cuntings.

  8. Best line I’ve seen in ages
    Italian minister regards the EU rejection on draft budget
    The reason for this is and I quote ;
    “ That’s because it’s the first time the budget has been drawn up in Rome not Brussels “!!!!!!!!
    Fucking class
    Mon the Tally I’ve cream sellers
    Fuck the eu

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