Following Dioclese’s excellent cunting of Siobhan O’Dwyer, I looked at her Twitter feed and was heartened to see that the majority of people were telling her to grow up and/or fuck off.
One thing that struck me, however, was the number of times she referred to the incident as “sexism”. Now, I could see her point (fnarr) if she had been referred to as Mr O’Dwyer, but being called “Miss” instead of “Dr” is NOT sexism.
Now Serena Williams has accused an umpire of sexism because he docked her a few points for a) Cheating – which her coach admitted b) Equipment violation – when the uppity cunt smashed her racket and c) Verbal abuse – which was plain for all to see.
Her response? The umpire was obviously sexist (which, given the androgynous nature of her appearance could be taken a number ways….as indeed I suspect she has). She must have been pissed that her opponent was Japanese and the umpire was Portuguese because this meant she couldn’t also hoist the RACISM! card.
When things don’t go my way, I don’t bleat that it’s because I’m white or male. I accept that it was bad luck, the unavoidable actions another party or I fucked up. End of. These snowflake cunts hide behind the *ism card because they know that no one can challenge them without looking racist or sexist.
I think ISAC should lobby for “Cuntism” to be the next *ism.
Don’t agree with me? Well, you’re obviously cuntist……
Nominated by Thirkleby Spunktrumpet
Spot on, TS.
Williams’s shenanigans during the tennis match just made her look like another spoiled, petulant ‘celebrity’ tosser. Jesus she’s a right brute as well. If they ever reprint ‘The Naked Ape’ they should stick her photo on the front.
I indulge in “Racism”, “Sexism” and probably every other “ism” known to Man/Woman/Deviant. Can’t see any harm in it. There are fundamental differences between the Races and the Sexes and I don’t see that anyone can seriously say that there aren’t. Of course I treat them differently…they are different.
As for “favouring” one Race/Sex over another,,well,why not? That’s the way life is. Of course one particular type of person may be better suited to a particular task than another. It’s the way that they’re bred. I’d always favour a black man over an Asian woman when it came to the 100 metre Olympic sprint final,but then again I’d favour an Asian woman over a black man when it came to sewing a cheap T-shirt.
You wouldn’t enter a Shetland pony in the Derby. It wouldn’t stand a chance up against thoroughbred,yet they’re both equines. It’s just that one is more suitable for the task in hand than the other. As are people.
Of course, a Sexual Deviant is never the most suitable candidate for any task.
Fuck Off.
I’ve actually just thought of a task where Sexual Deviants would be the most suitable candidates…mine-field clearance.
Apologies to all Degenerates for failing to recogise their suitability for this particular task. I really must think before I speak/write in future.
Camouflage is not my style!
I bet you just lurrrvvveee a man in uniform though.
Bit of variation on the usual ‘fuck them’ this time Monsieur Fiddler?
Oh,yes. I’m not risking anything being misconstrued by the Monstrous Legion Of Poofery.
There must be some satisfaction in being accused of an ‘ism’ Mr Fiddler. An ISAC Christmas pub crawl would be a turkey shoot of hurt feelings and probably waking up in a cell on some kind of register.
Don’t let Krav chose the pub. Probably discover someone had roofied our Babyhams….and the only register we were on was a Public Health Risk (STD) list.
Really? Try getting a straight man to suck someone off.
True enough, Krav. Not an easy position to fill,for sure.
‘Ism or Ist ‘doesn’t even make sense in the usual context.
An Islamist is a religious loon not someone who is anti Islam.
A Corbynist or more usually Corbinysta due to their love of dodgy South American regimes is a deranged fool not someone who opposes the overgrown student.
A Marxist is a Labour party supporter not someone opposed to the doctrine
Likewise Maoist.
Sexist doesn’t make sense. Misogynist does as it is added to the negative description.
Of course if ‘ist’ was to mean ‘unnaturally obsessed by’, it makes sense, even if that means changing the English langauage. There, feminist and racist both sit natually with corbynist. Not sure where cuntist fits in though as one is a cunt whether one if habitually obsessed with being one or not. An act of cuntism is a hard one if you are a fan of a bloody good cunting due to it being held as a great thing rather than a bad.
Cunters Dictionary
Remoanerism—a belief that your country should be run and occupied by foreigners, a deep seated hatred and fear of the lower orders of your own nationality.
Remoanerist—a follower of Remoanerism, a cunt and a ponce.
It’s just a symptom of a much wider problem regarding political correctness and offence culture.
Maybe in the near future there will be ‘clapism’ OC. University of Manchester student union has banned clapping in favour of British Sign Language ‘jazz hands’.
Which is anti-blind if you ask me.
They’ve banned CLAPPING? Jesus fucking Christ that’s a whole new level of snowflakery.
Offensive to the anxious and aurally challenged. Obviously. Uh. Article by Lionel Shriver other day in Spectator. Apparently, identitarian students in US disrupt meeting to no platform it whatever. Lecturer puts his hands in air calling for order, they scream that this is an aggressive offensive challenging action and demand he stop. Absolute total fucking madness.
That’s goggled eyed Sara Khan again, the “liberation and access officer.”
I think that bitch is planning a political career for herself. I can’t imagine which party would suit a stark staring mad , peaceful libtard , up her own arse fucking spoilt brat.
Why is it that more or less everyone named Khan seems to be a gigantic cunt? Amir Khan, Sadiq Khan, Sara Khan, Citizen Khan…
Gengis Khan could be a bit of a stroppy cunt as well, apparently…
When the feck are we going to get an adult as PM, or for that matter grown ups as Mps. If we do get one they would be on the money if they got hold of the gobbist leaders of all the snowflake twats and pulled their trousers or dresses down and gave the back of their legs a good smack and told them to grow the feck up, because really and truly thats all the petulant attention seeking cunts are ,spoilt little children who should be sent to their room.
Pol Pot had the right idea. Drag the fuckers out, send em to a turnip farm for a year. We’ll need to start a hashtag and a self love support group. Fuck off, give us your phones OMG, it’s so unfair! Apologies. Funny mood!
Ah! Pol Pot.! A hero, certainly.. He executed the professors, the intelligencia, the liberals, the odd people, the non conformists and so on. In fact all the cunts that we moan about on this site! Gone!
Now that is a politician !
Asim, the denizens of ISAC are the non-conformists. Were it otherwise, we’d be squawking moronic pro-EU statements while parading down the high street attired in rainbow-coloured clothing and waving #MeToo banners.
Bollocks to that crap.
If Al BBC allowed the word it would sanitise cuntism to cuntist in the same way they invented Islamist to distinguish from Islamic. Cuntist would be the new, non pejorative way to refer to any cunt, the cuntish cunts.
I liked the race card. When dad would take us to Doncaster races. I used to collect them off the ground.
Cuntism; the only ism needed
Jism, jism, and more jism.