Young Girls Taking Men’s Jobs

As if we dont have enough stereotypes to deal with, Polish plumbers, M’lungobungo Doctors, Australian bar staff, Danish wind turbine engineers, Greasy Indian gynaecologists etc.

Now we have young girls looking to be brickies.

BBC News.

By all means, I wish her well and hope she sticks at it to retire a sore and broken woman but I can see it ending one of two ways, either a fat sexual harrassment in the workplace payout or quitting because the rain was too strong, her back gave out and she broke a fingernail.

Following on from my “word salad” pum pum cunting, this is a carefully selected sober cunting.

Nominated by : Cunt of the Isles

84 thoughts on “Young Girls Taking Men’s Jobs

  1. Let them . They wanted equality let em have it.
    Look forward to more buildings collapsing soon. If you’re in one and it’s a high rise buy a parachute.
    Go woke go……ah fuk it.

  2. Whilst a load of you are lost in some misogynistic bubble that bricklaying is a man’s job, just think in 20 years, we could have robots doing it and everyone will be out of a job.

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