As if we dont have enough stereotypes to deal with, Polish plumbers, M’lungobungo Doctors, Australian bar staff, Danish wind turbine engineers, Greasy Indian gynaecologists etc.
Now we have young girls looking to be brickies.
By all means, I wish her well and hope she sticks at it to retire a sore and broken woman but I can see it ending one of two ways, either a fat sexual harrassment in the workplace payout or quitting because the rain was too strong, her back gave out and she broke a fingernail.
Following on from my “word salad” pum pum cunting, this is a carefully selected sober cunting.
Nominated by : Cunt of the Isles
Well I’m not worried.
You NEVER see a female removals man.
As for female brickies I wouldn’t employ one.
They might be able to lay a brick but once they’re on the blob that course of bricks would be all over the place.
Be slow too.
Not being sexist.
Some jobs a woman can do same as a man,
Others in reality? No chance.
I am being sexist, they’re gonna be shit, slow, inaccurate, loads of drama, discrimination claims tribunals, pregnant etc.
FFS, no, fuck off, but you can make the tea. If you’re fit.
You are Gregg Wallace and I claim my buttery biscuit base.
‘Well, luv, … 2 most important questions before working on the building site …
Do you know how to make a pot o’ strong tea?”
“I do”
“And are you able to operate a wheelbarrow?”
‘jesus, how big is this fucking teapot?’
Good luck to her I say, we have our first female chancellor in Rachel the helmet headed economist and she is doing a marvellous job..
Most youngsters these days haven’t got the strength to throw a brick let alone build a wall with them..
Tarquin ain’t gonna lay bricks. Ahmed ain’t gonna lay bricks. Gupti ain’t gonna lay bricks. M’Butu ain’t gonna lay bricks.
Hell it’s hard enough these days to even get Paddy to dig a fucking ditch.
So…let her have at it.
Why am I in moderation?
Have you been posting with word unchanged words referring to mıđgets or đwařves, MNC?
That guy’s little flippers are just like an 80’s pinball machine!
Anal hygene must be a problem.
Morning Thomas, morning all.
They’d have to give each other a tongue bath, Cuntalugs.
The ‘lucky’ bastards!
I’ve just had breakfast. 🤢🤢🤮
Thomas ffs
As I seem to have developed a nice pair of tits as I’ve gotten older,I look forward to the wolf whistles as I walk past the under construction mosque in my village.
you are way to old to appeal to the carpet riders unless you are 8 years old
Wimminz are physically weaker than a lamb with rickets.
The thought of them carrying more than one brick at a time is laughable.
As a highly qualified engineer, I’d have less than zero faith in any product or structure designed and/or built by a bird.
From time to time, it’s necessary to try and explain a techical aspect of what I design to a woman, either an employee or a client.
I might as well be speaking Urdu.
Besides, it bollocks that wimmin actually want mens’ jobs.
They want want easy jobs where they can go home exactly on time.
Nothing difficult or dirty.
They take ridiculously heightened offence to the slightest thing…and I really tone myself down at work; I have to! Being unprofessional will utterly harm my company.
I wouldn’t hire a single one if I could get away with it, but needs must, etc.
Good morning to one and all.
If I ran a building company , I would make it clear to women that they would have to be prepared to work stripped to the waist, and wearing jeans that constantly showed their arse crack, as well as spitting and swearing like a trooper, scratching their arses, pissing against a dead tree, and smoking roll-ups.
That would deter the little Jemima’s and Clarrisa’s who would like to make daddy so proud of them, and to make a change from riding their ponies in Surrey..
The problem is you would encourage hatchet faced old boilers like Jess Phillips.
Bit short-sighted, Thomas.
You should only employ women and pay them ’75 cents to the dollar’ as the lying cunts are so fond of claiming.
Should be fun when she bends over revealing a big fat hairy arse 😂….power to the trowel 👍
They’ll insist on day rate. Piece work would be discriminatory.
Cunts literally
They’ll be a Health and safety nightmare.
A building site is no place for high heels.
Ever see female scaffolders?
Female removals man?
Female binmen?
There’s a reason.
“There’s a reason.”
There is Mis. It’s called misogyny. There was a woman on the bins in Brum in the eighties. Saw her with my own eyes.
There is one in my local area too. I always make sure customers bins are rammed full and heavy. Grass cuttings work best.
How about removal men Arfur?
I’ve never seen one!
Now way they could do it.
I get home dripping in sweat, my lippy smudged and my wig askew.
Mans job
This miss ogny can fuck off.
I wouldn’t employ her.
Get yer trowel luv your fired.
and put a bubble in that spirit level.
Enjoy MNC! All your laughs in one place.
Feel free to quip away, good cunters
I agree with you most of the way there Mis, most women couldn’t do your job but then neither could I. You would be better off with our elder daughter as a labourer. I posted before that as a five-year-old she would show off by throwing her arms around my thighs, lifting me off the ground and carrying me across the room.
What were you feeding her Arfur?!
Well it wasn’t a vegan diet Mis.
And youtube has a bobby dazzler called Jemma Warren driving an artic with great aplomb,moving farm machinery lately from her previous days on tippers.She’s a beaut.
I’ve been looking forward for a nom like this. Back in the nineties the company I worked for took on a 50/50 split of apprentices,in those days they were called girls/boys.
Anyway they used to do the rounds between all trades, I got a girly one for a week. So of to a job which involved removing a smallish axis motor from a CNC machine.
Right says I, after disconnecting the power. ” In there unbolt/ remove said motor.
What! No I’m not going in that machine, it’s dirty and oily..! Well how the fuck are we to replace this bleeding thing if we don’t remove it.
Anyway, long story short. She finished her ” apprenticeship ended up with a nice clean office job. As did every single one of the fuckers.
Only the lads stayed on the tools.
So 30 lads who would have had good jobs , didn’t get them..!
Female infantry lol.
Bet the chinks are shitting themselves.
Pissing themselves laughing more like.
They’d best get a move on.
The rate the country is going it’ll be Islamic before the end of the century and they will be no wimmin working anywhere.
They will literally have made their bed and will have to lie in it,likely with fat,smelly diseased pakî.
Good morning.
May as well go all out.
Employ fuckin midget hod carriers and them Siamese twins in construction.
John Merrick digging the footings.
Rocky Dennis struggling to find a hardhat that fits……😂
well I think you are being harsh about Siamese twins, especially if they have four arms, they would be super efficient at building a wall
She won’t be on the tools for long. She won’t have the strength and will end up being promoted to some management role. A waste of a training place.
From across the pond a contrary opinion…
A distinction needs to be made here. Is she a qualified hire or is she a DEI hire?
Jackie Robinson was Major League Baseball’s first black player. He played for the Dodgers when they were still in Brooklyn.
A sportswriter asked the great Dodger shortstop Pee Wee Reese is he was worried that Robinson would take his job.
Reese replied, “If he can take my job he’s entitled to it.
So as far as I’m concerned. if she earned it…more power to her. If she’s part of the whole Diversity, Equity, Inclusion madness, then she can (try to) go piss up a rope.
Didn’t he sing that “reet petite”?
Nail on the head General, qualified NOT DEI, that should be the only criterion.
I was just thinking about employing Lisa Nandy on a building site – she talks utter shit, but she has a decent pair of knockers – the best on the Labour benches. I can just see her getting her nipples encrusted with cement when her tits fall in the cement mixer – they’d be nice and firm!
I saw Litha Nandy on telly the other day,
Fired the timber on!!!
Thought it was the ghost of Meatloaf for a second.
The only qualification I’m interested in is experience.
Can’t be taught in a classroom, can’t be faked.
I seen plenty with qualifications coming out their ears, no fucking idea though.
Just a little Devil’s Advocate / fuel for thought…
Who would you rather have as PM?
A. The Iron Maiden
B. Two Tier Keir
I bet Maggie could kick his ass up one side of Downing Street and down the other.
We already have some of Iron Maiden in government.
Drummer Nico McBain
Morning GC…I’d prefer actual Iron Maiden.
Although, much like old tweets or wearing blackface tends to resurface on people a couple of decades later, I’m not sure how references to their 1984/85 “World Slavery Tour” would be received nowadays…
I saw them in Nottingham brilliant show but not as spectacular as the long beach shows.
That she did General, but surely the point is- it was only office work !
General I just know Mrs. Thatcher would have exposed Kweer for the fraud he is, long before he got his feet under the table. She did it with Kinnock, the Welsh windbag, and he was slightly less of a fraud than Starmer. She was magnificent – we will never see her like again.
Apparently Rachel from customer services gets upset about personal jibes aimed her way..
Well, grow a pair you useless fucking twat if you want to do a man’s job…!
She gets to absolutely waste money she didn’t earn, DS.
Sounds like the ideal job for a woman.
Full Dumfries oven please UT
We’ll be getting the first female sexist brickie, shouting from the scaffold, “Put your hat on baldy, the reflection from the sun is putting me off my work”.
Then again, will she be able to back it up with skilful hod carrying.
Never seen one emptying bins, sweeping, or even digging up the road, but there is an interesting clip on Utube about a woman steeplejack filmed back in 1919.
That will be young girls taking white men’s jobs – peoples of colour are already “positively” preferred (so that;s all right then). There is a good reason for this, as exposed by Netflix’ “ground breaking drama Adolescence” – young white men are terrorists and murderers so need locking up rather than employment. There, that’s it all explained. Nothing to see here. Cunts.
Good morning, everyone.
Adolescence? Ridiculous television in my opinion, but to be expected nowadays; sadly.
Splitarses in the work place need to be banned as everything they do takes twice as long to do, they are often emotionally unhinged, and they change their minds often, most of them can’t comprehend or answer simple technical problems. Blokes working around them constantly walk on egg shells daily for fear of offending them. However, there are workplace exceptions for women receptionists and nurses..otherwise stay at home luv so our GDP can increase!
Just imagine a hod carrier on the blob. She would have to have the week off, as her jam rags wouldn’t take the strain.
Well I welcome more women in male dominated industries.
More women coal miners, oil riggers, welders, roofers, pavers and tilers I say for real change and gender equality in the workplace.
Do you reckon in female dominated jobs like teaching it will be reciprocated to allow proper male role models for young lads who have been feminized and emasculated in academia for the last thirty years?
I have two relatives who are teachers LL, both women. I’m told that men simply do not apply to enter the profession and haven’t done for years. Question is, why?
Because it’s gay.
Yep,if we had more female truckers there would be way less flip flops from cabbage land clogging the vacancies for decent paid class 1 driving jobs.Went for an interview for a driving job last year in Southampton,of 30 drivers there but 4 were indigenous sons of Albion.
Wasn’t much to add for me after Ttce’s spot-on 8:13 post, .. but … just a notion on the nom, based on an observation of the fairer-sex’s DRIVING I made in ’99 – though with the percentage stat arbitrary, I might add.
While the overall sentiment about the poor quality of either (manual labour ; driving) cannot be denied by someone observant, .. there’s still a percentage, maybe 5, maybe 10, .. in which the best , say, 10% of women drivers, have to be better than the worst similar percentage of their male counterparts.
‘Best’, of course, being subjective. One (a then-girlfriend)that wasn’t scared to drive like she needed to BE somewhere, with a ‘fuck these fucking slowcoaches’ attitude, being my personal p.o.v. Simultaneously I knew one or three absolute (male) pussies behind the wheel…
oops, .. SO, … maybe the same applies to jobbing.
Plenty of useless male/born without a womb (whatever the fucking stupid parlance is currently) cunts on every workforce too.And people need to wonder why the price of everything, – besides greed -, is so expensive nowadays
Some of you on here are bra burners, yet Germain Greer types.
NO woman can do my job.
It’s for the realms of Marvel comics and science fiction.
I don’t mind them cooking an cleaning and mopping and stuff but driving a van and heavy lifting all day?
Is that you Alf Bradshaw?
Give the girls a go.
The chances are that they are a lot tougher than the boys of the same age.
Every male under 30 seems to be a limp wristed sissy.
the other day on the BBC breakfast TV about young school boys crying and the teacher said if you have recently cried in front of another male pupil at school walk up to the line, a couple of boys did, FFS no wonder boys are getting bullied at school, we are raising a generation of poofery on a scale never seen before, how the fuck are we going to fight Putin if www3 kicks off
If world war 3 kicks off in Ukraine I doubt they will be mentioning equality then if they think it may mean being obliterated by a Russian missile
I remember an episode of the Equalizer (the Edward Woodward original, not the reimagined blacked up woke shite). There was a bird who worked as a construction worker on a New York City building site. I found it hard to take seriously, because all the workmen got on with her and she was also as fit as fuck.
And, there was no trouble. A tasty bird on a building site would cause mayhem. There’d be scrapping, going out of their way to show off and impress her, and there would be bragging rights about who had had the pleasure (right or wriong). A woman – especially an attractive one – can cause ructions in a working environment full of blokes. When I was younger, I worked in a Manchester record store. They got a young girl in. And she was stunning, I admit. But the way lads and good mates changed overnight was astonishing. The male staff in the shop were like flies round shit. Everyone wanted to show her the ropes and it got pretty nasty, as it became a competition. I fancied her like the rest of them. But I wasn’t getting involved in any of that crap. Also, I think she enjoyed it a bit too much. But, whether it’s a fit’un or a minger (like Yoko Fucking Ono), a band of brothers can be scuppered by a woman in the workplace.
When the workplace is pre-dominantly women they are bitchy and two faced with each other, causing drama, all the fucking time, because they’re bored, because they do fuck all, all day.
Taliban have the right idea – no women driving around, no clogging up the schools, no pretending to be strong and independent, no, you’re not an entrepreneur.
My two girls don’t really fit in.
One is a qualified hunter. If there’s a moose loose aboot the hoose – she will shoot it. And a few weeks after we eat the bugger.
The other one can weld (and braze) almost everything. She will also rebore cylinders or skim a block.
I have trained both how to fight-dirty as we have an excess of stabby peacefuls roaming the streets at night. I would not pick a scrap with either.
My own life has been a solid fuck-up but I have succeeded with my girls.
O/T Rest in peace George Foreman.
I will be sixty come June and I remember a woman tiler from my mid twenties to thirty’s and not once but twice, she was definitely in her mid fifties at the time.
She was a German and was excellent at her fit and finish but she was bolloxed from going up and downstairs when porcelain tiles came to the fore as one cant do the cuts without s diamond blade and that means going all the way downstairs too make the cuts and back up again.
Never saw her again.
‘Well, luv, … 2 most important questions before working in the farms supplies warehouse …
Do you know how to make a pot o’ strong tea?”
“I do”
“And are you able to operate a forklift truck?”
‘jesus, how big is this fucking teapot?’