are cunts.
Now, we already know that, As they are the hypocritical champagne socialist heap of stupid sunglasses, cowboy hats, tax dodges and gobshites who we know and don’t love.
However, the musical Diddymen from the treacle butty mine have reached new levels of cuntitude. Even by their standards.
U2, on their official website – are selling T-Shirts featuring that Ukranian pest and gold standard shitehawk Zelensky.
What has this fucker got to do with a rock band or rock music? A band – any band – should be just that. Musicians who play music and nothing else. Shoving this cunt onto their fanbase is typical of them though. And it’s not the first time Bonio has sucked up to dodgy political figures. Bonio couldn’t get enough of Burmese cunt Aung San Suu Kyi, unitl she was outed for ethnic cleansing.
When the Russian/Ukranian war ends, I dare say there will be a few revelations and cans of worms opened about Saint Zelensky as well.
U2 and Bonio’s political and social interference and gobshitery has blighted almost all of their entire career. And. as they live like fucking emperors on their yachts and in their mansions, they want their ‘ordinary’ fans to dig deep and buy these T-Shirts. They say it is for Ukranian ambulances. But, what right have these clowns to tell people what’s a worthy cause and what’s isn’t? They are doing it not because they are bothered about Ukranian people. If that was the case, there would be Ukranian people or writing on the shirt. This is a blatant pug for their mate Zelensky. I dare say he has been to dinner with Bonio and The Edge on their luxury yacht.
As one concert goer once shouted at a U2 gig:
‘Shut the fuck up. Stop preaching and play!’
Nominated by Norman.
Live Aid went to his head.
Gave him a Messiah complex.
Like Nigel Farage.
Jesus in fuckin sunglasses and a cowboy hat.
What sort of cunt wears women’s sunglasses 24 hours a day, for no fucking reason whatsoever.
@Shit-cake Baker, in his defence, he’s got glaucoma.
You get that from licking your own arse don’t you?
I’d rather watch the grifter 🇺🇦 play 🎸 on stage than these pile of crap….with or without you?
Without thanks 👍
For any older cunters U2 are the Irish Beatles.
Hits include
Come togedder
The long and winding Falls road
I feel Fin Gael
From the album Rubber bullet
Lucy in Der sky wid potatoes
From the album Rattle and bum
I say, I say, I say, how many members of U2 does it take to change a lightbulb?
One – Bono. He just holds the lightbulb and the whole world revolves around him.
Twist and stout 😁
I Want to Hold Your Hand Grenade.
I prefer our own Mickey Blue eyes and Mecuntrys work
Thanks for that Mis, I now have that fucking song stuck in my head! 😃
Afternoon all.
While Ive nowt against Zelensky his voice spooks horses.
A rasping croak of a voice.
Like that crackpot cunt RFK jr.
What’s the deal with these cunts ?
Like a castle door hinge.
He sounds like the drug-dealers in my town who hang around pubs sipping Peroni waiting to call their driving mates who have the gack.
“Hey, wish team you like? Me too. Dey is best. He best striker. Great play. Wanna buy some nose powder?”
U2 aren’t fit to wipe Zelensky’s arse.
First saw Bonio in the early ’80s, decked out in black leather, pretending he was Jim Morrison…
Fuck knows who that weasel Edge thought he was.
Cunts the lot.
For Ukrainian Ambulances. My Mother who’s worked all her life, had to wait five hours laid on a freezing pavement waiting for an ambulance last year when she broke her hip. Ukraine can fuck off. Had enough of that grifting fucking gnome taking my tax for his endless war. Trump and J D have this bastard weighed up. I honestly trust Putin more. He’s a shithouse but he’s not afraid that everybody knows it. And Saint Bono. If he loves Ukraine that much fuck off to Donetsk you holier than thou cunt. I fucking hate U2. His voice sounds like he’s got his undersized bollocks in a vice. Best thing that happened at a U2 concert was when that other cunt The Edge fell off the stage and broke his leg.
Before they start trying to sell their “merchandise” perhaps the gated community cunts could sell all their possessions,song rights and sacks of spuds to pay for the Ukrainians “war effort”?
Somehow that,as usual,seems unlikely from virtue signalling multi millionaires living in california.
Laughable faggōts.
Black & Tan Oven.
What an absolute cunt, why not T shirts with a picture of Mohammad or a Hamas freedom fighter.
Favouritism for the badly dressed Ukrainian money grabber, I am appalled 😂
Never met a U2 fan.
I’ve been hundreds of gigs,
Drank in pubs with live music,
Talked to loads of music bores,
Met fans of all kinds of obscure bands,
Never met a U2 fan.
They either don’t exist or are shy as fuck.
Oh, they were all over the place in 1987, Miserable.
As their Joshua Tree album became massive, very massive in fact.
However, they weren’t real fans. These were the sort of bellends who would become a fan out of nowhere, and have no knowledge of the band’s history or previous records. These U2 ‘fans’ were also all suddenly R.E.M fans in 1991, who thought ‘Out Of Time’ was their first album and that ‘Shiny Happy People’ was their definitve song. These cunts were hilarious. It was ‘U2 this and Joshua Tree that’ in 87. But their faces, when one mentioned ‘Boy’ or ’11 O’ Clock Tick Tock’.
We (the taxpayers) have already given money (tax) to provide ambulances as the government has donated a fleet of them to Oo-kraine. What’s the bets they disappeared and were sold.
U2 are a formulaic, five-chord, one-trick-pony pop band. INXS with an even shitter accent. Bono is a multi-millionaire mîdget, but still appears like he stinks like a poiikey.
Be campervans now.
Sold to Scottish Politicians
I like Van Morrison.
He’s a right miserable bastard with the appeal of a wet fart
But can sing nice
Nowadays it’s that rap shite that the Irish kids like..
Artists like
Duff Paddy
Boyz from the spud
Jazzy O’Flaherty
Notorious wellies
And monobrow Malone.
And the Fresh Prince of Bel fast.
Boom 💥 boom💥 shake Der room
Tick tick tick tick BOOM💥
– Martin McGuiness
They – and by they I mean Bonio – just can’t help themselves.
Political protest via rock music is nothing new. I suppose it draws attention to some issue or other, but does it actually do anything other than raise the profile of the band and make them more money? The Special AKA released their single “Free Nelson Mandela” in 1984 and just 6 short years later, he was released from prison. Result! Let’s gloss over the fact he was, by definition, a terrorist.
U2 are one of many, many bands down the years who had a purple patch, lost their way, never really recovered and should have hung it up years ago. Way back, the release of a new U2 album was a highly anticipated event. These days not so much. I think my own relationship with their back catalogue is pretty how it goes for most music fans:
Boy (1980) : Great first album.
October (1981) : Solid effort but little in the way of evolution.
War (1983) : First class effort. Power, passion and a variety of textures and arrangements.
The Unforgettable Fire (1984) : Some great songs, but becoming over produced with a hint of pretentiousness.
The Joshua Tree (1987) : Again, some great songs, but very over produced and quite pretentious.
Rattle and Hum (1988) : Oh dear. With pretentiousness set to 11, U2 disappeared up its own arse of self congratulation.
Achtung Baby (1991) : A fair effort with some excellent songs, but some others which scream of ‘look how clever we think we are’.
Zooropa (1993) : Oh dear. Kudos for trying new things I suppose, but it didn’t work. I think they’d lost it by this point.
Pop (1997) : An attempt to return to their signature sound and what they were good at back in the mid 80s, but too much filler.
All That You Can’t Leave Behind (2000) : Nothing memorable and just dross.
How to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb (2004) : Again, nothing memorable or interesting. Bought it cheap from a used record store.
No Line On The Horizon (2009) : Shocking in so much it is so far removed from what they once were, it’s embarrassingly shite. Found it cheap in a used record store. Hated it. I finally stepped off the U2 train at this point.
Since then they’ve released 3 more albums none of which I have or will ever buy. Simply not interested.
In all fairness to the bassist and drummer, you never hear a peep out of them.
They sit back and let Bonio make a cunt of himself on the world stage, while comfortably counting their $400m and $300m fortunes respectively.
Afternoon Odin/all.
They’re lucky that Bono’s twattery hasn’t affected their dosh.
If one of my colleagues starting banging on about being pro-darkıe or some shit on social media, I’d do anything necessary to get them fired, even if their social media nonsense wasn’t linked to the company name.
Wise words indeed Thomas.
However, drummers are two a penny and when you have $300m in the bank, sometimes it does well to just smile, wave and let the diminutive gobshite up front make a cunt of himself while you watch your bank balance swell to the size of Bonio’s ego.
His daughter is a very fine looking woman though, that must be said. He is a monumental bell end and so is zelinski.
Fuckin ell!!
That his daughter?!!
I’d still be bathing her.
My favourite U2 performance:
I wouldn’t walk down to see it if they were playing a gig at the end of my driveway.
Neither can I name even a single song title by ’em.
I know that doesn’t add much too the narrative, but posted anyways just in case any cunter thought my silence on the nom meant anything otherwise
They had their moments between 1979 to 1987. But there were other bands who were well above them. U2 were bigger than they deserved to be.
The Smiths were superb. Best band of the 80s in my opinion.
U2’S first ever appearance in 1978.
Some obscure programme on RTE.
St Bonio, fuck off and spend your money. Why not buy a few bombs, bullets, drones, for St volo to kill russian and north Korean people..
You could kill quite a few with the amount of money you’ve got..🔥
I did see U2 play in Manchester many years ago.
The long gone Beach Club in 1980.
It was on Newgate Street, and it was a short lived venue. The three remaining members of Joy Division played their first gig there after Ian Curtis died. I remember Barney saying ‘We don’t know who we are, or where we are going’. It was before they became New Order. It was a strange and sad night.
The U2 gig was OK actuallly, June 1980, it was. before their debut album came out. Who knew then about the monster they would become?….
No matter how hard I`ve tried I just can`t seem to see Bonio as oven baked and made from a selection of wholesome, nutritious ingredients enriched with vitamins and minerals and with the crunchy texture that helps to keep my dog’s teeth and gums healthy. Mind you, he does have a shiny coat on occasion. But I expect he`s full of fleas.
These cunts confuse (questionable) musical ability and success with intellect and intelligence. As a consequence the deluded Mick’s think that they can solve all the world’s problems. They can’t.
It would certainly be interesting to see how much of the gnome emblazoned £71 hoodie, or any other piece of tat, manufactured in some shit-hole sweat shop for next to nothing, ends up in the ambulance fund. I’d wager fuck all…
Still as noted, this meaningless shite raises the profile of these has-beens and rakes in some more cash.
Cunts for doing it and you’re a bigger cunt if buy any of their merch…
Boomtown rats
The Irish have punished us enough ☹️
Although they gave us
Thin Lizzy
Stiff little fingers
The undertones
So all’s well
+ póg mo thóin.
You kiss mine.
I’m glad you put Horslips at the top of that list MNC.
Best Irish band ever.
Try … “Lick The Tins” ? …
Talking of which
He was always a good-looking dude.
I don’t mind so much if an artist or band sticks to a cause over the years.
The Teenage Cancer Trust being a good example.
The Who, Madness, Squeeze and Paul Weller, to name a few, have shown allegiance to it for years.
Compare their approach with that of Bono and co. who flit from one cause to the next, depending on its perceived popularity and ability to shift records and tickets.
Grifters is a good word to describe them. But I just prefer to call them cunts.
Can I say same to U2 with bells on.
O/T, this anti Brexit remaining twat needs a special cunting all of his own..!
What is it about Irish pop stars and them trying to educate the lower classes and persuading them to part with their money?
And why are there always contradictions ?
Saint Robert Geldof, who by his own admission, was so skint in 1984 that he couldn’t pay his phone bill, yet ended up a millionaire by the 90s.
Not bad for someone who’s spent the majority of their adult life doing ‘charity’ work.
Then, of course, we’ve got the second coming of Christ in the form of Bono.
Never done a days work in his life, known for dodging tax, yet believes that working people are an ideal target for his ‘fund raising’ efforts.
Both of these Ill educated fuckwits also suffer from a weapons grade messiah complex.
Maybe all those years of being bummed by their local priest have fucked with their mental stability.