are cunts.
Those of you who have read my posts may recall I am partial to a bit of cycling on TV (the Grand Tours and one day classics mostly). I watched a race yesterday on Eurosport (Thu 27 Feb) called the Clasica Jaen, (a Spanish one day race with lots of gravel patches) and enjoyed it, setting myself up for the start of the road race season.
I switched on this morning (Fri 28 Feb) only to see that Eurosport has closed and everything in the UK and Ireland is being rolled up into non-free TNT Sports. I have loved watching this sport for free for almost a decade and I will now have to fork out either £7 a month or £30 a month depending on subscription type.
Fuck that. ITV4 will show the Tour de France this year but they’ll stop next year.
This is classic WEF stuff. Own nothing and be happy. Fucking cunts.
Nominated by Dark Key cunt.
From the photo of the beautiful ladies it’s obvious bicycling is a fine hobby.
I’d glady pedal my Grifter in 3rd gear(was that red?) up Mam Tor for a go one of those.
Not arsed about the telly.
Good morning.
Don’t let them beat you Dark key Cunt.
But yourself some skin tight lycra shorts, a funny little helmet ,
And hang around Halfords,
Your sure to get your fix of cycling fun.
Sit anyway curbside in the Peak District it’s riddled with these cunts riding three abreast and getting in everyone’s way.
If I could drive, Mis. I’d run over the Lycra lot. I only cycle in my scruff without a helmet. I leave my coppers helmet out, just incase I need to piss, whilst peddling along.
Get an illegal firestick and a VPN, and laugh at all the revenue Rupert murdoch won’t be receiving from you.
Couldn’t agree more Barry. Grab the opportunity to screw over the WEF puppets; they screw us over every day. Mind, while I have absolutely nothing against folks who are into sport I have to admit it baffles me. People pay eye-watering sums to watch football. I wouldn’t pay tuppence to watch a match and I would pay money to avoid participation in any sport. Last time I played sport was at school in the sixties under duress. When I left school I also left all my sports kit there.
Just think of the teen-tarts sniffing it since, arfurbrain.
See Meghan Markles in the header pic ?
Last on the right.
TNT sports were savvy to bag the worlds foremost jam maker.
Maybe they could get her rapidly balding simple husband to present F1 once he’s finished his neverending court cases against newspapers and grieving for his mummy?
No way Skidmarkle has a strange turned up snout.
If it was halfwits misses in the picture, Mis. Wouldn’t she be standing on her head, due to her talking through her cunt ?
With her treating rusty bollocks like shit, she’s dressing up as his mummy, to comfort him. Especially when they’re shagging.
Sad isn’t it Mis?
Not in the melancholic sort of way, more the pathetic manlet sort of way.
Banging on about his slapper mother, boo hoo.
My own father died when I was a kid, which was a personal disaster. Y’know, personal, as in private? I don’t feel the need to attempt to garner sympathy or justify loony lefty positions by tagging ‘I’m grieving’ at the end of every sentence.
BTW Diana was a whore, a 6 at very best, a score significantly reduced by her massive konk and penchant for copulating with ethnics and half the England rugby team.
Gotta go mate, I’m welling up.
Morning Termy.
It’s a serious thing in a man’s life to lose a parent.
A big deal.
But fuck me, 30 years on you should of bounced back!
He was mostly palmed off with nannies anyway.
And still he bleats about the Paparazzi killing his slag of a mother.
Fact is his Myra Hindley lookalike mother died cos she got in a car with a drunk driver and failed to put on her seat belt.
Time he accepted that fact and stopped blaming the media and everyone else for his whinging, infantile state of mind.
She clearly never listened to family friend , uncle Jimmy.
Say what you like about Jim ,
He may of been a ‘bit of a card’
But his advice on road safety was unparalleled.
Now then, now then,
The main reason why she wasn’t wearing a seat belt is because she was busy noshing off that dodi cunt in the back of the limo.
Lifestyles like hers are very expensive and she needed to keep her payments coming in.
I don’t even want to know what she would be like now if she was still alive with modern technology.
Well that’s my next four hand shandies sorted.
The Jimmy Savile link Geordie?
Yes incredibly sexy 😂
I am not very keen on TV sport – far too much Ladies football. I do like a bit of snooker, though I can’t stand that oily little bleeder Rob Walker, who gets up every player’s arse on the BBC. I wouldn’t say no to seeing the Labour Ladies Wrestling Team live from Dyke Hall as afternoon television – the Thornbury versus Phillips freestytle grudge fight would be worth seeing, as would the Abbott/Butler fight. The cross buttocks alone would mean it would have to be widescreen.
What if they just paint the women’s kits on, would that get you going, W. C. Especially mud wrestling. That’s bound to tickle your fancy.
Some of them are so obviously dykie, though Sammy so many lesbians look like Wes Streeting – short hair and vapid grins
Did you see me waving? I live in jaén province
These blow yourself up cunts are nothing but money grabbers. Same with the football. They want you to pay twice for it, by having some of the Champions League matches on some crappie channel nobody watches, the twats !
Even though footballs gone to the dog’s with 60-40 black cunts playing it. Just look at the crowds watching it. Its definitely 99pc white.
I cancelled my BT Sports subscription a few years ago ; it was expensive and unused for three months of the year as I only watched the motorcycle racing. Nowadays, I have video passes for WSBK and MotoGP which cost a little over £200 per year for 34 events each of three days plus access to the archives. Mind you, the picture quality of the archives can be pretty ropey compared to today’s camera work.
Morning all, must fly as I have things to do before being able to settle down for day 1 of the Argentine round.
I used to be into motorcycles Guzzi, but it ended after pressure from my wife and parents when I woke up in hospital with a fractured skull. I have no memory of the prang. Took to light aircraft instead. No limit on the bank angles, nothing grounds at 3,000 feet. I’ve still got my full bike ticket of course and sometimes I think maybe…..
Arfur, go for it !
Hey Guzzi, go to
Completely free, but they will accept donations if you’re feeling generous.
They have full Motogp and WSB coverage.
I’ve never tried their live streaming, but the races are usually available in the archive within a couple of hours.
What I want now is British Superbike and I’ll be like a pig in shit.
I too gave Tnt the heave ho.
Grasping cunts.
Dark Key,
Good nom. Same shit with the footy, with the added fun that not everything is on one platform, so multiple subscriptions required if you want to watch.
I don’t subscribe, I go to the pub to watch, and spend the would-be subscription fees on meaningful things like beer and gin.
PS, Phil Liggot and Bob Downes were childhood heroes, and I have Oleg Logvin’s autograph lol
You could have a Reg Harris cycle helmet, if you plaited your hair like some of these silly black cunting footballers, who make them look like a hairy cunt on their bonce.
Rapid Streams add on.
All the sports free from anywhere in the world.
I never watched other people doing sport. The darts would catch my attention for a while, I noticed but if the session ended, that would be enough.
Then this happened, and that’s me & the arrows-watching done for good too.
(Smith/Van Gerwen, ‘The greatest leg of darts ever’)
Stunning arrows, thanks for the clip. Best final I saw was Phil ‘The Rapist’ Taylor battering Van Barneveld and then Barney came back and did him in the final set.
Plenty of ale flowed that night.
I watched it again this morning .. Still gives me a shiver (the commentator getting carried away helps) … lesser thinking people might not realise the D12 miss actually made the leg more epic. I believe that same miss caused the thrower of same a cool 501 grand though. Oof!
*cost, not caused. 🙄
(First 9-darter of the tournament prize).
Cunters may recall how excited I was when Ipswich got promoted last May. I admit I have let my subscription to the PL stream here in the colonies lapse since returning from the Empire in January. The one PL game I saw showed that it’s next to impossible for teams like ITFC to get reestablished in the top division.
The same thing happened with the A League. I watched it religiously for years. It helped that Brisbane won the league three times in the early 10s. But then the silly cunts moved the games to a subscription channel. Haven’t watched or been to a game in years. Twats.
Surely cycling is something best done than watched?
Anyone got a old bike to donate to Dark key cunt?
I’ve got a old tyre pump in the shed he can have,
Sure Cuntengine can sort him some lycra shorts and vest,
Get on the road in no time!
Watch out for vans👍
Vernon Fox like cycling Mis.
Early mornings starts and five miles around the country park reservoir.
Dodging the black ops helicopters and police drones looking for lockdown breakers.
Dark Key Cunt should ask for some of his eBay contacts for some quality cycling gear.
That’s right he did.
Think he fixed bikes for people too .
I don’t know how he fit it all in LL?
He’d been a stockbroker, lawyer, troubleshooter for the Hells angels,
Greenkeeper, worked in the elephant house at the zoo.
Mr Benn was fuckin boring next to Foxy.
On the diplomatic team as an attache negotiating peace in Ukraine too. He gets around.
A real character, that’s a compliment Foxy if you are still reading IsAC. The verbal duelling with Dick Fiddler was brilliant.
I like the women cyclists going cunt over tit at the Finishing line, then start crying. The men only cry when one of their legs get ripped off, due to the fucking media cars crashing into themselves, trying to film the races.
That Reshmin Choudhury gives me a boner without fail.
That is the end of todays news.
That’s not news lol, dirty get!
All sport is a cunt. Nothing but a money making exercise for the stupid of this world to make a living at your expense.
Who are the 4 bitches by the way?
Don’t tell me that’s a sports broadcaster’s all-bitch pundit lineup?
That’s a bit fucking sexist, imo.
Yup. Disgusting.
I tried to explain the offside rule to one of them but they just kept going on about bunny rabbits and kittens.