The Markle-Hewitts (12)

are cunts.

Or is that Hewitt-Markle?

No matter.

It’s time once again to cunt those two shameless grifters, Harry Hewitt and Meghan Markle.

A few days ago I posted some remarks about the Duke and Duchess of Montecito receiving money form the scandalous slush fund known as USAID.

The story appeared on a YouTube blog and several follow ups appeared on various social media platforms.

The allegations were quite specific with a precise dollar amount and the EIN of a (so-called) shell company. (EIN is an employer Identification Number assigned to American companies so their taxes and charitable contributions can be tracked by the Internal Revenue Service.)

Given the specifics cited, the depth of Deep State corruption in the US and the Bidens mastery of funneling illicit funds to their allies, I was inclined to believe the story.

However, the story doesn’t seem to have any legs. It wasn’t picked up by the scum in the MSM. The wokeies of the Hollywood Trade Journals didn’t run with it. And no conservative media outlet has covered it up.

Maybe it was just click bait.

And maybe it wasn’t?

Without commenting on where the funds may have come from, it has now come to light that the Merkle-Hewitts, through their (so-called) charity, Arsewell, have donated large amounts of money to other (so-called) charities run by various Democrats…including Joe Biden’s daughter Ashley…who is the largest single recipient of funds:


What the fuck?

Democrat operatives? Clinton allies? Biden’s family? George-fucking-Soros?

Why the fuck does billionaire arch villain George-fucking-Soros need money from a couple of broke dick fucks like the Hewitt-Markles?

Rumors are swirling. Some say that they are trying to buy favor. Others say that Nutmeg has political ambitions And still others say they are useful idiots for the Brave New One Green Worlders and their nefarious plans for funneling cash into subversive schemes.

Regardless, these revelations have led to calls for an investigation by both Congress and the IRS into the Dysfunctional Duo’s finances and their (so-called) charity.

I’m not sure where this may or may not be going. Especially, since Trump says he has no interest in deporting Hazmat because; “He’s got enough problems with his wife. She’s terrible.”

So stay tuned. I’m sure there will be more revelations to come. But for now let us all agree…

The Markle-Hewitts are cunts.

Nominated by General Cuntster.

82 thoughts on “The Markle-Hewitts (12)

  1. You might find you are part of the problem on this one.

    Cunts like this pair need ignored and not given platforms to spout their slightly coloured pish.

    • Agreed, starve them of Oxygen. But then we life in a world where Amanda Holdens left nipple now has it’s own agent.

      The King and Queen of click bait, less shame than Kayne West flogging his apparel at a bat mitzvah.

    • I understand what you are saying but this may transcend mere social media click bait and venture into actual criminal conduct.

      In my consideration that merits notice.

      • The British Royal Family, indulge in criminal activities? Bloody colonials, how very dare you?

      • 6dV,

        Perhaps we have a misunderstanding. I was under the impression that while retaining their royal titles, the Duke and Duchess left the official / working Royal Family and as such are no longer actual members of it.

        Perhaps I’m wrong.

        Bloody may be correct as an adjective but we are no longer a colony and thus not accurately described as colonials.

        I very dare to say that some of the Royal Family…Prince Andrew for example…might very well have been involved in criminal activities.

      • Your understanding of their status is correct but your grasp of irony seems to have deserted you today good General.

      • Hey 6dV,

        You are quite astute.

        Due to matters completely outside the boundaries of this august body…i.e. the real not cyber world…I am having a series of trying days and might be a bit…scratchy shall we say.

        It could be said that perhaps I am a bit highly strung. Or as some people might say…at least I ought to be.

      • @GC

        Fully understand, I can fully empathise, having some trying times myself, nothing major just the fallout from a seemingly constant drip of lesser issues.

        It does wear thin after a while, hey ho, we shall overcome.

        Soldier on General, we shan’t live on our knees.

  2. Trump’s pathetic excuse for not deporting Halfwit won’t fool anyone.

    More likely he’s running scared of irritating his beloved King Jug Ears.

    Fawning cunt.

    • Unlike the Fenian Zombie of the past regime, Trump has great respect and admiration for Britain, it’s people and yes, it’s monarchy.

      You on the other had have a severe case of TDS.

      Trump is working on a no tariff trade deal that will greatly benefit both sides.

      And Britain will need all the financial help it can get now that it has decided to fund St. Volo of the Grift from now until the end of time.

      • Hey Harry,

        I don’t care where the cunt and his concubine live as long as they shut the fuck up and stop grifting.

      • Nope.

        I doubt any self respecting UK citizen wants to see him back here.

        Trump is more than welcome to keep him.

  3. Rebels Without A Cause

    The Secret Life Of Walter Mitty (and wife)

    Poor Little Rich Girl

    Whatever Happened to Baby Harry?

    Carry On Dick

    They have copied so many films, which seems appropriate since they think they are stars.

    Personally I’d like to see Harry remake White Heat. He climbs to the top of a building, yells “made, it ma! – top of the world!……..

    Then the silly cint blows himself up. Harry Hewitt is the new James Cagney. Or Charlie Hawtrey

      • With what has been reported to have been up Markle’s cunt I doubt whether you could get one. I wouldn’t be surprised if she had some work done on it though, a designer vagina or, with her background, a bit of vajazzle using something she had nicked from the Crown Jewels.

        Good Morning

  4. I wouldn’t trust any of these charitable companies, especially after the fucking nonsense with the UN cunts in Gaza, the executives aren’t interested what happens to the money after it has been flushed down the food chain.

    In fact I don’t trust anything I can’t kick in bollocks 😂

    Fucking BBC trying to throw the blame onto the media company over money going to Hamas, absolute bollocks, a bloke on his laptop uncovered the who shit show in 2 hours, who the fuck are they trying kid.

    As for Fuckwit Hewitt and the born again black girl formally know as princess bitch, as that puff actor said ‘until we have a world where they don’t exist why don’t they just shut up and go away’

    • That’s exactly right Sick.

      These so-called charities and NGOs like UNRA and USAID are noting more than fronts to funnel money into the nefarious schemes of the Brave New One Green World Order.

      It is highly doubtful to me that Nutmeg and Hazmat are actual players in that scheme. More likely they are just self aggrandizing cunts who serve as (semi) useful idiots.

    • So those dimwits who still purchase a tv licence are funding a terrorist organisation – isn’t this a criminal offence?

      • That would a good test case in court, the BBc are funding terrorists and by extension the licence payer.

        Millions of people in the dock 😂

  5. It seems USAID is a giant slush fund for pushing woke agendas on a global scale.

    I think I read a fantastic sob story about some Guatemalans and/or Zambians going without because Big Donald stopped the river of dollars leaving his country.

    It still amuses me now.

    As Marie Antoinette once said “Let them eat shite”.

    Good afternoon.

  6. A ginger wanker called Harry
    decided, a yank he would marry
    But being thick as a plank
    Didn’t know she was a skank
    Now they both spend their days fleecing charities!!

  7. The faux black trailer trash yacht girl that is Megain Markup is trying to ‘re-invent’ herself yet again.

    And, when I say re-ivent, I don’t mean in a David Bowie from Diamond Dogs to Young Americans sort of way. I mean trying to make more money and get more lucrative deals for her grasping grabbing sticky little fingers.

    The human locust is now had yet another makeover. This time, she’s a lifestyle guru and a homely cookery Delia Smith type. She is now flogging Duchess of Sussex jars of jam. We all know that Megain couldn’t even fry an egg or make toast. Never mind make a jar of jam. Pull the other one, love.

    And, she can have as many makeovers, career changes and re-inventions as she likes. It won’t change a thing. She is despised and she alwys will be. And as Procol Harum would say, quite righly so.

      • Hey General.

        Bowie was a master at his craft, and he re-inevted himself to stay fresh and in the game. From Ziggy to Diamond Dogs would also do. Not to mention from his Berlin period (Low, Heroes, Lodger) to the Scary Monsters/Ashes To Ashes era.
        Others claim that they do it. Usually daft wimmin like Madogga and Lady(boy) Gaga. But they just rip him off.

      • Hey again Norman,

        With the exception of Pin Ups, Ziggy to Dogs was a great era for Bowie.

      • The Man Who Sold the World was the start of his greatness in my opinion, General.

        And Scary Monsters was the end of it.

        His Let’s Dance/Nile Rodgers period was a little too polished and commercial for me. I think he stifled his eccentricity and artistic genius for commercial pop success in the mid 80s.

      • Actually Norman I wouldn’t disagree with that.

        Way back in my formative years my introduction to Bowie was the album Hunky Dory.

      • Ah yes…

        The Man Who Sold The World, Hunky Dory, Ziggy Stardust – the tranny gender-bender years.

        Bowie has much to answer for.

  8. If King Charles had any sort of guts, he would disinherit the little ginger fanny and his gutter trash preying mantis.

    But, of course he hasn’t.

    • Hey Norman,

      I agree completely and while I’m not privy to the inner workings of the Royal Family I can’t for the life of me imagine why.

      I mean the mongrel and her beard have trashed everyone in the Royal family. They are utterly disgraceful in the way they conduct their faux Royal / Celeb lives and are now considered a laughing stock by most of Phonywood crowd.

      Nobody trusts them, nobody likes them and most importantly nobody respects them.

    • Well, the cunt’s his son *cough* after all, plus the fact that the grifters would no doubt raise a media shitstorm if the King took their titles away.

      They’re a couple of total wankstains, worth yet another cunting for the cunts they are.

      Afternoon all.

  9. Shame on you general, I had completely forgotten about these two grifting nonentities.

    Send harry to the Ukrainian front line and send megs to gaza to service all the hamas refugees.

    • Fucking brilliant BZ!

      The Death Dealing Duke could probably wipe out the entire Rooski army in one single sortie.

      While the Angel of Montecito could alleviate all the suffering in Gaza just by her mere presence.

  10. Always makes me laugh when the royal cunts turn out wearing loads of fucking medals…

    WTF, do you get medals for shooting pheasant/peasant/deer… waving at people…🤮

  11. Henery Hawk of Hewitt and Zelensky should have a competition.

    A who has the got the most narcissistic gold digging leeching blood sucking lavish spending slut of a wife competition.

  12. Off topic.
    Just heard that cunt Starmer going off again about ‘Boots on the ground and planes in the air over Ukraine’.

    Fuck off you cunt, and take Zelenski with you.

    How about addressing our borders given 500 boat wankers that drifted across the channel today.

    • 5 fucking hundred…🤬🤬🤬

      Starmski’s you twat, put the fucking boots on the south coast, armed to the teeth..☠️

    • The Russkis are being very restrained. I think it’s pretty clear that, just like western nations, they will use nuclear weapons if their national survival is under threat.

      Before they got to that stage, in the face of an escalation, such as NATO aircraft attacking them in Ukraine, I guarantee they will go full Stalingrad and Ukraine will cease to exist, as would the RAF.

    • Let’s see…

      Ukraine’s territorial sovereignty or the UK’s territorial sovereignty?


      British troops to Kyiv or British troops to Dover?


      $5 Billion* to Volo or reinstate the Heating allowances to UK pensioners?


      A strategic alliance with Volo or a strategic alliance with Trump?


      Make a no tariff trade deal with Trump or make an endless money commitment to Volo?


      Side with Trump or side with the leaders of the EU?


      These are not hard questions if you’re a British patriot.

      Britain First.
      Vote Reform
      Immediate Cease Fire

      *I used the American Press’ converted rate so it can be compared to the approx $350 BILLION the US already sent to the Scruffy Grifter.

    • I hope he makes his gung-ho poofters in the cabinet join up to take part in the carnage Kweer is going to unleash, mince forward Privates Streeting, Kyle, Reeve, Pollard and Padre Bryant. Mince two, three four, mice two three four. Shoulder handbags.

  13. I’ll be honest Cuntster.

    This smacks of ingratitude.

    We tried to give you royals a while back and you yanks threw your toys out the pram.

    Then we give you a royal couple with one a fellow yank ?
    Still fuckin moaning.

    Don’t know what else we can do for you?

    Anyway we don’t want them back.

    The only good royal is a dead one.
    – Oliver Cromwell.


      • Our King took some time off today from talking to daffodils and eating tofu to talk to President Zelensky.

        Zelensky wore Primark jogging bottoms from a spare PE kit, his dad’s string vest and some plimsolls with the sole taped up.

        Was our kid fazed ?

        Of course not.
        He realised that Zelensky was from a country fighting for its very existence.
        Besides The king was barefoot and wearing a tyedye bandana and soon flared velvet trousers.

        He treated him courtesly.
        As a great statesman should.

        But then after all……we’ve been doing so for thousands of years.

        You can’t buy class.😁

      • King .
        King autocorrect you fuckin peasant.

        Our kid?!!
        We’re talking about British royalty not some monobrowed Burnage 90s pop shite.

      • @MNC

        ‘ He realised that Zelensky was from a country fighting for its very existence.’

        Celebrates his own nations heritage and culture being eroded at every opportunity.

        Was toying with the idea of becoming defender of the faiths. His Uncle was a big fan of the Nazis.

    • Churchill was in charge of a country fighting for its existence.
      But you still never saw him out in public or at a meeting without a decent suit.

      Zelensky is riff raff.

      • I wouldn’t wear a suit for anyone.
        For a king?
        Maybe a clean Motorhead ♠️ t-shirt?
        Or a Ramones for formality.

        For a president?
        Wouldn’t even wear clean jeans.

        And if he got sarky about it and lippy ?

        I’d give it back

        ” Least I don’t smell of piss you bald cunt”🖕

      • Ps

        An a pope?

        Wouldn’t even bother with trousers.

        He can kiss MY ring

      • True enough, Sixdog.

        From Sir Matt Busby stepping down in 1969, we had but six managers up to and including Alex Ferguson.

        And, since Ferguson’s retirement, there have been seven managers. Including this useless Portugese cunt.

        I would love to go back to the days of The Doc or even Big Ron. Even Sexton or O’ Farrell would be better than A.N Other useless foreign fucker.

      • Oh, if met our late Queen or appeared on the telly, I would wear a suit, It’s just the way I was brought up. My dad and grandad were the same.

  15. I still say that these pair are going to get topped in a mysterious private jet “incident’ just far enough away off the west coast of Ireland.

    • Not sure even ‘The Firm’ are stupid enough to try that. Again.

      They won’t have to. This pair are becoming as popular as Edward and Simpson, they’ll eat themselves.

      • Ah, Edward VIII and his very – well – manly partner, Wallace.
        My dear old nana (God rest her soul) always insisted that Wallace Simpson was a geezer.

      • There was a genuine doubt Norm, that she was intersex.

        No, not the blue haired, mentally deranged type, a genuine hermaphrodite.

        Whatever, of all the women he could have picked, he chose that old trollop.

        I remember reading that he was introduced to BJs by her, and that sealed the deal apparently.

      • Termujin: Eat themselves?. There’s another In-Betweeners Neil line there:

        ” I tried it once, took 2 weeks – I managed to lick the tip, but it took a lot of stretching”

  16. And I can hear that Ruben Amorim bellend right now…

    ‘We have more problems than we have solutions’.

    ‘We are a huge steaming festering wedgie of a turd. But we haven’t been flushed yet.’

    He’ll be joining Ten Hag in the United managers scrapyard soon enough.

    • I don’t think he will Norm. He definitely should be, he is utterly useless, but I doubt it for at least 12 months.

      It’s getting to be a systemic problem now. No Champions League, yet again, equals top players wanting to leave and replacements not wanting to arrive. This creates a mediocre team that has to pay way over the odds to secure players and will not likely lead to sudden improvement. This leads to top managers not wanting a go, and journeyman amateurs like Amoron pitching up for the pay day of a lifetime, waaay out of his depth.

      This circle could continue until you face the realistic prospect of relegation. You are lucky really this season, that the bottom 3 are so awful it was a foregone conclusion.

      That Ratcliffe seems like a giant prick to me, causing more problems than he’s solving.

      As a Liverpool fan I find this situation hilarious, and long may it continue.

      As a football fan, you have my sympathies, we had 30 years of it, so again, chin up m8.

    • A legend in his own living room, minus the fragrant Lady Vic of course.

      O/T but , I almost made the mistake of calling him average looking then, let’s be honest, he’s not average in terms of attractiveness. He’s fat, gammon faced, has an irritating, boring voice and appears terribly low on testosterone. He’s obviously had a personality by-pass. How on earth does he pull totty like Victoria, then, when he’s miraculously got her, he systemically cheats on her with a succession of dried up hags or his mates wives, in-between getting bummed? Wtf is going on?

      • Probably for the same reason as an old oppo of mine. Bagged an absolute stunner, who he eventually married, for some insane reason. Allegedly, she would only put out once a month, no foreplay, lights out, nightie pulled up. He told me she said that he was lucky to be with her, so she didn’t need to ‘pander’ to him! Heard he ran off with her younger sister!

      • Probably Starmer enjoys getting sucked off by Mandy and Streeting more than having a fuddle duddle with Lady Victoria. When she resigned I remember Rosie Duffield strongly implied he was quare. I am sure she was right. He is so fucking lazy he probably enjoys getting things done to him rather than doing them himself. A weekend’s gardening for Rodders probably means rearranging his pansies in his pink window box.

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