‘The Archers’ (An Everyday Story of Ramadan)

The Beeb’s radio soap ‘The Archers’ seems to have been around for as long as I have, although I’ve never listened to a single episode of the ‘everyday story of country folk’.

I can’t say the same for a very old friend (I’ll call her Ann) who’s been a devoted follower of things down Ambridge way for donkey’s; that is until recently. When we met for coffee yesterday, she was raging at the show, declaring that she’s finished with it. So what’s pissed her off?

Well it turns out that a storyline has a long-standing character in the show, a b and b owner named Lynda Snell, fasting for Ramadan in support of her Muslim neighbours the Maliks. ‘I wouldn’t mind’ raged Ann, ‘but Lynda Snell is a domineering cow who’s all about herself, and imposing her outlook on others. She’d never be interested in a demonstration like this. It’s completely unrealistic as a story, daft in fact, and it’s really all about the BBC using yet another opportunity to ram its woke values down the listeners’ throats regardless’.

Now I can only go by what my friend says, but on the basis of this, it’s not hard to agree; it’s not as though Al-beebra’s not got form in this regard. Still, perhaps it’s not all bad. Perhaps this storyline’s paving the way for some gritty realism in the show in future, and we can await with excitement the honour killing in the Malik household, the revelation of a clandestine grooming gang operating out of The Bull, and a suicide attack on the milking shed.

Or…perhaps not. These plots just wouldn’t fit in with Al-beeb’s cringing, aching wokeness, would they?

yahoo news

Nominated by Ron Knee.

55 thoughts on “‘The Archers’ (An Everyday Story of Ramadan)

    • OT so forgive me,

      I see some uppity spade is causing a scene about Harry halfwit being a self entitled prick.

      That’s cultural appropriation, that’s clearly her job.

      *gets popcorn*

      I’ll piss myself if she accuses him of calling her a night-fighter lol.

  1. All pakıs who attempt to move to the countryside deserve to be drowned in pig slurry.
    Our beautiful countryside is, for the most part, still uncontaminated by darkıes…obviously some have managed to sneak in and hopefully they feel about as welcome as a sausage in a mosque and that all English folk say racist stuff to them.
    If this country has to endure pakı filth, they must be confined to their horrid towns like Bradford and Slough where they can marry their cousins and have brown Elephant Man-esque mutant offspring and never be allowed to go to an area of natural beauty.
    Their presence is like wiping off dogshit onto a rose.

  2. A good answer to the earlier nomination, I wish the BBC would die.
    Is there no end to the shit they try to push.

    A more realistic storyline would be the maliks are cousins and their mong kid wastes hundreds of thousands of taxpayers money treating the fucking inbred mutant.

  3. There are a few jungle bunnies who realise there’s no animals to slaughter in our peaceful countryside. But would like them to fuck off out of it. They’re only making the place look untidy.

  4. “…fasting in support of her Muslim neighbours”?

    Will she also hang around schools at half past three, then attempt to rape 11-year-olds “to support her muslim neighbours”?

    *not all p-aedœs are Pakistankies, but all Pakistankies are p-aedœs.

  5. The fucking Maliks.

    I faintly recall cancer-throated slag Deidre Barlow having a brown toy-boy who got written out of Corrie in style; kicked to death by a gang of youths.

    White yoofs obviously, it was TV land after all.

  6. We should be allowed to practice our archery on these undesirable aliens, if we think they’re making the place look untidy.

  7. These black cunts have also been testing my patience on the open spaces of football pitches for years and do my upmost not to view closeups of the cunts, by having it off to a fine art when it occurs, by giving them a subliminal dirty look and a mind thinking fuck off !

  8. They want our countryside.

    To build on.
    Build mosques on.

    Thousands of years of history wiped out.
    Farms wiped out.

    Thing is they’re out of place in the countryside.

    Only flies like them.
    Stay in your ghettos
    Or better still go home.

  9. Are there any 12 year old girls in the cast?. Perhaps Yvette Cooper, in desperate need of Islamic cock, is buying a weekend cottage there

  10. Is the stupid cunt going to mosque 5 times a day and praying to the invisible man and wearing a fucking hijab where’s the cunts commitment some fucking neighbour that is

  11. The Archers… longest running load of bollocks in the history of radio.

    I only have to catch the opening bars of the theme tune to throw up.

    • You can imagine if we are all still here in 2050 Wireless 4 will still be offering In Our Time with nasally Melvyn Bragg, the pseudo intellectuals pseudo intellectual, Just A Minute with that lesbian bissom and The Archers.

      There will be a few newcomers “stand-ups” from elderly comedian Rachel Reeves, and other ‘hilarious’ modern comedy, plus, of course, The News Quiz in it’s 250th series.

  12. Perhaps next week the Dirlewanger Brigade will turn up and “clear the decks”..

    That would be splendid radio entertainment.

    “This is London calling,all pakis should fuck off by Monday”..

    S.O.E suitcase covert radio Oven.

  13. Is it still available on the wireless, valves and all

    I remember people ‘raving’ about this crap show decades ago, can’t believe it is still going, they should be all dead by now

    Ramadan should be fasting for the whole month, no food or water for the whole month, I would certainly encourage all Muslims to get onboard with that 👍

    • But they’ll say ‘it’s only during daylight hours’…


      This year British Ramadan is rescheduled to either January or July.

      Practitioners are shipped to these lands of the midnight sun:

      July at the North Pole
      January on the Ross ice Shelf

      Scruffy beards bad teeth the lot, take your letterboxes and demondim spawn too

      • And Irish Ramadan. I met a swarthy backpacker in straya, he said he was Irish Egyptian. It’s time to put an end to this nonsense.

  14. Fuck me that is really wank. I’m in a rural environment and can categorically say that the only time people fast round here is when their skint. No peacefuls for miles as the lack of big city benefits seems to put them off. As an aside if border farce want to catch illegals surely all they have to do is order something from these food delivery companies, the fuckers will come to their door (in the cities of course). Saved the treasury a few quid with that one.

  15. I used to listen to The Archers years ago, and Ron’s friend is absolutely right.

    Lynda Snell fasting for Ramadamadingdong is about as likely as Margo Leadbetter voting Labour. It just wouldn’t happen.

    There can’t be much left that the Beebistan haven’t completely fucked up.

    • I knew my friend wasn’t exaggerating! Thanks for that Geordie.

      I will tune into ‘The Archers’ for a laugh when the grooming gang scandle breaks over Ambridge in a couple of weeks. You know how the Beeb likes to run with a dramatic theme.

      Unless of course, they go with a far-right plot to destroy the local mosque. I’m torn on trying to decide which storyline they might go for…


  17. O/T
    Just saw a KFC ad where a white bloke is carried to a lake of gravy? and dipped into it and is turned into a piece of KFC chicken.
    Is there a subliminal message telling us that the main consumers of this slurry are cannibals? 😃

  18. That is one mind fucked advert, a metaphor for the white race being turned into food for fried chicken lovers…☠️

  19. O/T,

    No link, just an observation.

    Labour/ conservative/ liberal democrat/ reform/green/ SNP. / Plaid cymru.

    You have betrayed GB…

    Why do you hate the people who opposed and fought the Nazis in 1940.

    Why have you surrendered GB to the Muslim.

    Why do you welcome the illegal 3rd world illiterate undedcuated barbaric people’s.

    Who is making £££££ out of this destruction.

    There will be a reckoning…🔥

    You will be held to account…!

    • No they won’t. They’ve done it because they were allowed to do it. Enoch Powell was pretty much the only mainstream politician that stood against mass immigration.

      The political class buried any dissent, the only people speaking out were those on the fringe, BM, BNP, NF.

      Odd that the only opposition was full of the worst kind of people that of course no average person would want to be associated with.

      There was no mainstream party opposed to uncontrolled mass immigration. The conservatives always pretended to be but only before an election.

      The only people who could have changed anything said fuck all, the citizens. The public really are sheep, sat by and watched the country changed beyond recognition, watched the capital fall and we did nothing, barely dare say a negative word in public.

      They call us sheep for a reason, they laugh in our faces as they import an army of immigrants and then tell us Putin is the main threat to Blighty, cunts believe them, even folk on here believe them.

      They’ll even use the state to crush you if you speak out now. No the battle is lost because sheep don’t fight. The Yoo K is here to stay, before the next election it’s likely to be back in the EU and shortly after that we will be absorbed into the United States of Europe.

  20. This brings to mind a reminiscent plot line in Steven King’s Misery’,

    the psycho villain woman is a fan of a certain novelist and was appalled by his recent book by the complete lack of integrity in how he treated one of his characters.

    She finds a car wreck near her isolated ranch and rescues the injured driver, taking him home and nursing him back to consciousness. It so happens the driver was that actual novelist, recuperating under her complete control, so she imprisoned him and demanded that he rewrite the book properly!

    I wonder how Ron Knee’s friend would react in a similar situation. She sounds right riled up!

  21. Just heard Real Madrid want to take Fernandes from the tumbling down Old Trafford team. Years ago I’d have said no. Now they can have him with our blessing, to put us out of our misery.

  22. Waiting for one of the characters to start Pimping4Palestine and how terrible it is in Gaza, those poor chiiiiiiiilllldren, with Linda Snell joining the Malik’s in condemning “Zionism”. The pimping and Islamopandering is so ingrained, that it’s only a matter of time..

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