Mike Amesbury MP

We have cunted this bloated self important heap of shit before, but I feel he is due a new cunting. On Monday the bumptious cunt was jailed for ten weeks for violently assaulting a constituent. He was already aware this very lenient sentence would result in him serving only four weeks of that sentence, but even that is too much for this piss and wind spineless shitstain, and he is appealing his sentence, mainly, it seems to prevent him being subject to recall by his constituents.

Here is the motherfucker, in handcuffs, with that self-satisfied smirk still on his bloated face. I suspect he will escape his punishment – after all he is an “important” man:

Daily Express.


The little arsewipe HAS had his sentence reduced (now suspended for two years), so the self satisfied grin was justified. Life in Two Tier Land:

Daily Fail.

Nominated by : W. C. Boggs

76 thoughts on “Mike Amesbury MP

  1. (After update).

    So the appeal judge, a cunt, .. said that this nommed individual, another cunt,
    .. was ‘lucky’ the man the latter cunt attacked didn’t die from the attack, .. or he’d have gotten ‘a much longer sentence’.

    6 months, maybe, even? ; Suspended for a fortnight?

    How’s about “the fact you got such a lenient sentence for the assault, yet STILL have the arrogance to request it be reduced shows the court you are not in the least bit contrite over your actions. ; .. Sentence doubled”

    Just fucking once. An appeal of sentence BY the guilty party leads to an increase. No fuck that. Not once. Every time one of the convicted cunts appeals a sentence, there should be as much chance of an increase as a decrease.

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