We have cunted this bloated self important heap of shit before, but I feel he is due a new cunting. On Monday the bumptious cunt was jailed for ten weeks for violently assaulting a constituent. He was already aware this very lenient sentence would result in him serving only four weeks of that sentence, but even that is too much for this piss and wind spineless shitstain, and he is appealing his sentence, mainly, it seems to prevent him being subject to recall by his constituents.
Here is the motherfucker, in handcuffs, with that self-satisfied smirk still on his bloated face. I suspect he will escape his punishment – after all he is an “important” man:
The little arsewipe HAS had his sentence reduced (now suspended for two years), so the self satisfied grin was justified. Life in Two Tier Land:
Nominated by : W. C. Boggs
I thought the original ten weeks was a piss take to start with considering he will serve only four. In an ideal world it should have been at least six months, serving every day of it and sacked as an MP.
I think the judge explained it was unduly lenient because he believed it couldn’t be appealed. I guess judges don’t always get it right.
Well put.
I’d say,without exception,that modern judges are total and complete Cunts.
You can only hope that the voters are sufficiently disgusted by this lying, drunken windbags actions to force him out.
Further update required:
He has resigned as the local MP, but has to stick around for a bit to wind down his office and lay off his staff as per their contracted notice period.
This will of course force a by election. In which I hope labour get utterly trounced by Reform.
Does anyone else get the feeling his staff’s notice period will be up around the time of the next general election.
The Labour scum hate having their paws slapped off the levers of power as much as they hate being separated from other people’s money.
Re the By-Election
Biffa Amesbury had a stonking majority last time and as Reform are now in self-destruct mode (the stupid cunts) I fear Labour will scrape home.
I hope I’m wrong.
I hope you are, too Geordie, but it wouldn’t surprise me, sadly. Like a beaten wife, the electorate will crawl back because like those daft women who go back,. getting a good kicking shows he much he “loves” her,
If the cunt drags his feet a recall petition will be initiated.
They apply even with a suspended sentences.
Under parliamentary rules, a recall petition will take place if an MP is:
“convicted of an offence in the UK and receives a custodial sentence (including a suspended sentence)…”
Either way, good fucking riddance.
Don’t give him a prison sentence. We are paying for that. Sack the cunt and notify everyone he’s annoyed after the trial, then they can kick him to fuck.
Not quite an M.P, but another embarrassment to Labour, and especially Streeting is that one of his aides/advisers, Sam Gould has pleaded guilty to acts of indecent exposure – the twist in the tail is that Mr. G isn’t quare! – surprisingly. Apparently he got his tackle out for a 13 year old girl, and a 25 year old woman. Perhaps if he had been quare Wessy would have been a little more understanding:
As for Amesbury he told a great sob story the other day about how he has suffered for his crime (I will try to find it) and lost everything. Oh dear, how sad, never mind.
Here is the Amesbury tear fest:
Ugh…a ginger too Mr Boggs.
It astounds me that someone working for Wesley is interested in girls and women. Or were the two people involved ‘female’ in the Suzy Izzard sense?
A bit of research reveals this sack of shit has never done anything worthwhile.
His qualifications are on par with a degree in lesbian dance theory.
Good luck with finding a well paid job after this.
Hang on a minute, even now Starmer’s henchmen are probably two tiering him into a directorship at the expense of a qualified person.
Shit like this usually ends up smelling of roses.
Now that nominations have been brought forward, I hope administration don’t mind if throwing in my two penneth now and again with digressions. Its due to me being a night owl and promise not to be too much of a nuisance.
The way he laid into the constituent I’d put a few quid on him to go the distance with the heavyweight champ of parliament….Dave ‘chicken bucket’ lambo 🥊
Looks like a poundshop Eddie Yates.
Bloke should have took hus chance after a tirade of punches caught on camera, got up, dusted himself off, and rammed his teeth out the back of his neck.
In fear of my life, your honour.
Fuck that.
That was me Termy?
I’d have to be airlifted off to Stoke Mandeville hospital.
“Can’t feel my legs? Arrrgh the pain.
Will I ever walk again?”
I’d be fuckin quids in.
Perhaps this would have been a better sentence for Amesbury, and indeed any MP caught in wrongdoing:
The cunt lied to the police, the cunt should have been locked up, the cunt should face a private prosecution for damages to the guy he punched.
Maybe he is blind as well as deaf.
There will be a by-election, does anyone actually give a fuck.
A sorry tale indeed.
Another chapter in the modern story of Shithouse Britain.
Why didn’t the chap who this Parliamentary Cunt belted get up and leather the bastārd?
Good healthy outdoor exercise.
Why wasn’t the “magistrate” who suspended his laughable sentence taken out and shot after pandering to our lovely Two Tier legal system?
So many quandries.
So many Gravy Train lies,cover ups and protectionism.
This sorry episode just goes to show that the only viable solution is to Vote Oven.
You know it makes sense.
They laugh in our faces.
Any government official found guilty of corruption or criminal behaviour should get 5 years and the sentence for the crime added on top.
If some cunt thinks they are superior enough to tell us how to live they should be held to a higher standard.
Mike Amesbury; giving skidmarks everywhere a bad name.
Afternoon all.
I like him 😁
Whether scrapping in a taxi rank or pissing in a shop doorway holding a kebab,
He brings some much needed working class authenticity to Labour.
“Vote Labour or I’ll kick your cunt in!”
– Mike addressing the Women’s institute.
Being the shithouses that Labour are they sacked him,
But I’d like to see Mr Amesbury shadow boxing at the local elections while David Lammy channelled his inner Bundini Brown and shouted
” Heavy bag! He’s a heavy bag!
Hit I’m like a heavy bag champ!”
” Bunches of punches! Dance champ!”
Whilst Mike took down the Lib dem candidate with a uppercut
then has a massive coronary?
if Iron Mike had smacked fuck out of a immigrant in a taxi rank he’d have had half the country cheering for him.
Rupert Lowe threatened that paki in the Reform party and got suspended!!!
What’s that bugeyed rubber faced cunt Farages issue?
Maybe he could twin Reform with Hope Not Hate?
He’s already surrendered to Islam the cunt
Also I don’t blame him for thinning that bloke.
He was on the piss minding his own business and the bloke started mithering him about some fuckin bridge being shut.
Now he should of just said
” Look you boring little cunt I’m on a night out.
Just fuck off”
Kept his job.
But maybe the bloke was one of those incredibly punchable types?
Fuckin bridge bore.
And down goes Frazier! Down goes Frazier!!👊💥
Foreman really fucked him up in that fight.
Yeah, Big George was a force of nature.
Check this out
Pity the other cunt had his hands in his pockets, he could have buried the fat slob and gone down for 2 years.
Who the bridge bore?
Price you pay for pacifism.
He gets compensation?
Karate lessons
I haven’t seen or heard anything from the opposition party about this.
Perhaps they think that his behaviour and lack of sentence is perfectly acceptable.
If that’s the case then why should anyone else give a flying fuck?
All the opposition and the various other MP’s that are not in the Labour Party get paid well and have excellent expense accounts.
I may be wrong but I think that they are doing fuck all.
It’s getting a bit tasty down Westminster way.
Go on Lee, lump the cunt.
And be careful not to trip over the Police women. Especially the second one, it’s her 16th birthday tomorrow.