No – me neither but this lad, all of 15 years old, has ambitions to become Prime Minister – he has all the qualifications, Pro EU, nerdy, wearing glasses three sizes too big for him, massive ego, looks as though he couldn’t fight his way out of a wet paper bag, skinny (I bet his head has gone down the school lavatory more than once). Probably sounds a bit “posh”.
Apparently Labour has already “reached out to him”. Well, I bet Mandy has, and several of the other little bum boys in the PLP too. He clearly looks, in addition to being a pretentious little prick, – “one of them”
Nominated by : W. C. Boggs
I don’t know…I don’t think he could do any worse than 2TK.
Join the Pathetic Useless Cunts Party.
Fuck off a die you irrelevant dork.
Sounds like a bowl of Korean noodles. I’ll have a Kenan Noori and a Diet Coke to go please’.
I’m guessing home educated, parents are/were tofu knitting vegans wearing hemp clothing and singing kum ba ya around a camp fire while burning incense?
TBF can’t be any weirder than sticking your cock in a dead pig’s mouth.
looked his surname up and it gives as ‘arabic’ so he’s a part sand rat? won’t get my vote fucking likkle iron!