Keir Starmer [32]

Two tier again, suddenly kier has discovered a streak of martial desire.

British troops to police Ukraine border zone up to 20000 so general admiral Keir stated. Then the RAF will police the skys over said border and stop those troublesome ruskis from doing more naughty things. Fuckf me the amount of money the west hove poured into Ukraine plus all the equipment is likely greater than the money we have shelled out to Pakistan in aid and bribes (a lot). Obviously a money tree has been found.

When will these cunts realise our armed forces are so small that defending a small town would be problematic. Surely it’s time to follow the Swiss model, neutrality, the armed forces defend the U.K. not outer inner left side belonge. I suppose the cull of pensioners will go some way to funding kiers attempts at martial glory, interestingly the majority of our European “allies” have said bollocks to that scenario no way are we going to use what’s left of our armed forces. Kier appears to be entering a Saint George episode.

If his money, life wasting plan comes together will he be striding forward leading his tiny underequipped, underpaid, woke crippled force. Of course not. Bunch of arsewipes the lot of them.

BBC News. (Link provided by Sam Beau)

Nominated by : Black biscuit

86 thoughts on “Keir Starmer [32]

  1. The eu wants Ukraine farmland, amongst other things, so it can continue its fuck over of European farmers, Starmer, same.
    They’ll wait until the US has sorted the issue for them and then slide on in there.

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