Greater Manchester Stasi

*Knock knock*
‘Who’s there?’
‘Stasi who?’
‘Ve vill ask ze qwestions…’

It’s an old ‘un but a good ‘un, and it never goes out of fashion. Cunters will no doubt recall the recent ‘WhatsApp’ scandal, when offensive comments posted by a number of Labour politicians led to the sacking of Health Minister Andrew Gwynne and the suspension of Oliver Ryan (MP for Burnley) and a number of councillors.

Enter a certain Mrs Helen Jones of Stockport, who called on Facebook for resignations on the part of those councillors involved. And guess what… Within 48 hours, she gets the proverbial knock on the door from Greater Manchester Plod, who ‘want a word’ about her comments. In a subsequent phone call, the lady learns from the fizz that a complaint has been made against her (the cops won’t say by whom; mmm…give me three guesses…).

Naturally Mrs Jones had committed no crime, and was simply engaging in legitimate comment on the disgraceful behaviour of those politicians involved. Unsurprisingly however, she felt intimidated by the police actions, and stated ‘it made me think I’d just best keep quiet for the rest of my life’.

No doubt the police would argue that they had a ‘duty’ to act as they did, but it will also come as no surprise that the actions of the scuffers have been branded a waste of time and resources in an area where so much crime goes uninvestigated and unsolved. It’s a view that’s hard to disagree with. A more disagreeable factor is consequence for free speech. Mrs Jones feels that she’s been leaned on by these pettyflogging plods, and when this starts to happen, we can fear that we are indeed on a slippery slope.

In her position I’d have told them to piss off and catch some proper criminals instead of wasting my time on what is no doubt classed by the hierarchy as a ‘non-crime incident’. Is this really what we pay our taxes for?

*Ding dong*

Oh hang on, there’s someone at the door…

Daily Fail

Nominated by Ron Knee.

75 thoughts on “Greater Manchester Stasi

  1. There was a time when you could easily spot a policeman.
    Even when they were off duty.

    Something about them.

    Plain clothed police?
    They were unconvincing.
    You knew they were filth.

    It’s more difficult now.

    The one on the left looks like an accountant and his sidekick wouldn’t be out of place collecting trolleys at a supermarket.

    • Admittedly it is more difficult to tell by simply looking nowadays, but anything more than a cursory conversation reveals 95% of them in the first 5 minutes, due to their breath-taking arrogance and patronising tone.

      Although it is sometimes difficult to separate them from Local Councillors or Premiership referees.

  2. From bitter experience I can assure you the GMP could not find their backsides even if allowed to use both hands and a map. When I was assaulted in the City Centre by two young people “of colour” I was told it was a civil matter not a criminal one. Like people who assault you will hand their cards? I wouldn’t trust any of them to sit the right way on a lavatory.

    • I agree, Angry.

      After many times at both Old Trafford and Maine Road, I can tell you that GMP are inept incompetent cunts.

      Mind you, there was the odd good one. There was a lady mounted copper who used to do the rounds at Old Trafford. She was actually rather tasty and a bit of a MILF Sort of school ma’am-ish, but sexy with it.

      I remember saying to her on the Old Trafford forecourt, ‘Bloody Hell, your horse must be exhausted’. She replied with ‘You’d be knackered after two minutes between these legs, lad,

      I woulldn’t have minded trying, I’ll tell you that.

  3. On the matter of Stasi scum, that mincing heap of jelly Streeting is at it again.
    He is now gunning for those with mental health problems.

    Of course, when he says mental health, he means white and working class people.

    The blacks and islamists will still be able to pull the mental health card every time they murder someone.

    Just like those cunts Duncan Smith and that slag McVey, Streeting will target those who have genuine problems. I fully expect scores of suicides and deaths due to his jackbooting over the sick.

  4. I’ve never had any complaints towards the police. The only dealings have been fine. A jovial moment in my younger days, when having long hair, an officer stood near asked “Does that hurt”. I said “What”. He replied “I’m standing on your hair.”
    I smiling replied “Does your head reach the top of your helmets.” He just laughed.

    Another occasion. I was out late walking home, when a police car pulled up and was asked why was I out so late. Explained I’d missed the last bus. The copper said he was heading in my direction and would take me home, but told me to duck my head if another police car was passing. Let me out close to home. You can understand that I haven’t a bad word to say about them.

    • I hope you illusions are never shattered Sammy, but I’m afraid those days are very long gone.

      I was taught as a child that, if in trouble, seek out a policeman.

      I taught my children to keep away from them at all costs.

      The biggest organised crime operation in the country.

      • My most recent help from today’s law, Termujin, was a couple of years ago, when a spate of youngsters were banging on doors and running off. 2 police officers called on me, to see if I was alright. The only difference about today’s recruitment, was that my older self being taller than they were and I’m classed just below average hight. The problem was solved bizarrely when the leader of the gang accidentally hanged himself, when playing around with some rope. I must have been blessed from birth for some reason.

      • Well, I’m glad it worked out OK for you in the end.

        Was this assistance for door-knocking before or after the spate of neighbourhood burglaries that went uninvestigated?

      • Or it wasn’t about the time when police fined Shana Grice for wasting police time in her being-stalked reporting, .. a fine I’m not sure she actually had time to pay before said stalker slit her throat?

        Or Gracie Spinks another girl killed by her stalker after no effort to help her by the police?

        Or ……..

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