Generation Snowflake (10)

is a cunt.

Yes, this country is fucked. We all know it’s fucked on this site don’t we.

In fact anybody with eyes ears and a couple of brain cells can see that this country is fucked.

Anyways, while grafting away on my lonesome today listening to 6 music (I know I know), I heard this little gem of information on the news bulletin.



We have a young lad of 20 odd who’s been working with us for the last 6 months and has recently decided to have himself a nice month off on the sick.

Apparently the first day off was because he felt poorly with his tummy (bless his cotton socks) Then it somehow and rather bizarrely morphed into a surgical procedure on a completely unrelated body part altogether that was required. (according to mummy)

Apart from a sick note from his GP, I have little or no idea what’s actually wrong with the little cunt.

He’s offered fuck all in the way of any real explanation or anything like it when I asked him when he was planning on popping back in to see us apart from “errhhhmm….it depends what the doctor says next week innit”

I’ve since seen him out and about in the car thinking that I hadn’t seen him – plus I’ve more than a sneaking feeling that there’s fuck all actually wrong with him.

The reason for my gripe is that as a very small business, we absolutely can’t afford to carry workshy piss weak lazy cunts.

From my experience this age group is absolutely appalling and once this particular cunt gets his marching orders, I don’t think I’ll bother shopping around in that age demographic again.

I would add that this cunts mother (who is a few years younger than myself) Is a complete attention seeking hypochondriac who posts her miserable life and various ailments on social media quite regularly.

I should have known what a cunt him and his mother were a while back when he informed me in casual conversation that he’d had three Covid jabs at the age of 16 in order to protect mummy “who nearly died of Covid don’t you know”

Yeah of course she fucking did.

The apple never falls far from the tree as they say.

Anyways, the purpose of this cunting is snowflakes, hypochondriacs and the nanny state which enables their behaviour.

The disastrous 2020 lockdowns have pretty much primed these workshy drips into being ill, depressed, anxious or whatever the fuck else at the first sign of adversity, for the rest of their sorry lives probably.

If this is the generation that’s following ours then we are royally screwed.

Anyways, back to it and Good Afternoon.

Nominated by Herman Jelmet.

106 thoughts on “Generation Snowflake (10)

  1. Did you ask him where his father was?
    No Male role model in sight, just his attention seeking mother posting her gripes on social meeja.

  2. Unload this cunt asap, HJ, .. he will never be dependable, nor any use to an employer, ever.

    Worked in the vicinity of a (male, 30’s) hypochondriac for 10 years. He told tales that belied his mother was also a noticewhore/hypochondriac .. and this guy was out at least once a month. After a few years, the place was stupid enough to hire this cunts brother too. Guess what? Yeah. Another fucking one.

    Cuntitude breeds cuntitude, specifically in the lazy, workshy, self pitying useless cunt brigade. I’ll prove it.

    One Monday morning I was dropping this original work hypochondriac off at his front gate on my way home from a Sunday night shift. His kid aged only 5 or 6 maximum came out the front door and to the front gate, in her pyjamas & dressing gown. The father asked…

    “Why aren’t you dressed and getting ready for school?”

    “I’m not going to school today”

    “Why not, petal”?, “What’s wrong?”

    “I have a migraine”.

    A fucking migraine! .. not a child’s sentence ‘pain in my head, daddy’, no …

    A supposed migraine. That she couldn’t WAIT to tell the other silly cunt about.

    Monkey-see, monkey fucking do!

    And the fucking doctor in your tale will be another cunt, that never put mother or son in their lazy hypochondriac places. Too much easy moolah in it for that cunt, with those cunts.

    I told that other cunt enough times ‘the only thing actually wrong with you is your fucking brain’ ..

    The stupid, wimpy cunt.

  3. p.s. I’m 99+ percent sure there was nothing whatsoever wrong with that kid that morning, she certainly wasn’t showing any actual signs of debilitation besides put-on baby voice. Just well aware that any supposed ailment would get her a day(s) off school.

    Fuck’s sake, add the hypochondria-afflicted to the sterilisation list.

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