Believe me, it took several minutes to decide exactly which party to cunt re: this farce. This Jami cunt deserves it for her terror ambitions. Was ready to off to Afghanistan to join the Isis. Planned for her offspring to be martyrs to the cause further down the line.
Nicked. Mugshotted. Then the 2nd choice to be the cunted nominee, – her barrister cunt – says Mrs Jihad there is ‘upset’ about her mugshot … and wanted it re-taken. With her fucking face covered!
Cunt #3, the judge, .. well he says ‘sure’ .. Cunts #4 .. West Midlands Police comply & issue a picture of what could be fucking ANY cunt … a ninja who didn’t pay their bus fare, say.
Like I said. Farce. A multicunting, this, really.
Farishta Jami.
Believe me, it took several minutes to decide exactly which party to cunt re: this farce. This Jami cunt deserves it for her terror ambitions. Was ready to off to Afghanistan to join the Isis. Planned for her offspring to be martyrs to the cause further down the line.
Nicked. Mugshotted. Then the 2nd choice to be the nominee, her barrister cunt says Mrs Jihad there is ‘upset’ about her mugshot … and wanted it re-taken. With her fucking face covered!
Cunt #3, the judge, .. well he says ‘sure’ .. Cunts #4 .. West Midlands Police comply & issue a picture of what could be fucking ANY cunt … a ninja who didn’t pay their bus fare, say.
Like I said. A farce. Should be a multicunting, really.
Nominated by cuntemall.
Three cunts for the price of one, everyman’s dream? or so I’m told. C.A.
A dinner ‘lady’ in a culture she despised. She must have gone through her own weight in spit on a weekly basis, a disrespectful garnish for the non-believing kids of the non-believers.
I wonder did anyone tell her own 4 kids mommy was willing for you to die for her beliefs?
Treeshredder the farkin lot of them.
Fuck me, the new release of Ninja Gaiden looks terrible.
Ryu Hayabusa has finally gone woke!