Engine engineers LTD and Jamal Ahmed MANNAN

So the old war horse was getting a bit tired so what better than to give it a new lease of life with a reconditioned engine?

After trawling the internet and registering on various sites, the above mentioned popped up with a reasonable quote for an engine rebuild quoting a strip down and turn around in around 14days. So after receiving photos of my vehicle in bits an additional sum was demanded for spares (which is standard practice) but paid on the nail. Shortly afterwards further communication was received stating that one of the reconditioned parts was not up to par and needed re doing, but whilst they were doing so the gearbox and injection system needed attention?

At this point alarm bells rang as the injection system is regulated by the ECU that is currently not connected to the engine so rather a doubtful claim. A quick look at companies house and above mentioned has made a move to be struck off the register and wishes to cease trading whilst actively encouraging me to trade with him and extort money under the pretext of offering a warrantied product.

Next move is to get trading standards involved only you cant because they do not deal with the public anymore? You are required to go through some do gooder at the CAB, which to be honest I cant currently be arsed with. Likewise the police have farmed out fraud to “action fraud” a library of cunts and misery similar to this, so not much joy there.

So You sir are a cunt, not only have you taken my car, but you have taken my money and I am very displeased.

Nominated by : Lord Benny

51 thoughts on “Engine engineers LTD and Jamal Ahmed MANNAN

  1. Whilst there have been dodgy businesses since the dawn of time it seems to me that there are many more of the cunts in recent years. Sadly, these bastards are not restricted to the private sector, many councils seem intent on joining the cunt club.

  2. You can object to company strike off. Instruction on how to do so is available on line as is a batch of useful CAB information on how to make a small claim. Neither procedure is onerous. Good luck and screw the twisted twat until he voluntarily repatriates, the conniving cunt.

  3. Sounds like a dodgy tikkitakki cunt, there was a similar scam artist doing that in Cardiff, you name it Sweetman did it, illegal workers, ungettable engines that appear miraculously overnight, oil being poured down drains, the shoddiest jobs done I ever saw.
    I’m sure that was just the tip of the iceburg as well, deffo a dodgy, funny handshake cunt…

  4. This company seems to have been formed in October 2023.

    If that’s the case then any guarantee that they offer with their work is virtually useless.

    I know that every company has to start somewhere, but let the cunts practice on some other punter, not you.

    • And just to rub salt in …
      When they have been granted a strike-off and fucked off with the Lord’s money, they will simply register another company and start their dirty dealings all over again !

      • It used to be that you could look up how many other companies were owned by the director.

        The purpose of having multiple companies is, as you have pointed out, to quickly shut one and open another the following day.

        Any company that has other dormant companies registered should be avoided.

        The dodgy cunts.

  5. The only decent thing I can think of that the govt ever did is the Consumer Credit Act.

    If its expensive pay the first £100 on the credit card and no matter the total cost(?) the credit card company is fully liable to make amends by way of a full refund.

    When that chinký flu kicked off I’d booked flights to the South of France to the tune of £1200 with the super cunts at Ryanair,holidays were outlawed but they refused a refund of course..

    Credit card company paid out in full.

    It’s the only way to pay when surrounded by bandits,pakis and general cunts.

  6. Surely pakı “mechanics” are only capable of making sure the child locks are working on any taxi they have in, the smelly pædo rapists.

  7. When the country has been run for the last 30 years by spivs and grifters what chance for the rest of us.

    Time to bring back tarring and feathering.

  8. To scam people is low as fuck.

    I’m no angel but I’d never scam someone,
    It’s easier just to do what you’re being paid for.

    Hopefully these sly cunts will get a taste of their own medicine.

    • Scamming a pakı, Romanian or a pikey is surely fair game though, MNC?
      Oh, and Indians too. They tried to scam my mother when she had the beginnings of dementia.
      A computer scam.
      They called one evening when I was there and I ended up shouting “fucking fuck off, you filthy pakı cunt”, forgetting she was stood behind me!
      Told me off for my disgusting language.
      And the curry-munching bud bud ding dings never called back.
      Indians really hate being called pakıs.
      There’s barely any difference.

      • I don’t work for anyone but white British people Thomas.

        I hear the hint of a accent on the phone

        “Sorry. In booked. All that week, all the week after.”

        Fuck that.

        It’s for the best,
        Only end up falling out.

        That goes for all foreigners.
        European, yanks whatever.

        Fuck off your customs not wanted.

      • Indians can be quite useful though. More of them died during the construction of my love dungeon than died making the Burj Khalifa in Dubai.
        Their thighbones are used instead of bars in my guests’ cells.
        Their ghosts haunt my house, you know.
        I see a brown haze and smell a faint spicy aroma and it’s definitely not one of my farts.

  9. Should have stuck to delivering takeaways.

    Get a recovery truck and go collect your car and parts.

    I won’t spend a penny with any Asians now, with the exception of the odd chinky. Non of them can run a legitimate business. Good mechanics are always booked solid and decent engine rebuilders cost a packet but at least you’ll get a decent job.

    Indians and Pakistanis don’t do business the way we do, they certainly won’t do whitey a fair deal.

    Fuck em, won’t get a penny off me.

  10. Most mechanics are slimy conniving shitbags even the main dealers are cunts who just want to fuck you for money best buy a car and when the warranty runs out sell it and get a new one and steer clear of the nasty cunts

      • Lucky it wasn’t an Africanised bee, LL…or it’d have made off with your wallet and watch.

      • Well, I never said I wasn’t happy.

        It’s been a gorgeous day here, a no coat, washing line day.

        Sunshine makes me happy, being warm helps the arther, eases it so I sleep better, which makes me happy, and so on.

        It’s still quite warm now, I might put a match to the garden burner, I like a good garden rubbish fire.

        “I am the God of Hell fire, and I’ll see you burn!”

      • No it isn’t, not in Sunny Sheffield.
        It’s going to be same as today, and I’m giving the grass it’s first haircut!

    • Price can entice…
      She certainly can…that’s why Harvey always has a big smile on his face after Katie sits on it to reward him for being a good boy.

  11. Send round a recovery company with some burly looking blokes to tow your vehicle, engine and any parts that belong to you to a reputable garage. Get them to do the work and put the cost of the proper repair in a court claim. Hit them where it hurts.

  12. Unfortunately, reconditioned engine and gearbox scams have been doing the rounds for years. I remember there were loads of them in “Exchange and Mart” – that shows how long. I did have to get a reconditioned turbo for the old merc a few years back – but i got a local garage to fit it. Labour is so fucking expensive nowadays, i think a rebuild good easily be quite a few thousand quid – although still cheaper than buying a wanky new electric car.

  13. “Active proposal to strike off” can mean one of two things.
    Either they have themselves chosen to fold the company but usually its a case of the director has been a naughty boy and neglected to comply with directory stuff, ignoring letters and not sending in annual accounts, or of course the ignoring could be deliberate and they just have short shelf life companies for maximum gain and no proper auditing, kebab shops seem to follow that model.
    “Under new ownership” yet the same folk running it with endless new companies, each a slight varation in company name as the previous while trading as best kebab or whatever, Your engine guru might just be ok and from what I hear, a Paggi accountant is worth a few Jewish accountants, they know a good fiddle.

  14. Ever been had? Put it down to experience, after a week of sleepless nights and anger management you will be OK.

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