are cunts.
I pass through Hastings on a daily basis – the road works and road closures have brought this busy seaside town to a standstill. The past few months have been utter chaos: multiple road works, long queues of traffic, and yet …. potholes everywhere. Truth be known, there has been traffic chaos for over SIX MONTHS. Take a look at Google Traffic on weekdays – Hastings is a total disaster. Red everywhere.
The biggest culprit has to be the the “Queensway Gateway” roadworks. This work should have been completed nearly a decade ago, but only started in September last year! The works were supposed to finish by the end of December 2024 – now the completion date is “Spring 2025”. Hundreds of motorists are being forced to drive along third-world country lanes littered with potholes. Stonestile Lane? More like PigSty Lane! The farcical situation has caused many people to arrive late for work, and lots of patients at the Conquest Hospital have been late for appointments. Local businesses have lost millions, according to the local MP.
Nominated by Chunder Cloud.
Well that`s one in the eye for you, Chunder.
You have a right battle on your hands.
Looks like it`s a tapestry of disasters.
Ho ho, excellent stuff, SB!
Cycleways are mentioned in your link Sam, de rigueur now. On the local news last night TFL has banned E-Bikes across it’s whole network due to the risk of random explosion. Best trade in your season ticket for a Tesla. Oh, hang on…..
And many E-Bike owners charge them overnight in the hall at the foot of the stairs. Hmmm…..
What a coincidence the works, and therefore invoice and payment, have been delayed until early Spring.
Gotta get rid of that excess budget somewhere, or central funding from Gov will be decreased.
It’s not a joke, Local Councils do this all the time.
Exactly, Termujin – it is happening all over London. Every week they seem to close a bloody bus stop down for non-existent “works” – they put them up early in the week and take them down again at the end of the week – then put them up again the following week. They are up and down like Angela Rayner’s knickers. The trouble is local councils act like Fagin once April is over. Perhaps there are too many Bill Sykes in local government – there are certainly far too many Nancy’s.
It’s the same here. More tree pruning and shrub cutback than you can shake a recently hewn stick at. Always at this time of year. Councils should be required to provide adequate services and come in under budget by a combination of incentive and statutory requirement. The sack and an honest reference for those responsible who can’t or won’t. The useless bastards here have this year saddled us with more than a 5% when various precepts are included. Couldn’t care less, self-congratulatory, entitled, mollycoddled and overpaid wankers.
Is that Tommy Robinson Sax Coburg involved?
Seems likely to me,all the makings of a Far Right plot.
Dreadful business.
Good morning.
We are the dandy highwayman who you’re too scared to mention
We spend you cash on looking flash and grabbing your attention.
The time we finish this road, you’ll qualify for next year’s old age pension..
We’re the dandy highwaymen, your so tired of excuses.
Lean on our shovels, we take your money and a great part of your life.
Lean our our shovels, we take your money and cause you strife.
That little ditty deserves a Grammy award…
I think you’re perhaps mistaken as to the source of Barry’s artistic talents Dr.
Even though you sell your soul, your conscience will be mine.
Who could forget the timeless lines ‘Qua qua, qua diddlely qua qua, qua diddlely qua qua?
I feel the sudden urge to throw a starter motor (I thunk it was) through a pub window.
It was probably the lead in his face paint stripe that sent him mental.
Or he had his tricorn hat pulled down too far on his head.
Dressing like a girl probably didn’t help.
We walkers who occasionally cycle, can only sympathise with you.
Cyclists are a job for Unkle T.
All of them. No exceptions, no mercy.
The fuel might help me get up some of those hills, if it doesn’t see me off first.
Why don’t you motorists leave some old bangers lying around at these pretend roadworks. That should get rid of some the frustrations you might be feeling.
Don’t talk about my missus like that.
Would driving some big fuck off tanks through pave the way. A bit shoddy, at least it would get you motoring.
Got it ! Fill the potholes with illegal immigrants and steamroll through. That way you kill two birds.
It’s the same here, 11 miles of road improvements on the main route in and out of the area took…5 fucking years!!
Elsewhere, ‘temporary’ traffic lights due to road subsidence have been in place for 3 years and still no work started.
Then there’s the frequent ‘Road ahead closed’ signs that pop up like mushrooms, with diversions that send you down single track country lanes where you end up nose on with diverted traffic from the other direction. Artic driver? You’re fucked!
Hull is a complete shambles. They are making underpasses below sea level. It has been done there before but, worra surprise, there are ‘unforeseen’ problems. Problems that were known for fucking decades.