Craig and Lindsay Foreman

How many times do we have to witness witless twats get into bother in a country run by nutters?
Despite the advice of the Foreign Office these idiots decided that it would be a spiffing idea to ride a motorcycle from their home in Spain to Australia via Iran FFS. Both 52 years of age, Lindsay has a PhD in some sort of mind manipulation, err… you
would have thought that the pair had a functioning brain cell or two between them but it appears not.
How much more UK taxpayers’ money has to be spent on morons?
As ever, I would like the more computer literate to help provide the link.

Daily Fail

Nominated by Guzziguy.

Link provided by Cuntemall.

54 thoughts on “Craig and Lindsay Foreman

  1. To discourage any more of this sort of nonsense, let’s hope they just get murdered and left out to be a vulture’s dinner.
    They’re as stupid and presumptuous as those do-gooder western pricks who volunteer to be human shields in můzzıe countries then expect special forces to risk their lives rescuing them.

    • It’s like ignoring advice not to drink bleach, or not to play with a gun when the safety catch is off.

      You can’t argue with stupid.

      Morning all.

      • Good Morning Ron, Tom and everyone,

        If the Iranians op them then at least the gene pool will be improved. Please God they haven’t bred.

        The last time we had a fucking idiot like these two, that stupid cow Nadia something or other now a darling of the BBC and Labour Party, it cost the country £400 million.

  2. She`s apparently a “Life Coach” (me neither) and he`s got a CSE in woodwork.
    This is the actual size of their brains … 🧠🧠.

    • I’d wager that they’re both Liberal Democrats, pro-EU, pro-Zelensky, have a black aquaintance, drive electric cars, follow Gary Lineker, disbelieve the rape gangs stories, enjoy Tom Hanks films, listen to Snoop Dogg, and wore self-made masks.

    • Self absorbed fuckwits, be great to see a lesson of head sawing. Or a human shield tied to a nuclear reactor targeted by the Jews.

  3. If you repeatedly stick your hand into a bucket of snakes, eventually one of the things will bite you.

    These two Guardian readers should have done a tour of Birmingham and Bradford if they fancied an exotic islamic experience.

    At least the local authorities would have their backs if anything terrible should happen.

  4. Reminds me of the story about that Italian bird who thought it was a good idea to travel across the Islamic world in a wedding dress, all by herself.

    She got as far as Turkey before being done in.

    • Not strictly true that she was just done in though, Herman

      She was raped multiple times first, which is to be expected when trying to navigate the middle east in a wedding dress in solidarity with their wimmin.

      • I saw a news article the other day about the boom in so-called Single Female Tourism. The most popular destination was Morocco. The article was accompanied by a short film in which a Scandinavian looking and sounding young woman was in the back of a taxi, and the driver, a local, was not even watching the road, just staring at her and kept reaching back to touch her legs. It was fucking creepy but a predictable situation. You have to wonder about the motives of the holiday companies promoting this type of holiday.

  5. It’s nothing to worry about,as long as “”Big Bucket”Lammy pops over to see how they are getting on…one look at that drooling cunt and the Mad Mullahs will want rid of the lot,sharpish.

    Another benefit to this pantomime will be this pair of happy clappy cunts won’t be doing anymore motor bicycling tours due their arseholes being permanently like airport windsocks.

    What next?Walls Bacon salesman in Gaza?


    Good morning.

  6. I rather wish Kweer and Anthony Blair took a tandem over there (Kweer can sit on the back so he can sniff Blair’s arsehole) and they got caught. Killing two birds with one stone.

  7. Done not travel to shitholes!

    These countries are full of cunts

    Most African countries.

    If you go you are on your fucking own.

  8. Fucking hippy dippy half wits. There is also a pair of do-goodies being held by the Taliban. Who’dathoughtit?

    • In all fairness to the pair of dipshits being held by the Talitubbies, they do actually own a place in Afghanistan and had lived their before a bunch of religious lunatics took over.

      Does make you wonder why though.

      Most people opt for a holiday home in France or Spain. Not a third world shit hole.

  9. It’s staggering to think that there are people who are so utterly, irredeemably, terminally fucking stupid. When the FO issues advice not to visit certain territories it should always carry the rider that if you ignore our advice we will not be there to save your sorry arses.

    I once had a conversation with a copper who told me that after many years in the job he had concluded that there are people out there who you just cannot help.

    • Morning arfur/all.
      I thank fuck that I’m a selfish wanker who wouldn’t dream of helping anyone with anything except my kids and my mates.

      • Now you tell me after I spent the weekend helping you soundproof your love dungeon.

  10. Anyone riding a motorbike wants fucking off, the noisy fucking twats. I enjoy going on the YNC and watch them make road pizza. Laugh when the street cleaners have missed a bit.

    • What’s the point in traveling above the speed limit and risking life and limb. You can’t admire the view just getting from A to B. You might as well go into suspended animation and wait for technology to get you traveling at the speed of light.

  11. Poor Craig and Lindsay Foreskin.

    I hope they were beheaded before being raped.
    And not the other way round

  12. I’m off to France in the summer on my motorbike, the amount of fucking Muslims over there we’ll have to be careful we don’t get kidnapped and held for ransom…!

    They’ll get fuck all of my lass so I’ll be buggered..!

  13. Both 52, eh? If they can afford to pack in work to fuck off round the world on a motorbike they can also afford to get themselves out of the shit.

    • Oh no. The peacefuls will be exempt from conscription.
      You can bet your life on that.

      On that note, the dirty smelly spitting peeping tom subhuman paki cunt who plagues the kidney unit is pissing off to Pakistan this week. He will probably be back (he has been before). But to say that I hope his plane crahes into the sea would not be lying.

      • Just an idea, Norman: they’d come in very handy for target practice. It would save on wage costs too because you wouldn’t anybody at the other end of the range to tell you whether you’d missed or not.

  14. That Amorim cunt is priceless.
    ‘Our ambition is to win the league title.’

    Even I laughed at t that one.

    I have as much chance of travelling to the Moon than Ratcliffe’s goons have of winning anything. Never mind the league.

  15. Life coach eh! She’ll need all her skills in that to navigate around all the vermin waiting for a piece of her body 😘…while dumb hubby is being rodgered with a hot poker by the ‘mad mullah of tehran’ 😩…. ‘motorbiking it’s exiting,heading down the mullahs highway looking like a piece of lightning’ 🎶

    • I have no sympathy whatsoever for this pair of gormless cunts. They obviously thought it would be a good way to draw attention to themselves. Now they’re getting all the attention they can handle. Asked for and got.

  16. What sort of thick imbecilic cunt travels to and through savage barbaric flyblown shitholes like Iran?

    Everything they get, they deserve.

  17. The thick headed brainless fucking cunts… I hope you have a nice holiday
    I hope Lammy doesn’t go arsehole creeping to get you free.

    • I wonder if I could interest any of you in sponsoring my trip to Russia this summer. I plan to take pictures of government buildings in Moscow with my trusty Sony Cyber-shot for a photo album. Of course I won’t be going in my blue and gold blouson jacket, that would be stupid.

  18. What was it North Korea next, start a knitting circle in pong pong. The nasty bastards who run Iran are notorious for their dislike of white Christian westerners. They still have a chip on both shoulders because of some foreign office shenanigans in the 1920s. How mental do you have to be to ride motorbikes through Iran. Lots of very nice people in Iran met quite a few. Problem is by meeting the people they have put all those nice people at risk of being charged as collaborators. Fuck me I give up.

  19. On the plus side, they might get ended and they deserve that. If not, they’ll come home knowing what we already know; never trust a rag head.

    Win win or something.

  20. FCDO advises against all travel to Iran. British and British-Iranian dual nationals are at significant risk of arrest, questioning or detention. Having a British passport or connections to the UK can be reason enough for the Iranian authorities to detain you.

    Well that seems clear enough. What a pair of stupid cunts.

  21. Pair of cunts expecting to be welcomed with open arms in a fucking raghead country!
    I’m English don’t you know counts for fuck all since we lost our great empire.

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