COVID Day of Reflection

Gotta be quick on this one Admin, big day is tomorrow. (Roger that – NA)

A national day of reflection, no less.

For what?

The holocaust? No
Bumsex? No.
Starving children in Africa? Nope.

Covid 19. To memorialise its victims and honour the outstanding contribution of ‘front-line’ workers, no less.

Sly News.

What a crock!

The virus has an above 99% survival rate in the unvaccinated. It also has EXACTLY the same survival rate in the ‘vaccinated’ (it’s not a vaccine’) but those people would all be dead, every last one of them, had they not took the new wonder drug, obviously.

We should have a national apology, a multitude of heads should roll, we should withdraw from the WHO and the UN after they both were brutally exposed as utterly useless, yet again.

Doctors and nurses working with sick people? Just astonishing. The indomitable spirit of the NHS, the self-sacrificing endeavours of it’s workers and the rapid development of cutting edge technology was most aptly displayed by tik-tok’ing fat bitches doing the Macarana. Rushed off their fat feet they were.

Apparently there is a ‘memorial wall’ now. No there isn’t. There is a wall that has been there a hundred years which has been vandalised with graffiti and needs cleaning up.

Anyone grief-mongering and sympathy-seeking over this pile of shit is a cunt, who instead of banging saucepans together should be banged on the head with one.

Boris stuffing his face with cake, glugging claret, Matt Hancock, when not schtooping the secretary talking utter bollox and lying through his teeth, the decimation of businesses, obviously the destruction of the economy, Chris Twattie lying through his teeth. Dominic Cumface lying through his teeth, working from fcking home, yet another excuse for fat fcks to claim disability, forcibly injecting people with fck know what, fining people for walking around, fcking up funerals, herding dying people into old people’s homes to kill countless more…. that’s what we should be remembering.


Nominated by : Termujin

86 thoughts on “COVID Day of Reflection

  1. The birdsong,
    It was ever so loud!!

    No planes,
    Walking the dog at 6am you could experience what it was like 200 yrs ago,
    The bushes exploding with birdsong.

    But someone mentioned human nature and I remember some nosey Cunt who’d just moved here saying

    ” Walking your dog again?
    You were out earlier!
    Your not meant to be out all day!”

    And I told him that the government had decreed 45 minutes exercise
    And that he’d see me and the dog again later,
    And again after that.
    And how was his family?
    I noticed he’d had them all round to visit a few days ago?

    Never spoke to me since😂

    • It was bullshit anyway, Miserable.

      Planes took off and landed as normal. Full of foreigners usually.
      The leeching scum kept coming across the channel with impunity.
      And, when Priti Patel asked Boris to stop planes coming in. Boris said he didn’t want to ‘upset’ people. People meaning migrants, of course. I thought he said it was a national emergency and that life was of the English people was the priority. Yeah right. We weren’t the priority, we never are.

      And, during this supposed national crisis, what did the Grauniad have on their front every day (and I do mean every day)? Fucking BLM protests and that piece of shite Chicken Floyd George. Stay indoors, eh? What about those shitheads in Bristol who were wrecking statues? Those daddy’s paying cunts like Sage Willoughby (Ha fucking Ha) and those other three trust fund twats. They got away with it, of course. Daddy knew the judge. So, it was all crap. The two tier stuff was going on even then.

  2. A shame that Ramadan loving cunt Charlie didn’t pop it with chinki flu.

    Then William would have got it straight away, and he’d have sent Harry and Megain straight to the fires of Hell.

  3. I’ll never forgive the police for persecuting decent law abiding people and on the other hand letting BLM chimp out and riot and then take the knee like some whipped dog. Just pathetic.

  4. I always found it funny that if you didn’t take the ‘vaccine’ once it became available, you were immediately going to become some terminator-style mass killer of everyone you came into contact with. Yet doctors and nurses had been danc sorry er treating the ‘Covid’-stricken for a whole year without having a vaccine. Presumably that then means that they were all mass granny killers for that first year?

  5. I will never forgive the lying cunts, mother dead of a clot, cousin dead of turbo cancer uncle dead of a clot not a lot of family left thank fuck me and the Mrs didn’t take it.if I ever saw van tam whitty or cunt Hancock in the street I would attack.

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