Now, here’s a name we haven’t heard for a while! So, why am I cunting this convicted criminal again?
Well, she addressed a meeting of Youth Demand (an off-shoot of Just Stop Oil) as the group plotted to shut down London in April ( presumably travelling there in vehicles powered by Unicorn farts).
She encouraged the pro-Palestine activists to act now and bring chaos to the streets.
Youth Demand wants the Government to stop all trade with Israel and to raise £1trllion to pay for climate damages. They intend to swarm London day after day in April and are looking to cost the Met police £££Ms.
Fucking wonderful! Now arrest the lot, including Ms. Webbe for sedition, terrorism, any fucking thing you can think of, and make sure she gets several kicks in the cunt.
You’d think age might bring wisdom, wouldn’t you?
Nominated by Jeezum Priest.
Gibbet the cunt,2 months.
Good morning.
Youth Demand.
They want everything but contribute nothing.
Why does the watch-sprung cunt want to do that, where its the only place the bint can get the bonce hair straightened ?
Another one that needs a fucking good Dirlewangering.
Fuck Off and Good morning 🌅👍
Pity. Oskar’s pushing up the daisies
Didn’t the ugly old fucker serve jail time?. Perhaps she should get together with another ex Labour MP jailbird Mike (“don’t you know I am your MP?”) Ashworth, and sit on his face, farting out last night’s KFC. That’ll learn him.
Seeing as she’s ’of colour’ she’d only be looking at a reduced sentence under the current interpretation of law.
That’s if she was actually arrested and charged, which is highly unlikely.
Things have changed since she last had her collar felt.
…and leather pouch.
An offspring of the Windrush brigade no less.
I assume that trying to ruin the country is somehow their version of rebuilding it, and we should all be eternally grateful.
I have a better idea, fuck off back to Saint Kitts and Nevis, and act like a troublemaker there.
You can laugh at us struggling to survive in our own country the way we want it.
The cunt who followed her in the video wants to cost the Met police millions and millions of pounds, obviously the cunt doesn’t pay tax and seems to conveniently forget We The Tax Payer Pay For The Police.
Let’s hope some or all including the fucking Webbe creature get run down
All cunts.
The Windrush gimmigrants,
The biggest curse to hit these isles
Some would baulk at that.
“But , but , ….”
“They helped this country”
By being bus conductors?
By the delights of the Notting hill stab fest?
My reply to ‘right turn Claudia ”
Is Bernie winters old catchphrase
“I’ll smash your face in”🖕
Me and my mates were kicking a ball against the Ebenezer church wall, when the Windrush lot came over. Now its the city stadium where most of them play.
I’m fed up with these chocolate coloured melts.
Sounds like a good plan Pay Palestine £1 trillion to take every illegal immigrant, Blairite, pyekey, communist, Fenian, eco loon, alphabet stasi etcetera presently stinking up the Home Islands. Then lease Christmas island with it’s abundant phosphorus mines to the Israelis.
It reminds me of the old saying –
Looks like her face has been on fire and put out with a coal shovel.
Marvellous header pic, she looks even more like a Klingon than usual!
Kudos, Admin.
We ought to treat people like the Webbe creature, just as they would have treated slaves in the deep South, when they had taken too much shortening bread “I’m a gonna whip your ass, boy”
Then she would get it – “please don’t whip my ass, boss” – the same treatment would do Hammy Lammy a power of good.
Either that or the burning cross in their front garden. Make them both pick a bale of cotton.
I look forward to the W.C. Boggs (Taiwan) Ltd. remake of 9 Years A Slave. Lady Emily Nugee being tongue grooved by Dawn Butler would be my favourite scene or maybe Rachel Reeves being shagged by David Lammy on threat of a severe whipping if he doesn’t bring her to a shuddering orgasm.
There are some great possibilities – Lammy caught in the Lesbian Labour Ladies Wrestling Group changing room, sniffing Jess Phillip’s jockstrap, and old Emily catching him – giving him a double crutch hold before Yvette Cooper, stark bollock wields the whip, having been disturbed wielding the dildo under the shower with Angela Eagle..
These characters could get up to some very kinky things.
It used to be that when you tried to claim unemployment benefit you had to declare that you were available for work.
I bet that the majority of these demonstrators are claiming ‘job seekers allowance’.
If they are attending rallies in London they are obviously not available for work.
So the police should report them and they should have their benefits stopped.
Of course that’s the way things should be done.
The police will probably turn up for the demonstrations and hand out tea and biscuits to the scruffy cunts.
I have often thought the same about that little arsewipe Steve Whatshisname who bellows all day outside Parliament about Brexit. He might be as mad as a box of frogs but I assume he is claiming unemployment benefit (unless he is paid by old Heseltine). Make the lazy little bastard work – or arrest him every day for obstruction
*Steve Bray, 55, LibDem supporter, which I suppose explains his crass stupidity. Just looked him up on Wikipaedia
Good Morning
I always thought it was white, middle class, metropolitan, white women who were the curse if our time with their menopausal drivel. They are nothing compared with this bloody woman. For fuck’s sake can we not just deport her? If her response is well I was born here , I would refer her to the Duke of Wellington “Just because you are born in a stable,doesn’t make you an ass or a donkey”.
Talking of which, I was watching Crufts last night and the number of bloody advert breaks – nearly all containing that foul one for the Co-Op where some dykie funeral director is walking in front of a motorcycle combination with a coffin in the side car (physically impossible) – one, new to me, is for menstruation tablets and features a woman bleeding as she walks along the road in tight trousers, a scene of blood on a bed sheet, and a woman having (unused, thank God) jam rags thrown in her face. Quite repulsive. No wonder there are so many quares about. An attractive whippet won Crufts – I was hoping the wirehaired Jack Russell would have got the trophy.
Did someone slip the tickie-fairy an amphetamine-laced mickey yesterday evening, by the way? … or am I imagining literally hundreds of cumulative overnight uptick in yesterday’s 2 threads?
A cunt , cunt, cunt. Nothing else to say. The end 🙏
It used to be the case that deranged cunts like this waste of space were ridiculed and never given a voice.
If they persisted then, with a bit of luck, someone gave them a good bashing to hammer home the message to fuck off and that no one was interested in their toxic diatribe.
However today it’s the reverse and the more extreme and destructive your views then the bigger the mouth piece!
A total and utter cunt who needs to be removed from society. Permanently.
I see jug ears is celebrating today as ” commonwealth day”
Well you fucking nimby cunt.
I fucking don’t want to celebrate the very thing that made your gangster family wealthy and “our” country overrun with third world vermin..!
Nb, invites Muslims into Windsor castle to celebrate Rama fucking Dan, but doesn’t want a venue near horse face celebrating weddings..!
TWAT ..🆗
Additional, Schengen great idea Tony..!
Better make sure all the gates are shut on the Cunt Farms for the whole of April then.
On the subject of boycotting Israel, I remember Stephen Hawking jumping on the Pally bandwagon (metaphorically of course), denouncing Israel and demanding it be boycotted.
The computer technology for his voice synthesizer was developed by the Intel team in, er, Israel.
Not so clever for a Dalek with a stratospheric IQ then. Should have stuck to Physics.
The bulldog underbite little Davros fucker should of mentioned his love for Palestine at his time on Epstein’s island.
Steven Hawking
” I.HAVE.A.IQ. OF .160.”
MNC. ” I can tie my own shoelaces.”
I win.
I never liked that smart arse little joey.
How’d he die anyway?
Wheelchair tip over?