is for infantile cunts..
News just in means that scaredy cat Canadian PM Justin Trudeau is to be replaced by a proper heavyweight who can deal with tariffs and other threats from The Donald. Oh, wait…
Tough talking ex Governor of the Bank of England, Carney has likened Trump to Voldemort. Voldemort is, of course a fictitious wizard from a children’s book. I always thought the Canadians were mongs, but this is clear proof they do not really belong in the adult world.
Nominated by Twenty Thousand Cunts Under the Sea.
Canada, who gives a fuck. Some of them think they’re French.
The writer Jack Kerouac thought of himself as French Canadian. But when he was drunk, which was 80% of the time, he realised he wasn’t and spent most of his time in America.
All those beatniks were pseudo Frenchy’s WC.
The crazy cats,
Later daddio
I often feel I should put on a beret and dark glasses when I am talent seaking for Boggs Pornographic Films (Taiwan) Ltd, MNC. I might get some busty French sorts, instead of old boilers like Dirty Ange who would do “anything” to get into films. She got fleas all over my casting couch last week.
Good Morning 6dog and everyone,
Now that the Orange 🍊 man has decided that international treaties, including NATO the cornerstone of peace in Europe and the rest of the world are unimportant, there are only 3 countries in this world we can rely on, Australia 🇦🇺, New Zealand 🇳🇿 and Canada 🇨🇦. That is why Canada, a more than staunch ally in two world wars, is important to us.
Why should the US defend Europe when Europe has put itself on the path to becoming Islamic? I’m amazed how many people are crying about what Russia might do and have fuck all to say about what our leaders have done.
I believe one Labour official said that British Muslims who joined IS proved they are British by returning to the UK.
What’s the point of NATO when the borders are left wide open.
Explain it to me because I must be missing something.
It’s no coincidence that the chairman of Reform UK just happens to be a Muslim…
His name is not Zia either, it’s Mohammed.
Farage loves cheap labour from the Indian sub continent. Lowe was talking about real curbs on immigration and that’s why he had to go.
Farage knows he’s a threat to his own place as reform leader.
Rearranging the deckchairs on the titanic again, Canada have to call an election in six months.
Which I imagine this bureaucrat will lose.
This is the financial genius that interfered in General Elections in the UK, when Head of BoE, giving Rachael from Complaints a resounding recommendation, despite knowing she left under strange circumstances, after 5.5 years, not a decade, and that she is not an economist. How’s that working out, Mark?
He also seems unaware of the correlation between printing galactic quantities of cash and rocketing inflation.
Another professional cunt, swanning from one top job to another (surprised he’s not the Head of NATO) and making a dog’s dinner of all of them.
I think Unkle Terry should have a word.
Perhaps Rachel “Growf” Reeves allowed Carney to fuddle duddle with her wibbly wobblies, and she is blackmailing him – he always looks a pervy bugger to me. Probably kerb crawls or goes along the pavement sniffing womens bicycle seats.
Very true T, a gravy train rider of gargantuan proportions, tree shredder would be way to quick.
That, at least is a good thing,Barry.
Carney was a poor governor of the Bank of England, failing to raise interest rates when Rishi Sunak was spending government money, all borrowed, during the Covid crisis. Successive governments have been overspending since 1997, when Ken Clarke was chancellor, it is the duty of the BoE to rein that in and Carney failed to do anything, hence the virtually insurmountable debt mountain we have now.
Polievre, the opposition leader, seems to have his head screwed on the right way around, please God he gets in.
Mark “failure” Carney.Another WEF stooge.They all want a trip to your oven Unkle.Wankers.
Anybody that is fool enough to vote for Carney (like those idiots at home who voted for political whore Starmer – I can be anything you want me to be, duckie) deserves all they get. Like the UK, the Canadians will be bitterly regretting their choice within months. The Canadian cunt is on his way over to crawl round the arseholes of Macron and Kweer. Enough said.
It’s safe to assume there are millions of Canadians who’s piss is boiling over their leaders total ineptitude and craven woke policy decisions.
They have just the same country breaking problems like uncontrolled immigration,huge increases in the cost of living and a housing crisis..
All brought into being by politicians who saw the disaster is caused in Europe and plowed ahead regardless..
They are the cunts,the Uniparty lunatics who are never held to account.
Big Beaver Oven.
Good morning.
Talking of the fucking EU, some old bastard with too much time on his aged hands has forced yet another debate on Brexit on Parliament tomorrow:
Like Steve Bray this old fucker ought to be thrown off Centre Point
Not to worry.
The debate will be an excellent opportunity for Kemi Badenoch and other leading Brexiters to flag up the innumerable bonuses Brexit has delivered for the nation.
Fnarr, fnarr, you said ‘big beaver’, yes you did, chortle, fnarr.
The moosefuckers are firmly in Donalds sights.
He’s not happy with them, hey?
The 270% tariff they charge the US for dairy products has outraged Tango,
And he’s going after them, hey.
Canadians are yanks.
But even worse…french yanks!!!
And they all seem to talk like they’ve suffered a brain injury?
They are the only country that matches us for soppy bollocks government and fairy leaders.
That crybaby Justin is now gone
And that prick Carney is probably on the way out.
I love America – a great country – it has given us some good things. It was Biden who turned everything to shit, just like Starmer is doing here, but I sincerely believe The Donald WILL make America great again. Question is – who is going to do the same for us?
Why what great things WC?
Chewing gum?
Anything else? Just askin’ for a fried…
Yes, line dancing?
The existential threat of nuclear war, Stonewall, Mc fucking Donald’s, Hollywood agit-prop, decades of unwinnable wars, DEI, Meryl fucking Streep, Robert fucking De Nero, Al fucking Gore, puppet leaders in banana republics, proxy wars, manufactured coups, evangelical nut cases and con men, the endless stream of shite this piss pot nation spews on the world is beyond belief.
The only good thing to come out of ‘merca is a 747 to anywhere.
MNC: Roy Eldridge, Dizzy Gillespie, Sarah Vaughan, Coleman Hawkins, Stan Getz, Miles Davis. Count Basie and hundreds more great musicians. Also great strides in medicine – and Marylin Monroe
Bleedin Jazz?!;
Oh WC, I’d prefer they nuked us.
There’s no greater crime than jazz.
America is a complete cesspit, devoid of any culture except capitalism.
And the people? they’re fucking tedious if you ever get them going.
Jazz is shit and leads to moral terpitude and racial mixing, aside from being a dreadful racket.
Great strides in medicine? Pfizer? GSK? Ffs.
Marilyn Monroe was a fat, two-bit hooker who fucked her way through Hollywood, divorce-raped numerous idiots and got temporarily lucky by getting nailed by the Kennedy’s (yes, all 3). Eventually her luck ran out. Zero acting talent, very good suction skills.
Jazz is so cool… what’s not to like?
Canada used to be the land of the lumberjacks with their huge beards and mighty choppers. Now it is the land of the preening bun bandit. Donald Sutherland is well out of it.
Good morning, everyone.
It still is – in a way:
I feel let down by them to be honest 20.
As a boy I’d read about Canada,
Beautiful virgin wilderness with great wildlife,
I thought maybe I’d go there when a adult, do a man’s job like a lumberjack?
But they eat pancakes with syrup for breakfast!!
What sort of fuckin breakfast is that?
How old are you? 6yrs old? Fuckin pancakes?
And them lumberjacks are now woke cunts.
” Jean Claude why you crying hey?”
” My butt plugs chaffing JohnPaul”
And that flag?
Big red leaf👎
Have a bear skull with 2 crossed lumberjack axes underneath.
Something with attitude.
Morning Mis/all.
Speaking of axes I discovered a place in Grantham called Alpha Wolf Urban Axe Throwing the other day. I think its for corporate types on teambuilding exercises, like paintballing.
Morning LL,
Yes few places do axe throwing nowadays.
Place in Macclesfield does it.
But it’s a bit too ‘ safety conscious ‘ for me.
Axe throwing is something that should be done drunk.
Good place for the boss to have an ‘accident’.
Not just the Canadians either, MNC. The Aussies have turned into pooftahs too. No more hunting razorbacks, just gays in slacks.
Aussies are getting the woke virus too☹️
Jeez Louise.
Opal mining, crocodile hunting, being mean to Aborigines,
All fine pastimes.
Now they’re all kissing wombats and listening to whale song cds
Funnily enough, my son is a lumberjack with a big beard in northern Alberta.
Pretty much everything you see or hear about is from big cities in Ontario and Quebec. The rural parts are very different, espcially the more northern areas. No pussies up there with temps down to -40 C.
The Donald wants Canada’s resources, and there’s a lot of ‘em here.
I moved to Canada from UK in 1988. Best move I ever made. The other great thing about the north is the lack of darker types. I think the weather may play a part in that.
Wouldn’t trust any cunt with the name ‘carney’ or any derivative ; ‘kearney’ another branch of the horrible cunts. I’ll save y’all half a page of exposition on why this beautiful spring Sunday morning, .. but in return ye will just have to take my word on it.
And my word is : ‘yuk!’.
Actually, on second thoughts ‘yuk’ doesn’t cut the mustard as far as any of these ‘kearney’ fuckers go … if it’s alright with everyone, I herby supplant same with the all-encompassing and simply more accurate ‘cunts’.
Yeah, that’s better.
So this is the unelected cunt who wanted us to be shackled to the rotting corpse of the EU when he was governor of the BoE, but is now shouting that Canada must be independant from Trumpy’s USA.
Hypocritical tosser.
I am of the opinion that all politicians are hypocritical tossers.
Bankers are evil cunts, preying on humanity.
Carney? What’s not to like?!
Most of these cunts inhabit a different World to us lowly plebs. The connection between cunt World and ours is a conduit that allows our tax money etc to flow across the dimensions into their money boxes. Obviously the flow is one way. Fuck them all, woke cunts.
Well while we’re on the subject of Canadians, so-called ‘comedienne’ Katherine Ryan is a Mountie nosher of course. You know, her with the face normally only seen in a convex reflector in a fairground Hall of Mirrors.
Or Beaker the Muppet.
She used the back of a spoon as a mirror
That back of the spoon imagery has always amused me, Mis. You see a lot of it on utube when people are seriously putting across their point of view and don’t realise how stupid they look.
Sorry to say that this has nothing to do with us, TTC and its only reminding us of similar twats here making the same mistake of voting in a halfwit and a fucking lunatic at that. I’ve been burying my head in the sand away from the WanKeir. Thankfully I live in a small town where people keep to themselves and don’t discuss what’s going on, besides me being a loner and use isacunt for relief from such fuckwitery.
Morning, Sammy. Do you own a chainsaw by any chance? If so. I may need to borrow it soon to chop down all the deadwood in the high street…
I’ve a blunt one you can have TT that does more damage, in exchange for a headless PM.
Ive just realised that Rust valley Restorers are Canadian.
I like that show.
Best people on earth bar the English the Canadians!
Fine people, beautiful country,
Won’t hear a word against them,
Never met a moosefucker I didn’t like hey.👍
Nothing wrong with Canadians, and if the orange fathead tries them out with his tariff economic warfare I hope they give it to him right back. In fact I hope they all do. Let him paint himself into a corner. When it finally dawns on the thick Americans what a gormless prick he is, they’ll start demanding his resignation or impeachment.
You have to bear in mind that Trump is not the brightest bulb in the pack. He has this dumb idea that it’s the foreign country that pays the tariffs, he doesn’t understand that in fact it’s the U.S. companies and consumers that pay.
Tragically he doesn’t have the grey matter required to see that all this is guaranteed to blow up in his face at some point down the road, and that there will likely only be one winner: “Chyna!”
I’m thinking Justin Trudeau will now be available to play Martin Luther King Jr. in an upcoming Hollywood biopic co-starring a MOTD free Gary Lineker. Reconnecting with their roots.
Always crying that Justin.
When he isn’t bawling his eyes out he’s in blackface.
They need a proper leader,
Luckily they’ll be part of the US if Donald gets his way 😂
There was a wild rumour that Trudeau is Fidel Castro’s son because his mother was a slapper and commie groupie. I don’t know about that, Justin looks like he has enough difficulty growing pubes never mind a Castro type beard.
Pretty boy Justin’s got his next gig lined up. With his overactive tear ducts, presenter of the Luvvie Awards beckons.
Looks like he has a sore bottom to me.
Justin Justin. Mah very own Justin (as Herr Lipp might say).
His old mum being the biggest slag in the history of politics ever. Even gives Filthy Ange a run for her dirty money.
Keef touches on what a slapper Maggie Trudeau was in his autobiography. He basically says fon’t be a wife of a Prime Minister if you want to be a groupie as well.
The Trumpster revoking Kilary and Kamala’s security clearance…
Absolutely hilarious.
This is supposed to be a nomination about Canadians. However, there are some positively idiotic remarks (by the usual suspects) about America, Americans and of course Trump.
C’est la vie.
Trump humiliated Justinlito Trudo and hastened his downfall. Now this new pencil pushing, wannabe Euro-geek is in charge and he hates Trump with an orange passion.
Like Europe, Canada has long lived off the US with unfair tariffs and especially with regard to defense. Now that Trump wants to put an end to their Euro style mooching they are pissed off.
As a rule the Canucks aren’t bad people. But they also aren’t real bight. The Liberal Party was on life support but Trump’s actions could solidify Liberal Party support and keep them in power.
American teams and our National Anthem are being booed in National Hockey League games.
Trump is right about the unfair trade practices and he is right about defense spending. But the Canucks don’t want their Gravy Train to dry up lest they have none left for their poutine.
Okay hosers…take off.
Canada has been a big lumbering special needs kid for a while now. Trudeau has dragged them down when they really should be one of the richest nations on Earth with their mineral wealth and oil reserves allowing them to pay for their own bloody defence. Carney is just about to call a snap election so hopefully this fool won’t be around for too long and get Poilievre in who Trump could at least have grown up negotiations with.
You suck at hockey dude
Canada my arse. Its still called British North America in my book. Its pink and its ours.
Quite so. And King Jug-Ears is its head of state.
Which probably means Trump won’t invade just yet… not until he’s been to Buckingham Palace for his official state visit and teatime with Paddington Bear.
I fully agree 👍