RFK Jnr scrutiny process is a pile of cunt
The meeja are pissing themselves that someone who actually takes an interest in people’s health and well-being might be appointed as US Secretary for Health & Human Services.
One Republican senator got tetchy so went to see The Donald. Presumably the POTUS put the vacillating cunt straight as he went right back and voted for the President’s pick. Maybe The Donald explained that the cunt would be thrown in the wood chipper if he didn’t sort himself out.
Meanwhile, the usual Meeja suspects are worried that RFK Jnr might holks the covids jab brewers to account, he might might be anti vakzine, he might expose seed oils as dangerous, he might just reform the shit state of the nation’s health provision, he put a mystery mixer in his in flight tippled, he is related to other Kennedys…
All of the above makes him a nightmare pick. The Donald could only have done worse by re-animating that German bloke who injected dye into children’s eyes.
A link, where to start? There are so many to choose from, but let’s go with the one that picks up on RFK’s outrageous utterance that suggests black peoples’ immune systems might be different from white peoples’ immune systems. Fuck yeah, what a rayssisty cunt!
Nominated by : Twenty Thousand Cunts Under the Sea
The only problem with RFK is his voice..
It’s impossible to listen to him without thinking fuck me has the chap been gargling with napalm?
Very difficult,he’s likely been irradiated by Bidens bleached chickens.
I wish him good health and hope he upsets the apple cart of Big Pharma Covid style.
Pass the fentanyl.
Hi Uncle Terry,
His vocal cords are definitely fucked, either sucking on cock or taking in too much booze. I also had to give up on listening. Did he drop sickle cell into the equation to annoy the blacks by the way ?
Big Don only keeps him around since the assassination attempts.
Nothing draws bullets like a member of the kennedy clan.
Sirhan Sirhan was trying to shoot the busboy who spilled soup over him.
He’ll have trying to change the nation’s health status.
Americans love being big, fat cunts.
When I go to America, the portion sizes astonish me.
I was chatting to a lardarse US motel receptionish recently and explained I was going out for an evening run before dinner and she was as bemused as one of us if we saw a sootıe wearing a suit when he wasn’t a defendant in court.
I don’t how the fuck their hearts don’t burst, the blubbery mantees!
Whoops, I meant to say:
He’ll have fun/trouble trying.
I think he’s a nut.😁
No way are sooties immune systems better than Whitey’s.
They’re allergic to –
Chlorinated water
Sickle cells
And deodorant.
RFK seems a bit of a crank to me?
Type who drinks his own urine
Micro doses with rattlesnake venom ( just in case)
And thinks antibiotics are a poor substitute for prayer.
I heard he’s at the centre of a paternity battle with Warner Brothers!
Looney Tune.
Luckily the Kennedy curse will shut him up.
All male Kennedy’s get shot from a grassy knoll
It’s traditional.
He also looks like Frank Drebin from Naked gun?
“Like a midget at a urinal
I was going to have to stay on my toes.,.”
When Trumpus needs a distraction or two, the brief will arrive on RFKs desk.
Master stroke by Tango.
Let’s make food again.
I believe he does a fine line in chicken buckets.
It shows the type of customer KFC attracts that they will a) sell their ‘food’ in buckets and b) people will eat that quantity, of utter shite.
My lips are quivering in anticipation.
It`s frothy, man.
RFK jr reckons his weird dalek voice is neurological ( headtheball).
And that he’s a sufferer of Spasmodic dysentery.
A made up Illness that’s easily cured by a measles jab or a COVID jab.
Shine on you crazy diamond 👍
Or maybe bleach?
O/T, another fucking Muslim cunt…!
BBC News – Berlin stabbing suspect planned to kill Jewish people, police believe
Mass deportations from western Europe is now the only answer…☠️
I’ll see your Syrian and raise you an Algerian
o v e n
Since we have a PM who said women can have penises, a Foreign Secretary who said men can grow a cervix and a health minister who said people can self-identify as llamas, RFK sounds pretty fucking normal.
You’re not wrong there, LL.
Not only do we have plenty of loonies, but we elect them to Government, too.
Makes me wonder who’s actually tapped in the head.
Oh he’s as normal as they come.
He says that during a scan doctors found a worm inside his brain.
It’d eaten part of his brain and died he says.
Which proves two things.
Hies only functioning with part of a brain
And his head is similar in construction to a Cox Pippin apple.
Fresh fruit for rotting vegetables
He should consider getting a jab against apple blight and regularly take worming tablets.
Hehehe 😂
His blood type is woodpecker cider.
O/T, anyone fancy an eleccy mini…!
BBC News – BMW delays £600m electric Mini factory upgrade over ‘uncertainty’ – BBC News
Junior had better steer clear of disrespecting the Donald’s cherished Covid jab – it’s an important part of his great legacy!
“I hope everyone remembers when they’re getting the COVID-19 (often referred to as the China Virus) vaccine, that if I wasn’t President you wouldn’t be getting that beautiful shot for 5 years, at best, and probably wouldn’t be getting it at all.”
A couple of things Trump has said about his Secretary for Health & Human Services:
“I lived with RFK Jr. in New York and watched him convince Governor Cuomo to make Environmental moves that were outright NASTY.”
“I’d even take Biden over Junior, because our Country would last a year or two longer prior to collapse.”
Trump added that RFK is “an Extreme Environmentalist who makes the Green New Scammers look Conservative, a Big Time Taxer and Open Border Advocate, and Anti-Military/Vet …”
Got a feeling the Donald will be keeping Junior on a pretty tight leash…..
From beneath the waves comes a wave of righteousness.
I cannot believe that I’m supporting a fucking Kennedy! But I am because his health positions are spot on.
Take FDC Yellow #5 out of of food!
Vaccine sanity.
And so much more…
Make America Healthy Again
Fuck Big Pharma
I’d take more notice of his worm.
It eats organic 😂
A big improvement on the Biden freak show.
I wish you’d warned me, Six.
What the actual fuck Is that thing?
Fat, very ugly man in a wig.
It’s the only way he’s getting any girlie action!
It’s a woman JP, the penis should be enough of a clue ffs?
I know a woman with a penis, it’s been shrunk, like those shrunken heads, and she wears it on a leather lace round her neck.
Many folk have asked her about it, but she just taps the side of her nose and giggles.
Isn’t that thing supposed to be an admiral or something?
Evening SV, evening all.
Evening Cuntalugs
Oh, and scroll down the link for a photo of Maggie de Bloc, Belgium Health Minister!
Fuck me sideways, a picture of health, a true inspiration!
I have no idea who Joshua Carr is. He posted this video from RFK Jr’s former running mate Nicole Shanahan, whom I instantly fell in love with* when during the hearings, she told Senators from both sides:
“While Bobby may be willing to play nice, I won’t. If you vote against him, I will personally fund challenges to primary you in the next election, and I will will enlist hundreds of thousands to join me.”
This is not an idle threat. Naughty Nicki is a multi millionaire and former far lefty who was actively involved in at least 2 major Democrat Senate race victories in the last cycle.
She has since seen the light.
At any rate here’s video she did about Trump Derangement Syndrome. It’s hilarious and spot one. This fictional product could indeed benefit some misguided and wayward Cunters:
*Who ever saw a slanty eyed Bogtrotter?
Kite standard of normality RFK jr once dumped a dead bear cub in Central Park!
Apparently he was out doing Falconry and saw a bear cub run over.
He did the normal thing and got the carcass planning on skinning it (😲)
Maybe to make a pair of warm undercrackers?
But overcome by normality he then drove it to central park and staged a bicycle accident.😃
Now I’m no zoological authority on North America wildlife but I don’t think central park is known for it’s bear population.
This was when he was 60yrs old.
Oh, and he doesn’t eat dogs.
The picture in Seoul with a cooked dog carcass is according to WormHead a Patagonian goat.
Called Rover.
He could of made a hot water bottle cover out of it. 🐻💀
Dunno what happened to his falcon?
He probably left it at Disney world in a staged auto asphyxiation sex game?
GC America is the only place on Earth that could get away with an add like that.
No wonder Trumpuss sounds the way he does when addressing rallies
He is left with no choice
Our health secretary is a nasty pòof who fantasies about pushing women under trains.
Who is the MP of Ilford north, which is like kabul but smells worse.
And would be chucked off the roof of the shitty shopping centre roof.
And we have to pay for this shit service..
My old nana reckoned that the Kennedys were cursed. She also said they were dodgy cunts. Inovlved with the mob. the IRA , pimping Hollywood tarts and other skullduggery. And she hated Ted Kennedy, she couldn’t stand him.
Luckily they all end up like a fairground air rifle target 🎯
This freak is hopefully not going to disappoint.
Hey Norman,
Your old nana was right. Old Joe Kennedy was a cunt of metaphysical proportions. If anybody ever made a deal with the devil it was him. And it came back to him in spades.
Three children killed…Joe Jr., John and Bobby Sr. His son Ted is largely seen as having killed Mary Jo. The despicable old cunt even lobotomized his own daughter.
After the Stock Market Crash FDR put him in charge of regulating the American stock market supposedly because he had ran every stock market scam there was and would thus know how to police the market going forward.
In a a sort of proto Mandelson appointment, FDR named him ambassador to Great Britain. While in office, his negative remarks about Great Britain ruined any hope the bootlegging bastard had of ever reaching higher political office in America.
The evil old bastard is now breathing sulphurous fumes until the end of time.
O/T, but let`s just sit back & think for a minute …
… Putin? China? Nope.
Know thine, for they are …
Well, you all know who they are, don`t you.
Death to the Froggy Infidels!
The Prophet
Make Islam Great Again
Jihad! Jihad! Jihad!
That’s certainly a tough call for anyone in the UK, General sir.
French or muslin.
Let’s see how the Kraut elections pan out.
Hey Sam,
Like the rest of the west, the most foul and foreign French have brought this on themselves.
I too am watching to see what the Krauts do in their next election.
RFK used to have a pet Emu.
Sort of like a yank version of Rod Hull.
But it died😥
Well say died , it was mauled to death.
By a mountain lion allegedly.
Seems most animals wind up having gruesome deaths around RFK jr?
Bear cubs/underpants, goat dogs,
Worms by brain poisoning.
He’s sort of a cross between Johnny Morris and the Grim Reaper…
He has the appearance of a zoophile.
Probably explains how he caught worms.
Is he like one of those southern preacher types that praises the Lord with a live rattle snake in both hands. Definitely looks the type, mad as a box of fucking frogs …he’ll fit right in.
At the least RFK, is not deep state.
I would think he hates the see eye aye along with many more madder megalomaniacs
A privileged insider but an ostracised outsider.
Trumpuss has made everyone stare.
I for one have never seen or witnessed such 180 degree turns on US policy
Europe now looks like, all that they are holding is they’re dick in there hand.
Wait until these European cunt bankers start arguing among each other.
They will fk it up
The only good Kennedy.
Is a Dead Kennedy.
Now that the Good ol’ US of A has turned it’s back on Europe and NATO, to concentrate on the coming war with the Yellow Peril.
The youth of America will be told to put down their guitars and pick up their rifles.
Uncle Sam needs you again boy.
Fuck all to do with us of course.
It’s a long way from Blighty / Europe.
Good evening.
America does nowt on their own, Jack. Always needs a lick spittle to tongue their arsehole & tell them they’re doing the right thing (step up UK & the ‘Special Relationship’)
They can kiss my arse.
Kier will have our lads there first.
US will be there .
As usual 😁
TST@ ‘ Special Relationship ‘
Does anyone still believe that codswallop ?
“America has no permanent friends or enemies , only interests”.
– Henry Kissinger (possibly)
Maggie Thatcher and Regan had mutual respect but the ‘special relationship’ is a myth.
Evening Jack/all.
If Article 5 of the NATO treaty is redundant.
Then so is NATO.
Article 5 is as plain as the Second Amendment of the American Constitution.
No grey areas.
I suppose all the US military bases in the UK and Europe will close down.
Without NATO they have no reason to be.
Shame really. I’ve always been a believer in NATO.
It’s served its intended purpose for decades and allowed the West to prosper.
It’s true that there’s been freeloading from various countries.
That could have been solved with dialogue, maybe it still can
But America, despite being Top Dog has done nothing about it for years and years, until fairly recently and then in a clumsy and cackhanded way.
It’s an issue that needs addressing.
If American isolationism can be conquered.
Putin must be pissing himself laughing.
Along with a gaggle of Russian whores.
Hey Jack,
I’m usually a big fan of you posts but I take exception to this one and would like to offer a correction.
Putin is pissing himself laughing…at 2TK’s promise to send British Troops to keep the peace in Ukraine.
Your twinkle toed PM can’t even stop a bunch of unarmed Shitholians from invading Britain in dinghys. How’s he gonna stop Russian Army tanks from invading Ukraine?
I bet Vlad is cackling like a hen over that one.
Imagine if the US gets into a war with China?!!!!!
You can’t be late for that one.
Very punctual people the chinkys.
You better dust off your Joan Baez records,
They start conscription you’ll probably have to go to Canada to wait it out?
Don’t eat that maple syrup shite.
It gives you Brain worms..
The reply to your question is, he isn’t.
Our military is in a terrible state.
Years of underinvestment and squeezing the peace dividend dry.
Starmer is a wanker.
Like many before him.
Fandom is way down the priority list here.
What really matters is the way America conducts itself, as leader of the Free World / West.
Donald Trump is no Ronald Reagan.
Putin is running rings around everyone.
To the point of brazenly chucking around Polonium and Novichok.
The cunt needs sorting.
Where did MEGA go ? 😁
Hey Jack,
I completely disagree with you.
Trump is the dominate political force on the world stage.
None of the feckless European so-called leaders could bring Putin to the table, but Vlad the Invader knows Trump is serious about ending this pointless war and is indeed a force to be reckoned with.
Vlad knows Europe is impotent. And the hollow rhetoric of colluding with Trump gives him cover and aids his cause.
I shelved MEGA (for the time being) in favor of Britain First.
Yeh have no army numbers to send.
What yeh are good at is misinformation and ability to deceive the international audience of the world , mmh eye sex is very seductive at times and has been successful on many fronts.
It is wearing thin though.
jD gave Starmer a boot in the bollocks and rightly so
MNC@. There’s only ever been two World Wars and they’ve been late for both.
They won’t be late for the next one, as it’s likely to be very short.
” They think it’s all over ! ”
” They’re right ! ” 💥💥💥
LOL. 😂
Is your dad home ?
Comfy ?
Hope so 👍
Alright Jack?👍
Aye, he’s home and looking better for it.
I was bit worried there for a while!
But we are Englishmen
Stout yeomen
Hard to kill
We laugh in the face of death
And get him in a headlock!
Glad to hear it.
Jealously and angst on full display here at IsaC.
The truth is, we’re taking control of the direction our nation takes. You’re being led down the primrose path.
Trump / Vance
America First
Hey Cuntster,
What’s that Bill Gates and BlackRock upto?
They’re having secret meetings with that shower of shite in our government.
All very hush hush,
But they’re after our farmland.
The speccy cunts rich enough and now he wants our beautiful English countryside?!!!
I see the little peedy looking cunt in the Peak District sniffing round?
You tell him from me I’ll split his fuckin head open with a stone.
England for the English!!✊🇬🇧
If I see ’em in The Sportsman.
I’ll set the fucking dog on ’em.
Cheeky cunts.
Government refusing to say what the meeting was about.
Someone filed for freedom of information and they still refused.
I smell a rat.
Yeah, set the dog on him Jack
Then pour sugar on him and set wasps on him!
The snail likes the lusher landscapes.
Deserves a repellent like agent orange perhaps or that shit for thorns in the older days.
Gates is the abortion of the morphed crazy knt elites but somehow managed under a cabbage patch.
Klaus and the Nazi alongside saved him.
He now sees God sitting to he’s left , when invited.
Stupid crazy fk Quare billionaire, aren’t they all the poor misfortunate. They will have nothing when it’s over like all the greedy avirous mean knts before them.
Stick it up you’re arse Getty
O/T, just watching match of the day, that scotch cunt Ferguson haunts every fucking manager man utd have had since his rule..
The cunt should be banned from ever being in the stand / box…