Selena Gomez

Hi yi yi amigos.
On the signing of Trump executive orders and state of emergency deporting of illegal freeloaders from Mexico,
Multimillionaire actress Selena Gomez filmed herself crying and sobbing for the poor Mexican Cartel gang members being sent back over the border.

This was the typical virtue signalling from someone uneffected by south American villains roaming about
near her home,
What with having a gated mansion and private security.

It also prompted criticism from mums of kids murdered by undocumented illegal immigrants.
Who rightly pointed out

” We don’t remember you crying for the victims”

Shocked that she isn’t universally worshipped and that not everyone accepts every utterance from a Hollyweird airhead,
Ms Gomez went into a sulk.

Here’s a idea señorita.
Use your countless millions to help them if you feel such empathy?
Fuck off to Mexico if you love them so much?

Badges? What badges?
We don’t need no stinking badges!


Nominated by Miserable Northern Cunt.

67 thoughts on “Selena Gomez

  1. Great nom Mis, the epitome of virtue signalling.

    Her name means “moon”. She should fucking go there.

    Best wishes to your dad. Keep us updated.

  2. The Sinaloan cartel would keep her busy no doubt,arsehole like a windsock within the hour.

    Trump should send his entire armed forces into Mexico to destroy the cunts totally,every virtue signalling Hollywood cunt should be conscripted to serve as the “tip of the spear”.

    Most of northern Mexico should be depopulated to prevent further invasion,paid for by the confiscation of the complete assets of shite like this Gomez nutter and her entire family.

    It’s treason and should be treated as such.

    Oven of guacamole.

  3. Poor little thing, needs a little TLC, I could offer her a free ride on my winkie to make her feel better.

    Why would anyone be upset about throwing loads of crap out of the country, oh if only we could do the same.

    Some idiot judge has let a group of Gaza trash to stay in the country…. On the Ukrainian scheme 😳

    • She could sub a few of them out of her $1.3 billion net worth. Again, thought not…

      Bit like the Cumbersnatches and Mulligans this side of the pond; great at virtue-signalling, and even better at sitting with their thumbs up their arses and actually doing the square the root of fuck all.

      Great nomming Miserable.

      Afternoon all.

  4. I have nowt new or different to add about the noticewhoring effort of the woman in the nom or the situation she’s using to undertake said noticewhoring.

    I’d still like to take this opportunity to call her a cunt off the back of it, though ; maybe throw in a relevant adjective… teach her a lesson if she’s an IsAC lurker.

    The insignificant cunt.

    Ah, that’s better.

    • Director: Alright… lighting check…. sound…and…. action!
      Moon Face: Awww, booo, I… I just can’t…
      Director: Cut!
      Moon Face: What is it?
      Director: I thought I heard some white noise. Go again, lights…. sound…. action!
      Moon Face: Ohhh, it’s so awful…
      Director: Cut. I’m sure that’s a whirring sound. Action!
      Moon Face: Awww, this is soooo unfair, I’m devestated…
      Director: CUT!!! Now I heard a beep!
      Moon Face: Oooh, my enchiladas are ready.

  5. Cunts like this no mark will be more upset at losing 715K followers on Instatwat than for any of the victims of these taco terrorists and burrito bandits.

  6. What was the silly tart blubbing about? Did big Don threaten her with deportation? NO, well fuck off in the kitchen black coffee, sausage and bacon sarnie with brown sauce. Then a BJ to follow.

  7. When AI porn is simply a case of typing in what you want and a few minutes later, it’s rendered and ready to go, Miss Gomez and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez will be going elbow-deep in each other’s botties and with their free hands, Selena will be writing an apology letter for being a wetback and Alex will be smoothing hot custard over Selena’s hairy back whilst Salma Hayek relieves herself over the whole ensemble.
    Now that’d be a cracking wank and no mistake.

    • Your credentials to be Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport are impeccable 👍

      I am Night Admin and I endorse this message – NA.

      Now what would you do with the deposed Litha Nandy.

      • The new Health Minister, todger dodger Ashley, would be an ideal subject for your AI porn site, Thomas.

        I’d love to see a vagitarian llama going on a fishing expedition up her front and rear entrances.

  8. DEI is over. Finished. Dead.
    This daft cow gets lampooned for her farcical performance.
    Taylor Swift gets booed at Super Bowl, Trump gets cheered.

    Well done America, I salute you.

    • We’re trying Geordie.

      The Goddamned Wokies are dug in tighter than a tick on a hound dog’s ass but we got the sons-of-bitches back on their heels.

      They’re trying to fight us in the courts. But they are leaderless and rudderless.

      As the old timers used to say:

      They don’t know whether to shit or go blind.

  9. Breaking now on Newsmax, Tulsi confirmed by the Senate!*

    Another victory!

    *Lt. Colonel Gabbard is now the Director of National Intelligence (DNI).

    • Good news indeed, General.

      Being the Director of National Intelligence means she’ll only need to pay attention to (more than) half the population since the rest voted Demoncrat.

      I have today ensured I’m top of the list should she require any help with her briefs.

      • As a deceased General I have both rank and seniority so I wouldn’t get too cocky over Director Gabbard briefs. (Pun intended.)

  10. To be honest most Mexicans are sleeping under a cactus, whilst wearing a massive hat. If not that then these sub standard spainish playboy soilders are removing the skin from someone’s face, gouging out eyes and playing FunkyTown while this torture is carried out. After this the sick and twisted cartel members all go for a sleep under a cactus.
    Warning do not type in Funkytown cartel.
    What is seen can not be unseen.


  11. Normally a crying woman is a incredible turn on*.

    Not so with Selena.

    It just made me laugh!

    She’s clearly playing for virtue points.
    Does she ever go help out as a volunteer in a food bank?

    Has she launched a charity aimed at helping her fellow Mexicans with her vast wealth?


    Best just to film herself crying.
    What a phoney👎

    Hey cheech!
    Get fucked.

    * Reason I’m barred from the crematorium

  12. I also don’t understand this ‘love’ of, or pride in a place or it’s inhabitants JUST because you or your ascendants originated from there … IF there isn’t some achievement to be proud of.

    I despise the shithole dump country of my birth – and I still live there. I find its governance pathetic and the citizenry pretty dumb, as a whole. When abroad, people would say ‘oh you’re from .. I’d love to visit. I’d tell them “Don’t. It’s a shithole.” Same with towns or counties on smaller scales. Some folk just don’t achieve enough for themselves, I suppose.

    Even if I didn’t completely hide my origin on here, I guess I obfuscated with words like ‘cops’ and ‘quid’. Might as well out myself seeing as have gotten to this point.

    Begorrah, etc.

    (The wife’s British, however).

    • Cma,

      Hiding your origin?


      Are you from the Emerald Shithole?

      Don’t worry, if you’ve shed your whiney Fenian tendencies we won’t hold your Oirish heritage against you.

      If you’re on our side you’re one of us regardless of your ancestry.

      • Think of it this way…

        Even if my WASPy Granddad is spinning rapidly in his grave I’m supporting RFK.

        ME! Supporting a Kennedy!

        As an aside, the local weathercast has issued a freeze warning for all the circles of Hell.

      • Bejaysus.

        I saw Bord Failte(tourist board) adverts on American TV. Crystal clear waters, 99% pristine forests. Narnia, basically.

        This was a particular period when gangland killings in an Irish city had surpassed London on a per head of capita scale. All the same shortfalls as , say, Britain except a tad more warning (due to an extra bit of water) on the incoming diversity scourge. And yet the hotels etc. here are full of the cunts as well, and murders of natives by blow-ins, the whole 9 yards. Coming in through the fucking airport having flushed their documents mid flight, the cunts.

        Doesn’t matter where I live, Cunts is cunts around the globe. And I’ll wrap this post up by declaring stereotyping is bad for the species.

        Now, if you’ll excuse me I have to go and spread some fresh hay on the sitting room floor. 🙂

      • Thought I saw BZ baiting me when he nominated potatoes last August.

        Kept me powder dry.

        Fuckin’ raging, I was, though 😋

  13. Only Mexicans I ever had time for are cartoon mouse Speedy Gonzalex and 80s goal machine, Hugo Sanchez.

    Oh, and Chicarito when he was at Old Trafford. Tenacious plucky little bugger, he was. A million miles from shiftless treeswingers Lingard, Pogba and Rashford.

  14. Wonder if she has those dark chocolate coloured nipples?

    Mexican women seem too?

    And pert! Like they’re cold.

    A little chili 🌶️ 😂

  15. Two World Cups held in Mexico.

    The first one, arguably the greatest one ever. A Pele inspired Brazil at their best

    The second one, a gifted but flawed genius. As Diego was remembered for all the right and wronfg reasons.

    Two great tournaments, either way.

  16. Important bit first. She’s got a cracking pair of Bristols. Get em love, you’ll quickly be forgiven.

    Her attempt to look sympathetic was completely shallow. We all know that. But what we’re seeing the world over is that these immigrants from shithole countries are simply not compatible with what we think about life. Like the the Palestinian fucks getting the right to live in the UK. First chance they get they’ll be killing Jews all over Holders Green.

    Wake up sugartits, these people you ‘cry’ for, they’ll rape and murder you because that’s all they know and that’s how they live. No amount of virtue signalling will stop them. This is true for the African and Parking Stanley’s invading Europe too.

  17. Hundreds of comments under YT vids about anything Trump – such as his dealing with the cartel business this woman is crying about – are still declaring that ‘God’ stepped-in and saved Trump from being killed by the ear-grazing bullet by making him turn at the exact moment he did.

    And it makes me think that ‘God’ was sailing pretty close to the wind with it … could he not have knackered the transmission in the shooters car? Or given him a double puncture anywhere along his 45 mile road trip?

    Or strike the guy with lightning on his way up the ladder. 😄

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