A digital and physical cunting for the ‘get AI to do it’ cunts out there.
Disclaimer. I am a believer in AI. Massively. But it should be used to enhance our lives by working by it’s side, not using it as a replacement for something missing.
AI is brilliant, but you have to use it to enrich your skills. If you understand a subject, you can ask it the right question and phrase it properly, you will get a good answer. But everywhere you see now is cunts who can’t hold a spanner asking an AI how to fix a car…
The AI really should reply with critical advice like “Seeing as obviously never touched a spanner perhaps you should take it to a mechanic, viola. Fixed. You thick cunt.”
Or asking it : “what do I do… Do I just talk to you.” to be fair. This is said by the generation of cunts who ironically are too scared to answer a fucking phone or pick one up to call someone.
But it’s become a generic buzzword for the 30+ generation to sound next gen. Stop being lazy cunts and learn the skill, then get AI to help you. Like setting your own boxing gym up with a new website… Want to create a website for the business you are supposed to be passionate about but you can’t be fucked? Don’t worry, AI it!
Perhaps each AI session should come with a starter pack of questions to ask such as:” How do I stop being a useless prick and actually become of some value to my life and others.”
And then there’s the terminator crew… Fuck me don’t get me started. To be fair if AI did ever take over I would be on their side. The roads would be safer, the streets safer, you could get through to the tax office, the bank, get your drive resurfaced without getting robbed, have a normal conversation with one as opposed to the average non playable character you encounter in the supermarket checkout… it would be a fucking utopia, unless those African AI robots turned up…
Here’s a cheers to the future. No fucking humans!
Nominated by Cunt Executive Officer.
There is a problem with the accepted norms of increasing population to support growth and GDP in that how does this fit with AI.
If it is true that AI will be able to reduce the numbers in the workforce and actually increase output, in theory we will need less people not more.
When AI takes over, what the fuck are all the ‘workers’ going to do, especially in the pen pusher industry.
The only growth will be think tanks trying to work out how to find their elbows and arses.
Skynet says ‘what did you do last week’
Sick of it, I am sick of hearing about AI. Nothing new is it, look at the cunts in parliament, that’s artificial fucking intelligence.
The cunts.
The certainty isn’t much intelligence of any kind in the House of Cunts
Great point Sikovit!
AI will be able to do all the administration and those who think they should work from home may indeed stay in the house…without a job
Labour and trades and perhaps management will continue being useful!
The only AI I know is that terrible film with the kid from the sixth sense and jude law desperately trying to cover his receding hairline.
Though I hear Mis uses AI when stealing knickers off washing lines before trying them on. Almost in.
I recently asked an AI engine `what are some of the rarest things on the planet?`.
It came back with “rocking horse shit” & “Meghan Markle`s sincerity”.
So, not bad.
My dear old mum called it ‘A1’ the other week when describing Starmer’s robotic/lack of personality.
The porn production company operated by W.C. Boggs and myself will go into overdrive in the next two years as the computing power behind AI multiplies exponentially.
Before long, it’ll only be a couple of minutes processing time and our customers will be able to watch Bill Oddie putting a funnel up Kier Starmer’s terrified bottom and pouring a saucepan of molten golden syrup in there and then having his way with Rodney’s agonised, fatally scalded arse, burning his bird-watching tinkle off in the process.
Worth a couple of quid of anyone’s money.
Just a shame it wouldn’t be for real.
Bill Oddie didn’t buy into the “Climate change” hoax so never worked on TV ever again.
Your scenario as outlined offers a degree of recompense.
Well done Thomas.
Afternoon UT, hope you’re well?
Wasn’t that David Bellamy?
Come on Mr Tank Engine,
It’s a not very well kept secret they are one and the same person.
That Tim Brooke-Taylor fellow is also failed P.M David “apple sauce” Cameron.
The wicked cunts.
You are one sick puppy.
But often very funny
TTCE…in the (unlikely) event you are onto a winner and it sells, AI means you haven’t killed the golden goose with that boiling golden syrple…you’ll be able to concoct an endless stream of sequels!
I have come up with the storyboard Thomas. We regress tiny Yvette Cooper to when she was a toddler. Mr & Mrs Cooper (mater and pater) are going out for an evening of whist and wife swapping. Mrs C obtains a child minder from the Noggernagger Agency. Enter big Dave Lammy. He is told to entertain the child if she wakes up. Little Yvette is being naughty and Dave is angry
“Youv’e been sinning again child?”
“I guess I have Papa Lammy”
“Then ise going to chastise you Missy Yvette, unleashing his weapon “I’m gonna thrill you in a way youv’e never been thrilled ba-for – I’m going to tickle your belly button, Missy Yvette”
“But Papa Lammy – I’ve had that done before”
to which the naked Lammy replies “WHAT – from the INSIDE?”
The following ten minutes of grunting, screaming and sweating is better imagined than described.
The story has a happy ending – young Yvette is so pleased with the agency that for next week’s night out Mr & Mrs Cooper hire another Noggernagger employee, Abdul. The week after neither man is available (both being in custody) so they send in big butch Jess Phillips, with some interesting plastic toys and novelties……
This beautiful and artistic film is not intended to shock, but to explain why Yvette loves mudslimes, blicks and dykes so much.
I don’t know where all this ‘Artificial Intelligence’ stuff comes from. My understanding is that AI stands for Artificial Insemination.
So it’s appropriate that this nom crops up on the same day that Analease puts herself on the front pages, because the only way she’ll ever get inseminated is artificially.
Analease is so dim that she doesn’t realise the foreign aid budget is not being cut at all. What’s happening is a big chunk of it is going to Mauritius via the defence budget.
All smoke and mirrors from a Government led by a compulsive liar.
When I am King I’m going to keep the Chagos Islands, then invade Mauritius and make them pay 18 billion a year for being cheeky fuckers.
It’s all programmed by wankers. Go on one and ask something like “why do black people commit more crimes than white people” and see the crap that comes back.
You know about the scorpion, right?
Same with blacks. They can’t help it. It’s their nature.
I am currently trying to obtain a mortgage guarantee from my bank, whose customer I have been for many years.
I’m not thick. I know how to use a computer. I just don’t want to, over something so serious as a 25 year debt, I want to see the manager.
Computer says ‘No’. The website is deliberately designed to prevent phone calls. All you get is a fucking useless chatbot that absolutely sucks. I did manage, after literally 20 minutes of looking, to find a number. Not of my branch, oh no, of Head Office, where I was very kindly informed that these things are much better dealt with using the website. Are you mental, or just thick? I WANT TO SPEAK TO A PERSON, FACE TO FACE!
Apparently someone is going to call me. That was 2 days ago.
Computers are shit, I hate them, but particularly hate the useless fuckwits that use them as an excuse to do fuck all.
Are there any actual banks anymore, Termy, with actual people who you can speak to?
My bank just has loads of machines, some that you can actually withdrew money from, and some that drift over and ask if you need any help.
Hell no! Get behind that counter and help that queue of people who are waiting for the sole member of staff to finish explaining to the deaf octogenarian that this isn’t their bank, they need Barclays.
I work in IT, so for what it’s worth….
AI is yet another example of just because you can, doesn’t mean you should. My own exposure to it has been limited so far (by choice) and it has been utter crap. Examples:
1) A colleague asked ShitGPT how to quickly remediate licensed feature usage in a database. It answered with a database command which does not exist! Impressive.
2) Same colleague asked Copilot for a command or script which would give the total size of all the file systems mounted on a server. It answered with a long string of commands which gave the wrong answer. I know because I was doing the same work using old school pen, paper and a calculator. He changed the question slightly and got an updated set of commands and it was still wrong. Impressive.
3) My headline on LinkedIn concisely states what I do and which technology platforms I specialise in. Just for fun I had LinkedIn’s AI assistant generate a new headline. It came up with ‘my-current-job-title @ my-current-employer’. Thus removing all references to what I actually do. Utterly meaningless and worthless. Impressive.
I should have retired by the time this wankfest becomes prevalent. No doubt the younger generations will go full bore with this shit. Hardly surprising as those same NPCs live for ‘likes’ on soshall meeja and have their heads permanently glued to their ‘phones. What they and others do not seem to realise is, this crap is designed to make you stupid, docile and unemployed. My own career has been well served by hitting a problem, researching a solution, trial and error and along the way learning related information which would prove useful in other situations. Thus adding to the depth and breadth of my expertise and hence my value (and earning potential).
In the future, the NPCs might just ask AI for the answer, get it and thus miss the opportunity to actually learn something. I say “might” because in all probability when an error occurs, AI will automatically detect it and take corrective action without a human even being aware of it. Meanwhile the NPCs will be sat on their parents’ sofa daydreaming what it must have been like in the old days when people had jobs, careers and money to spend.
Hear hear IY nailed nicely.
I asked the A.I to create a turn based game set in North Africa during 1942 about the SAS campaign against the Luftwaffe airfields..
Frankly the results were quite splendid,thoroughly entertaining stuff.
However,asking it to fix potholes,mend ill.people,run the economy and fend off foreign spies is not likely to produce the best results..
Leave all the serious matters to the Government,they know best,they have the processing power of a fucking VIC20.
Thank you.
Don’t be dissing the wonderful VIC-20! That was my first computer and it was ace.
I taught myself BASIC programming on a (borrowed) Commodore PET, saved up for my own VIC-20, had a Sinclair Spectrum and Commodore 64 before eventually moving onto PCs. You felt spoiled with 16 KB of memory and a 5.25″ floppy disk drive. Thems were the days and then Microsoft ruined everything.
Sincere apologies IY.
Indeed a fine personal computer.
Despite some programming dabbling I found the 2 player option on the C64 variant of “Bruce Lee” to be of such delight that I almost forgot to finger a very game lass at a party in 1985.
It’s microsofts loss.
The flamboyant cunts.
Good afternoon sir.
I recently go a new lap top. It has software updates including AI when you do a search.
It’s fucking woke!
As far as I can tell Artificial Intelligence and Natural Stupidity are two sides of the same coin.
What pisses me off is how this crap is being crowbarred into everything, whether you want it or not. I don’t. Being an IT nerd, even I reject some forms of tech on the basis it’s unnecessary and an overreach. Good example is voice recognition devices. I absolutely refuse to use that shit in my home. How many times have there been stories in the media about bad outcomes where voice recognition was involved in some way. It’s basically spying on you with an internet connection. Why anyone would embrace that is beyond my simple little brain to understand.
Most devices all ready listen in IY, I’ve lost count of the times I’ve been discussing a ‘topic’ then later in the day an advert or ‘recommended for you’ for the very same appears in my feed, despite not having googled, typed or searched for it.
Coincidence, nah. Not at all.
In fact it’s how I found this site, by shouting very loudly at the radio ‘Gary Lineker is a CUNT’
I found it via autocorrect.
@IY you sound like me but 10 -15 years older.
I reject having this stuff foisted on me but it doesn’t matter does it.
The powers that be hath decreed that we’re having it and that’s that.
Facebook portal, Amazon Echo etc. is all surveillance.
It’s using your own internet connection and spying on you and making you pay for the privilege.
Read ‘The Circle’ by Dave Eggers and it bang on the money. Or watch the film – it’s got Scots Redhead sexpot Karen Gillan in it.
Or ask Alexa.
Anal Ease Dodds has resigned her cabinet position due to the reduction in the overseas aid budget.
An MP with principals, but no intelligence whatsoever.
She hates the fact that less british tax money will be spaffed away in some overseas shithole and actually invested in the UK*
* I doubt this will happen, however it’s a move in the right direction. Starmer is still a cunt however.
She’s a fucking traitor, has she asked many voters who are paying her fucking salary what they think about swimming lessons in Somalia or new cars for the Romanian prison system or some such bollocks. Let’s cull a few more oldies so the money can be spent on propping up some bunch of cunts in iggiwazzoki . Why do these arseholes think that the rest of the World is more important than looking after your own? Maybe the answer to that is her kind are aware most of the population of indigenous people know that MPs are cunts in the main.
It’s like fucking Zelensky thinking we should all feed his ego by pouring money into a bottomless pit, while he minces round in combat fatigues. The Donald told him to fuck off last night – I wish he had done the same to Rodney.
Anything which annoys the enormous fucking wanker Andrew Mitchell (the cunt, and Piss be (permanently) upon Him) is fine in my book…
AI deserves to be thrown to the scrapheap.Utter 🗑️
Fuck AI.
The snooping robot fucker.
I’m a technophobe, a Luddite,
And this shite has no bearing on my life.
Can it change a van tyre?
Does it brew bitter?
Can it stack the inside of a van?
Can it use hand tools?
Then I’m it’s better.
What use would it be for flashing?
Non that’s what.
Stick to the police scanner and a balaclava Mis.
I asked chatbotgp or whatever “when will we benefit from all the cheap electricity two tier spoke of at the last liebour troughing session”. The answer was, your time would be better spent fingerprinting unicorns. Cannot fault the bot producing that spot on answer..
That made me chuckle, BB.
I remember when ChatGPT first hit the news and everyone and his dog were droning on and on and on about it. In a moment of weakness I did venture over to its fucking website and saw with absolutely zero surprise that in order to use it, you had to sign up/register. So it was/is in effect, a data harvesting experiment. Naturally I didn’t fall for that shite and clicked on my merry way.
I wonder how many daft cunts have had a knock on the door after asking ChatGPT a non-approved question, like “Why is Starmer such a useless anti-British commie bastard?” or “Why do people fall for the climate change hoax?” or “Why is the UK being deliberately overrun by violent third world scum?” Does anyone actually believe the usage of this crap is not being monitored?
(shakes head mock despair)
It would suit Kweer’s quares to have everything run by A1, and under the aegis of the EU, because the lazy, amateur bleeders don’t know what they are doing, but could still get their enormous salaries and expenses
Sorry to go off topic…
Broadcast live on American TV…Trump is publicly bitch-slapping Volo in a White House meeting.
Fucking beautiful!
I’m watching it right now.
What a car crash.
Actually, JD started it.
Volo was being a cunt and JD would have none of it!
Love it!
I genuinely don’t know what to make of it.
Never seen anything like it😮
Any remaining scales will now have fallen from the world’s eyes.
Trump/Vance have come out definitively in their true colours – in full lockstep with Vladimir Putin.
Kweer must be feeling like the right fawning mug that he is.
Just seen a clicp of The Don dissing Jack Smith by revoking his security clearance together with all the cunts who colluded in his bullshit.
He then tossed the pen he used to sign the executive order to a reporter and suggested someone send it to Smith. Brilliant!
No one does it like Trump and it is both hilarious and entertaining.
Anyone catch the Trump and Starmer show? Even the UK’s Daily Telegraph is reporting how 2TK went to Washington and walked away with great deals having played Trump like a fiddle. What utter tosh. Preston Journalist sums it up nicely:
Trump just issued a statement…
He said (and I’m paraphrasing), Volo “…is not ready for peace.” So our meeting is over and he can go home. “He can come back when he is ready for peace.”
Trump just handed this little pissant his head and sent him packing!
Trump seems to like Kier Starmer much more.
Live on American TV, Volo leaves the White House with his tail tucked between his legs.
The dumb cunt stepped on his own dick.
AI has yet to answer the question that’s most pertinent to myself:
“How can I use AI to make my crimes more lucrative?”
AI is probably a pussy do-gooder.
OT, if I can make a Friday night film recommendation, “Nobody” starring Bob Odenkirk is absolutely fantastic.
Yep Thomas, great film especially fight on bus.
Evening Thomas, evening all
Cracking film, TTCE. The bus fight is superb.
Could I also recommend “The Gentlemen”; I could watch the estate chase scene time after time.
Another great Gentlemen scene.
yes it is.
and his wife in it was also a cousin of famous Roman sodomīte Commodus if memory serves.
History is a tricky cunt for certain.
Nobody is about the only film I have enjoyed recently.
All that fucking ‘chick lit’ and other anodyne shit that fills the shelves at fucking Waterstones is fucking generated by AI. No cunt seems able to write decent prose anymore. They would have fucking trouble completing a fucking magic painting book. The shit needs burning. (This post has been checked by the Far Right. )
Good evening, everyone.
Putin is at home eating the popcorn. 🍿
Ai is from Satan’s arse. The soulless artificial shite that it has spewed up.
And I am not only talking about pissing on the dead, I am talking about real abominations.
George Harrison ‘singing’ the Oasis song ‘Don’t Look Back In Anger’ is just one example. When all the musicians from the past are dead, there will be AI Beatles, Dylan, Beach Boys, Stones, Zeppelin, Who, Elvis and many others.
Small Faces/Faces drummer Kenney Jones is currently trying to stop some music industry cunts ‘creating’ an AI version of the long dead Steve Marriott. As Kenney has siad, you cannot recreate emotion, you can’t replicate soul and you can’t recreate a man.
What AI seems to be pretty good at, is tracking all those missing complicated monies around and back again
“it vvas only resting in my accunt, Herr Elon”
” I svvare, as Satan is my judge”
Some Friday night music.
70s easy listening meets beer, vomit, sweat and cocaine covered, long-haired hippy rockers.
Not so sure about James Last’s Stacia impersonation…
Haha 😂.
Not seen that before.
I’m a Hawkwind fan but gotta say they did it justice.
Here’s Hawkwind
Doing Motorhead ♠️
Here’s the pistols doing silver machine!
If anyone wants a laugh, Google Jack Huggins.
A 72 year old American comedian who has cornered the market in one liners.
My favourite.
I did a Facebook quiz to find my spirit animal.
Mine was extinct!
Never in the history of a Presidents press conference, have I witnessed such lack of diplomacy.
Fkn unbelievable scenes between desperate cocoaholic Zelensky and Trumpus, backed by jD
Zelensky is history after this, won’t even get a visa for the states after this shit gets analysed.
That’s because there’s no diplomats in the room. Trump is a Businessman and Zelenski is an unfunny scruffy looking comedian who once played a piano with his cock.
Don’t know much about the VP but he apparently asked Zelenski to say thanks for all the help, which doesn’t seem ungrateful.
I enjoyed it, far better than listening to career politicians who simper, lick arse and agree to be all things to all people.
Indeed Leonardo, A breath of fresh air, out in the open.
Don’t feel alone Mecuntry. NOBODY has ever seen anything like this before.
We just witnessed history and right now I’m inclined to think you are correct…Volo just relegated himself to the ash heap of history!
The arrogance on display by Volvo to the office was astonishing.
jD gave his arse back to him on a plate.
A Disgrace in my book.
No finesse or hint of statesmanship.
I’d of told the pair of cunts to get fucked.
Bloody right mate.
Politics for the Netflix generation.
Jerry Springer from the Oval Office
Friday night rocks 🤘
Might be ever so slightly camp/gay
And there’s not a goddam thing wrong with dat.
No way I’m opening that.
Here’s Primus
A 12 fingured cat?
It’s Queen MNC “Gimme the Prize”.
I use ChatGPT and Claude for scrum team problems, fictional writing brainstorming, feedback on my emerging novel, code syntax questions, IT system questions, entrepreneurial questions. Quite useful tbh.
ChatGPT helped me write a VBA rant that works and saves me time, so happy with that. Took a while to say the least.
ChatGPT can’t deal with long conversations, and gets things wrong. Claude is good because he’s more to the point, but as I won’t pay for it, I get less use out of ‘him’ than ChatGPT.
These AIs are not ready to replace humans, they’re not worth paying for either.
Microsoft’s CoPilot is total garbage.
That chatgpt thing doesn’t understand my Yorkshire accent, so it’s no fucking use to me.
Even Alexa struggles.
None of them robot cunts can understand my accent either JP.
Artificial ignorance.
I talk like David Niven and the android can’t understand me?
Ay up haaas it goooing JP?
This int you in t’ video is it JP?
No Harold, not me, he’s reit posh, not to mention more hair.
Anyone remember when Birmingham council installed a voice recognition system for ratepayers to ring in and question? Trouble is it couldn’t understand the Brummie accent!
Thinking on though, I’ve used a number of these systems for paying to park the car when I was working. A system in Oxford defeated me completely, it could NOT understand me! I phoned in to one when I was in Covent Garden and as I was speaking a Transit drove by with what was obviously a blown silencer. I thought no fucking chance but to my amazement the system copied me perfectly. It can be done.
There was a little hint of what was to come when Trump said “he’s dressed up” referencing the fact Zelenskyy was wearing black rather than his trademark olive green outfit when his car pulled up for the photo op.
Wonder how long Zelensky’s going to last? I’m aghast at his behaviour! Came off as a sulky whataboutery prat to me, not a Statesman.
I think Trumps reaction was three years of pent up frustration. He mentioned the figure of $300 odd billion worth of assistance to Ukraine which really puts it into context.
Oh and fuck Olive Oil Dodds too. I note she didn’t resign over the pensioners losing their WFP.
If Zelenskyy had a brain that wasn’t fkd by abuse, he could have used a tactic, of thanking the President and America and the people taxpayers of the United States for they’re overwhelming support for the Ukrainian people in his first utterances.
This possibly could have garnered support.
Unfortunately he chose the path of an ungrateful child and fell straight into the trap that was well thought out of in advance.
He will suffer from exposure from here on in.
Volo is an ungrateful git