Keir Starmer (30)

is a cunt.

Sorry but this whey-faced closet case is deserving yet another nomination. Not only is he hugger mugger with a load of buggers in his cabinet. With his vacuous grin and grandad dark framed glasses, he looks like he DOES piss and shit himself if he sneezes or laughs – gaga in a Bidenesque way but much earlier.

Now the old fucker has jumped on the Scottish bandwagon by celebrating Burns night. Bad enough, in the same way he sort of implies he is Kosher because he married a Jewish woman, to gain brownie points and votes, now he is a token Jock, afet the tartan vote, he decided that it would be so right on and Labourite to pose with a fucking drag queen. Not any old poofter but one who has verbally attacked J.K. Rowling, for her perfectly sane views that these old quares are just men dressing up.

Why doesn’t this incipient bum boy just come out of the closet:

Daily Fail

Nominated by W C Boggs.

141 thoughts on “Keir Starmer (30)

  1. Younger took me for our regular Friday afternoon shop today.

    On the way home she referenced “that lunatic” cutting off funding to USAID, because loads of African people can’t get their Aids drugs now.

    Well, I’d two points to make.
    Why should any Government money ( taxes from individuals or companies) be used to support any country other than their own?
    And why is he a lunatic, when you’ve just been ranting about some ‘woke’ thing thats affected you?
    I didn’t think I’d raised any fools, but she was awful quiet after.

  2. Donald’s made a decree that he’s bringing back plastic straws!!

    Go on Donnie!

    Bidens paper straws lay slowly dissolving in the tears of the left.

    Small victory? Fuck off 🖕

    No Stone unturned.
    Put everything back to normal.

    Fuckin paper straws👎
    In the same category as chocolate kettles.

    • What, Godfather?
      Folk being somewhat disgruntled, and writing stern letters to their local rag, or the Metro?

      Or summat more serious?

      I predict a riot!

      • Morning Thomas.

        That didn’t even start well. It’s like the cardiacs met Ministry and dropped acid with H.R. Geiger

        Anyway, what is not going to end well is this government.

        I had a terrible premonition of danger and this how it played out.

        1. This is just a puppet government, who are deliberately useless.
        The point of this being that the bunch of fuckwits currently occupying the front bench will be replaced by something far worse, like the Albert Steptoe impersonator, the Flabbotapottamus and some really hard left wankers.
        Result: We all suffer horribly.

        2. The current bunch of fuckwits are deliberately front loading the suffering during their 5 year tenure.
        The point of this being that people are generally stupid and have very short memories. Particularly the kind of people who traditionally vote labour or are tempted to vote labour because they think they will receive free shit.
        Towards the back end of this government, helmet head Reeves will shake the magic money tree and hey presto! The economy mysteriously recovers and labour get in for a second term, where the misery and suffering of the taxpayer recommenced.
        Result: We all suffer horribly. Again.

    • The banana was partly to blame for the first goal and thecwinner cane from a free kick that should never have been awarded and was scored with at least 3 players offside.

      Typical home result for the scum, but congrats Norm.

    • The fucking ungrateful fucking cunt!

      Talk about biting the hand. And any hand that allows itself TO be bitten like that is just as bad.

      Lawbreaking cunt, with a side order of religious bullshit for good measure. Words. Just words, but words that can override laws, unproven.

      She’s some role model for this son of hers to be learning from, that’s for sure …

      • I’m back on yhat ‘changing religion’ angle.

        To wit : the claim I’ve changed to whatever the predominant one ‘here’ is.

        (1) Either simple-minded or disloyal, or an outright manipulative liar. Not one of which would be a good trait in a ‘new’ citizen.

        (2) So what? .. better keep that to yourself when you go back HOME, woman. …. And on the verrrry off-chance it’s genuine nonsense, then that doesn’t matter. Your new deity is an Omni-being, don’t you know? Whisper, or think even, your praise & thanks to him in privacy for your remaining years abroad.

        Actually, not abroad. You’re currently abroad. Defying the law of the country you’re demanding to stay in.

        Also : the illegitimate (I’m guessing) she shat out .. no mention of a daddy, the daddy passport, .. just another not-British British citizen by default?

        All wrong. With a £128,000 cherry on top.

    • Yep!
      Saw that, thought about a nom but it was a bit ‘rinse and repeat’.

      Made to feel like a criminal, eh?
      Madam, you were a criminal, the second you overstayed your visa!

    • Old man river lammy thinks he is in for a payout which will keep him in jaffa cakes and Goodyear tyres for life.

      The Caribbean còòns want 18 trillion, lammy has countered with 36 trillion..

      • They should invite them to a discussion,
        When the woolly headed freeloaders arrive rubbing their hands at the thought of a trillion pound payday have a blacksmith waiting.

        Put the cunts in chains and force them to cut sugarcane for the Del monte tinned fruit empire.

  3. Ps

    Why am I never in line for free money?

    I’m filing a complaint against celebrity chef Gino dcampo for sexually harassing me.

    Get a few quid that way.

    ” Heya miserable, poppa over to my place, trya my tasty meatballs,
    Baddaboom baddabing.”

    He leered at me suggestive like.

    The pasta pygmy was clearly going to Epstein me.
    I want reparations.

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