First one: This guy is a weapons grade cunt.
Second: How has he not received more nominations on this site?
James O’Brien is a cunt of biblical proportions and is such a snivelling piece of shit that he makes Gary Lineker likeable by comparison.
For anybody fortunate enough to not know who James O’Brien is, he’s a cunt of galactic proportions who works for those bastions of free speech LBC.
I’ve had the misfortune of hearing his phone in show in the past and can safely say that he’s the most obnoxious champagne socialist cunt that you’ll find anywhere in the mainstream media.
Consumed with bitterness over Brexit, Trump, Musk et al, a deep loathing of the white working class of this country and what I imagine is a problem with alcohol (judging by his gammon appearance – oh the irony) O’Brien’s show is him rambling on in dull Tory hating monologues or talking down to ill prepared, specially selected callers armed with his mute button and a condescending demeanor.
O’Brien is the type of disingenuous liberal cunt who claims he loves multiculturalism and mass immigration while living in the whitest area, miles away from the diversity he is so fond of.
Naturally of course.
Anyways, the particular purpose of this cunting is for the simple reason, probably out of morbid curiosity, I recently checked in to view some recent LBC YouTube videos.
Once there, I discovered (surprise surprise) that James (not unlike Labour Home Secretary Yvette Cooper) was busy blaming Jeff Bezos and Amazon for selling knives to poor little Axel Rudakanooboo.
Not only that but I also found this video where he’s attempting to garner sympathy or something along those lines for the family of that piece of sub human murdering African vermin who butchered those little girls.
His poor family boo hoo
His Dad was a nice man boo fucking hoo
As far as I’m concerned Rudakanooboo’s family should never have been allowed anywhere near the shores of this country.
If they hadn’t then those children would all be still alive today.
What a disgusting insult to those girls families.
I can’t say I’ve been entirely surprised that O’Brien has approached this terrible story from the “holier than thou” angle because that’s what he does best but he can go and fuck himself for all eternity this time because this is way way beyond defensible.
Are there any depths that the liberal left wing media will not stoop to?
James O’Brien – Fuck off and die you bastard and take Dame Kweer Stalin with you
Nominated by Herman Jelmet.
I refuse to listen to James O’ Bellend. Just like I refuse to ever watch Lineker or anything with David Tennant in it. Demented leftie turds boycotted by the Norman household.
I’ve been watching Target. A series from 1977 and 1978. On the BBC, would you believe, but totally ace. Patrick Mower stars as hard bastard copper Steve Hackett with Brendan Price as his sidekick. The BBC has long since disowned it, because of its violence, un-PC stories and swearing. But it was a great show. There are few episiodes on Youtube now, I suggest anybody gets them before the Beebscum take them down.
O/T, who gives a fuck…!
BBC News –
Rebuilding my home in Gaza as Trump wants me to leave – BBC News
A classic example of reap and sow.
They started, Israel finished. Tough shite.
They fucking well deserved everything they got.
Cheering and spitting on the body of a young woman being dragged about on car.
Fucking stone age savages.
Israel should have nuked the cunts.
Yes indeed, Cuntalugs, but we Jews are wary of polluting the world for everyone, so we just destroy the rats nest, oh! and the rats.
No rats, no filth spread.
o/t : How To Avoid Harmfully Stereotyping A Muslim Immigrant Who Is Assaulting You
OT. That Aussie gobshite in charge at Spurs,,,
‘You can judge me – but don’t criticise my outstanding Spurs players.’
Errr…… What outstanding players?
We can judge him for his mumbling.
The players can stand out to be total shite pal. Hows about that, Mr Cogalopolus. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.
After that foul Andrew Gwynne got sacked yesterday,l it turns out another “openly gay” Labour MP, all of 29 (are there no young Labour MPs who are not sodomites?) was also involved. He has made a grovelling apology, so being gay I don’t suppose he will be stood down – after all, Mandy last week got no comeback for telling a reporter to “F*** off”:
It seems O’brien is popular on here, everyone as gone O/T.
Still looking out that photo, a toffee hammer would work a treat on those fangs.
A sledgehammer would work better.
“if you don’t bring me a Cornetto
I’ll fuck your girlfriend”.
-Gino d’campo.
The more poofy the occupation the more macho the patter.