Inside men are cunts.
David lammy is a cunt.
Reparations are cunts.
Entertaining these talks is a cunt
Here we have David Lammy (guyanese parents) having talks with Carribean nations who want Β£18 TRILLION in repararations?
Reparations for what? Helping the locals build up better economies and introducing them to the idea of Britain, They certainly seemed to think it was worth a visit.
I can understand that these countries recognise Britain is a soft touch and that if they donβt ask they shall not receive, but to have what amounts to an inside man dealing with the talks, smells fishier than carribean salt cod thats been used as Angies tampon.
Nominated by Cunt of the Isles.
Dhe iddy Lammy?
Aaah, I remember him fondly!
We go way back.
First time I met him was in India
Id of been about 6yrs old,
Pressured to go back to my village
Hunted by a man eating tiger
He still calls me ‘Man cub’.
Give him what he really wants.
The secret to Mans Red Flower.
That and a bowl of fruit.
Hell calm down.
Traitor.Razor wire and a lamppost.
As for those Carribbean cunts they’d get nowt.
In fact I’d ship that shitty reggae reggae sauce back, the steel dustbin drums, Sebastian the crab, musical youth and any cunt who has mattered hair like the shite encrusted haunches of cattle.
Couple of hundred years since slavery and they’ve done fuck all since except moan like fuck.
Daaaaaay oh
Daaaaaaaaaaaaay ooh
Get fuckedπ
Dayyyyy-go! Day-a-a-a-go!
Reparation through repatriation is the only deal the white man should be entertaining.
Anyway, since when did a bunch of blue gummed redundant farm machinery dictate to us what they want?
Get back to work you lazy pavement apes and earn your own reparations.
“My ancestors didn’t break their backs working in the sugarcane plantations eight days a week for nuthin’ “.
– Diane Abbott.
Eight days a week, she has the beatles wig already..
If she’s any indication, her ancestors never worked a day in their life.
My ancestors were raped and murdered by Danish and Norwegian Vikings. They were slaughtered on numerous battlefields, by the French, Germans and Dutch. They were indentured servants in coal mines and cotton mills, worked literally to death or killed/maimed at work. They lived in slums and hovels, literally the property of some Lord or Duke. My own father died a premature death due to overwork at a power station.
I could go on. You get my point.
What was we meant to do with them?
Picking cotton, cutting sugar cane, laying railroad tracksuit etc.
Good honest work that!
Id fuckin die for a job like that!
What did they think they’d be doing?
A synchronized swimming team?
They sink like fuckin bricks.
It’s hadidas, innit blud lol
Railway tracks.
Not tracksuit!
Hehehe π
Oh predictive text you little scamp.
Tracksuits, you been on the sports direct website buying your court clothes for your forthcoming peeping tom case Mis?
Just a thought are they seeking reparations from any other country like the ones that captured them and sold them to anyone that would buy them or is it just soft touch UK? I seem to remember the USA having quite a few slaves before good old Abe Lincoln came along. Mind you they would be flogging a dead horse there with the Donald in charge.
If you ever want to see a democrat lose their shit, just remind them that it was the republicans who took their slaves away.
Here’s a dose of reality for Lammy:
Fucking buffoon. He is a true shitstain on the diaper of humanity.
We are civilised in the Motherland General, we have nappies.
You are indeed civilized Termy but shitstain on the nappy of humanity doesn’t quite have the same ring.
They do have nappy hair though.
I wonder how much money has been sent in aid from the UK over the years?
They can consider that all the reparation they’re getting as far as I’m concerned.
Squandered trillions?A joke We are a laughing stock π€¦
It’s like trying to help out a junkie friend by giving him money, you’re making it worse.
We should cut off all trade with all backward countries until they willingly agree to be governed by us. Rhodesia had to beg the white farmers to come back after the natives stole the farms and drove them into the ground.
I know.We send π·π·π·π· to India.They have their own SPACE PROGRAM FOR CRYING OUT LOUD.All in the foreign office deserve to be shot at point blank range.π€‘π€‘π€‘
Just remember folks, the UK overseas ‘aid’ budget is a jolly wheeze and a splendid worthwhile allocation of our confiscated earnings.
Some facts (from our dear Treasury) to get your piss a-simmering:
1. In the Autumn 2024 budget, the Labour Government allocated Β£13.3 billion in aid for 2024/25 and Β£13.7 billion in 2025/26, in line with spending 0.5% of GNI on ODA. Aid will increase by Β£450m for this coming financial year.
2. In 2023 28% of UK aid was spent in the UK on the costs of hosting refugees.
3. The Labour Government says it will provide Β£1.98 billion to the IDA (International Development Association) over the next three years and Β£310 million to the WHO (World Health Organisation) for 2024 to 2028.
Fucking eyewatering figures being splashed up a wall abroad, to no benefit to the indigenous UK population whilst our own infrastructure crumbles to ratshit.
Utter Fucking Cunts. I piss on them all.
Apparently the yanks have been paying 10s of millions to launch an Iraqi version of Sesame Street. Seriously.
I’d launch something costing millions over Baghdad, but it wouldn’t be Sesame Street.
And feed them all to the hungry crocodiles ππ. They are all πππ
Fuck me, how much more shite can we take? If Lammy starts handing out great piles of our cash for something that happened donkeys years ago, I want some of that as Cromwell stole my ancestors lands in SW Ireland. Took the bloody lot the ironsided cunt. Do we cry for handouts do we fuck, maybe now is a good time to instruct my solicitors. Just had a solution to the problem. These countries must agree to take lots of illegals then it would be less costly to bung said countries a few quid (bribe) than what it costs to keep the illeagals. Trillions of pounds get to fuck you crooked bastards.
Fuck your reparations it’s history and anyway the slight civility you may have picked up from us honkeys is payment enough.
Now off with you or feel my leather