is a cunt.
A solar-powered cunting please for keffiyeh-wearing eco-spiv Dale Vince.
The Ecotricity owner demonstrates all the rank hypocrisy you’d expect of a Marxist multi-millionaire who’s raked in over £100 million of our hard-earned in subsidies for his bird mincers. A vegan who wears a leather jacket, not averse to flying by private jet (according to his ex-wife) and bunging Labour a cool £5.4 million while demanding that Elon Musk be banned from donating to Reform.
All so predictable, of course. As is the fact that Ed Miligoon, playing Bluebottle to PM Rodney’s Neddie Seagoon, has seen fit to ride roughshod over the people of Lincolnshire and grant permission for Vince ultimately to cover up to 30,000 acres of prime agricultural land in Chinese plastic crap. Add to that the massive batteries needed containing cobalt mined by child slaves in Congo. All very environmentally friendly, my arse.
Now let’s think about this. Half-a-Haircut Man donates millions to Labour, who then grant permission to wreck the Lincolnshire countryside, which will net him millions. If I wasn’t so trusting of the ‘Government’ I think I’d be overcome by the foul stench of bribery and corruption.
Nominated by Geordie Twatt.
A total tosser.Full compost oven please Unkle T
Funny you should mention Lincolnshire.
Egdon resources, now owned by Heyco have a stake in the Gainsborough gas field, which holds 480 million cubic meters of gas.
Enough to fuel the UK for the next ten years and generate £112 billion in revenue.
Why wouldn’t we want to exploit that resource?
Well, crazy Ed and his net zero insanity is the reason why. Coupled with endemic corruption within the labour party.
We’re being fleeced with the highest energy costs in the world so that labour can pay off their donors with our cash.
Civil war anyone?
Yes please…☠️☠️☠️🔥
I see calls, or suggestions of civil war, well, here of course but also in comment sections under news stories & YT vids about specific atrocities shortly after they occur, … by Germans when its Germany, Oireland when its Oireland, Holland, .. you get the drift. There used be a whole lot more USA based while the previous administration there were taking the piss, too, but those ones at least had a couple of score million guns potentially in the mix.
The intentions are good, or pure. But it ain’t happening, people. If any part of the black Welsh murdering cunt story (the events, the cover-up, the arrests & convictions of the upset and finally the inappropriate sentence for the wannabe-terrorist, actual child killer) didn’t do it, nothing will.
p.s. my stance? – I’d play my part if EVERYBODY else was playing theirs, .. fed up as I became with being an action taker (at wor,, say, for example) while the majority stood around seeing if they’d reap the benefits of me standing up to an employer on a broad topic (whilst they would suffer no comeback if it didn’t go well) . . but I’ve resigned myself to the fact ‘this is it’ and will ride it out for however long under no false notions that it isn’t. Having no offspring (by design) helps massively with that, of course.
Sorry. That’s 480 BILLION cubic meters of gas.
Just down the road at Biscathorpe, there is 24 million barrels of oil, just waiting to be extracted. Plus natural gas.
Except we can’t use that, because some stupid fucking hippies have decided that the oil and gas in place might actually be used for something useful and under Starmer’s socialist dictatorship, that isn’t allowed. Because private business might profit and Greta might cry.
You really couldn’t make this dip shit stupidity up
Just remember who to blame next time you’re paying over £1.50 a litre for petrol and £1.40 per therm for gas.
Civil War Odin 💪💪💪
Yes, I think that really is the only course of action left to us now.
When tyranny becomes law, rebellion becomes duty.
-Thomas Jefferson.
Oh, OK then….I’ll grab my pitchfork.
Or maybe I’ll just spit at a parked up empty cop car for starters, see how I get on …
Just make sure you don’t swear at a police dog though Cuntemall.
You’ll be doing a two stretch so fast your feet won’t touch the ground!
Arrested -> 5 minute hearing in a closed Kangaroo court -> Prison.
I’d better call it off, then. I’m waaaay too pretty (in a rugged handsome way) for prison …
The revolution is on hold again.
How about next month then?
I’m busy Tuesday nights and I know Thomas mops out his basement love sanctuary on a Thursday.
Is there any other days when cunters are a bit busy?
Only asking because I would like to get this one in the diary.
You are in the ball.
Much of this eco crap is indeed eco crap.
I have done end-to-end audits on turbines (my last job) and EV’s. Turbines in the sea just about scrape by in a sustainability audit. Onshore – clear fail. All EV’s – clear fail.
It’s a stinking pile of horse-shit. Best part is that these audits go to top management and get tossed in the shredder.
At least I get to travel the world doing this ☀️🍺🥊🥊🥊
Fucking scam!
MCC May your words of wisdom echo around the barren halls of wokery. Problem is as you obviously know, truth means fuck all against the juggernaut of eco shite. Yeah, thank you for confirming my doubts about bloody windmills and ev’s. Enjoy your travels good Sir.
The thick cunt had his pockets picked by the ex wives…££££
He can afford it seeing as successive Governments have picked our pockets on his behalf.
I might add that as well as receiving £100 million in subsidies from us, the cunt’s net worth is estimated at £100 million.
Well what a coincidence.
Doesn’t the wanker also have some football team that is vegan and loves immos?
His team loves losing too.
Forest Vegan Rovers, relegated in successive seasons.
Build a house out of this globetrotting arsolar shite and hope it burns the eco cunt alive.
In the article is a figure of 30,000 acres covered in solar panels. That’s approaching fifty square miles! WTF?! A signicant input to the grid. When the sun shines. The people who tell you they have significant input when the sky is overcast are liars.
wasn’t the UK the second from last worst place in the world to locate solar panels? Only beaten by Ireland in last place. And let’s not get started on Drax wood pellets, scottish wood pellets and Northern Irish farmers being paid to heat empty barns in order to save the planet?
It’s overcast here. Mine are chucking out 4kw. Running the house and filled the batteries for the rest of the day.
That’s where they should be, on roofs of peoples houses making power directly for people. Not in a fucking field, installed with our money, making free power for some corrupt cunts to flog back to us at infinite markup.
I worked with a man fatjon, who had solar panels. When I visited his house I asked him to show me the system. At the time free electricity sounded a great idea. Sadly proved not to be the case. On the day the weather was sunny but there were clouds scudding across. In the sunshine the inverter was buzzing away a treat. It was in his garage for which I don’t blame him as the grinding noise reminded me of the dentist’s drill. However when the clouds came across the inverter virtually shut down. He admitted that having had the system in for a couple of years and run through the capital costs of the system, its expected life span and how far it had reduced his electricity bills he reckoned he had lost money on the deal. This was with no allowance for any maintenance or repairs which might be needed.
Incidentally, I hope you have got dispensation for a 4kw system. In the UK the reglations specify a maximum limit for a residential system of 3.68kw, i.e.16 amps.
Solar and heat-pumps – not suitable for the UK. Confirmed.
Heat-pumps, I can give you the hard facts if you’re bored.
More Gas, bring back Coal (Drax, are you listening) get those Nuclear plants built fuck all the green cunts, if they want to live in caves it’s their choice.
The only place for solar panels are on roofs, solar farms don’t make sense unless you live in countries that are covered in rocks and sand and the sun shines 365 days a year.
Dale Vince is a cunt
Wow, cosmic.
Listen maaan.
Nature grews the seeds
We eat the seeds,
Anyone for Tofu burgers ?
Quite right, Mis.
As Vince is a former ‘new age’ traveller and now born again capitalist, he is definitely not to be trusted.
As plastic pikeys go, Vince is a pariah.
Big thanks to Wiltshire police who gave him a proper hiding at the battle of the bean field though. That probably knocked some sense into the self righteous hippy freeloader
This cunt gets all his millions off us through the government. Just part of the Net Zero corruption racket.
Soon wipe that arrogant smirk off it’s face with a mini gun.
Along with Starmer, Miiliband, etc, this cunt should be frequently and without warning tied to a post and then randomly kicked in the bollocks. This should be done over an undefined time period.
A anti capitalist multimillionaire.
A anarchist friendly with the government.
Id like to discuss green energy with Vince in detail whilst holding a large hank of his floppy fringe in my fist and pounding his face into a oak tree.
Far out
Only quares, Muslims and wealthy arsehole like Vince and the aptly poofy named Julian Dunkerton (SuperDry) can afford to support Labour and the four eyed imbecile lunatic that leads them.
A sausage roll without meat is just a pastry tube.
A hot dog without the meat is just a long thin empty bun.
Perhaps he likes to insert his own meat (and 2 veg) into the cavities.
Dale mince was married to a women!!!!
Everyone called Dale is a cunt.
Fruity twat Dale Winton.
And that chipmunk Dale the pretend squirrel..
Him and Justin Rowlett ought to be sewn in a sack and boiled in horse piss*
(*Copyright Edward Wallace)
Hello, Mr. Vince?
This is the revolution calling. We’d like to schedule a date for you with Madame Guillotine.
No, I’m afraid you won’t need the keffiyeh. They tend to flutter in the breeze a bit and obscure the face when the head is stuck on a pike.
But if you have any loved ones they’re certainly free to bring one and after 30 days on display they can wrap your head in it and take it home.
No we don’t display the heads indefinitely anymore. You sees the crows eat the facial features and make them unrecognizable. Kind of defeats the whole purpose of making a recognizable example.
Plus the heads tend to stink a bit as they rot and that puts people off.
And of course there’s always always the worry of disease…plague is such an unpleasant thing.
Shall we schedule a time then or would you rather we just show up unannounced?
No one has to go out and riot, no one has to do anything illegal to topple this government.
Don’t go to work, don’t pay your bills, don’t pay your council tax, don’t watch the TV, listen to the radio.
The government can’t survive without the consent of the majority, if the majority refuse to to comply the government would have days before it had to dissolve.
At least he lives his beliefs. He is full of wind and piss.