Auntie Keir (31) wants you


Or rather he/she wants your children.

Donald Trump is determined to end the war in Ukraine. The Clown Car Parade of European “Leaders” can’t fucking stand it.

After years of sitting on their hands and whining about the Perils of Putin, they have been shut out by Trump as he gives them a Master Class in Realpolitik.

They are now determined to show how tough and relevant they are. None more so than the most despicable cunt to ever occupy #10, Auntie Keir Starmer.

With all the false bravado he/she could muster, Auntie Keir proudly proclaimed he would send Britain’s sons, daughters, trannies, and non-binaries to die on the Steppes in defence of peace in Ukraine.

Here’s my suggestion to Auntie Keir. After sitting around with your thumb up your ass…take your thumb out of your ass…stick it up Lammy’s ass…and leave the business of ending the war to Trump.

Feckless fucking cunt!


Nominated by General Cuntster.

148 thoughts on “Auntie Keir (31) wants you

  1. When I was in the Army it was about 185,000 strong. I was stationed in West Germany when the Wall came down & it unified when The Cold War ended.
    Every political cunt in Europe immediately used that as an excuse to stop spending credible amounts on defence & to piss the money away on other shit (overseas filth, the work shy cunts in our own country & a thousand other worthless pursuits.
    We didn’t need a credible defence any more, in the immortal words of one of the dead Beatles, War Is Over.

    Only it fucking isn’t & now our two bob army isn’t going to be able to stand up to fuck all. Couple that with the filth & vermin we’ve let in, plus all the fuckers unsure of what sex they are, or if they’re a fucking cat or fire engine or summat, & we’re royally fucked.
    Two Tier talks about another 0.2% GDP on defence – laugh, I nearly passed my fags round (that’s ciggies GC, not what you’re thinking! 🤣) Try 5% Keir, you cunt!

    Not that he’s to blame alone, it’s been allowed to go to ratshit for years, but he needs to switch on to the fact that unless the UK & Europe as a whole, start getting fucking serious with defence spending, we ain’t ‘peacekeeping’ fuck all, except maybe a few immo hotels. Cunt!

  2. The Albino Honeymonster was also enthusiastic about sending British Troops to war.
    You first. Lead by example and all that.
    I’m not going.
    Rishi also floated the idea of National Service.
    It’s been hinted at for at least a year now.

    Having seen how veterans from the Iraq wars and Afghanistan have been treated strangely doesn’t make me want to sign up.

    No, it isn’t that I’m not brave when I need to be.
    Call it a strange quirk of mine for self preservation.
    Enough young men have been sent to their death in pointless wars that haven’t solved anything. Look at the Iraq/Afghan war.
    20 years after it began all troops left within a few weeks and the whole place has virtually gone back to how it was before. So what did that prove then?

    Anyway Friday Night Rocks

  3. We used to have the greatest army in the world 🇬🇧🇬🇧

    I remember my grandad proudly boasting

    ” British army? Best soldiers in the world.
    Hitler said so lad!
    He said give me a hundred British Tommy and id rule the world.”

    Now I’d never accuse my beloved grandad of lying but I can’t find that quote anywhere?

    Maybe Hitler said it as a soldier in WW1 off record in a Christmas day football match in the trenches?

    But I was taught that and despite all the cuts and devastation the Tory and Labour cunts have rained down upon our brave troops,
    We still are the Go To for training ,
    The SAS is still the elite.

    Anyone who doesn’t appreciate the service and sacrifices our servicemen have made is truly a wretch.

    • I remember being absolutely piss wet through during basic training, the training platoon sergeant, also piss wet through, said ‘Don’t worry lads, your skin’s waterproof’ 🤣

      Your grandad was bang-on Mis, I knew some great lads in the Army, stand by you through thick & thin, laugh & take the piss when things got tough. Kept you sane!

      • My best mate was in the Cheshire regiment Gusset.
        we’ve been friends for 50yrs.
        since day one of infant school.

        He did 3 tours of Northern Ireland then off to the Croatian war as part of the peacekeeping effort.

        He always has my back,
        always willing to help,
        always up for a pint😂

        a true man and a brother.

  4. It’s disturbing to me to see so many people miss the point of this nomination.

    Trump is not appeasing Putin. He recognizes that if you want to end this pointless war you must talk to Putin to do so.

    Volo can’t win this war and he doesn’t want it to end. Why should he? According to the US state Department almost about $65 BILLION has been sent to this con artist with no accounting.

    (And how much danger is he really in? He and his wife can jet off to Washington, New York, Paris and attend awards shows and go shopping so obviously the his personal risk is slight.)

    As for the “Leaders” of the EU…they can’t end it. They’re powerless. Besides, some of the dumb cunts are still buying Russian natural gas.

    2TK? He can’t even stop the boat people from entering England so how is he going to keep stop Russian troops from entering Ukraine?

    Take a poll. Do you think British citizens would rather send troops to Dover or Ukraine?

    Trump will end this war because he recognizes the reality of the situation hence my use of the word Realpolitik.

    As for those of you stupid enough to think this war about preserving democracy here’s yet another link detailing Volo’s abuses. It’s been going on since before this war started but St. Volo was the darling of the Left and only a brave few dared to call him out:

    Banning political parties. Seizing media outlets. Confiscating property. Yeah…he’s a real icon of Democracy.

      • That cunt can see Mis, no doubt about it. What ol’ Steve is doing is the equivalent of rocking up in a wheelchair at Britains Got Talent auditions – sympathy vote.

    • With respect GC, I haven’t missed the point of your cunting. Two Tier is a posturing twat & I largely concur with what you’ve said.

      My problem with what DT is doing, is that it sends entirely the wrong message to Putin. I’ll wager that if Putin gets what he wants in Ukraine, then it won’t be too long before he takes the lot, then it’ll be the 3 Baltic states, because he wants to push boundaries & DT’s apparent indifference to US involvement in NATO will encourage Putin that Europe won’t be strong enough to do anything about it.
      Then it’ll be Poland taking shit via Belorussia. God knows where it’ll end …& assuming you are in the USA, we Europeans are the ones who’ll have to deal with it.
      I quite agree this continent has been sitting in America’s pocket for WAY too long & needs to sort its own defence out & not rely on an increasingly inward looking US, but Trump isn’t going about encouraging that in the right way & it could have long term serious ramifications for us.

      • Fair point TSG.

        I still can’t shake the feeling the whole fucking thing is yet another murderous folly being used by leftist cunts to reinforce their agendas..

        Comrade Starmer prattling on about “our security”,”the threat to democracy” blah blah blah….yet its quite obvious that Russia simply does not possess the logistical capability to decisively invade their nearest neighbour,nevermind Poland or anywhere further afield.

        Further to that,if Putin and his military do have plans to subjugate large parts of Europe then as his combined conventional forces have been tested in Ukraine and found largely wanting in anything other than attritional trench warfare then the next step to victory is the use of tactical nuclear weapons.

        Conventional force has already been seen to have failed so where else is there to go,if he is the bloodthirsty fanatic hellbent on territorial conquest?

        Starmer and NATO are just as guilty as Putin in pushing all Europe toward an escalating nuclear war and for what?

        The Russians have failed,their army exposed as very limited and woefully lacking in the type of tactical elements that could bring them any sort of success anywhere further afield than perhaps a hundred miles from their own border.

        Yet Starmer wants to play at war still?

        It’s all rotten to the core.

      • Hey Guss,

        With respect my response to your point about sending the message is two-fold:

        1. What message does it send to let this war go on?

        Are we just supposed to flush more money down the drain and watch more people die because you’re (Europe that is) is afraid of what Putin might do in the future?

        2. Could it be that the message is we’re serious about ending this war?

        And by we I’m referring to the US as nobody in Europe has done a fucking thing to end this war or for that matter can do a fucking thing.

        Also what is your proposal for ending the war?

      • You may well be correct in all that UT, the problem lies in the uncertainty of it all. I don’t buy the defence of democracy bullshit, it’s nothing but sound bites & right up Starmer’s street, the useless cunt.
        I do think Vlad wants a buffer back though & nothing would please him more than a reconstitution of the Warsaw Pact set up, with satellite countries there to take the brunt.
        One aspect of this war is it gives his military a lot of invaluable combat experience, plus when it comes to it, Western Europe’s forces are paper thin. Superior tanks & planes mean nowt if you’ve only got 10 of each.
        Either way, the uncertainty is the killer & Don has properly upset the applecart as far as stability & solidarity goes.

      • @GC. I agree that ending the war is the primary aim, but I don’t agree that Trump should show disdain for Zelensky/Ukraine being party to the negotiations.
        Whether you or I like it or not, Putin kicked this war off & Ukraine has an absolute right to sit at the table to end it. No nation would willingly cede territory to an invader, your own being a primary example of one that would fight to the death to boot an invader out.
        I accept that the US can withdraw their support if they so wish, but Trump seems to want to go further & offer succour to Putin. Additionally, it’s not America’s place to decide for Ukraine, it’s not US territory.
        I quite agree Europe could do a lot more too, but let’s be honest, the EU is shite & ineffective, Trump would do better focusing on getting them in order, rather than being matey with Vlad.

        As to stopping the war, my preference would have been to build a strong European military that supported & welcomed any nation in that wanted to join, providing they contributed significantly.
        Peace through strength, but that isn’t where we are & almost certainly never will be.

      • Hey Guss,

        We may be closer than you think.

        Trump’s rhetoric often provides fodder for his opponents. I’ve just come to accept it as part and parcel of his method which by and large does yield results.

        You are correct in that we are where we are. The apple cart is upset and Europe has some serious soul searching to do with regard to its future and well being.

      • It won’t do Europe any harm to have to think about mounting a proper defence force. I’m pretty sure that the Germans & majority of the old Warsaw Pact countries will be keen to, Norway, Sweden & Finland see the value of it too.

        As for Don’s rhetoric, I agree that it’s largely best to ignore his general bluster & focus on what he actually does. Just don’t get too cushy with Putin, it won’t end well.

      • Give the Ukrainians whatever it takes to drive the invader from their land.

        Something we should have done in February 2022.

        And stop requiring them to fight with one hand tied behind their backs… with immediate effect.

  5. UK defence spending was reported to be £54 billion in 2023/24.
    A large proportion of that was frittered away on private contracts for things like an aircraft carrier that cost nearly twice the original estimate, and then it turned out the aircraft we bought couldn’t land on it.
    A report last year showed that only 1 in 5 of the Navy’s ships were available for active service. 80% being in dock for repairs or having insufficient numbers of trained crew.
    The airforce is more concerned with meeting ethnicity and diversity quotas instead of whether a pilot is capable of shooting down more numerous and better equiped enemies.
    Maybe not sending £20 billion abroad in foreign aid, not spendind £20 billion on net zero hoseshit and not spending £7 billion on housing and molly codling illegals, would mean we could spend an extra £54 billion on defence and double spending on protecting the people of this country at a stroke.
    I listen to nothing our spineless quivering jelly PM says.
    He should be hung for treason at the earliest opportunity.

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