A cunting for another nail in the coffin

The Labour cunts are desperate to pull back the Muslim vote and the Brain of Britain Angie no knickers is championing defining Islamophobia in law.

Get this wrong and blasphemy against Islam will be enshrined in UK law and the argument is why do we need this as discrimination against any protected characteristic is already illegal (Black, Muslim, Bumming)

Anyone can criticise religion, it isn’t protected and why should it be, if it was protected then non believers of any religion would be guilty of blasphemy (yes a bit of a stretch but it if some Imam says Islam is the true religion anyone who disagrees is breaking the law)

Conclusion, we are well on the way to being TRUELY fucked

middle eastern eye

Nominated by Sick of it.

80 thoughts on “A cunting for another nail in the coffin

  1. Upset a Christian? They’ll probably pray for you.

    Upset Islam? Death penalty.

    Western ‘democracy’ and Islam are TOTALLY incompatible and devotees of both side are on a certain collision course.

    BTW, If my God needs me to defend him He’s not much of a god, is He?

    • Allah. Piss be apon him, is the biggest pussy of all the gods.

      If he can’t take the slightest bit of criticism without his adherents on earth blowing themselves and a bunch of innocent kids to bits, then he is Basically a pathetic pussy cunt.

      Worth noting that god(S) do not exist. They are a man made construct dating back thousands (in the case of islam, a few hundred) of years to make simple minded fuckwits feel a bit better about their miserable existence on earth.

      I do of course exist, but all I do is know everything and have fucking massive parties every night.

      • Well Odin, you were/are a demi-god (in my opinion) and you do/did exist.

        God, the supreme being, appears obviously real to me. I understand others don’t see it that way and feel no urge to compel them to lie about believing with threats of immolation, decapitation or free flying lessons, although the latter provides some occassional entertainment.

      • Got moderated
        Can’t think why I don’t think my comments would have upset any cunters

  2. It ain’t going to happen …
    The No10 clique can pass whatever law they fucking well like, but Britons will simply laugh at it and sensibly ignore it – even those dopey fuckers that voted Labour in 2024.

  3. There was a Saudi rag head on the GB news on Sunday who said there are more extremists in the UK than the Middle East 😂

    With all the small boat cunts that have arrived he could be right.

    Still not sure what Islamophobia actually means, seems to be an undefinable term, just a made up word that can be used to counter any criticism at all.

    • Islamaphobia doesn’t exist, It’s a false word, made up by leftie cunts who can’t even understand a proper definition.

      Phobia means ‘fear of’. Most people hate these camel shagging human filth. That is not a fear of them, that is a serious dislike of them. So, the term Islamaphobia isn’t even correct

      • Using the term ‘legal certainty’

        Probably include ALL women must wear head coving in any area where Muslims live so they don’t cause offence

      • Well now suddenly parts of this are starting to make a bit more sense, the huge number of absolute fuckin’ munters that make up the lefty brigade, for example, .. them covering up their faces would be a blessing.

        If I convert on the back of this can I change my IsAC handle to CuntemAllah ?

      • Have you seen the fucking state of Sparkhill SOI?

        It is NO exaggeration to say that non muslims are in danger just by walking around there.

        There is NO multiulturalism in ANY areas dominated by muslims. There is monoculturalism, theirs, or else.

        They will kill ‘unbelievers’ whenever they see fit, for any or no reason, and when no unbelievers are available, they kill each other. They have NEVER been any different and I see no reason to believe that they ever will be.

      • Yes, Muslim run countries have zero tolerance for anything not Muslim.

        Our leaders will carry on ignoring it until it’s too late then we will be fucked, the time will come when the PM will look like the supreme leader of Iran.

    • It doesn’t exist , whilst Islam exists , its whole basis doesn’t , so it’s just a empty shell

      Like Dawkins says if you decided to worship pink flying elephants everyone would fucking laugh at you but if you get a few billion to do it , they’ll pass a law against laughing at you.

      It’s LITERALLY no different other then the prophet know and Pink Elephant didn’t marry a 6 year old child like theirs did

  4. When *they’re* in control in 2 generations or 3 or 4, .. do you think ‘Caucasianophobia’ will be against the law in GB, or whatever they rename the country?

  5. Plenty of Muslim countries to live in..

    I have said before ban halal meat, cousin marriage and mosques and the rats will disappear..
    Make life uncomfortable for the fuckers.
    They literally offer nothing to this country.

    • The Koran states that a man has to support himself and his family.

      It also states you can only have as many wives as you can support.

      Therefore any carpet kisser on welfare can’t afford any wives and should be cut off from welfare and deported immediately, along with any wives and offspring.

      • …and goats and camels.

        Actually Odin, that’s an astute and spot on observation that should be used more.

      • General,

        You are making the mistake that they actually care about what the koran says about personal responsibility etc. They just like that bits that justify their carnal urges, like murder and underage marriages etc.

        Always makes me ‘laugh’ when one observes the amount of devout muslims there are in the prison system. If their religion promoted righteousness and forbade criminality, and/if they believed it, they wouldn’t be in prison, would they?

      • PS General

        Islam is not really a religion anyway, it is the merger of political and military philosophies, based on race. I consider that indisputable fact, though I’m happy to be corrected by solid evidence to the contrary.

      • True but they are taking benefits from a non Muslim state, that’s allowed as the weakening of the infidel state benefits the advance of Islam. Anything that advances the Muslim cause is allowed especially if it costs the infidel. Remember when the Koran says “if you kill a man you kill the world”.they mean Muslims Not us infidels. As for dirty Ange, she has a right mindfuck if she thinks that all those muzzi men were spellbound by her vote begging meetings, Most were thinking about fucking her and the rest were asleep. So bloody naive.

      • Well it shouldn’t be allowed in a philosophical sense .

        Their existence is paid for by a more evolved civilisation . How humiliating.

        This pretty much makes them the same as my dog except my dog is much cleverer , better looking , less hairy and smells less

      • A theological discourse on the finer points of Islam right here in the Hallowed Halls of IsaC.

    • General, as ever you make a sound point. If only politicians sought guidance from the offering of IsAC contributors.
      Not Thomas obviously but the rest of us.

  6. Are we going to enshrine in law any expression of Gruffalophobia.

    Just that those books are more realistic than the Qu’uran

    • Muslim scholars (?) actually believe that sperm is produced in the ribs, the moon appears in its phases because Mohammed flies up on his horse and carves a bit off every night and planes only go up and the world turns to meet them, then they come down.

      A scholar is a man who has read a thousand books, not the same book a thousand times.

      • 2125AD (renamed 1546 by then) .. on Is-a-Chelb.com .. ” and the infidels used to believe sperm is made in the balls, .. that the phases of the moon were caused by the sun and shadows, … and that planes come back down from the sky to land on an indifferent earth “

  7. What Dirty Filthy Grimy Smelly Reeking Crabs Riddled Mackerel Twat Ange should do is bring in laws that protect decent British citizens from psychotic muslim filth like the Southport Treeswinger. And the so-called ‘intelligence’ services need a severe kick up the arse.

    How many times are we going to hear ‘he was on a list’, ‘we had him on our radar’ and ‘lessons will be learned’? They are fucking useless and they have failed us all. Especially those who have perished and their families. Had they done their job properly, Lee Rigby, the Manchester dead and those little Southport girls might still be alive.

    Fuck the migrant shite. Look after your own, Ange. You fucking slag.

    • Well said sir.

      Those foul cunts entire families are complicit in these crimes but it seems the “justice system” is oddly blind to it.


      Your good health Norman.

    • That link could be used to demonise all Muslims 😂

      In the good old days our enemies were on other shores, now they are already here.

    • Given Angie’s propensity to spread her legs easier that warm butter he fears are most definitely irrational, though the calibre of man the cock.is attached tok must surely leave a lot to be desired.

      Daddy issues, compensated for by seeking male validation and affection in exchange for freely available sex, later using sex as a ‘punishment’ on men after developing a deep seated hatred of them for using her as sperm bank. Repeat the process, again, and again, and again…

  8. Another Paki is coming it at our renal unit.
    He has told the unit manager (another Asian type) that he ‘gets headaches’ in the afternoon. So, he wants to change his shift to the morning.

    Of course, the Asian unit manager licks his arse, and if somebody gets shoved out of their morning slot to indulge this fucker, we have agreed that we will kick off good and proper. The cunt also always a gets one of the two coveted private side rooms as well. Every time, he gets one. Doesn’t speak English, of course. But such favouritism is a disgrace. There is more than enough of them already. But now this fucker has appeared and caused trouble. They are like a living plague.

  9. 2TK is too stupid to understand that The Peacefuls in the Caliphate of Britainistan will through him off the roof of the snackbar when they take power.

    Make Islam Great Again
    Vote Labour
    Jihad! Jihad! Jihad!

  10. I wish they’d hurry up and get it made law.

    It’ll certainly hasten the end of paki appeasement.

    Likely also the end of Liebor the fucking vile cunts.

    Dung heaped upon dung.

    Fuck Off.

  11. Dog forbid if any of what’s going on with foreigners entering the country effected me, I’m sure to end up in prison. Where I live isn’t troubled and fairly normal. Its the dread that’s making me feel uncomfortable that it might happen some day.

    • Not an offence yet Doc. Doubt it will be long though. There has been a successful prosecution for farting and the law was changed recently to enable prosecution of a Christian standing silently in the street praying to their sky fairy.

  12. Anything Slubberguts Starmer doesn’t like or agree with will become illegal – that is the way with every dictator – or in his case and his bum fun chums DICKtator.

    It will probably become illegal to critique the fucking unions next.

  13. Cuntess Rayner says that islamophobia should also be racist…. er how, believing in an invisible supernatural being and doing everything dictated by a iron age slave dealer being racist, oh! Is it because the deluded fetishists are tinged.
    Hopefully full Dirlewanger retribution is coming their way.

      • Every member of those mosques look down on Dirty Ange but they vote for her – often many times in the same election.

    • How can it be racist ? When people of any colour can convert to Islam ?

      This is what happens when you leave school at 16 with zero qualifications and a bun in the oven

      Her alma mater was not Oxford or Cambridge like many Tory politicians before her but ……Stockport College

      I’m not sure but I don’t think this part of the Oxbridge Collegiate system

      • Yep – there are over 100,000 indigenous white Muslim converts in the UK.

        70% of whom are young women, bizarrely.

  14. What we really need is a law banning CommonSensophobia which is rampant and has fucked this country good and proper.

    I don’t don’t go out my way to offend people but if anything I say offends you – Tough Shit.
    Freedom of Speech is my right. If you don’t like what I say don’t listen to it or just Fuck Off.
    You have a right to say there are 97 genders or whatever bollocks come into your head, and I have a right not to listen to it and ignore you.
    If you ‘feel’ offended, go into the bog and cry or bitch about it in your what’sapp group, but nobody should be cancelled, sacked or silenced, be they left, right of vanilla (liberal).

    • Yes, 2TK wants to send the British army to the Ukraine/Russia meat grinder – all 50 of them.
      We had a bigger army when Capt/ Mainwearing led the home guard at Wamington-on-Sea

      • If they’re that short handed let them recall that Ducal Deliverer of Death, Harry “call me Biggles” Markle.

        He’ll waste a BAZILLION filthy Rooskies before Vlad the Invader can make peace with Trump.

      • You can bet your bottom dollar it won’t be sons and daughters of Labour MP’s who will be sent to Ukraine. Like a certain Mr Blair. Lions led by Liars springs to mind. I’m beginning to despise John Rambo wannabe Zelensky as well. Never enough with him, he will bankrupt us never mind Ukraine. Once again Donald Trump is criticised for trying to do the right thing and end the shitshow. I get the feeling that Trump and Vance will then him to lump it or fuck off. Enough is enough.

  15. I heard that Dirty Ange is going to record a song…
    A ‘re-imagining’ of an old Bill Haley classic.

    But, Ange’s version will go like this…

    One two three o’ clock, four o’ clock cock.
    Five six seven o’ clock, eight o’ clock cock.
    Nine ten eleven o’ clock, twelve o ‘clock cock.
    Az gunna rock around the cock tonight.

    • Norman, sir… you are my favourite, committed, IsAC horndog.

      But this strong Anti-Angie line you’re pushing of late mixed with my observation above, is starting to drift into ‘the cunter doth protest too much’ territory re: the ugly cunt …

      Say it isn’t so … c’mon man, remember Glynis Barber in that cocktail waitress outfit in D&M episode 1 … geez what you wouldn’t have done to her, eh?


      • I mean (quote) .. “What Dirty Filthy Grimy Smelly Reeking Crabs Riddled Mackerel Twat Ange should do …”

        Pure playground pigtail-pulling in written form, that… 😃

      • Cheers Cuntemall. I got an unedited DVD of Dempsey and Makepeace from Poland of all places.

        The UK version is cut to bits, and all the violent bits are left out. The Polish one does play in English though.

        And that pilot episode, where ‘Harry’ is a cockney cocktail waitress certainly brings back memories. I certainly would have.

        I watched the classic Charlie Bubbles at the weekend. And Billie Whitelaw was great in it. I’d have given my 70s Old Trafford league match ticket book if I could have been corrupted and seduced by Billie in her 60s/70s heyday. Even Alf Roberts is after a bit at the window.


  16. Brought you back from the brink, did I?

    Phew. Mrs.Barber was still looking fine for her age when pushing her yoga DVD in the early 2010’s.

    Wouldnt have minded joining her for a bit of downward facing dog(gie style), what what?

  17. I considered coverting (not really!), the thought of saving a fortune on bog roll by simply using my left hand, the thought of 72 virgins in the afterlife, the thought of multiple wives, the thought of priority status in the benefits, health and legal systems with special protections to my new neighbourhood.

    But then I thought nah, I’m left handed and prefer it to smell not of my own excrement and the 72 virgins might be a laugh to deflower but what do I want with 72 haggared old fat arsed women on my case for eternity?

  18. This Islam phobia law is bollocks.
    Just ignore it.
    I will ,as with others.

    Their God hates them.
    Because they have B.O.

    If he can down from paradise he’d have a ankle tag
    And have to report to a police station once a week.

  19. Socialism and Islam, two very fucked up ideological concepts that should naturally hate each other.

    The handful of SS divisions comprised of followers of Islam should make even the most dense Labourite have some doubts.

    Maybe it’s the common enemy thing?

      • Having his hair washed
        Considered racist
        Having to define a woman
        Hard work
        The working class

        List is endless really JP.

      • I hope Trump humiliates him next week. Stop taking questions in front of the international press to take a call from Nigel or something like that.

  20. Islam is a religion of peace, l read parts of the bible and the Koran every night. So said the blessed Tony Blair back in 2007 (I think, near to the time of the underground bombing anyway). He must be referring to an English translation of the Koran as the original is written in ancient Arabic which 99% of the Islamic world cannot read. Reliance being the local iman or mullah depending on sect. Most of those who get brownie points with Allah for memorising the Koran, have done so by phonetic word sounds they cannot read the old Arabic per se. Not all Muslims are bad, the religion is the problem encouraging all sorts of shite. I feel sorry for the females, no matter what they do they are always second class. I have said this to so many people Islam is not in any shape or form compatible with our way of life. Almost forgot, the only reason Tony Blair converted to Roman Catholicism. He thought he would have more chance of kissing Satans arse.

    • Islam is the religion of peace, once everything not Islamic has been eliminated there will be peace.

      Oh once the Sunni or the Shia have eliminated the other then there will be peace……….maybe.

      • It is so Sv. Peace will be when all accept Allah and his prophet.
        As Islam states a Muslim in an Islamic state lives in the house of Islam (peace) those who dwell in states run by infidels live in the house of war. Even a woke blind politician should be able to comprehend what house of war indicates.

  21. The good thing is that their inbreeding and innate genetic weakness means they will need 50 of them just to get me , let alone everyone else

    Yep 50 of them (aforementioned possessing 600 fingers )

  22. Starmer and his arselickers like Wessy will think it a Good Idea, until all the poofter PLP members and their duckie theatre friends get thrown off of tall buildings. Rayner should stick to thumbing through her copies of Big Dicks and The Vajazzle Monthly, whilst manipulating her dildo

    • That group are taking the piss. Obviously supporting the WanKeir to stay and that Karen book is also taking the piss. Its like Viz, their Arseholly bible.

  23. The man arrested for burning the Karen, should’ve wiped his arse on it first, then the pussy police wouldn’t have been able to arrest him for laughing.

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