The National Energy Systems Operator ( NESO)

I’ve never heard of them either, but what I read made me wonder whose pocket they’re in, or vice versa.

The link, have a look.


12 million quid for 3 hours of electricity? What the fucking what, now?

Oh, they’ll get paid, but why were they needed?
Because it wasn’t windy enough, or sunny enough, to generate enough electricity to meet the nations demands. After all, those 4/5 * hotels certainly suck….power from the grid.

All this suggests to me, and many other individuals who don’t share the family braincell, is that relying on wind/solar power to meet the nations needs it’s utter folly.

Especially when we have natural resources already available. But no, let’s sell them to our brother, errrm, highest bidder, because we don’t need heating or electricity thats affordable, do we?

Nominated by Jeezum Priest.


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34 thoughts on “The National Energy Systems Operator ( NESO)

  1. Surely though to make electricity from scratch ie something burning or turning doesnt change its just the greedy cunts hiking the prices every year, usually when the clocks change and then passing it on to the end user. This has to stop as does ridiculous bonuses. How many regulatory authorities does this once great country need.

    • It’s all down to the way a market works though DC. High demand, limited supply equals high price. The fact supply is short due the actions of moronic politicians is of no interest to the market. Another example; the housing market in this country, astronomical prices for shoe boxes for the same reason. I read this very morning that in the States gas is one half UK price and electricity is one third. Only the UK and some European countries are averse to using fossil fuels. The rest of the world burn them with gay abandon then sell us their manufactured goods undercutting our own manufacturers and closing them down. This is 100% the fault of our politicians and I wonder how bad it needs to be before we get a grip and evict the bastards.

  2. Somebody recently said “Drill,baby,Drill!”..

    I can’t place who it was as there hasn’t been much news coverage but what he said seemed to make a great deal of sense for our economic security and wider economy..

    But regrettably he wasn’t talking about making Britain Great again.

    Ed Milliband and every other Energy Secretary these past 30 years have been total fucking cunts.

    Good morning.

  3. Some cunts have windmills, other cunts have oil. What sort of cunt would you rather be?

    Good morning, everyone.

  4. Beaker the badly carved totem pole is hoping greta thundercat is gonna get wet for him over the twats insane march to eco oblivion..

    Buying oil and gas from Norway who get it from the same fields we has access to.

    • Via Holland though, Barry.

      Right after it has passed through our gas transfer terminals, onwards to Holland and then sold back to us.

      You couldn’t make this shit up.

    • Was going to say exactly this; we haven’t got renewables when it’s still and dark, so we import from Norway, who get it from the same place we could if Silliband wasn’t a grade A Twat of the First Water.

  5. Somebody’s on the fiddle, just as much as others were when stopping the wheel going round. But nothing like on such a grander scale as this.

  6. The answer is definitely not blowing in the wind.

    The choices are purely political, saying wind has taken over as the main source of electricity production is because the gas is turned off and preference given to wind production when demand is lower.
    Wind is cheaper, well it would be because it’s a protected species, the gas stations still have to pay staff, pay taxes, probably have to pay for the gas supply as standby.

    Gas needs to be prioritised, in investment and supply because the rate our country moves it’s ass it will be another 50 years before we have adequate nuclear, to use cunt Starmers favourite word wind is a gimmick.

  7. The mercenary Swiss cunts who own these stations through a German subsidiary will be rubbing their grasping hands with glee at the thought of how much they can steal from we mugs when the shortfall means that their power is needed to charge our unwanted EVs. Meanwhile we’ll be rubbing our blue hands to keep warm. (Footnote – The Swiss parent company only needs a German subsidiary because many Hans make light work.)

  8. The emergency electricity was produced by power stations that used gas to generate it.

    A few days later, the main headline?

    “The UK only has 7 days gas supply left!”

    Fucking Hell!
    Right hand, meet left hand!

  9. Very soon we will be calling days with no sun, wind but with power cuts, Miliband days. And not affectionately.
    Net Zero is virtue signalling bullshit (what CO2 does the UK add? About 1.5%) while the world outside Europe laughs it’s bollocks off. And rip off merchants like NESO coin it. Paid by us dull cunts.

    The climate has been changing for 4 billion years. Flora, fauna and later humans have adapted. But now we have the fucking arrogance to try to control it.


    • The entire human race emits 4% of all CO2 emissions.

      The UK is responsible 1% of that, so 0.04% of the total.

      Miliband and his fellow cultists think that by stopping one molecule of CO2 out of every 2,500 entering the atmosphere (0.04%) he can control the climate.

      The bloke is a fucking psychopath who should be banged up in the nuthouse.

      • He’a already in a nuthouse, parliament. They should be locked in, the key thrown away and plug pulled. We’d all be a lot more happy.

  10. What Ed The Cunt doesn’t tell you is that the last time this happened here was 2013. Sure, the number of wind farms have grown then but weather conditions must be right for wind to provide a reliable, secure and consistent supply of electricity and this simply doesn’t happen as the wind doesn’t blow at the right speed all the time and storage is a limited proposition. There are many more hurdles to overcome than Ed The Cunt cares to admit.

    This also doesn’t say that wind farms can phase gas out. The 2022 UK census suggested that 73% of UK homes have domestic hot water and heating by gas. Energy-wise it will be impossible to wholesale replace gas with energy provided by wind. Air source heat pumps for domestic hot water and heating won’t work on the majority of housing stock in the UK without major work to the fabric.

    Also we still need gas for industry. Unless, of course, Ed might suggest we can light his and David’s farts to provide the necessary heat to smelt steel and glass.

    Fuck off.

    • Air Pumps are designed to circulate warm air around a building. That’s it, They are not for heating water. Also they work like shite in damp climates.
      Bloody ace in Sweden with dry cold and properly built houses.
      Flogging these in the UK is just wrong.

    • The UK is bankrupt…!

      No fucking wonder,the way we spunk money all over to support third world Shitholes and their people.

      Especially when they ILLEGALLY paddle across the ENGLISH channel..!

  11. Privatisation will benefit the consumer by driving down prices through competition…if you see Sid, tell him.

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