I start with a confession: I was always grateful to the Daily Express for it’s constant support for Leave in the UK referendum and it’s almost consistent support for Boris – one of the few political leaders – who – despite his faults (and we all have them) never took himself too seriously. The Daily Mail could be quite flaky in both those stories. As a result I often bought the paper, but in recent years it has become very greedy – the current cover price is £1.70 – this time last year it was £1.40, there have been three price rises in that time, of 10p each. These days I read it online (which is something you can’t do with the Mail – you have to pay a subscription). On the (very) rare occasions I buy a paper, it is The Telegraph, good solid journalism.
I say all the above to be fair – The Express is now a shadow of it’s former self, and more like a gossip magazine,
Let us take today, 13th January, – there are so many stories out there – Royal Mail stopping Saturday deliveries of second class mail, for example, if you want to be parochial – strangely just weeks after the government has sold the organisation to a Czech – I bet there was a bit of a deal done there. There are any number of stories about the current government and it’s clown of a leader. But this is one of the major stories today, all about a sad actress who died 45 years ago, and the biography mentioned in the article is eleven years old. Why bring this up today?. Meghan Markle only has to fart to provoke the “royal” story – every day. Then there are the constant Fred Smith on TV “everyone is saying the same thing” tripe, and the even worse “Lydia Dustbin interrupts Breakfast TV for sad announcement” – just to report that somebody has died, or there has been a major disaster somewhere. Of course a live TV “news” magazine (of a sort) would make such announcements. These headlines appear virtually every day.
What is the point now of Beaverbrook’s old newspaper?. The less said about it’s sister paper (The Daily Star) the better:
Nominated by W C Boggs.
One thing about the Star is that it can be good for a laugh sometimes. It’s a comic really.
Morning all.
Morning Ron, speaking of comics, I sued to occasionally thumb the pages of Punch magazine iwhen waiting in the barbers. Another chap I know would read it at the club. Toodle pip, old bean!
You need to switch loyalties to this publication, WC:
More believable than anything you’ll ever read in the Groaniad.
I wouldn’t touch The Guardian with a bargepole, Geordie. It is only fit to be lavatory paper for Kweer Charmer and Wes Streeting.
I recall that The Daily Mail was always superior. A true colossus of Fleet Street. Does Robin Goodfellow still offer a daily double of his nap and next best, I wonder? Is there still a Femail page to entertain the fillies? Baz Bamigboye was very jolly. If those nuggets are still featured, I might consider taking out a subscription.
Good morning all/
Well said Mr Boggs.
To quote Pope John Paul II “they were no good once they got rid of the tits”.
And..£1.70 ! fuck me times have moved on.
Good morning.
The news media in all its forms has become an enormous circle jerk.
TV shows reviewing newspapers, newspapers reveiwing TV shows, radio shows reveiwing both and all of them quoting what unknown saddos’ reactions are to the “latest bombshell revelations” being discussed on Twitter.
Perennial favourites for hypole and/or fear-mongering are the weather, we’re all gonna die of cancer/flu/SARS/weather, Ukraine is amazing, Trump is mental and women are better than men at everything, espescially if they are blick. Or fat.
Oh, and gayness.
Bonfire material 🔥🔥🔥
To be fair, today’s Express has trhe funniest, most grotesque photograph of the week.
It looks like Lammy is pushing out the biggest, most painful turd of the week:
The word is that he passed up Hollywood stardom to make a ‘career’ in politics.
Not only is it the biggest and most painful, but he’s demonstrating its girth.
If it’s even half as thick as his neck, he’s in big trouble
I shouldn’t think he’d get many to the pound!
When travelling I prefer Viz, admittedly it has left wing leanings, like Blackadder. But like Blackadder it is fucking funny, and better than any newspaper.
Even Viz are having to be careful and getting too pricey. I also used to find their annuals for next to nothing in secondhand shops. The only treasured copy I possess is “The Viz Bumper Book of Shite for older boys & girls”, from 1993. It reminds me of nostalgic innocence from bygone days.
The Bumper Book of Shite is at arms length on a bookshelf as I type this. A rare standalone release with zero reprint alongside two others ; The Big Fat Slags book, and a particular favourite of mine : Sid the Sexist’s ‘The Joy of Sexism’ .. with it’s excellent feature, the sexist world records .. Men’s categories included drinking, swearing, etc. .. women’s included world’s longest ever huff, and greatest length of time spent talking about nothing..
oh! .. and (women) .. worst ever example of driving .. where the winning lass drove from John O’Groats to Lands End without ever going above third, the left indicator on the whole way … and the handbrake still half engaged for the entire duration of the journey…. (despite the smoke billowing from the back wheels).
Viz was pure class especially the early years.
Used to have me laughing out loud even if inappropriate situations.
People would look at me as if I were a nutcase.
Fuck em I sez.
The only paper I read is given away free on public transport and I’m not about to reveal that, am I.
“You’ll never find a nipple in the Daily Express”
Only tits who write for it.
The price increases are a joke, I always used to buy the times on a Saturday, very high-brow me.. £4 quid now.. get fucked.
I get my news off toilet walls now..
Apparently Rodney is a cunt..
A total one
Newspapers 📰…. back in the day they were just about that, now just government mouth pieces or rags that you might need for wiping your arse with when times are rough…. coming soon 🤬
They aren’t even worthy for wrapping your fish & chips in.
Wasn’t there a newspaper war at onetime, battle to see who could publish the cheapest copy ?
Yes, Eddie Shah with “Today” then Robert Maxwell jumped on the bandwagon with some evening thing that lasted a couple of months – can’t even remember the name of it.
Eddie Shah tuned out to be a proper ‘wrong’un’.
Ho ho ho.
Yes, there was, Sammy. Eddie Shah, Kerry Packer, Paul Raymond, they were all at it. Especially Paul Raymond.
Who needs Newspapers anyway, especially the letter page, when you can get an immediate response from colleagues on here.
Hello WC,
Check if your local library is signed up to Pressreader. if you have a library card, you can read newspapers and magazines from anywhere in the world free of charge.
To save you the trouble, I can’t find any gentlemen’s magazines (looking for a friend), but you can, if you’re that way inclined, read Practical Wireless. Some of us need a monthly dose.
Thank you Arfur – funnily enough I DO read Practical Wireless – £5.99 a month now, but still worth having – a good article on an indoor aerial for a flat this month. Not that I yet live in a flat, but – who knows?
I get Shindig every month.
A magazine about the lesser covered 60s and 70s acts.
The lovely Linda Ronstadt is on the latest cover.
I love Linda Ronstadt…I lovingly call her the Mexican Edelweiss
I remember getting edition no 1 on a flight to Berlin of this fucking rag.
Captain Bob always fancied himself boss of the EU..
Sank without trace, unlike that fat shister…☠️
It’s back now as “The New Eirpopean” for Labourite Remainers to wank over. There are always the three unsold copies of it in the local Sainsburys at the end of each week – I hope old Sainsbury buys them on sale or return.
Like that rag in Scotland ‘The National’. It apparently has a massive circulation of, er, less than 3,000 a day. Why anybody would shell out for this rabid indie crap is beyond me.
I’d wipe my arse on ‘The Guardian’, but you never know what you might catch from ‘The Notional’.
Should keep an eye on the Stockport press for news on the arrest of a large bearded man caught with his pants down 😳
I tap into YNC for the most crudest pieces of shit available. I find karma most satisfying. Thieving bastards who pray on the vulnerable and get their comeuppance with preferable serious injury or death. Also cunts who tease animals and end up dead or crippled for life. I also find hilarious silly twats being killed on bull runs for taunting them and riding at rodeo shows.
Beware the YNC Sammy!
I used to drop in there regular til I got tremendous virus on my laptop,the very Devil to get rid of.
I blame the Far Right.
And Amazon.
Due to only delving In Apple iPads, Unkle Terry, I find they look after you where viruses are concerned and are forever asking you to update their settings. That’s why I haven’t had any problems. I’m touching my head for luck.
I recall the old days, when the larty was in the back yard And the nail was loaded with yesterday’s broad sheet. For some reason the Newcastle Chronical and ta Daily Mail were the favourite occupiers of the mail. A better arse wipe could not be found. Yep yer arse got a hammering at first wipe, but the second and third were magically comfortable due to the excellent greasing properties of both papers
I take it was used to get excess shite from the ring piece before giving it a good old wash in the bidet.
I’m just thinking, if news had broken out in other countries on that umbongo black bastard piece of shit for murdering those young girls, all hell would’ve broke-loose and the cowardly cunt chased by all in sundry, eventually tied to a lamppost and petrol poured over the cunt and set alight. No arguments about how long this fucking evil cunt would get in prison at our expense.
The press sucks!
It’s sad to see the Daily Express slide into decay.
The line to meet Madame Guillotine moves rather quickly so I’m sure we can find a place for them.
Anyone got any thoughts on DuckDuckGo versus Google?
Use it all the time…🦆
Yep likewise, I wonder who owns it.
I don’t mind online newspapers, but the ads!
I suppose one advantage of using chrome as a Web browser is the wide array of free add ons..
ad blockers etc,youtube ad removal etc,quite useful
but always remember Google alphabet or whatever they call themselves are complete cunts.
I read that in the Daily Mirror.
Sadly Das Stürmer us out of print.
Alas, Computer Music comic has gone to the wall. The synth porn of choice for us old anoraks.
Where will I get my synth fetish assuaged now?
And I don’t even know what that pish word means . . .
Electric Coconut m8, Go Moog!
The Express fetish for UFOs and ‘aliens’ is hilarious.
I know it was briefly trendy in the 90s. All that X-Files stuff was on then.
But the Express are still doing it. And they actually print this shit as ‘news’.
And, their mania for Diana, Princess of Tarts is most unhealthy. Putting her on the front page, years after she snuffed it.
It’s shit like the Daily Mail. Every other article, ad for some spew on Netflix, or ‘Dear Jane, my husband left me for the hamster and before that we used to have sex on top of the piano’ shite.
Why pay for newspapers, you can get all the BS and lies for free on the internet or the tv. So much BS……………..