The 2025 New Years Honours List


As the horror of another Xmas disappears up the arse of time, so we have the next horror show – the New Years Honours List. This year we have a really fun-packed addition of poofters, lesbians, no-hopers and abject failures – just like every other year:

Emily Thornberry becomes a Dame officially – though she has been a pantomime dame for years. She will be carrying her ego and self importance round in her outsize big mama bloomers.

Arise Sir Sadiq Khan, for services to the Sheffield steel industry

Stephen Fry, the obese pompous poofter for services to pseudo-intellectualism and bumfuckery. The latter, I suspect is what swung it for him with Kweer, who seems to have a positive ache for homosexuality. He loves a good poof, inside the cabinet or outside.

Gareth Southgate, with his vacant grin and Rachel from Accounts minge round his chin, rewarded for failure.

The only plus point is despite his gurning like a monkey that had seen a bag of nuts, over-inked David Beckham and his ugly wife didn’t get the bauble they were clearly expecting when they minced into the Kings banquet last month.

Oh dear, how sad – never mind


Nominated by W C Boggs.

100 thoughts on “The 2025 New Years Honours List

  1. I’ve generally got more respect for people who have turned down honours, than those who have accepted them.

    I suppose the ultimate refusal was Oliver Cromwell.

    Who was offered the Crown 👑 and refused it. 👍

    Good morning 🌄 👍

  2. “Big Nose” should’ve been blacklisted for asking inexperienced piccaninnies to take penalties in a shootout, when guns would have got a better result.

    Besides, its hilarious being honoured when the cunt hadn’t achieved fuck all.

  3. “Big Nose” should’ve been blacklisted for asking inexperienced blackies to take penalties in a shootout, when guns would have got a better result.

    Besides, its hilarious being honoured when the cunt hadn’t achieved fuck all.

  4. Decent people can’t get a major honour now because you have to either be dishonest, gay, immigrant stock or fucking useless. But if you are ex military and taken a bullet for the team you get half an ounce of nickel silver and a discharge from your job while the colonel in chief or some sleezy politician gets a proper gong. All cunts.

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