The 2025 New Years Honours List


As the horror of another Xmas disappears up the arse of time, so we have the next horror show – the New Years Honours List. This year we have a really fun-packed addition of poofters, lesbians, no-hopers and abject failures – just like every other year:

Emily Thornberry becomes a Dame officially – though she has been a pantomime dame for years. She will be carrying her ego and self importance round in her outsize big mama bloomers.

Arise Sir Sadiq Khan, for services to the Sheffield steel industry

Stephen Fry, the obese pompous poofter for services to pseudo-intellectualism and bumfuckery. The latter, I suspect is what swung it for him with Kweer, who seems to have a positive ache for homosexuality. He loves a good poof, inside the cabinet or outside.

Gareth Southgate, with his vacant grin and Rachel from Accounts minge round his chin, rewarded for failure.

The only plus point is despite his gurning like a monkey that had seen a bag of nuts, over-inked David Beckham and his ugly wife didn’t get the bauble they were clearly expecting when they minced into the Kings banquet last month.

Oh dear, how sad – never mind


Nominated by W C Boggs.

100 thoughts on “The 2025 New Years Honours List

  1. Is that header picture the modern day version of guess who…

    “Are they undeserving cunts?”

    Any criticism of the brown goblin being knighted is just vile racism.
    To be fair he has got the waiting time to be raped down to a hour now..

    Old Vernon must be spitting feathers after hearing about wokegates impending gong..for the services of grovelling to chicken George.. I wonder if Gareth had trouble breathing after hearing the news.

  2. When an ‘honours’ list is this diluted, then being on that list is in no way an honour anymore. So what the cunts are feeling or looking so proud about escapes me… 🤷

  3. The only one that deserves any honour is the blonde white girl who won the Olympic 800, she did this despite being a real woman of the wrong colour.

    As for Khan, the cunt deserves a different blade aimed at his fucking neck.

    The header pic seems to be lacking in white men except for the poofter.

    The house of cunts are debating fucking Gaza…. again, the place is empty except for the labour cunts who depend on the Muslim vote, the lib dicks and what’s left of the soppy SNP and a few limp dick Conservatives.

      • She isn’t, it’s some weird looking foreign office junior minister.
        I think Jess is still in make-up having the teeth sharpened and the scowl set.

      • You forgot to mention she is a Breath Monster, er apparentely. 🤢
        Evening GT, evening all.

    • She already received the due reward for her deed – a gold medal.

      She has done nothing to warrant further reward – if you could call this shit-show a reward.

      With very, very few exceptions, a very good place to start righting the wrongs of this tragic mess of a country would be to exile/imprison/execute anyone that has recieved a gong of any description over the course of the last 50 years.

  4. The whole caper is a fucking laughable pantomime.

    Get dressed up and go for a jolly at the Palace.

    Mingle with disgusting paķis,Puffs and assorted “celebrities”…

    No thanks,I’d rather bed the Home Secretary.

    Stack of self congratulatory Cunts.

  5. Stephen Fry is a literary genius.

    He wrote a play about a teacher ‘grooming’ a pupil into bumsexing and how lovely it was.

    Projection much?

    • I read last week (sorry can’t remember which paper) a couple of months ago Fry applied and obtained Austrian citizenship. He said he did it “to stick his tongue out at Brexit”. You can see how he is the successor to Oscar Wilde where wit is concerned. Can’t you?. Me neither.

      • You’re quite right W. C.

        He got Austrian citizenship three months ago.

        Anyone know where the one-trick pony is currently?

      • There was an Austrian, a little over 80 years ago, who would have dealt with dear Stephen just as he did half a million other homosexuals. Austrians are all jolly nice on the surface but you don’t have to scratch the surface very deeply to find an unreconstructed Nazi.

    • Fry also played Oscar Wilde, just so he could commit sodomy on the cinema screen.

      He was shit in Blackdder too. All he did was shout ‘Baaaaaah!’ and say ‘Poo Poo’ about fifty fucking times.

  6. I am mystified by people objecting to Khan getting a knighthood.

    For years now, a knighthood has been the mark of an Establishment cocksucker. Khan is a prime example of the species. Although I bet he dials down the LGBTXYZ bollocks down the mosque.

  7. Well I’ve pored over the dozen in the header picture for a couple of minutes and I honestly cannot name a single one, couldn’t even hazard a guess.

    • Me neither. Moreover, it’s a bloody disgrace that it’s all these brown and white people, but not a single Chinaman or Chinawoman, and not a single Trann-îe.

      Mind you, top left is a bit suspect. It looks like Mr.Spock in a Diane Abbot wig.

    • I’ll try again, got modded for shi*rt l*fter.

      The sole whyt* bloke looks like some kind of council/quango rse-bandit severely lacking in te*to*terone.

      • And yet jizz-farting feltch-gargler gets a pass, as of earlier today….

        It’s a funny old not-funny-anymore world!

    • Top left is the fruity cunt gok wan, below him is the master craftsman and wife beater Jay blades. To his right is that pàķi cake baker nadiya saddam hussein..

      If that’s any help arfur..

      • Gok Wan is an anagram of Go Wank, which is a fine example of nominitive determinism.

      • You piqued my curiosity Gloria .. turns out he changed his name from Kowkhyn to Gok. Maybe it’s rhyming slang for his favourite anatomy part.

        Turns out, in a similar vein, Axl Rose’s real name is ‘William’.


        I have toyed on occasion with changing my surname to McAntichrist. Maybe someday, just for my own amusement…

  8. Playing devils advocate for a moment, .. … That’s ‘SIR worthless cunt’, or ‘worthless cunt O B.E.’ to you, societal also-rans …

  9. As mentioned by the Emperor, a sign of an entrenched establishment bootlicker, to the rest of us, a worthless bit of tin and a bell end ‘title’.

    Talk about devaluing.

  10. I bet Sadiq has had a name plate made for his desk and a bigger one for his office door, all staff to address him as Sir Khan and all stationery stamps (digital) ready to be signed Sir Sadiq. Would be great if he gets delivered the items with a few letters replaced.

  11. The only good appointment is a peerage for Toby Young.

    He deserves a peerage solely for his tweet in response to the BBC Comic Relief appeal for starving Kenyan children when a Twitter user said that she had “gone through 5 boxes of kleenex” whilst watching. Young replied: “Me too, I havn’t wanked so much in ages”.

  12. One of the worst things about the Honours system is that long dead political careers are revived. Kweer had already bought back Jacqui “Porn on expenses” Smith, the know-fuck-all girl, and amazingly pompous Pat Hewitt (remember her? -the oh so pompous tart who always used to swallow half way through her sentences “and I say to Tony Blair, gulp, take down my knickers immediately and fuck me”, is now also a Dame. There is nothing like a Dame!. The Establishment has lifted up it’s skirts, and let out the foul stench from underneath them.

    If Starmer really does care about the old and vulnerable he should have awarded AnalEase Dodds the Order of the Bath. She hasn’t had one for years:

    • Hewitt and Jacqui ‘crackhead’ Smith were under surveillance by MI5 for years for their communist activities, plus Hewitt advocated for lowering the age of consent to 9, yes 9 years old, when she was a ‘assisting’ PIE (Pædo Information Exchange), along with Harriet Harman. Not surprised they see nothing amiss in Rotherham, Telford, Rochdale, etc al.

      • Recall a time in Gervais’s early standup, after there’d been a march in London to lower the age of j.f.f.g(see above, 2:53 p.m) consent to 16.


        “The news showed what it said was fifty thousand people marching to lower the consent for gay ‘sex’ to sixteen … it was a big crowd, alright, of what looked like middle-aged men, .., but I have to say I didn’t spot a single 16 year-old in any of the footage” …


        Bad enough ;

        But NINE!?! … even suggesting that should be illegal ..

      • Nine? How about FOUR according to this BBC piece.
        (and as it’s the BBC that must be correct ‘cos BBC verify says all the stuff they spout is the truth)

      • To be fair to Harperson there is nothing to say she personally advocated for four but at one time the the organisation itself did.

  13. What a complete crock of fucking bullshit this so called honours list is.

    It’s almost an exercise in the trolling of normal every day people.

    Wokegate – knighted for services to anti white race baiting, BLM and assorted rainbow cocksuckers.

    Khan – knighted for services to islamic taqiyya and the depopulation of da London yoof innit.

    As for that jug eared, treacherous, WEF loving bell end who occupies Buckingham Palace, the sooner he drops dead or dies slowly and painfully, the fucking better.


    • Dame is a silly name for an honour anyway. In no way does it sound as good as ‘Sir’, which actually has some long history attached to it. ‘Dame’ reminds me of American films from the 30s/40’s where you might catch someone saying ‘What a dame’ or just reminds of a Pantomime Dame played by a Paul O’Grady type.

      How fitting for Emily.

      Just had a shudder – imagine having to bow/curtsey to Emily if it was Royalty?

  14. Anyone nominated or receiving a honour is a guaranteed copper bottom cunt.

    It’s a token, a dog biscuit ,
    For being a establishment lackey.
    A bottom feeder, a BBC bumboy, a Labour grooming gang cover upper,
    A Tory green issue cocksucker,
    The lowest of people get them.
    It’s a mark of shame.

    The Black Spot
    The mark of Cain
    A lepers bell.

  15. I see that a 14 year old lad was stabbed to death on a bus in London this pm.
    When is Sir Suckdick hoping to introduce an effective policy to deal with this dreadful mess ?

    • I think Southgate should be knighted properly, ie he should be kit out in full steel plate armour, Ivanhoe style, replete with St George shield and breastplate, then fucked off to Kabul on a crusade.

      Deus Vult Gareth.

    • Agreed, but he got a gong recently, and apparently, it’s not done to confer a further honour within a three-year period.

      So if the King of Shitholistan gets elevated to the HoL in under 3 years it will really prove what a pack of shit-eating shite hounds we have in charge.

      I’d create a new title for him, Royal Inspector of the Oubliet. How sad would it be if, on his first inspection, no-one could remember which one he had been lowered into?

    • Spot on Barry. I’ve a lot of time for Kevin Sinfield.

      Rob Burrow couldn’t have had a more solid friend.

      A proper bloke.

      The type that is now sadly in decline .

      Respect 👍

  16. Tom Baker is looking frail now; he is 90 years old but has rapidly lost an astonishing amount of weight – he is now stick thin. The timing of his MBE award makes me think that the poor guy is on borrowed time.

    He doesn’t look at all well.

  17. Another child ended with a kitchen implement here in London today…and the Mayor is being knighted.

    If that’s not proof there is a deliberate and sinister plot against all we stand for, then I don’t know what is.

  18. Hands up, are you a right wing type of person.

    Yes, any cunt with a brain and eyes to see and living in the north of fucking England IS.

    Anne Cryer MP for Kiethly was calling these rapist cunts out years ago, she was well and truly put down and cancelled….

    Over 20 years these medieval bastard’s have got away with raping our children.

    Fuck all has ever been done.

    Can you imagine what would have happened if white Christian English men had been raping there fucking children ….!!!!

    • No wonder that the “far right bandwagon” has more and more people jumping onboard. Two stories in todays Daily Fail sum up why people are getting real p!ssed off with what is happening in this country.
      One story refers to a Southport rioter getting a seven and a half years jail term for his part in the disturbances occuring after the stabbings of little kids by an immo.
      The other story refers to a carpet kisser having got only a six year jail term for his part in the Rochdale gr00ming gangs of which he served just two and a half after which he was to be deported. However, ELEVEN years after his release he is still living and working in the UK thanks to ECHR guff about his human rights. Fecking disgraceful.
      No wonder the carpet kissing fan boys don’t want attention bringing back to the gangs as it shows up TTKs liberal lefty legal profession and his political party for what they really are.
      Its no good Labour saying the Tories had been in power for fourteen years and did nothing the fact is that (with the odd exception like Cryer) the Labour party kept schtum in all that time, no doubt to keep the p@ki vote, and now they are in a position to do something they still do nowt, again with an eye on the ballot box.

  19. Gareth Southgate…. Won fuck all, purposely sabotaged England’s first snifff of a trophy since 1966 (with his no experience Three Degrees penalty takers), and he promoted that disgusting taking the knee shite.

    The rewards in this country for failure. Who will get knighted next? Eddie the Eagle? Tiger Tim Henman? Neil fucking Warnock?

  20. Most people are afraid to say what they really think. They are so frightened of being called ‘racist’.

    One nurse (white, English) at my dialysis clinic whispered in my ear ‘I’m not being awful….. I’m not racist. But my husband thinks they are awful people.’

    They being the horrendous and noisy Paggis that infest the place and stink the bogs out. Her explanation and disclaimer (even when whispering) was telling

    • What about if a honky, like mesel’ expresses similar *ahem* .. reservations about the criminalistic traditional romany travelling folk?

      We’re technically of the same skin colour (a lot of their wimminfolk are a jordanesque orange hue, I know!) .. so that can’t be ‘racism’, .. it’s simply just disgust at their chosen myriad uncivilised deprecation of the laws of the land and basic societal decency, while the rest of us toe the line(and foot the bill for the cunts).

      Same for the ‘other’ lot, .. but it’s easier to label negative *reactions* to group bad behaviour as the ‘problem’, than the bad behaviours themselves.

      You should surreptitiously slip that nurse a piece of paper with written on it, and a Hollywoodesque, whispered ‘tell your husband he’s not alone’…

      • For maximum dramatic effect, you should walk out of the clinic then and never go back there again.

        I’m guessing that would be somewhat of a hassle for you though, … 🤔

        Okay, just the note, then, .. with the site address AND the ‘husband’ line written on it. Sneak it in to her pocket incognito…

      • Unfortunately C, “caravan dwellers” , like the “other lot”, are legally recognised as an ethnic group protected, cossetted & pandered to by the Race Relations Act 1976 (as amended 2000), the Human Rights Act 1998 and the Equalities Act 2010 so not only would you get done for being a Rcist but you’d also likely be done for a myriad of other -isms, -phobes etc.
        If the world was down to the last breeding pair of Pandas you’d find the caravan people would be more protected and have greater legal status than the Pandas.

      • Thanks for the clarification, Mr.Dribbler, .. now that you’ve made me specifically aware of the details, though, I guess “I don’t like double standards your honour” would be my only hail mary from the dock … because not a single word of the listed negative behaviours is exaggerated, or untrue.

        Its like when a teacher gives in and let’s an unruly little cunt do what it wants, and it’s the rest of the class suffer to some degree or other ; just on a national scale.

  21. Earlier I waded through a long article on the BBC website which had a headline claiming to give the real reason Vietnamese enter the UK illegally in dinghies in ever greater numbers. It can be summed up with total veracity in one short sentence; They are economic migrants.

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