I’ve never liked the cunt.
The ‘king of Cool’.
” Oh he was a real bike rider”
” He did his own stunts you know”
” He was a man’s man”
He was a cunt.
He’d get upset if a co star had more lines in a film than he did,
And run crying to me director.
He did it to Paul Newman
He did it to Yul Brynner.
And others.
The little flamer.
He’d use dirty tricks to upstage other actors
And would act the big head with the crew on set, pulling rank.
He was just a poseur.
Fake as fuck.
Makeup wearing clotheshorse who’d wear sunglasses in a nightclub.
I wish on the great escape he’d broke his fuckin back leaping the fence.
He could of fought Raymond Burr for the role of ironside.
Nominated by Miserable Northern Cunt.
James Coburn was the real king of cool.
Totally agree. Iron cross is a first class film. James knocks it out of the ball park…
Agreed. Always liked Jimmy Coburn.
Modest ,reserved but good at his craft.
Yeah old SMc was a poser according to James Garner.
But in saying that I did like Papillon.
I thought Steve Mcqueen was a fat,black race baiting film director?
Isn’t he some arse-bandit clothes designer?
That’s Alexander Mcqueen.
Right mate.
I find it difficult to keep up with what (or who) these deviants are up to.
I don’t believe for a nanosecond Baz that the arsehole’s name really is Steve McQueen. Does any cunter know better?
No it’s true arfur, his dad was a big fan, his favourite film was the getaway.
He ain’t be seen since.
There are two with the same name. Ones a cunt, the others an arsehole.
Both get on your tits, making it the full set.
Short arse didn’t do the jump.
Bud Ekins did it on a 1961 Triumph TR6.
As far as I am aware,the Germans in 1945 didn’t have any 1961 TR6’s.
They did have BMW’s and Zundapp’s.
I think I’m right in saying that no Americans were even in Stalag Luft III when the breakout occurred in 44; didn’t stop them making Stevo the star of the ‘Great Escape’ flick tho.
Afternoon all.
Whaa-at, Ron?
Next you’ll be saying they didn’t crack the Enigma Code or liberate Europe when they immediately entered WW2.
Immediately entered Late.
The Americans capture Enigma machine from German U-Boat Shock! Hollywood tells it like it was!
Its the john wayne shite who can’t act for toffee. Always sounds as though he’s recovering from a stroke, with the yanks and their inferiority complex always thinking they were responsible for winning wars single handedly.
That’s similar to the 1950’s Land Rover that appeared at the end of the film ‘Ice Cold in Alex.’
There’s a Porsche in the chariot scene of Ben Hur.
In some ways a solid bloke,liked his wimmin,beer and fast cars.
Competed at a decent level on his bike.
Complex chap,definitely infected with Hollywooditist..flounce,moody and spoilt.
Not a total cunt from what I’ve read but definite cuntlike tendencies..
Very common it seems,Errol Flynn and Charles Bronson very much exceptions to the rule.
Wasn’t Flynn an arrofant Convict with ferocious halitosis?
He was indeed.
Raised at Sandy bay near Hobart
When I lived there me and mrs three named our big brash cock budgie after him!
There are far too many historical mistakes in “The Great Escape” to both about.
I liked the bit where the Germans won the war.
I forgot to add about his lesbian haircut but no matter.
Robert Shaw, Errol Flynn, Jack Palance all proper swinging dicks.
And if Steven had come that telltale grassing shite with Tex Cobb ?
Steve would have a black eye, be pregnant and in a Battered wives hostel.
And X-Files star David Duchovny.
You name ’em. he’s shagged ’em.
“Vot vas zee doing over zee vire, vanker”.
News just in, Trudeau has resigned
Great way to begin the week and an excellent way to begin the new year!
The fucker has prerogued parliament.
Great stuff.
I wonder which of our own slithering, ectothermic reptiles will be next to be ejected from the nest of vipers.
The ant-corruption minister who’s being investigated for corruption, the minister for safeguarding women and girls who’s covering up for mudslimes who rape girls, or the energy security minister who’s busy destroying our energy security?
This shower of shit is way beyond a joke.
Fucking Useless Cunt Keir (F.U.C.K.) needs to go and take the whole Labour shit show with him.
The Turd has been flushed.
Wasn’t his mum an old slapper?
Yep she was
Turdeau…yes TURDeau…is speaking right now.
He will resign after the next election which apparently has been called.
I hope they hang him.
Justin is very odd.
Camp as Christmas
Talks like those who are in a cult.
And what’s up with his boat race?!!
His facial features are all swelled up.
Like he’s got Space Mumps?
Canada is like Americas gay french half brother.
The yanks are probably embarrassed by them?
Your going to war? Take Canada with you.
USA. ” Awww, do we have to?”
Canada ” yoo-hoo, darling wait for us ducky,
We can get croissants on the way…”
Dunno Mis. My Dutch mate Marc won’t hear a word said against the Canadians. Reckons they were the main force in the liberation of the Netherlands in WW2 and rescued them from starvation.
No doubt Arfur , that’d be the old Canadians of a generation or two back.
Lumberjacks and manly types.
Not these modern Canadians.
All maple syrup and bumming.
Yeah, probably the old uns were alright.
That : king of cool ‘ shite?
Because he talks slow.
So did Rainman.
If Sasha Johnson ever wakes up she’ll talk slow too.
Nowt cool about being slow.
The way smoking bans are going, they’ll pull the plug on Sasha. No need for anymore ashtrays.
My lovely Sasha update post from a couple of days back got pulled, presumably for being sickening.
I’ve not had a post deleted for ages!
I was quite proud of myself.
Ages since I’ve been naughty,
I’m positively a little fuckin angel of late…
Won’t last.
Offended some fucking cry-baby that didn’t agree with you, eh, Thomas? You fucking deviant
Wouldn’t have happened a while back.
Pity Stephen Hawking isn’t still alive. He and Sasha could have got married. Even better for Stevie if he smoked.
Billy Wilder the Polish film director made the better comedy in war films, with “Stalag 17”.
I actually bought the bike that he jumped over the fence with from a movie props auction a few years back.
No wonder his eyes went wide when he landed!
Safe pic.
Did you enjoy riding that bike too Thomas
A joystick on a moto. The world has moved on.
Apparently Keith Moon lived next door for a bit. McQueen wasnt happy but I would think having Moonie next door would try the patience of any cunt.
What cunt, he as been dead for fucking years.
Pity you cunts ignore what is happening in this cesspit of a cuntry now.
You wanna tissue luv?
Cunts and cunting are ageless. Time is irrelevant.
Hitler topped himself 80 years ago, Still a cunt though.
The Fuhrer is alive and living in James Corden.
C’mon Norm, everyone knows he’s not dead, he just went back to the Mother Ship.
You want cool? — Lee Van Cleef = Ice Cool.

The only man who could look you straight in the face and still be in profile.
Clint Eastwood and George Kennedy in The Eiger Snaction.
Cheekbones you could sharpen knives on, right?
Apparently he loved to smack his missus, Ali McGraw, around a bit.
A man’s cunt in my books.
I have been sorely provoked by women in the past, including being physically scarred in a bottle attack, but have never given in the temptation to slap the piss out of one, although I understand (some) women won’t fucking leave it alone until they push the fella over the edge.
Ali mcGraw was pretty fit back in the day
She probably got slapped for using Steve’s full length mirror or wearing his sunglasses without permission?
Could of been worse,
Shed been with Robert Wagner shed of been shark bait.
Apparently he held a gun to the head of his first missus (Neile) and smacked her around too. Kicked her and called her a whore.
I guess that these folk who hero worship the “King of Cool” are blissfully unaware of his “King of Cunt” side.
For that reason I doff my hat this superb, eye-opening cunting.
Knew he was a cunt but didn’t know about his treatment of women.
What a fuckin rotter.
The bug-eyed little cunt beat up women but would run crying to film directors if someone had more lines in a film than him?
What a wanker.
The stoy of McQueen living next to Keith Moon was funny.
Steve didn’t want a ‘mad rock star’ living next to him in Malibu.
So, he instructed estate agent ‘friends’ (really voiceover luvvie actor types) to try and get Keith to sell up.
Moonie found out about this, so he began to play ‘The Great Escape’ theme at full blast every day so McQueen could hear it. McQueen eventually complained by phone to Keith. So then McQueen soon got a knock on his door. It was Keith Moon in full uniform, jackboots and moustache. He was dressed as Hitler. Moon then got on his hands and knees and started barking like a dog. McQueen was perturbed, to say the least.
Richard Harris would have kicked fuck out of him. Ollie Reed would also have made mincemeat out of McQueen.
The proper Hollywood hard men were Burt Lancaster, Bob Mitchum and Kirk Douglas.
Always love that line forom an episode of a very early Only Fools and Horses.
Del says to Rodney…
‘I cried at Love Story because Ali Magraw died.
You cried because Ryan O’ Neal didn’t’.
Must’ve got in his craw, as the yanks say.
The Rolling Stones song Starfucker was banned and censored for (amongst othrer lines)…
‘Ali Magraw got mad with you, for giving head to Steve McQueen’.
Atlantic Records in the USA said to the Stones that Steve had objected,but it wasn’t true.
McQueen took the song as a comliment and said that it made him laugh.
McQueen narrowly missed being at Sharon Tate’s and Roman Polanski’s house the night the Charles Manson family payed a visit.
McQueen and hairdresser Jay Sebring would sometimes play hide the sausage with Sharon Tate.
He’d been invited but went to some birds instead.
Tate was a right goer, apparently.
And we all know about Polanski, the dirty get.
When Manson was caught, George Best went to his Manchester hairdresser friend, Malcolm Wagner.
He asked ‘Waggy’ to cut his hair and ditch the beard. When Wagner asked why, Bestie said ‘I don’t want to look like that cunt.’
Was once engaged to a girl who looked like Ali Magraw. She was a barmaid in Dusseldorf, Germany. Should have married her, instead of the horrible cunt I ended up with (my still hated first wife).
Gordon McQueen. Now there was a hero.
Tbose attacking runs. Those thunderous headers. When he twatted Emlyn Hughes before the 1979 FA Cup semi final for taking the piss in the tunnel. And his off the pitch pranks and horseplay are the stuff of legend in Manchester.
Fighters and characters like him are much needed now in the modern game. God rest his soul. RIP.
You can’t beat good old British character actors – Bernard Lee, Andre Morrell (he could play sinister like no other) and Geoffrey Keen (forever a detective in a Wolesley 6/90 police car. They were my favourites – all gone now but they live on, thanks to Talking Pictures
I have tosay that I was never a big fan, although ‘The Cincinnati Kid’was a great flick. Edward G was superb in it.
I recall McQueen and stuff like Bullitt became trendy again in the late 90s. Thanks to shite like TFI Friday, Loaded Magazine and that other bollocks. ‘Cool’ easy listening compilations and dickheads like Mike Myers (Austin bastard Powers) and Robbie Williams all tried to capture or lampoon that apparent McQueen style ‘cool’.
Only thing was, it was a load of bollocks by a load of cunts.
That mad little fucker Audy Murphy was the real deal too.
Highly decorated in WW2,
Medal of honour recipient
Plus french and Belgian awards for Heroism.
He was about 4ft tall and weighed 5stone in his boots.
Like a cross between Charles Hawtrey and Rambo.
He was awarded every medal the US army had. And starred in a film about himself.
That’s right he did.
Proper war hero !
James Stewart had a distinguished career in the US air force flying bombing missions over Germany.
Jack Palance was a bomber pilot during WW2 and crashed receiving burns to his face( how he got his rugged appearance)
Hollywood back then had plenty of proper blokes.
Not all arsebandits like now.
John Wayne killed thousands of Jerries and Japs as well, and strangely, never left Hollywood.
Harry .H.Corbett. Harold Steptoe.
Killed Japs in hand to hand combat.
This guy wouldnt of taken any of mcQueens hissy fits.
McQueen would of missed his period if filming with Tex Cobb.
Hard as nails.
Not a bully,
Funny as fuck.
Fought Leon spinks, Ernie Shavers and Larry Holmes.
Tex on the Holmes fight
” I came out for the next round and resumed by strategy of stumbing forward and blocking his punches with my face”
30 years ago a friend of mine pissed off the wrong guy at hoyin’-out time in the street one night. (Guy was seeing said mates ex-gf) .. and took a fair walloping for it.
Next day in the post match analysis I told the friend “I like the way you wore him down by headbutting his fist over and over”
Loved his reply …
“That’s nothing, did you see the way I headbutted his boot 2 or 3 times as well?”
Steve McQueen learnt Kung Fu.
From Bruce Lee.
They met as they shared the same hairdresser darling.
Jay Sebring.
The Jay Sebring who The Manson family murdered.
From.then on I’m guessing they.did each others hairdos?
Probably why McQueen looked like a lesbian?
” It rook ruvverly , ” as Lee told him.
Apparently McQueen requested some hair products , some brylcreem, gel , hair spray, or wax.
Bruce told him,
Wax on
Wax off.
O/T, just flicked onto news night ( don’t judge me)
Fucking chakrabati on the BBC again..
Is this cunt on the payroll…
Still watching news night.
Piss is boiling over.
The fucking word p—-i no TWATTING politician can say.
Welcome to GB, twinned with every third world Shithole in the world..
I’m watching it Doc. What a fucking shower. Keir Starmer, Stephen Kinnock, Shami Chakrabarti etc, god help us. Squirming, slimy bottom-feeders. By Starmer’s definition I’m a right wing nut job, mad as a shithouse rat. Fucking wonderful though the way Elon Musk is setting a fire under their arses and producing a response from them within hours. They can do fuck all about him of course whereas if I were to put such posts on Twitter they would put me in jail.
Kate Hooey once mentioned Daki rape gangs. She nearly got lynched.
You should have heard Nurse Nancy Streeting on The World At One yesterday – the little quare defending his hero Starmer, he got quite angry and emotional: ” Keir has put away more rapists, and sexual offenders….” Nice he doesn’t hold a grudge. If I had my way Wessy would get a long sentence for campery and arse licking.
Bummer Streeting and Keir Stapo can get frigged.
I hope Musk keeps this up and tells it like it is.
I also hope he puts pressure on Big Don to call out our Labour shitheads on their love of Paggi grooming filth.
Only Kate Hooey has had the guts to say that Paggi Stan Lee grooming gangs are a major problem in Britain. And, it was telling how many of her fellow MPs shouted her down and were ‘outraged’ Not to mention media Allah lickers like Metro, Sky and (wait for it) the BB bastard C.
Drugs, affairs, sure that’s no surprise. Had no idea he was a wife beater!
And also he had a butterfly tattoo right in the middle of his chest, so obviously under Monarch Mind Control as well or summat.
Papillon, the book is great read
Good read but absolute bollocks.
It’s based on the autobiography of petty french criminal Henri Charriere and his daring escape from Devils island penal colony.
Except there’s no record of him serving time there.
He himself said it’s about 75% true…
Typical Frenchman.
He could have been one of the “Pram Boys”. They were never mentioned in the film. Plenty of hiding things up the arse though. Crew must’ve been a bunch of “irons”.
Beat me to it on that topic Sammy!
Henri could’ve been the butterfly that flew away.
Read the book years ago.
Surprised me that the prisoners kept their valuables up their arses.
Morning all.
Yes you’d think up someone’s arse is the first place a Frenchman would look…
Ooh no!!
Imagine the pong and mess.
Some of the well endowed hid things under their foreskin.
Only Froggie I have any time for is Eric Cantona.
The rest are cunts and surrender chimps.