Shamima Begum (14)

is a cunt.

Like an anal wart, that no matter what you do, this blot on the landscape has appeared yet again.
And just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water!

Apparently, due to the old regime being toppled in Syria, Shamima is in danger! More danger than any other person who’s in the same camp?

This news item talks, ridiculously, about her being a target for a direct missile attack. Oh, please. I wouldn’t waste my spit on her, never mind thousands of pounds worth of missile.
A bullet is just as effective, and much cheaper.

This idiot reckons that Shamima should have been allowed into the UK, while all her multiple appeals were heard.
Brilliant idea, getting her out after they all failed would have been like scrapping barnacles off a ships hull without breathing apparatus.


Nominated by Jeezum Priest.

86 thoughts on “Shamima Begum (14)

  1. I remember once that wankstain James o Brian moaning about her not being able to come back home, we’ll he can fucking well join her in that raghead hell hole

  2. Ee by gum it’s begun!
    ISIS mum of the year.

    Hope it’s all working out for you in the camp luv?

    Don’t bother writing.
    Weathers here
    Wish you were nice

  3. Fuck Shamu Belgium the isis cum bucket.
    Hopefully her head will be in a dustbin soon.

    I’m still shocked that Rodney hasn’t brought her back as a favour to lord alli..
    Probably related if the previous nomination is anything to go by.

  4. I would have thought that this particular goat shagger’s ground-sheet (probably more than one, so it should be goat shaggers’), should think carefully about wanting to come back. I would reckon that she should feel safer where she is rather than walking the streets of England, where many people might take exception to her presence !!
    The treacherous bitch won’t be able to hide …

  5. Anyone calling for this terrorist to come back here should be hung from the battlements of the Tower of London along with any cunt with a refugees welcome placard.
    Expand to any refugee loving lawyer and all channel cunts.

    That’s the deterrent sorted, now onto the mosque dwellers.

  6. Knowing how weak as piss Kweer, Mini-Cooper and Hammy Lammy are, the little whore of Islam will be back here before you can say Mandy

  7. There is one solution to this returning circus….

    The ISIS cumdumpster could be ‘eliminated’.
    A happy accident, or a stray bullet. Either would do.
    We won’t be rid of it otherwise. It will keep coming back, like a wedgie that won’t flush.

    And, there will be yet another ten part BBC series on the sandfilth slapper.
    There’s been one already. And Keir Starsehole will probably give the creature a government job. If she’s not ‘eliminated’, which I ferevently hope for.

  8. Starmer and Lammy will let in back in.

    They are letting shit loads in everyday.

    They think this Begum thing will vote for them.

    • Indeed Harry. Now it’s reckoned to be in danger the human rights lawyers (or as normal people refer to them, scum) will be rubbing their hands at the thought of all that taxpayer’s cash coming their way. It was reported some time ago that they’d taken us for a quarter of a million so far. It was reported the bitch bore three rugrats all of whom died at an early age. Well we had the good fortune to dodge three bullets (or bombs?) there at least. If our luck holds some raghead from a rival tribe will slot it for us.

      Happy New Year all!

  9. There are many Islamic nations, especially around Syria, I’m sure one of them will take her? She hated this country after all.

      • A piss take.The “Establishment” know those sand rats hate our country but they continue to let them in.Divide and conquer.We need Guy Fawkes to return.

    • Yep she does but the other country’s won’t give her a free house,money,free doctors,dentists and anything else she wants,will be a labour Mp if she returns
      When she was proudly showing her so called baby on TV looked like a towel rolled up and then died a few days later
      Just a massive cunt and trying to play the innocent victim

      • Bit like those photos of “fathers in Gaza” mourning the death of their “babies”, who have no idea how you hold a child, alive or dead.

        A rolled up rug in a pillowcase evokes zero sympathy from me.

        I’m saying this as a rational thinking human being, who has held my own babies, not to mention one poster boy who is either one of three identical triplets or a liar.

  10. Much as I’d like to see her sent to Allah’s garden courtesy of Reaper Drone Airways, I do think she’s a convenient lightning rod for public disapproval. More than a few suspect cunts allowed back into this country after lengthy holidays in the Caliphate with no questions asked. Don’t let her back in by all means, but some consistency in how we deal with this vermin wouldn’t come amiss.

    • Too right , this bitch is a lightning conductor inasmuch as she allows politicians to look tough whilst some cunts far worse than her are allowed in.

  11. So it begins, Labours Muslim terrorist poster girl is set to return..

    Full of woe is me and ever so repentant….

    Orange boiler suit and off with it’s fucking head.

    Problem solved…☠️

  12. This continuing saga re getting back to U.K. baffles me. Most of the traitors who went off to fight for Alan’s Snackbar ( men ) have been back in Blighty for years. Some got a few days in nick then voila benefits and houses. Now they drive taxis, molest school girls, hang around Kebab shops etc. as if nothings happened. Considering the shite we have living among us plus the daily boaters I have a problem with her not being allowed back. Surely being shagged senseless by Allahs chosen plus losing children is punishment enough? One does get a whiff of misogyny or something, shit, arse bandit Mandys been made ambumadore to America and doughnut Lammy is the foreign secretary for fucks sake. Nothing this daft girl has or will do matches the crimes against the English people committed by two tier, so I know many will disagree with me but hell let her back.

  13. There was a recent nomination for Khalid Baqa.
    A Pakistani born person that came to England when he was 2 year’s old.

    The photo of him showed how well he has tried to fit in as British.

    Jailed twice for terrorist offences and despite that given a job working with the council.

    He is now decided that he wants to sue a pub for being called The Saracen’s Head.
    If successful he intends to claim damages from all pubs with that name.

    This piss taking, anti British, terrorist cunt is still in England.
    There are hundreds of anti British, terrorist cunts arriving in rubber boats every day.

    Shamima Begum will be back in Britain some time soon.
    I have no doubt about it.
    After a while she will try to claim damages for her stress of not being able to return sooner.

    And there will be lawyers, paid from public funds who will fight on her behalf.

    Wait and see.

    • And that, Art, is exactly why she shouldn’t be allowed back, and why we need to tell the ECHR to either fuck off, or pay for the accommodation, healthcare, benefits, education etc of every unwanted and dangerous twat that is allowed to stay here on the grounds that “they’re entitled to enjoy a family life”

      Or whatever the cock-sucking, arse-licking phrase is.

      Just because they got some brainless fat slag in pup as soon as they possibly could, even though they don’t live with her, and wouldn’t touch her with a shitty stick now the goals been achieved.

      I’d happy contribute towards the airfare for all of them, to return to whatever shit hole he came from, along with the pup.

  14. Rather than fannying about trying to get back here,
    She should make the best of it out in Syria.
    Apply for nationality,
    Become a syrup.

    Could be the making of her?
    Open a crèche ?
    Or toddler group.

    Be nice for her to see kids that live past 2.

    Or bring out her own fragrance range like other celebs?

    Bath bombs😁

  15. Give it another 4 years of labour and we will be getting aid from places like Syria..

    Did anyone else notice the site went a bit bananas about a hour ago.
    Got sent to the WordPress site and asked to log in.

  16. I would only allow the Miss Cunt back under One rule.
    She must spend the rest of her life picking rubbish up from Britain’s motorway system. 7 days a week, 12 hours a day , all weathers. Basic living allowance, no nhs care, no right to marry, have children or socialising with family or friends. No
    TV, No Internet. Just picking litter till she dies. Love the UK now do you ? Then
    prove it..
    The Greeks would call it the fate of the God’s. Endless toil with no end in sight.

    • Sounds like a plan, Sir.

      Overseen by a man on a horse, with a shotgun too, hopefully ( more likely to be a quad bike these days), chewing baccy and shouting

      “Step lively, girl! You got a quota to meet if you want to eat tonight!”

      I’d pay good money to see that.

  17. The country is full of cunts like her getting benefits praying to allah and giving birth to shit that is never going to contribute to the well being of our nation but the cunts in charge are more concerned about their fucking rights than us poor cunts that sre paying for it just bend over and spread your arse cheeks we are fucked

  18. If they allow this camel shaggers Flossie back in the country we may as well just say fuck it and let every shit stain from the Middle East in. All cunts.

  19. What else does she have to do to prove she’s an enemy of any non islamic person? She quite literally left the country with the single intention of breeding and raising more of the martyrs. It’s pretty much the ultimate fucking war effort.

    Uber cunt, surprised she’s not been given a council house in Londonistan just to vote for Suckdiq.

  20. Keeping her out should serve as an example to others of what happens if you act like a cunt; you get treated like a cunt.
    I am sure there are a few of us here, me included, who have fucked up big time, and there is nothing else to do but admit it, take responsibility for the fuck up, and try to make the best of it. Bleating “It’s not fair” is the modern mantra .and gets no sympathy from me.
    Today nobody admits that they are responsible for anything that they have done, and it’s about time they did.

    • Taking responsibility for your own poorly thought out behaviour is something I’ve cunted before, and yes, Triton, I totally agree with you.

      A list of recent excuses:

      I’ve got AAD
      I’ve got ADHD
      I’m dyslexic ( but I can spell dyslexic)
      I’ve got PTSD ( my dog got run over)
      I’ve got PTSD ( No idea what that is)
      I’m autistic ( well, you’re certainly a spaz of some kind)

      All of which are self diagnosed.

      I’m sure all the merry folk on here have a favourite to add, or a story to tell.

      I’m not knocking anyone who really is properly diagnosed.

      • Oh aye Jeezum

        The ‘mental heatlh’ card.

        One woman who worked for the NHS as an ambulance driver, she hit a wing mirror (of an empty car) due to her own shit driving. She got six months off on full pay due to ‘stress’ for clipping a fucking wing mirror. That was at Salford Hospital, straight up.

      • Norman, how could I have missed the mental elf?

        I must have undiagnosed ( and utter rage because of this ) TTLOFITBG.

        (total loss of faith in the british government)

      • And that’s a classic modern parents cop out.
        Their satanic brat acts up and tantrums like a cunt.

        ‘But… But they;re ‘special’. They’re ‘ADHD’ . They’re ‘OCD’. They’re a unique case’.

        No, they are little cunts who deserve a slap and then another slap.

  21. Perhaps letting this cunt back in would be a tipping point that even the BBCistan couldn’t lie about.

    I doubt it though,so better settle matters sensibly out in the desert,which is what would have happened in better times past.

    • Unlikely though.

      Even if the sandmuck let off a nuke or went on a Cologne style rape rampage, the Beeb would have ready made excuses and apologies ready. The atrocities in Manchester, Westminster, Southport and the reaction to them prove they can do no wrong as far as the MSM are concerned.

      Happy New Year, Tez.

      • But the good news is elon is calling out the Labour cunts on X.

        He said jess fatlips should be in prison and wasn’t Rodney the head of the CPS who let all the pàķi rapists off.
        It’s rather delicious..

  22. Could some woke asshole (or one of her male cousins, ha!) with a British passport go and get hitched to this oh-so-worthless cunt and have her get a new fucking citizenship , thus?

    Or did/would such a loophole get covered in the original revocation?


    • I think she’d have to be divorced by her husband before she could marry her cousin.

      He’s clinging on to the hope that she’ll be let back into the UK, so he can come here and leach of us.

      • Good point, Jeezum, but then another question comes to mind … Aren’t some portion of these cunts allowed several spouses (in the U.K., even) depending on whatever shit they claim to suit their agendas at any given time?

        Some cunt mentioned on IsAC last June-ish, having three wives, all on max benefits, Birmingham area…

      • On reflection, .. I’m sue the male cunts can be married to as many of the female cunts as he wants, but the female cunts can only be married to one male cunt.

        Still, I’m pretty sure the nommed wouldn’t be above being duplicitous with paperwork. Claim to have divorcedthe current (Isis?) guy. Marry her brother/cousin (possibly one in the same, anyways!) .. get back to UK benefits. Divorce the stooge. Import Isis guy. Remarry him. Start shitting out ‘sovereign’ little future terrorists. No infant deaths for this lot .. John Smith taxpayer & the NHS will take care of things.

        50 years time, she’s the fuckin’ *Queen*, folks ….

      • Thought her husband got deaded by a Hellfire missile – don’t say she’s got another one already? Oh well, easy come, easy go. Begums can’t be choosers.

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