Oh dear. I see that slimy little oik Sadiq Khant has opened his mouth and let his belly rumble again. One of the nation’s true political pygmies has opined about what he sees as a threat to ‘progressive’ thought and action in the world.
According to Sir Saddo, ‘the spectre of a resurgent fascism haunts the West’, and progressives everywhere need to stand united against those who seek to divide for personal and political gain (unlike himself, naturally). Yeah right. Strangely, not even the current Labour government seems to accept this. Chief Secretary to the Treasury Darren Jones told Al-Beeb, ‘I speak on behalf of the government, and we don’t agree with that’. Similarly, Shadow Foreign Secretary Priti Patel, who’s in Washington for Donald Trump’s inauguration, hit out at Khunt’s ‘disparaging remarks’.
So Sadsack, it couldn’t be that you’re attempting to throw some smoke in our eyes regarding recent attempts to get answers from you about ‘grooming gangs’ could it?Fellow cunters, just have a butcher’s at the wee shit ducking and diving, and trying to play the confused innocent, when repeated attempts are made in the London Assembly to pin him down on the issue;
What a ghastly little prick you really are Saddick. Fuck off over there, and when get there, fuck off again. Oh, and stick the stubs for those dodgy Taylor Swift tickets up your arse while you’re at it.
Nominated by : Ron Knee
Anybody have Marianne Faithfull in the dead pool?
An absolute doll n her prime. RIP.
No, Norman.
Not on the most recent DP.
RIP, lass. Hope you’re driving an open top sports car round Paris with the wind in your hair.
I’ll drink to that.
Or a Harley,
She was one of the right generation.
The Ballard of Lucy Jordan.
I believe she was fond of a mars bar…!
Was also a fan of mars bars..allegedly
Sorry doctor put above before I read your reply…mind you I’m a cunt
Scruffy little cunt. His utter disdain for those on the London Council questioning him is evident in that he couldn’t even be bothered to put on a tie.
It is now seen as being “clever” to serve the public by refusing to answer questions put to you. Government, national or local, is seen as a confrontational game of Top Trumps, and his performance exemplifies it. No wonder the public has given up on them.
I despair, and feel sad for the Country I used to love.
and now he is in the upper House. Can you begin to imagine what would have been the outcome in ’39 if this bunch had been at the wheel?
He isn’t in the upper house he is a a fucking sir hope some good fellow stabs in the neck..
Happy to be corrected Chris thanks. He will never be a “Sir” to me though, just a ligger who got lucky with the money he married.
Suckdick & Starmski will be happy..
Attorney general confirms the UK will never leave the ECHR….
That’s just given the green light to every third world peasant to come here..💩
Well they won’t leave in the next 4/5 years. Given this shit show of a government, with the turd in chief Starmer at the helm, they will probably be out of office at the next election, especially thanks to Miliband and Reeves who have laid so many golden turds between them.
Imagine in 2030 – Miliband will be in E-on’s call centre answering the phone, Reeves will be working in asub post office, Kweer will be managing a drag artist and Dirty Ange will be back on the game – £15 for the whole night or £10 for a short time.
Frankly WC, if Ange charges that much she’ll be pricing herself out of the bargain basement market she inhabits.
I’d expect change out of a fiver.
Good point, Geordie.
45 nominations..
That should trigger instant deportation..
Beaten unconscious and wrapped in bacon, the worst tasting pig in blanket.
Tossed out of a helicopter over Pakistan..