Yes, a cunting of intellectual proportions.
Some cunt, or commitee of cunts has decreed that plastic tops must be attached to the bottle to ‘reduce plastic waste’ Waste that never fucking happened.
So now we get lacerated gobs and tongues if we swig from the bottle. Bottles are difficult to reseal and shaking the fuckers gets liquid everwhere. Cutting the stupid tabs leaves lethal edges.
Fucking genius for a problem that never existed. And as an added bonus it is a fucking EU directive.
Nominated by Cuntstable Cuntbuble.
I cut the cap off so I can screw the cap back on. Just an annoyance. Thought I had gotten dementia or something when I discovered these new caps and how flaming annoying they were to deal with.
I need my two hands on board the pint of milk these days , to pour a drop of milk into a cup of tea.
I love saving this plastic planet. EU Oooh hoo.
I recently bought a new car. The fucking thing makes an annoying boinging noise whenever it detects a speed limit sign you exceed. It also has lane assist on as standard. both features can only be turned off temporarily, untill you start the car again. This is all because of the EU dictating how folks must drive. The speed limit thing is annoying to the point of making me homicidal, it often gets the speed wrong. Or just keeps nagging at 5mph in a supermarket car park. no cunts doing 5mph! aThe lane keep is dangerous on country roads. All in to keep us safe you know! FFS fucking EU. Oh and fuck your bottle tops I rip them off in rage. I hate how I intrusive everything is now. Even Google preempting what you want to look for. I’ll fucking decide, you useless secptic piece off shit.
rant over. oh and fuck the EU and labour.
It just goes to show that despite the UK being out of the EU they are actually in it and there must be agencies that monitor and follow new EU laws and directives.
Cars are another example.
Here in Spain we were threatened with the same things.
Cars that warn you when you exceed speed limits and try to keep you in the correct lane.
That was a few years ago.
I have a new car.
I can easily turn off the lane control and I am not warned about speed limits.
We are in the EU and like all EU countries if a law or directive is daft or too expensive to implement then it is ignored.
Britain, despite not being in the UK adopt every fucking directive regardless.
It’s probably saving data on your driving habits too .. every little no-no it records going forward towards a scheme to raise your insurance premiums! Big biz in the States so far, prolly crossing the Atlantic soon if not already .. lots of exposé
news stories about same on YouTube.. one guy found they(brokers) had a 258-page file on him! …
I will be getting sold if that happens here. For now it’s just a nuisance, shame because it’s a nice car. I know some manufacturers let you turn it off permanently, not vw group! It will likely be the last car I buy from them. You live and learn.
A secondary cunty thing about the fata collecting that’s going on, is automakers using that data to swerve warranty obligations. Something fails under warranty, they produce an example of you braking hard or exceeding ‘x’ mph previously & claim you pushed it beyond limits thus warranty nullified.
I’m starting to think human cuntitude is somehow linked to entropy ; always increasing net, until everything is ultimately totally fucked by it..
Excellent nom !
Another ‘solution’ for a problem that never existed. Dreamt up no doubt by pencil pushers in a ‘think tank’ who have never actually took the top of a plastic bottle in their life.
Cunt 1 – this does not work, as the first thing I do when now opening a 2 litre pop bottle is either twist the annoying link off or cut it with scissors.
Cunt 2 – my elderly mother recently bought a pack of bottled water and couldn’t open them. I tried and also found them wedged shut. I had to open each and every bottle with a pair of vice grips and then hand screws the fucking top back on.
Even more annoying than the previous ‘sport’ bootle tops which you hand to remove a plastic strip in your teeth (like pulling the pin on a hand grenade)
Do these fucking drinks manufacturers actively want to go out of business ? ?