A cautionary tale for all those Guardian reading, Labour loving right-on wankers who think that poofter parents (the man and his husband) should be allowed to adopt or otherwise procure babies and children.
Take the case of this pair, great darlings of the ginger movement, who fell in love, married, and were allowed to adopt two young boys, who had already experienced the horror of being born to drug addict parents. Having been adopted by Mr and Mr. Duckie, they faced even worse abuse.
The damage is done – God knows how those two traumatised boys will grow up having been subjected to the torture they have experienced already.
If homosexual men wish to “marry”, that’s fine, but let’s not allow them to adopt children, or even dogs, just in case beastiality is another of their per*ersions:
Nominated by W C Boggs.
They always adopt boys, don’t they?
Is no one in authority capable of putting two and two together?
That’s because the authorities is more likely DEI hires or gutless liberal pearl clutchers who would rather see children abused than give offence
See current labour government for example ..
The answer is NO.
Common sense was long ago sacrificed on the alter of pc/woke/inclusive bullshit.
Two shirt lifters adopting a boy.
What could possibly go wrong?
Are we including Rachel Reeves in this, Geordie?
O/T but worth a chortle — for God`s sake, cunters !!! – let`s all start a Go-Fund-Me for the many multimillionaires whose home(s) have burned to a crisp in that American desert known as `LA` …
If this had happened in `M` or `S` etc. * it wouldn`t even make the `news`.
*(M = Manchester, S = Sunderland, etc).
Just for you Sam.
The one on the right looks like it couldn’t wipe its arse with any great success.
The middle one and the one on the right look like real butch lezbos. While on that subject, lesbianism heading it’s ugly rear, I don’t think two wimminz ought to be allowed to adopt either. If it is a boy they will practically encourage him to become a nancy, and if a girl she will become a man hater just like the mums.
As our beloved Health Secretary, little Wessy describes his current boyfriend as his “fiance” one can only assume they intend to get married. Don’t let them adopt a boy for God’s sake, – just imagine five year old Tristram sitting at daddy Streeting’s makeup mirror every morning to get the slap on for school. Like father like son, as they say. In the case of Mr & Mr. Streeting I still don’t know which of them will play the man – they atre noth limp wristed.
Nice one, Barry. There`s a wonderful photoshopped image if you scroll down which nearly made me ɹǝɓɓıus out loud …
PS – apologies to Mr Boggs for crashing his righteous cunting. I shall desist from further comments.
Fisting whilst Los Angeles burns eh Sam?
Fortunately Rachel’s got Diane to help her with the hard sums, Sam.
She says two plus two makes twenty two.
Presumably the LA wildfires have been caused by Hollywood luvvies spontaneously combusting over Orange Man’s election victory.
Speaking of Rachel, I see she’s off to meet Charlie Chan shortly. With the state of the country’s finances thanks to her, I suggest Washington would be a better idea.
Just down the road from the White House she’ll find the IMF headquarters, where they’re expecting her any day now.
In fact while she’s there she can say ‘hello’ to our new Ambassador, who’ll probably be on Pennsylvania Avenue soliciting some fresh bottom.
I saw the photo of Billy Crystal , bugger me , he’s got a big gut on him now.
Also, isn`t he meant to take his peas minted?
Babylon’s burning.
Farewell Peadoughwood, farewell Dead Loss Angeles.
Prison vengeance the only hope in relation to rhese two shames-on-humanity, but you just don’t hear about that like you used to anymore. Too much effort put in to protecting utter, utter cunts for some reason. I suppose the U S. president-in-name broad stroke commuting 37 ultimate sentences in one go last month doesn’t send out the best ‘crime & punishment’ lesson.
‘Cunts’ rights’, for some reason. They seem to have more rights than innocent children these days ; huntley, chris watts et al…
Huntley is K.O S.
Tick tock…
tick tock 21 years ao far, though…
Do you know he sued the prison service for £100,000 after someone gave him a *bit* of a stanley-smile while the cunt, don’t forget, is doing time for double child murder? .. while the parents of her two 10y.o.’s he murdered (& burned) received £11,000 from the victims of crime compensation fund
£11,000 for a dead daughter. £100,000 for huntleys ‘pain & suffering’.
There’s a clip on YouTube of an inmate calmly confessing(more like admitting) in court to the murder of his cell mate when the cell mate talked about his kiddie fiddling ways. One minute clip.
“I wrapped a cord around his neck and took his life”
Well done, that man.
When he received mail from people saying HE had no right to judge the dead cunt, he replied with
“I want to make it quite clear that I didn’t judge him. I know God is the only judge we have. I just set the appointment up.”
Elton and Furnish next ?
WCB is correct, it’s always young boys.
Nowt a good public burning at the stake wouldn’t sort out.
Cure a great many ills and give all manner of feral scum “pause for thought”.
Good morning.
Do it indoors and keep the room warm too.
You do not have to be a fucking genius to foresee that trouser botherers choosing to adopt boys is unlikely to end well for the boys. Absolute fucking cunts, this sicko pair and their filthy enablers.
Good morning, everyone.
It’s a bit like putting underage girls and parking stanleys together in the same taxi.
I try not to despair but within my memory we haved moved from locking up this diseased filth for the protection of the public to the authorities supplying them with little boys for their entertainment.
I wonder if the social workers who placed the lad with these two preverts feel any remorse.
‘We were just doing our jobs’
Lessons will learned etc etc, waffle, waffle, false promises and more bullshit,
If they had any gumption they wouldn’t be social workers.
Wtf volunteers for shit like that?
From what it appears to me, when the likes of deviants such as this pair decide to shack up, all their nastiness is hidden under one roof, preventing the general public from finding out. These evil cunts will be given a booklet of all vulnerable children unknown to us to choose from, leaving us thinking they are being protected.
That poor little boy.
If it wasn’t bad enough to have no real parents he gets handed out to a couple of homosexuals as a play thing.
The cunts who encourage and authorise this should be locked up too.
Hope the guards turn their backs for 15 mins and leave the sick fuks unguarded. Problem solved.
Force them both to be subjected to the worst punishment a bender can be forced to endure:
Having to enthusiastically go down on Jess Phillips’ overhanging hairy vagina like a dog eating hot chips where failing to perform cunnilingus to her satisfaction results in them getting their arseholes permanently stapled shut and bodily functions redirected with a colostomy bag.
Successful orgasming of Jess Phillips will result in her discharging a glut of a fish paste-like secretion into their unwilling mouths which they are obliged to swallow.
There’s another film there, Thomas?. Can my unit film it in your love dungeon?. We can’t use the two Americans but I am sure there are any number of Labour MPs up for an audition
Morning W.C.B, a tempting prospect, but I’d suspect we’d lose our arses (pardon the pun) financially.
There’s almost no market for that strong and disgusting a film.
And even though I have high-end charcoal filters in the love dungeon (to stop any smells from creeping upstairs), they’d be overwhelmed and permeated by the stench of Jess’s rancid flaps and would need replacing.
Yes Mr Cunt Engine and what would the neighbours think when the stench of a Egyptian fish market hit them?
It doesn’t bear thinking about.
I think, with true British grit, the film unit (with breathing apparatus) could manage the stench of Phillips, and with my direction (I am a trouper!) I recall the making of Wes Streeting’s debut film “I Was Keir’s Toilet Slave”, and when we got to the bit where those great flabby buttocks hit the pan we spent an hour of filming Wes wanking while Keir shitted and farted. That included a break where we had to use the unit nurse – Wes was applying some toilet water and the seat fell on him. He looked really quare – but then, he always does.
Interesting problem – what smells worse Phillip.s Fanny or Starmer’s turds?
You old softy you, Thomas!
Perfect revenge meted out, Thomas. My mind is also a swirl with evil thoughts.
The BBC and Guardian will probably demand the kids are punished for being homophobic for complaining about ‘dads’ cock up there arses.
The dirty bastards, well lessons will be learned
The only upside I can see from this whole disgraceful saga is that these two cunts will likely never see the outside of prison again.
May they rot slowly.
Morning all.
Won’t argue with that. I wonder though, will they enjoy prison grapes when they’re on the receiving end ?
Possibly. A barbed wire wrapped baseball bat might be better applied.
Hopefully when The Donald takes over the liberal left woke idiocy will be consigned to the dustbin of hell. I don’t think it’s asking for much when all we want is common sense in all walks of life. Not knee jerk reactions and stupid decisions to appease the few.
The fact that bottybashers jump the adoption queue over decent straight couples who are desperate to have a kid is sickening. Because they do.
And, these two doughnut punchers will love it in the nick. They’ll relish getting bummed to death.
Bayonet practise, the cunts.
Hopefully prison justice will be administered. Some sugar with that boiling water in your face?
That’s why Charley said to keep away from pooftahs.
Homos don’t bother me in the slightest, so long as they keep their sausage swallowing confined to their homes. Don’t want to see it thanks.
Any parent who abuses their kids should be sent straight to the fucking gallows to swing. Don’t care if they’re uphill gardeners or not.
It’s time to start licensing kids. Can’t afford the kid? Free abortion for you. Criminal bastard? Free abortion and castration for you. On benefits? Abortion and a fucking plug for your socket.
Gay parenting is a fucking ridiculous idea immoral and a physical impossibility
After all where would the foetus gestate?
Well they’re two very nice-looking young men, I don’t know which I like most. Probably the one on the left. I’ll have to think about it.
I can see it from their point of view, I’ve just adopted a male cat called Tommy, who’s seven years old. At the moment he’s upstairs hiding under the bed. He’s not figured out yet how safe he is.