Paul Flynn

Flynn is a limp-wristed bum boy scribbler, who has written several articles for the London Evening Standard, the failed weekday newspaper, now confined to the internet.

With his moth-eaten beard and hangdog expression he often tells us of the misery of being a gay man in London, he doesn’t know where the next bottle of champagne is going to come from, poor duckie, how his favourite public lavatory has been closed down, the horror of being in an oppressed minority.

He has excelled himself however, with his latest arselicking piece, a tribute to Gaylord Peter Mandy Mandelson. Flynn gushes how he has always “respected” him. How wonderful it is a dishonest bum boy has risen so high, by sticking his tongue up the right arseholes etc etc.

Who in their right mind could respect that greasy bumboy, but the article is not just a hoot, it is an example of just how low journalists and journalism has fallen:


Nominated by W C Boggs.

57 thoughts on “Paul Flynn

  1. What absolute twaddle!
    Also, he clearly idolises him for his sexuality, not his policies. That’s like voting for an MP because they are black, or voting for someone in local elections due to their stance on Palestine. The system is fucked due to people like him voting for people that have nothing to do with what is best for Britain. He is a total cunt.

    • Nail on head there old chap!. The feckless voters seem to pick the ones that they “like” the most, not the ones with the best ideas.
      IQ and an Income Tax code before you get to vote.

    • Morning SMP/all.
      How would you catergorise a gentleman who will happily go to town on a lady’s bottom with as much enthusiasm as he does her fanny?!

      • Grey area but I’m all for it. At least you are playing with the opposite sex (lesbianism is perfectly acceptable though as long as they are fit)

      • Good Morning TTCE and everyone.
        If the Good Lord had meant you to stick your winkle up people’s bottoms He wouldn’t have made shit so unpleasant.
        That’s my view on these matters although I have many friends who tell me I am missing out.

    • What an excellent definition SIr Mali,
      I should first say that I am aware of these characters in my own extended family and I also have them as neighbours, who we get on with famously. We are not in each others lives.
      But I still think there is something fundamentally wrong with the wiring in their brain …

  2. Exhibiting the smug look you see in some of that lot ; the large subset of them that imagines themselves homo-superior ; possibly because they get turned on by the sight of their own cock every time they take a piss ?

    No offence, nominator, .. but this is yet just another link I shall not be subjecting myself to!

    I’ll check in on the isac comments though!

    • It gave me the creeps having to mention the sordid goings on with this lot. Even in summer when the thought occurs, gives me the shivers. If I direct it towards taking the piss, it makes it that bit easier.

      Like you, that’s me done, unless something comes up I think amusing.

      • For me it’s a tad different Sammy. My ONLY exposure to ubercunts like Mr Flynn, above, is when they’re IsAC nominees. And if other cunters have spotted it, I have one if those memories that saves 99% of what I see, read or do.

        So I’m 50/50 skipping the links these days…

      • Sorry, folks, – compulsion to clarify is another thing – ^ the noggin retains way more detail than anyone else I’ve ever known .. IF things interest, amuse, or(the downside) *annoy* me. Mundanity can come and go.

        The first 2 it’s great, .. the third one though kinda cancels that out. That’s why no TV signal, nor any form of s.m. etc. f’ me. Which ironically exposes me to more of the world’s cunt element by visiting an anti-cunt site!


        As you were….

  3. Its annoying when your favourite lavvy is shut down, where you’ve enjoyed pissing and shitting in a relaxed area you’re used to. Oh, I’ve just realised, he means where sordid things go on, for what they’re not meant for. Well that’s tough titty you dirty bastard.

    • Fucking wanker, public bogs in the town centre when I was young you could never get a cubicle cos they were full of fucking arse bandits. Many a man had to shit in the bushes of the nearby park cos of the rump riders. One evening when the cubicles were again occupied all five, strange noises emanating from said cubicles, my mate and I lobbed two commercial greenhouse fumigation cartridges into the bogs. We waited behind a wall just up the road, as the thick chemically smelling smoke began to billow out of the bog door obscuring the road, the shouting started, even a scream or two. We counted 38 males exiting the bogs some in states of undress and coughing. I did not commit this hateful act because they were arse bandits. I did the deed because I was sick of crapping in the park.

  4. Flynn clearly has mental health problems, he claims that Mandy “took on the Establishment”. The daft bent cunt doesn’t seem to grasp that Mandy IS PART of the ESTABLISHMENT!

  5. The MSM is now exclusively run by trouser botherers, for trouser botherers. As such it just one big, irrelevant, faecal matter encrusted, bum hole overflowing with jizz. Fuck off.

    Good morning, everyone.

  6. What’s he got to be so miserable about? The cunt should count himself lucky he hasn’t been thrown off the top of a multi-storey car park. Yet.

    • He might be the warm-up act for Nurse Nancy Streeting one of these days. I’d suggest using the Gherkin as it will have a certain symbolism for them both

  7. I just read the link with to the nom.

    I’m serious, that shit should be illegal, and Mandy should, at the very least, be in prison.

  8. This is why I carry a stash of serviettes in my work bag. I’ll take my chances, shit in a shrubbery and risk a snake or spider bite on my arse rather than being bummed by an off duty priest. Being able to piss anywhere is one of the best things a male can do. The outdoors is safer, more hygienic and less smelly than a public bog.

  9. I’m not sure of the cunts age, but I don’t see what he’s got to worry about, if he just managed to escape the persecution shirt lifters went through, with electric shock treatment and gelding. I sorry it wasn’t allowed to continue, then we wouldn’t be in this predicament, having to put up with all this mess we’re having to endure, such as this present moment with the likes of this cunt in Nr. 10, causing misery for most of us.

  10. Read the link, what a crock of shite.
    “Ooh, I’ll vote for Mandy because he’s a děvıañt just like me!”
    Both need the 9mm treatment.

  11. I have a confession to make.
    That beard, which WC classifies as ‘moth-eaten’, is very similar to mine.

    Oh the shame of it. I hope I’m not turning chutney ferret.

    Is there a medical test for the onset of póófery?

  12. Women, Bandits and anyone with a beard shouldn’t be allowed in any level of government (I include the broader definition of a woman used by bandits and anyone with a beard)

    Who the fuck is Paul Flynn anyway 😂

    • Keir Stasi licks muslim arse, Doc.
      So many of his voters (especially ‘no talky Engerlish’ postal ones)
      are in the camelbuggering ‘community’.

      He would not have come to power without their help. So, not only is he scared of the theiving/raping/grooming/murdering flith, he also feels that he ‘owes’ them.

  13. A bona fide bottybasher. A sausage jockey beyond any doubt.

    There are scores of these cunts infesting the media unfortunately.

    I bet this Flynn Phag thinks Sam Smith is ‘sexy’. Or that decrepit crabs riddled whre Madogga is still ‘daring’ and ‘groundbreaking’. Simply because they play up tp the LGBTQ ‘community’. Pathetic and predictable.

  14. There used to be word used to describe the likes of Mr. Flynn in Shakespearean times.

    ” Lickspittle”

    What a pity so many splendidly descriptive words have fallen out of use.

  15. Read his article in awe of Mandy. Is the cunt hoping for a date?. From the article even a total wokist wanker would infer that the only reason Mr Fllynn has a damp crotch for Mandy is because Mandy’s good with colours.

  16. I would not be at all surprised to learn that Lord Mandy is suffering the latter stages of the Arse Injected Death Sentence. He is looking a little raddled in that picture, reminiscent of Rock Hudson 1985 or Freddie Mercury 1991.

    Too many gallons of infected Brazilian spunk washing around his capacious anal cavity.

    • Triggered a memory, Paul …

      M.O.D. – A.I.D.S(1987)

      🎼 You’re accused of the following charges
      You’re a woman trapped inside a man
      Your sexuality no one denies you
      But your preference we can’t understand
      You are the loneliest of all people
      It’s time for you to realize
      AIDS like the plague is from God
      For he sees something wrong in his eyes..

      Analy Inflicted Death Sentence
      Analy Inflicted Death Sentence

      That’s what you get for having
      another man’s penis up your ass
      (You should have used a condom)
      That’s what you get when you
      Swallow another man’s load
      (A lubricated condom)
      How do you find love in another man’s hairy ass?
      (You should have used a condom)
      Millions of lost hamsters
      Running ramped in your bowels
      (It ain’t the Hershey Highway)

      Fudge packing man [repeat x7]
      A real man’s man …

  17. The fuckin’ cut of this feltch-gargler & the tilted-head arrogant smugness he’s showing in that pic.


    I wonder if any cunt being cunted has ever been made aware OF their cunting. In retrospect(‘okay’), but even better – on the day OF their cunting. I guess we’ll probably never know, (maybe admin have a story or two) …

    • Fucking auto-correct.

      I typed ‘homosexual gentleman’ for the above, .. and it changed it to ‘feltch gargler’.


    • I’d love Flynn to know what I thought of him. I can’t stand his entitled, self-pitying style of journalism. In the days when the Standard was a weekday newspaper, he used to share a page on Friday with “artist” Tracey whatshername of the unmade bed fame. She used to go on about her admittedly serious illness, giving full details of the physical manifestations, and Flynn would witter on about his miserable life in “London as a gay man”. I would have thought it would have been the best place to be if you had sodomite tendencies, but he always managed to find the bad times just around the corner. Friday’s paper, as you can imagine was a real misery memoir in miniature.

      • You could do a bit of investigating, W, .. nothing too complex .. basically just locate the public toilets nearest where this jizz-farter lives … then run in & leave a pre-written note of your disdain taped to the cistern or floor of any and all cubicles therein.

      • Wikipedia don’t cover the chicken farmer angle, so I found a site that does. This line hereunder stood out, and true or just a harmless porky about his post-retirement use FOR his musical instrument, .. I’m choosing to believe it..

        “He was retired from music altogether, except when the trombone was needed to intimidate errant chickens that refused to behave or lay enough eggs”

        A genuine jazz-farmer! 🎺👨‍🌾

        And much like our cunted friend above, .. he would have spent a considerable amount of time chasing after cocks …

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