The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) really is a festering pile of self-serving cunt.
I realise that the issue of covids vakzines is a touchy subject but this really needs cunting:
It appears that Pfizer is in the process of ‘fessing up that its muck is causing appalling and ongoing damage to people who took submitted to the Government/MSM coercion tactics and took the jibby-jabbies. The MHRA is now desperately trying to keep lid on all of this.
Risk of heart conditions are increased by at least 23-40% in the vakzinated compared to the unvakzinated. Who could possibly have guessed that an under-trialled and previously untested concoction might just do serious damage? All for what? Even at the time it was admitted that it didn’t stop the vakzinated getting or spreading covids.
Medical scientists, politicians, MSM, NHS, blood on all their hands.
Nominated by Twenty Thousand Cunts Under the Sea.
Good nom, Twenty.
The amount of people taken in by the chınkyflu ‘vaccine’ is phenominal.
If you have to be persuaded, pressured, lied to, incentivised, coerced, bullied, guilt-tripped and threatened with job loss if you don’t take a chemical cocktail that some WEF/UN stooge cunt politician has been bribed to foist upon you, you can guarantee that it is not in your best interests to take that poison.
I told my Mum something similar alias the penny didn’t drop until she had had 3 shots, she had been in hospital once to have me, at 84 fit as a fiddle ran a big house, cooked, drove did her own shopping and gardening. Late Feb dead in bed from a pulmonary thrombosis, also lost my cousin 55 from some turbo charged cancer did her in about 6 weeks. 2024 can fuck of and so can the clot shots. Happy new year everybody.
Absolutely nail on the head Thomas.
It was an IQ test and most people failed.
Sorry if that offends anyone.
Afternoon HJ, indeed it was.
And you get to be insufferable and refer to yourself as a ‘pureblood’, annoying any electric car enthusiasts in the vicinity.
The guardian-reading, pro big pharma cunts that they tend to be.
Not much intelligence required though, was there?
A complete stranger, recommended by an utterly corrupt government, leaders of an utterly corrupt system, wants to inject you with a totally unknown substance, and the benefits of said injection appear to be zero, the downsides severe. All to ‘prevent’ (it didn’t) a disease with a 99% survival rate, and of the unlucky 1%, approximately 75% were aged,and infirm, obese or suffering from co-morbidities.
So, flu then.
And people did it because the stranger wore a white coat.
I think a lot of this shit is being covered up until the so-called covid ‘vakzines Inquiry’ is all tied up with an anodyne ribbon. Lessons to be learned, no-one’s fault, nothing to see here. Meanwhile families continue to lose loved ones at far too early an age.
Dirty lying bastards.
Good afternoon, everyone.
‘Died suddenly’ seems to be a recurring headline.
Ironically, the vax appears to disproportionately affect the very fit and athletic.
I am not sure that the MHRA are the cunts, if Nick managed to get a copy of the interim report then it can’t be top secret.
If the MHRA determine that there is an issue with the Pfizer product they can withdraw the approval, unless you believe they are in the pocket of big pharma.
I would assume the FDA are also in possession of this report and they would have the power to do the same.
It’s not a bad thing, killing off the old cunts is government policy, they cost too much, freeze the cunts and give them heart attacks with a Covid vaccine. I blame the government(s)
“unless you believe they are in the pocket of big pharma.”
Look at who funds them. and you’ll get your answer.
You’re not telling me that another government agency has turned out to be a selfserving,hopeless,lying,incompetent,expensive colossal waste of time and money?
Surely not?
Now who are we supposed to get impartial information about our health and wellbeing from?
What a mess.
Inject every member of staff with monkeypox and give them each an ebola riddled “dinghy seeker” lodger.
Fuck off.
Who would have thought that an experimental concoction which, rather bizarrely, done fuck all to prevent the spreading of, or even ease the symptoms of, the 2020 rebranded flu, would end up causing unwelcome side effects.
These MURDERING HAIRY RANCID ARSEHOLES need fucking with a ragman’s trumpet. My TIA Stroke must’ve been due to them. I’ll get my own back !
Never, ever, believe ANYTHING the government tells you.
It is almost always a lie, a Goebbels-style gigantic lie, and on the very few occasions that it is not, that is only by accident.
A surge in the numbers of heart attacks in young people and a cataclysmic collapse in birth rates.
I’m sure there is absolutely zero connection to the clot shot.
Thankfully, I was not stupid enough to rush out to get jabbed with a untested drug that did not prevent you getting c19 or from passing it on. So not a proper vaccine then. Can’t believe so many many people didn’t think things through.
Afternoon Jill.
If the pharma industry wanted to actually do some good, they’d invent a pill that ‘re-juiced’ middle-aged women and turned them into saucy nymphos.
They’d make countless billions from frustrated men!
It’s called Prosecco Tommy.
I thought that was what ‘ladies nights’ at bars and nightclubs was for Thomas.
Which is technically discrimination but nobody cares.
Had countless texts/email/letters pleading with me to have booster number whatever….if they have to do that then for sure something ain’t right ?…..? doctor my ? feels numb, that’ll match your ?♂️then ?
Wankers.Hangman’ s noose.
I gave in to lefties and had three jabs in back in 2021.
The quack still offers me a covid jab now.
Are you kidding is my answer.
My eldest kid, rather unwisely, decided to have 1 jab.
Silly bugger couldn’t lift his arm up more than 6 inches for 2 weeks!
Fuck knows what was in that syringe.
Hopefully his long-term fertility hasn’t been affected.
I still wear a mask in the van.
Nothing to do with COVID just my private life.
Is it a Spiderman one, Miserable.
I have a Darth Vader one myself. Does the breathing noises and all that.
I have a Brucie mask, the ‘Dolly Dealers’ seem to like it.
Gimp mask ?
Me too Mis.
Causes havoc in the Post Office.
It’s either that or the sawn-off.
Neither Mrs Twenty nor I had a single shot of the deadly muck. However, just learned that an in-law had both parents die over the holidays from turbo cancers. Diagnosed in November, both dead by today. Maybe a batch based risk… The other National Lottery.
The normies are going to fall for the chicken-shit flu fairy tale next, it’s a great shame these poison jabs weren’t more fast acting, imagine my delight at watching gormless shitheads drop like flies while still voting for the ordure that made this happen. Roll up roll up, you dumb bumpkin cunts.
HNY to you lot, fuck off and die to the rest.
And the next con is “A Fludemic!”Farcical ?.The Overlords want us never to leave our houses.Twats.
The person that put me off having any of those “Clot Shots” was an ex Pfizer worker no less! Back then I had to keep quite, or else I would be accused of being selfish, for not having any. That Isolation Room, for anyone that did get jabbed, was something I had never seen, when I went to pick up a gullible friend.
I had all three of the jabs.
Didn’t have any side effects (far as I know?)
Would I get them now?
With hindsight?
Probably not.
I often go to old people’s houses , retirement homes, and residential places for vulnerable adults.
Part of me working during that time was dependent on my being jabbed up.
People were scared.
Lots of mistakes got made through people panicking.
Was we lied too?
Of course!
We’re always lied to,
People suffered through the decisions of others.
Got to be honest, I lost nobody,
Earnt good money, got given government money,
And enjoyed the quiet roads and streets.
I never really think about it now.
Had them all too, nothing wrong with me.
People will believe any old shit if their mind is in that place which is ready to take it in.
If I bought everything that’s been spewed by the media, the loons and other assorted idiots I’d be dead ten times over but here I am, getting ready for work.
OT again but I think many of you may find this interesting/amusing. The BBC have done a piece looking back at predictions made thirty years ago on “Tomorrow’s World”, an exercise they have done in the past. (Remember “These little white balls are going to change all our lives”?) Well they predicted that by 2025 we would have decided that electric cars are a crock of shit and given up on them. Fancy that!
Here’s a link;
Quelle surprise!
According to Trump, if it weren’t for him we wouldn’t have had the vaccine so early on following the outbreak of the Chyna Virus, lol.
“I hope everyone remembers when they’re getting the COVID-19 Vaccine, that if I wasn’t President, you wouldn’t be getting that beautiful ‘shot’ for 5 years, at best, and probably wouldn’t be getting it at all…”
Hope you’re ready for your H5N1 vaccines. Personally there was no way I was taking an experimental gene therapy, glad to see many others came to the same conclusion.
Amongst the tin foil hat\people who don’t believe everything the government and media say community the non vaccinated are known as pure bloods, wonder if that makes the vaccinated muggles?
The cure shouldn’t be worse than the disease. They inflated the Covid death figures by conflating died with and died of , and the way they calculate excess deaths has been changed since the end of the pandemic, have to wonder why.
Bill Gates and the WHO don’t inspire my confidence.
Being as we paid billions to find development and supply of the vaccines we need to see the whole unadulterated truth. The level of mistrust the population now has in the pharmaceutical companies, the healthy care industry and our politicians is unsustainable, the cohesiveness of society is falling fast.
But now the adults are back in control we can all feel confident we won’t get fooled again.
Billy Gates and the WHO can jump off a cliff
This is only the tip of the iceberg.
The true extent of the damage done by these vaccines will not be known for years…if ever.
And people wonder why deranged little cunts shoot Health Industry execs.
Happy New Year, Herr General! I fear you are correct. We can expect the ‘excess deaths’ figures to rise rapidly over coming month/years. Watch out for more cunning changes to the statistical baselines and criteria for counting/discounting…
Hey Twenty,
Happy and prosperous New Year to you and yours.
It turns out that the lovely Gal Gadot had a brain clot whilst she was pregnant…. as you do.
In the interest of advancing medical knowledge I have volunteered to attempt to remove it by filling her with jizz.
Ever the gent..
O/T, British general pool about to be re-written..
BBC News – New bone test could rewrite British history, say scientists
We is all black innit….?
Or Muslim…?
Gene pool… Fucking phone…?
Would that then mean we could all demand our reparations?
I had the ‘Clot Shot’. I thought I was doing the right thing at the time. I now regret it massively. We were cajoled, bullied, and lied to. There’s blood on the government’s hands, and those who took it a load of stupid cunts for lapping it up.
Thankfully I stopped at two. A good friend of mine – was fit as a fiddle – is now on his fourth or fifth, and now requires a Spaz Chariot.
I don’t know whether it was because I was pissed through most of 2020 or 2021 and still smoked back then, but for a while after the ‘ccine, some weird stuff was happening with my ticker, and I was having involuntary spasms.
Again, more than happy to consider that a destructive lifestyle may have played its hand there, too.
Sheepish compliance by the majority.
No wonder they are full steam ahead for 2030.
WEF rules all. A load of bollix but will be bought again and again by the Sheeple.
Bah, bah, bah, Im not feeling well.
I wonder is it something that I am being told.
I must pay a visit to the Doctors.
Bah, bah, bah
Fk off
Next the WEF want to change you. Gene editing.
“Turn us all into cyborgs”
You can bet that the WHO, the UN and the Starmer regime will try to ally the planned compulsory digital ID cards to food purchases. No ID, no food.
To have a valid ID will in turn I assume require you to be up-to-date with your ‘medication’, including compulsory jabs. This plan has been clear since 2020 or -21 to the truth seekers or, as the BBC calls them, ‘conspiracy theorists’.
Say no to digital ID, no to digital currencies of any kind. Keep cash as a method to buy goods and services. Digital ID it seems is already to be forced on under-25s to buy drinks in a pub so they should tell Starmer to GFH.
FWIW when I was at secondary school, i.e. 1960s, some of the 15-18 year olds around me drank regularly in the bar of the local Conservative club because its licensing hours on weekdays were more generous than pubs, i.e. up to about midnight. It all worked fine, all cash in those days.
Now it’s to be an electronic ‘papers, please’ society. Don’t be naive. The (electronic) papers on your ‘smartphone’ will eventually include how many poison injections you’ve had. Ideally ditch your smartphone and revert to a ‘plain’ one then the regime can’t implement this dytopian hell.
Considering that no one new what the fuck was going on with a new virus and where it was heading some of us got vaccinated.
Good for you, you strong brave souls on here proudly stating you didn’t get the jab, but some of us have frail family members and friends who we didn’t want to get infected from us.
Retrospection is marvelous.
Didn’t want to the New Year with a rant of this nature, but there you go.?
Start the New Year…
Cuntlugs, all were sold a pup and it worked.
I understand the fear but it was manufactured and then hyped even more.
Trust the science and flatten the curve.
A load of bollix that couldn’t control a queue to a cinema even if they all had flashlights.
Fool me forever, is now normality .
It’s a lovely gay day, so sing, sing a song, sing out loud.
But at the outset no one new where the virus was going.
The government was in panic and everything filtered down.
If there was no mass inoculation we don’t know what the outcome would have been.
For what it’s worth prior to the three covid injections I had, the only other jab I have had was for dyptheria when I was a small kid. I don’t plan for any more despite being badgered by my GP.
All manufactured drugs have their side effects, perhaps if there is an outbreak of bubonic plague, we should carry a posie of flowers around under our noses! ?
Were you tripping over dead bodies on the way to the shops, with a mask on?
I don’t think so, the jab will have far greater adverse effects as we continue to this future of Nanny Marxist socialism.
Of course they will advise everyone on how deadly going outside in the fresh air can be.
Fk the new takeover by Stakeholder Capaelitists.
None of us are invited and i mean the majority.
A new world awaits in these coming quickly years.
Happy New Year
If you say so Mecuntry.
By the way, did you get a roll of Bacofoil for Christmas? ?
Nighty night all.
After a few months it became apparent that the threat wasn’t real for most people, only the vulnerable, hence The Great Barrington Declaration imploring governments not to shut society down but shield the vulnerable only.
Matt the Pratt shut that down and continued the narrative.
Bacofoil is for wimps Cuntlags.
I prefer lead for protection, proper seclusion ensured.
Heavy but blocks even the most persistent cunts wandering for informations.
My room leans with its weight and I am also developing chest pains, but its worth its weight in the, Knowing.
My wife and I were both told we classed as vulnerable so we had the 2 jabs plus the booster. My wife going to Oz so iit was mandatory. Neither of us had had any more despite all the letter, texts and phone calls.
Can I borrow a tin hat?
Will a pouter one do for you
Yep, all bollocks.
The sheer amount of crap people eat, consume and put in their bodies (fast food, alcohol, tobacco and drugs etc) makes them far more likely to die of a heart attack than anything Covid related.
People are such idiots.
This post and Cuntalugs posts are the most rational and sensible posts on here. In my humble opinion, of course.
I find it incredible that there’s so much vitriol against government, big pharma, NHS, WEF, etc. ect.
Yet nary a word against the little bat gobbling bastards who caused the fucking problem in the first place.
The little cunts have got away with it.
They should have been billed for trillions.
Also, remember those NHS workers who put their lives on the line, battling to save the lives of Covid sufferers, some of them succumbing to it themselves.
I know it’s their job, but someone has to do it.
If nobody did, we’d be right up shit creek.
Good morning ? ?
You hit the nail on the head, Jack, the WEF is just a group of philanthropists doing their very best for all of us poor, helpless, spunk bubbles! If it had not been for them we would all be fucked…Oh, wait…
Good morning, Jack, everyone.
Twenty @. I’m no lover of the WEF or any government and I certainly don’t trust them, but that doesn’t mean that I can’t look at the bigger picture in a given situation.
Now I’ve no doubt that the vaccines have done some harm, all vaccines do, to a degree. But the consequences of not having a vaccine can also be harmful. Think MMR.
Medicines can have harmful side effects too, but the benefits outweigh the risk.
I take a fistful of pills every day, I’m sure there are some negative effects, but nearly sixteen years after a heart attack I’m still alive and kicking.
Life’s a lottery, you take your chances and trust your luck, there are no guarantees.
Except for one.
One day, you’ll die.
It’s a lovely sunny day today.
Enjoy ??
$61 trillion globally, Trump sheer monetary terms.
Obfuscation & denial seems to have been enough for the yellow rat bastards to have skated on same. somehow. Or this ‘don’t offend cunts’ society that causes so many ongoing fuck-ups.
Spare the rod and spoil the child.