Halfwitt Harry and Me.gain Sparkle are absolute cunts, this pair of fucktards have jumped on the not to be missed opportunity to use the LA fires as an excuse to pop back up into the limelight like the unflushable turds they are.
They have been seen interrogating to fire fighters on what and how they are dealing with the fires, they have been handing out food at homeless shelters like Santa fucking Maria, they have been see standing in various places in caps pointing at the devistation, all while their photographer snaps away so he can post on social media.
Now they have apparently opened their doors to friends who need somewhere to go, I have a couple of points to make here.
[1] They have had to do this because they suggested to the surviving plebs from their royal pole, that it was the duty of the public to take in the displaced.
[2] Now thats been highlighted they didnt really have a choice but to do the same unless they would look like the cunts we know they are.
[3] Who are these so called friends, this pair are less popular than Putin.
[4] how exclusive is the list of rich and famous going to be, im sure Fresh Pesh from Bangladesh wont make it past the electric fence.
[5] would any so called sleb allow him/herself to get embroiled in the virtue signaling fuck fest these two parasites are going to turn that situation into.
[6] That ship has sailed, there is no situation I can see where these two can uncunt themselves, there is no climbing back out of the unpopularity toilet for these that were shat into so hard it was like they had force fed the world colon blow.
[7] Once a cunt always a cunt and now they are trying to drum up interest, because the so called woman of colour is trying to release yet another failure on Netflicks, the story goes already people dont want to work with her due to her Diva behaviour……
Nominated by : Fuglyucker
You have to admire their agility; there’s no bandwagon they won’t jump onto.
I don’t think that there are many people who are fooled by their posturing nowadays.
They’re just a couple of vain, shallow grifters, figures of fun to be mocked and disdained.
Morning all.
We all think that they are laughable but they take themselves seriously.
Morning Ron, all.
So, just to be clear on things, are you saying that it’s now okay to chuck excrement at her and shout shame?
Asking for a friend…
The excrement throwing should be compulsory.
Pity the cunts don’t jump on a tumbril.
I think the nomination title should be ‘virtue’ not ‘virtual.’
Too hot for a coat here.
“Virtual” Signalling?
Shorley shome mishtake…
Aren’t they just wonderful, demonstrating their noblesse oblige?
No photo opp ever wasted, no bandwagon ever missed.
I presume those three in the photo are wearing masks because of the stench of hypocrisy.
The cunts could go as far as [8] Enter the Dark Web, that appears right up their street, where at least they’d be liked by someone.
That pair would do anything for publicity. If they had to dance stark bollock naked in Trafalgar Square doing the dance of the seven veils with a pair of wren feathers they would do it, especially at the height of the touristy season – with The Beckham’s playing the flute and tabla. Publicity whores, all four of them.
That’s a great idea of yours Mr Boggs, entering a Parade of Cunt Couple, of which a list will be fourth coming from the rest of us.
How long is it going go be before she divorce-rapes him?
I think she thought she was gonna be the “black” (she’s half white, like Obama) Diana. Good luck with that, although she has got the same attention whoring, sympathy seeking, victimhood attributes.
Trash, the pair of them.
I was thinking the same.
The flat chested macaroon is surely overdue on a high profile divorce drama.
After that the ginger cunt can go back to “sniffing” his way to oblivion.
Dear me and Good Morning.
Macaroon, love it, recently we had a customer referred to as a 4 door, when I asked it’s transpires 4 door=saloon
I think quite a few smacks will be needed to get that black. Ob Ama is close to becoming a Jet, for me.
She may be 50% black, but she looks 98% white.
I wonder if she regrets using those skin whitening products and having that nose job to make herself look more like a bona fide Caucasian?
Ffs, she’s whiter than Gary Linekunt!
That’s the equivalent of winning the macaroon lottery
Oh aye. The Mantis had a nose job, straightened her hair. And all because she wanted to hook wealthy white blokes.
For all her proud to be black posturing, how many black men has she been out with? How about none? And how many wil she ever go out with? How about errr none?
Truth is, she didn’t want ‘society’ to know that she was part treeswinger. Until it became woke and trendy, and she could cash in on it.
You have to admire their chutzpah.
Signing TV deals for tens of millions when neither has been on the business end of TV programme production and neither have anything of interest to say, due to a lack of adversity in their cozy, cossetted lives.
Harry the bastard and Migraine are the poster kids for just turning up and doing the bare minimum for a payday.
‘Just wanking it out for the cash’, as they say in the porn industry.
Indeed sir.
I always thought it would Sarah Ferguson who would be tempted to do porn but I’d wager raisin tits will be first.
I’d better consult Mr Cunt Engine.
She’s no Koo Stark Tez.
I’d be willing to pay Me-again to keep her clothes on.
A younger Lady Helen Taylor/Windsor would have been my favourite for a blue blooded bluey, Tez.
Bet she can’t half ride,,,
Another one of Lady Helen…
To use royal parlance,
‘One couldn’t hafl give that one.’
Stop it mate, you’re frightening the horses.
Morning Norman. Morning all.
I would gladly volunteer to be the male talent in a menage a trios featuring Lady Eliza and Lady Amelia Spencer.
They fall into the category of ‘I would crawl a thousand miles over broken glass, just to poke twigs in their shit’.
How Lady Eliza and Lady Amelia Spencer have burst onto the London social scene https://search.app/2xMhvED4MfG1ybiTA
Hello Odin.
I’d gladly have the pair of them,or die trying.
Slightly O/T,
Everything about this couple of muppets is a media-managed lie.
I don’t believe for one minute that Harry killed anyone in Afghanistan for example. Stupid cunt had to sit in the back of the helicopter because he was too thick to fly it and there is NO way he was ever in harm’s way, another fckn Walter.
He wasn’t known as ‘Bunker Harry’ for nothing.
Couldn’t agree more.
Taking out pretend terrorists while playing World of War in your fortified bunker behind the lines isn’t the same as taking them out in a helicopter on the front lines during the heat of battle.
Good Morning
Sometimes you just have to live the British press. The Daily Telegraph, this morning, has a story about the launch of Netflix’s 2025 schedule. The comedian hosting the launch has also been given a show in which he does live, impromptu, sketches, interviews and stuff. “Never has Netflix given so much money to someone without a plan for a show, well apart from Harry and Meghan of course”
This was in front of all the senior Netflix executives, celebs and H&M.
Next to the article is a piece on Princess Kate on her tour of South Wales yesterday, visiting a children’s hospice, a knitwear factory and interacting with a 3 year old who had called out Hello Princess.
No further comment was necessary.
Sorry about lack of links I haven’t worked out how to do them on my iPad.
What’s an iPad?
A one eyed Irish man.
If I ever had an incline to watch this shite, I wouldn’t have to bother with having to struggle with finding the end credits, that Nutflix stupidly leave the viewer to do the work for them, instead of just letting them roll on naturally. The nutflix provider must’ve been one of those annoying ignorant cunts, who would stand up in front of you in the cinema at the end. I’d to end the cunt.
You can just imagine the end credits:
Our show was writ an dun by Meghan and Harry
The make up designer was David Lammy
Touching up for Harry by Wes Streeting
Hair by Cut Price Wigs of Brick Lane
This has been a DimWit production coming all the way from L.A. (Lower Addlestone)
Got so angry, I left out like. Ironically playing him at his own game.
She is getting out of the blocks early to be the next democratic VP with big Mike as president..
Twiglet and big dick..
I wish news international would do a piece on me so I could get 10 million quid if them…££££..!
“of” 🤬🤬🤬🤬 phone
For those of you following the California fires, why were they allowed inside the zone? It was declared a disaster area. The people whose homes burned down were not allowed in so how did these 2 Disaster Tourists get it?
They just happened to drive 2 hours from Montecito to Pacific Pallisades and then just strolled into the heart of a disaster zone…camera crew in tow?
Oh great! Harry and Meghan are here! Everything’s going to be alright now!
As for comforting victims press reports in the States say the man she hugged was one of her Security Guards and the woman was one of her staffers.
Bullshit again!
As for all this shit about them opening their home to victims…what victims? Who are they? How many of them are living in the house?
We don’t hear about that do we? Why? Because there ain’t any!
More Bullshit!
Now for the good news…
A few noms ago someone asked me if I thought Trump would deport Hazmat. I said I didn’t think so.
I might be wrong. There is a new movement by the Heritage Group to open his file and make it public. A new judge has set a date for a hearing.
Without Ji Jing Joe and Dr. Fucking Jill to protect them look for that information to be made public. If it is and he did in fact lie about his drug use…toodles Hazzah!
Hazmat and Nutmeg..two more useless, self absorbed, social climbing parasites have never existed!
After my post I was watching some news commentary and the subject of Mr. Markle’s Visa review came up.
One of the written comments was:
“Who in their right mind would put their drug consumption (highly illegal drugs, not pot) in an autobiography as well as a worldwide distribution interview. What a moron.”
I notice that the Megain Mants has had yet another media makeover.
Now, it’s a lifestyle TV show or some other bollocks.
Doesn’t matter how many makeovers she has. She will be eternally despised and she knows it.
And Henery Hawk of Hewitt saying that his ‘victory’ against News Group was for his mother?
What? The mother who snuffed it in 1997? Does this oedipal litle cunt have to bring her into everything? Someone cynical might say the ginger fanny and his horrendous wife are cashing in on ‘mater’.
Was with Mrs Norman in Morrsions today. And the Ginger Fanny was whoring himself on the front of Hello magazine. And that vile fat repulsive creature, Coleen Nolan was milking her late sister’s death. There’s a suprise. eh?
Maybe the US will chuck Harry out for lying on his visa. Watch that space!
Victim schills: either they’re the victims or they’re supporting victims.
Must be the most overpaid pair of useless cunts in the world right now.
Well, most of you on here have heard all I have to say about those two despicable cunts, so I don’t want to have to repeat myself. It beggars belief how these cunts can actually go through their day, seemingly oblivious to the disdain and hatred from those around them! That fucking yacht slut narcissist must scour the media looking for her name, so must read the venomous writings! Is the silly bitch that immune to the hatred? Hopefully some disgruntled veteran or a home grown mentalist will settle the account before too much longer!