Not the stuff itself, which is fantastic.
It’s the people who feel the need to explain the catchphrase.
“That Simon Cowell, he’s like Marmite.”
And that’s all the conversation needs.
Then the inevitable “you either love him or hate him!” usually accompanied by a simpering smile.
Yes, you know full-well that we all know the expression…why do feel the need to say it, you self-important prick?
Nominated by Thomas the cunt engine.
When younger in the 40s, we did have a choice. Ma might take my brother and me in the pram and push us up the top of the street to watch the blacksmith shoe the horses. In the street parallel was Bradford Colliery and we would sometimes be pushed along there, just in case some coal had fallen from the lorries, which we would collect to guarantee us a warm fire later. The pit, incase you didn’t know was eventually to become the shitihad stadium where millionaires now kick a ball around.
I used to sit on the slagheaps at New Ollerton colliery, and Clipstone sometimes Sammy, in the late evening was best, nice and quiet apart from the hum of the pit plant, watching the headstocks and seeing the lights shimmer.
God’s TV.
Thanks Thatcher.
She really was The Cunt that stared the decline…..followed up by a series of other wanna be cunts.
Iron Lady – fucking piece of shit.
I would describe myself as a natural conservative, and obviously what they represent nowadays is a national embarrassment, but even then I couldn’t understand the near-worship the dreadful cow attracted, which seems to have worsened over the years.
An utter cunt of a woman, who feigned a Hyacinth Bucket accent and denied her roots.
I beg to differ, My Lord! It was that asshole Scargill and his fucking bootlaces that started it all. They refused to compromise and dragged the whole circus under. There were deals to be done, but they wanted all, or nothing! The result is a matter of history! The country is now in such a shit state, it needs either Churchill, Thatcher or Uncle Adolph and Co to sort it all out!
Or Simon Rosenthal.
I used to have the odd pint or two in here years ago..🍺
Isn’t Marmite a by-product of some kind of fermenting process, that previously got sliced down the drain?
Then some loon actually tasted it?
My god, it’s so, so salty and I like salt.
If you want a meaty, Marmite-style spread on your toast use Bovril, or Morrisons do a jar of ‘Beefy Drink’ ( spend £2.57p on advertising) which is much nicer, tons cheaper, and works as a hot drink or a spread on hot buttered toast.
Sluiced, not sliced, you lemon!
Thanks Jeezum think I’ll give that morrisons stuff a try.
Thick sliced, buttered while hot, slap the stuff on (not heavy handed), it’s like beef dripping.
Occasionally, when beef is on offer, I roast it in lard with the parboiled spuds in there.
My days, the dripping!
As my old man used to say JP, “Puts hairs on your chest lad”.
He weren’t wrong, Termy.
I actually don’t mind it… and I’m a Coeliac!
Interesting! What part of Coelia are you from?
From the south side of Coelia. The left Bank of the Gluten River.
Marmite is for pussies. Bovril is the real deal 💪🏻 And still available; all bovine excellence. Rarr 🐄🐄🐄
The Bovril on the Stretford End in the 70s and 80s.It used to be at molten temperature even at half time. Now, it’s sponsored piss like Budweiser and smoothies made by chinkies.
I occasionally go and have coffee ana bun at Starbucks/Costa/Subway ( not often because the usual customer in there is a pretentious prat) and the coffee used to be at volcanic heat.
These days you’re lucky if it’s at bloodheat. Fear of being sued, perhaps?