The “Prime” Minister, Keir Starmer.
Nothing new about cunting this cunt, except for the reason why.
The anti British, terrorist loving bastard is going to give Gerry Adams our money, by way of compensation, for being unlawfully detained.
Why a known terrorist can be detained unlawfully is beyond my comprehension.
How many other British hating cunts are now going to jump on this Labour compo bandwagon?
Is it any wonder there’s so many foreign criminals in the UK getting away with whatever they want, and getting paid for it, when this former Director of Public Prosecutions does nothing to justify his former job title.
This fuckwittery has to be the most stupid decision ever by any twat in office, in any country. And that’s at the top of a very long list.
How can we survive another four years of this government?
Nominated by: Duke of Cuntshire
I knew a soldier who stopped Adam’s and McGuinness on the border back in the day. The troops wanted to give them shit but officer intervened and insisted they were treat with respect.
The British government has always kissed Adam’s arse and always will.
“Give them shit.”
I hope that’s a euphemism for a 30 cal in the head Sixdog.
I really can’t stand this nasal sounding anti British lying two faced sneaky wanker of a cunt.
Not sure if many people know that his dad was a toolmaker and mum worked in the NHS.
His dad made a fucking tool alright!
That is why his friends call him Spanner.
Meanwhile, I suspect the Welsh have been at it again…
No national inquiry necessary, nothing to see here.
“Move along dear, move along” 🤦
Our King also licks IRA Jacksie.
The cunts who were behind the Royal Horseguards nail bombing in 81. Yet Charles still shook the hand of Martin McGuinness.
There’s no way he should have succeeded Queen Elizabeth II.
The Queen also shook the hand of McGuinness.
Bloody hell.
They ‘re all cunts, aren’t they?
Despite them assassinating members of their family .
Just shows what emotionless psychopaths the Royals truly are
If someone assassinated one of my family members, damned if I’d be shaking the leader of that organisation’s hand
Think that was MI5 the old pedo was probably going to be exposed.
Don’t say two tier coppers or mention grooming gangs or you will prescribed as far right and straight onto the watch list.
He has been very strict and deported lots of foreigners, people who have overstayed the visa ‘excuse me your visa is out of date, would you mind going back home, thank you’
The guy is a fucking joke, already the worst PM ever, I am sure Trump was taking the piss when he said he was doing a good job.
Well that’s me on the non crime hate incident list.
Don’t feel lonely though Soi. I’m sure we are all on a list.
With all the stuff I have posted here I must have a rap sheet longer than war and peace 😂
I’m just hoping that Big Don has a cunning plan …
Hey Sick,
Trump is light years ahead of 2TK as a politician.
He did say that Keir was doing a good job and then followed it by saying he didn’t agree with what he was doing?
In America the old timers used to say; OK…we gave him the molasses now let’s give him the sulfur.
He did the same thing in California on the fire tour:
“You guys are all great but your policies suck. Now here’s what we’re going to do.”
How can Keir continue to say Trump is Hitler?
On the other hand Trump can say, Keir is a nice guy. I don’t want to put tariffs on the UK but his policies left me no choice.
Feed him the molasses then give him the sulfur.
I saw the news today that the Secretary of State has had a chat with our Tottenham gorilla about the Chagos islands.
‘Give them away and we will slap on 25% tariffs’
Well that what I hope he said 😂
Hey Sick,
Last fall there were stories circulating in the US Press that we would not oppose Britain giving up the Chagos Islands as long as we retained lifetime rights to our military bases.
I’ve not heard anything lately but I can’t imagine Trump’s position would be softer than Ji Jing Joe’s.
So your tariff speculation might just be correct.
His position just might be; Go ahead. Give it away. It’ll cost you 25%.
The Donald has also apparently OK’d that mincing faggot Mandelson to be the British Ambassador in Washington. I just hope he gives the old fruit a hard time – and not the sort of hard time Mandy usually craves.
Hey Boggs,
I haven’t seen that bit of news yet but I suspect Donald will show the old Turd Burglar the respect he deserves and let him into the White House…through the back door.
By the way…the simpering old Sword Swallower has now said he was wrong to criticize Trump but was egged on by the Italian journalist who conducted the interview.
Paz49 show vids of Kneeler saying there will never be any need to put council tax up, they have it covered…..
Ceaușescu time, the cunt.
Like Thames Water – yep, definitely no money coming form the UK tax payer. That’s all reserved to give pensions to the untold millions of third world filth rocking up in the UK. How I feel must have been how the native americans felt when the white man took over – completely fucking up a whole way of life. Perhaps we’ll end up in white man reservations?
Hmm…Thames Water Lord C. I submitted a meter reading today as I do every month since one of their cunts read the neighbour’s meter instead of ours and said we owed them £700. I calculated it costs 3p to flush the bog. I suggested to the wife we could cut the bill by not flushing the bog for a pee and only flushing after several shits. Also we could just shower every few days. She looked at me like I was yampy.
Shit in a bucket Arfur.
Then empty it in a public bin.
Save about £6 a year.
Razor wire and a lamppost for the traitor
Blame Lord Hernia. A man who has spent his career undermining the UK and representing its enemies, including Adams, in court is now the Attorney General, because he’s a a friend of Two Tier.
C’mon! You British Cunters are far too hard on 2TK!
He’s finally taking meaningful steps to curb knife violence because as everyone knows:
People don’t kill people, knives do:
This link also provides more than a bit of editorial comment which is why I chose it.
Defying conventional wisdom, I predict at some point (in the not so distant future) Labour Backbenchers will turn on the FUCK if for no reason other than to save their own useless Arses/Seats.
Especially as the UK general public sees what can be done with a committed leader like Trump and grows more dissatisfied with their own Neo-Marxist Dictatorship.
But who will replace him? Angie Baby? Big Sammy Lammy? Rachel the Numbers Queen? Millipede? Without a viable replacement whatever will they do?
Stay tuned.
Quick edit:
After…Without a viable replacement whatever will they do…should be followed with…call a General Election?
Then…Stay tuned.
Excellent post General and the article in the link is correct in every word. The third great American gift to the world following saving the world from fascism and financing the rebuilding of Western Europe following WW2 is to demonstrate that we don’t need to live under the authoritarianism our politicians would prefer.
Hey arfur,
During the Viet Nam War, when things got bad for the Grunts they had a saying that helped get through the clusterfuck / shit show the politicians and Generals made of that war:
Keep your powder dry and your pecker hard and the worm WILL turn.
Britain First
Vote Reform
Kweer’s bumboy Mandy has issued a rare and totally insincere apology – what a grovelling cunt:
Look how desperate Mandelson is for that fucking job .
Stop embarrassing yourself you cunt .
Hope Trump tells him to get to fuck .
“Oooh I’ve changed my mind about Trump, he’s great”
Hopefully Trump will see this for the spineless backtracking it is and veto .
That fucking poof would say anything for money. Acting like Uriah Heep on an especially humble day comes easy to him – provided the price is right. I hope he gets caught out in a public bog like George Micheal did, with all the attendant publicity.
The Fifth Column Cunt only knows flowcharts,sorting his pension out and how to solve all problems by throwing other peoples money at it.
If the flowchart says give that sack of IRA dung Adams £5000000 then that’s exactly what will happen,same as every other issue..
Anyone points the finger at the useless fucker he’ll just wave his clipboard about,then blame them for Far Right riots and a blackhole.
In the cesspit of Westminster this traitor is a bottom feeder,in every sense of the word.
Cromwell’s Oven.
That’s basically it, Terry. He and his ilk are the personification of the managerial class. He is incapable of providing a wise executive decision as it is completely beyond his mediocre talent.
The same is true of every cunt he has appointed in his cabinet, mores the pity.
2025 is the year of the snake 🐍.I mean 2TK.Lying spineless weak inept piece of human excrement.Guy Fawkes needs to return and blow up parliament.💥💥💥
On another Oirish note, the Fine Gael party have apparently set Oirish unity as a political goal.
I mean, for fecks sake lads, priorities!
What is the point of uniting a country that is rapidly becoming more like Mogadishu every day?
I have heard from my Irish friends that third world treeswingers now infest Dublin, and many other Irish cities.
Only cunts allow cunts in. Everyone’s a cunt. We all come from a cunt via a prick, this fucking wanKier, is in a viscous circle.
He is a total and utter one Sammy 😉
If Irish unity means sending that fat miserable thick cunt Eamonnnnnn Holmes back there then i’m all for it.
*****Breaking News!!!*******
Sooty and self confessed thespian Idris Elbow has solved the knife crime problem in London.
Bringing together the high iQ that actors are known for,
And the innovation that black people are known for,
Has resulted in Idris coming up with a idea that police commissioners, politicians , mayors and journalists hadn’t considered.
Remove the points off kitchen knives!!👍👍
Modern day Leonardo DeVinci.
Thinks outside the box.
Bet NASA are headhunting him from ITV.
If someone had thought to remove triggers from guns
And make bullets from jelly then they’d not have a war in Ukraine.
Maybe a mass pillow fight?
What a shame that Scouse peace fanatic Johnathan Lennon never lived to see the fruition of his dream of world peace😩
He wrote a song about it!
Polythene Pam.
Stolen by a bullet from the milkybar kid in New Yawk.
Oh well ,
Bet he was sick of rice for tea anyway…
What was Lennon’s issue anyway?!
Always mumbling on about PEACE and LOVE.
Clearly trying to provoke a fight the speccy cunt.
Calling for a end to the war in Vietnam!
His missus probably ran a chippy there or something?
You never heard that bollocks from Ringo!!!
He paid for the Agent Orange the yanks dropped from his royalties for Octopuses garden.
Lennon was a strange lad. Could have had his pick of top fanny, But settles for Yoko Fucking Ono instead. And the way he referred to Ono as ‘Mother’? Whatever those two cunts paid that shrink Arthur Janov, it wasn’t enough
Ringo was a spawny get. But – to be fair – I think he knows it. Nicks Pete’s job behind the Beatles drum kit and also shags Spy Who Loved Me era Barbara Bach, I mean, how fucking jammy is that?
I think we can assume he had plenty of side orders away from his regular…chow mein at home.
And that was Lennon for you, Miserable.
Yapped on about peace and love. Then he’d clout somebody.
And, all that shite about ‘Imagine no posessions’. The horrendous Yoko Fucking Ono had a walk-in closet at the Dakota, full of real fur coats, set at a specific temperarture. No posessions? They both lived like fucking Tsars, like Emperors.
Bet he still shoplifted Norm?
Despite all the wealth.
Bet he popped a few mars bars in his pocket when in the local shop?
Scouser in him.
Bet he also had a “Merseyside spine’?
Asked to carry his own guitar or yokos shopping
” Awww hey, I’d love to but it’s me back,gotta bad back like,
Udderwise I deffo would.
Yoko carry this luv”
We had a mate in NYC now sadly gone RIP. Nam vet then 30 years in NYPD he was Yoko’s bodyguard / driver for a few years he said she had 2 massive apartments in the Dakota one she lived in the other just stuffed with her clothes.
Isn’t Mark Chapman the new Match Of The Day presenter?
Yeah, but he’s done his time.
I think it’s nice of the BBC to give him another chance.
But then there’s his ditty ‘Working Class Hero’ to ponder.Powerful stuff to this day.
Sung from the back of his Rolls Royce…..
Any compensation for ex Para Lee Clegg, for doing his duty in the correct manner at the checkpoint in Northern Ireland then getting put in the clink for it? Thought not.
All blades should disappear into the handle incase you cut yourself.
Has anyone else seen ISAC bête noire and arch-cunt Steve Coogan as the great Brian Walden?
British politics and televison badly needs someone like Walden now.
Someone who would give these slimy MPs the shit they deserve.
Keir Stapo and Dirty Ange grilled by Brian Walden would have been a sight to behold.
They would be squirming in their seats bricking themselves.Arrogant shit stabbers.
I saw a bit of it earlier and he made Walden look a completely colourless individual. I was only young when Walden was on TV and not interested in politics at all, but he still made an impression on me.
Brian Walden was the absolute best interviewer, always polite, but like a lawyer he would let them talk themselves into trouble and then pounce. A genuine real loss, especially in these days of whores and poofters in Westminster. I would love to have seen him take apart Wes Streeting, the Alan Carr of politics.
Why wont this utterly useless PM return all illegals from whence they came?
Spineless WEF chump.
Can you imagine GB in 2029.
I hope to fuck I’m around to see the mess and the right wing thuggery that will replace the spawn of a TOOLmaker…!
England first 🏴🏴🏴
All this shit about the ‘Far Right’ spewed out by this government and the media after those ‘riots’ after the Southport Treeswinger murders.
God knows what the BBC and Labour will do when the REAL Far Right do turn up.
One can only hope “they” ? Do…🤞
Piss their knickers
i can remember the actual Far Right ( National Front) turning up outside our secondary school looking to recruit. This was probably prompted by a fashion for the skinhead look at the time. The blokes were fucking frightening. I have to say I’d like to have them around now.
There used to be local “hard men” who would sort out any wrong ‘uns in the area. Or, as a neighbour who works in the law put it ” the community addressing it’s own problems”
2TK has no balls, instead of making much needed cuts to the bloated UK bureaucracy that is the needless quangos, he increases taxes. Unlike big balls Don on the other side of the pond, just landed in office and the hatchet is out for bloated bureaucracy. 2TK is too busy hugging and enriching murdering Paddies and caring for illegal immigrants with tax payers dosh. If this was France a revolution would be underway to remove this mf arselicker. Night all.
Talk of getting rid of income tax and dismantling of the satanic construct known as the Federal/Reserve (an oxymoron if ever there was) very likely to happen.
I can’t be doing with this adenoidal, monotone , speccy , 1950s binman for 4yrs.
His voice makes me grind my teeth.
Hoping he dies in a gruesome incident.
Not very nice of me really,
But then I’ve never claimed to be ‘Nice’😣
I’m not Cliff Richard.
I’m practicing my puns for all events!
Bomb attack?- kierdrop explodes!
Car accident up north?-
The road to Wigan kier
Aids?- the rear of the kier
Natural causes? Kierly departed.
Hoping he’s thrown in a woodchipper though.
And I hope he’s chained to king Charles.
I hate that woke cunt.
We had a king Charles once before.
We beheaded him.
But that was in the 17th century.
We were a lot more advanced then.
I have always thought the most appropriate end for Kweer would be to konk out on the crapper – taking a massive dump will be too much for his old ticker and the smell of the fart will be the thing that does for him – suffocated, in a couple of minutes. The wife will burst in and see her underwear round his ankles.
I can’t think why there’s been so much criticism of the Dear Leader on here.
With the honesty of Richard Nixon, the competence of Inspector Clouseau and the charisma of an undertaker, we’re jolly lucky to have him.
Starmer is that still a thing?
I looked forward to seeing that chubby cunts bloated corpse being pecked clean by crows from a downing Street lamp-post.
I saw Quatermass And The Pit recently, and I have dreams of seeing Kweer vapourised – all that will be left of him will be the glasses, the false teeth, and the remains of his ball and socket truss.
Let’s start from scratch. If the WanKeir still doesn’t know what a woman is, get shut.
Even Terry Fuckwitt knows the answer.