Joe Biden (25)

Joe fucking Biden.

In the latter part of December 2024, this ultracunt (and his ilk) commuted the sentences of 37 convicted felons that were on death row.

Felons that had been tried and found guilty in the courts of the country that this prick supposedly ‘loves’.

Of course he nepo-pardoned his cunt son for some pretty cunty criminal behaviour recently as well but – as with the commutations – when MSM doesn’t run with it, you generally have to go searching if you want details.

I decided to look for a list of the 37 scumbags in question and the crimes they committed to PUT themselves on death row. Not much about them. The link is a comprehensive list, by the nyt no less .. but I reckon they thought someone will compile a list, may as well be us, advertisers/revenue/blah. No outraged opinion on display, that’s for sure. Imagine it was 2-time President Trump that had undertaken the exact same action, though!!!

But y’really should have a look at the list. Murderers. Multiple-murderers. Kidnapper-then-murderers. Child-murderers. Federal witnesses against them murderers. Serving US officers murderers.

If Biden and his party are so proud to carry out this egregious act, .. then why didn’t it occur 6 months ago? or 3 years ago? .. or get a mention when the cunt himself, or his dei-cunt vice president (ultracunt, also) were looking for another term in the White House there recently?

SO much wrong with this, … I’ll leave some of the other angles for the thread, however.

My kneejerk reaction. though? .. never mind commuting killers on death row to life imprisonment ; ..stick convicted murderers already on life without parole ON death row. And execute the fuckers in a timely manner, as well.

I mean, … ask the victims families their opinions, if no-one else.

Nominated by Cuntemall

64 thoughts on “Joe Biden (25)

  1. China Joe is a fucking puppet made of rotting vegetables. It is the scum behind him that are responsible for all this evil and mendacity. Traitors to America and enemies of a free world. Hopefully a new chapter is about to begin. America and the rest of the world certainly deserve one…

    Good morning, everyone.

  2. I agree with the DP in principle, but we’ve already seen the Gov weaponise the justice system against ‘undesirables’, and the utter corruption in both the Gov and DPP, and Police means that’s all it should ever be, a principle.

  3. And that is why the “democrats” have been soundly thrashed by the Greatest Living American..

    It is also apparent most sensible people have had more than their fill of what can be politely called progressive left wing ideology..

    Open borders,failing critical infrastructure,organised child rape,soaring housing costs to name but a few of their “gifts”.

    The vile bent cunts that they are.


    Fuck Off,the pant pissing mental weakling.

    Good morning.

    • That probably sums it up for me Edward. Given how bloody awful he looks when he appears on the telly and there is a shred of decency and compassion within his ghastly family he will be whisked of straight to a care home after the inauguration ceremony.
      I think he is likely to be dead within 6 months, has Shaun got him in the Dead Pool?

      • Sit Limply has him currently. I imagineBye-bye Biden will be passed around Deadpoool like a Rotheram pubescent girl among the you know who’s, for the interim until the old cunt croaks it.

        Incidentally : random thought : if Ryan Reynolds is hit by a car and killed, .. it would be ironic that nobody had Deadpool, in the Deadpool!

  4. No link? .. no matter … I had this follow-up scribed & ready to add at some stage to this cunting… after applying a bit more scrutiny TO the N.Y.T’s list after nominating. Yet more cuntitude abounds.


    I’ll leave the floor open on the Biden front .. but have been annoyed about the linked list in retrospect since the nom.

    ‘Comprehensive’, I wrote, .. and it is insofar as it contains all 37 names. But something niggled me in the hours after posting it, about how. .. flimsy … it is on the descriptions of the criminal acts that put these cunts where they were.

    What fuelled the niggling were two in particular, the wording ‘fatal shooting of a woman on federal property’ & ‘killed a woman on federal land’.

    So I looked them up. The former wasn’t just a murder, it was (as I suspected) a rape & murder. Duct-taped to a tree, raped and shot in the head. Charming.

    Directly below this paragraph, find an actual example of the disparity between the nyt’s fact-lite efforts, and what 2 minutes research brought to light. It’s a(nother) disgrace and one I wanted to highlight seeing as it’s my supplied link, at the end of the day.


    THEY were happy with : ‘Marvin Charles Gabrion II : Convicted and sen­tenced to death for killing a woman on federal land’

    … to describe the following …

    Marvin Charles Gabrion is an American murderer, rapist, and suspected serial killer convicted of the 1997 kidnapping and murder of 19-year-old Rachel Timmerman, of Cedar Springs, Michigan. Timmerman and her 11-month-old daughter, Shannon, disappeared two days before Gabrion was set to stand trial on rape charges filed by Rachel the previous summer. Rachel’s body was found in Oxford Lake, weighted down by cinder blocks. Shannon remains missing, but is presumed deceased.


    So was the nyt ‘playing down’ the severity of the behaviours so as not to highlight what a cuntish move Biden pulled? A missing (murdered) 11-month-old not make the cut?

    It’s not like the mentally incompetent cunt took a single case where there was – say – a shaky witness exposed of late thus casting doubt on a verdict. NO, .. this was blatant blanket sentence interfering, where it seems to have hardly mattered to any degree what the cunts had done.

      • I just read that.

        god damn!

        While incarcerated, he also told two inmates that he “killed the baby because there was nowhere else to put it.”


        2 other cunts biden ‘forgave’were kidnappers who kidnapped five people & demanded high ransoms. They went on to kill the hostages after payment was made of over $1,000,000.

        Steal people. Demand/extort money for their return.
        Receive a large payoff.
        Kill them anyways.

        (Have your sentences commuted by a senile old bastard).

        And none of the MSM ran with any of this, folks ..

  5. So, found guilty of a crime that warrants the death penalty and then pardoned by some senile old cunt.
    What’s the point of a judge/ jury then…!

  6. Taking away his bonny-bouncer and baby-walker, will leave him fucked. Its back to the beginning with the baby-chair. This time don’t feed him.

  7. Good riddance, the demented old fuck. I never knew what it was like to hate a politician until Biden assumed office.

    Back to the sunny window where he can dribble and be fed soup.

  8. O/T the black sweeney todd Councillor has had his case postponed till 11th August..
    No two-tiered justice in Rodney’s Britain.

    • Yep, a day to bury “bad news”. Justice ? my arse. And that is Rodney’s Britain of today.
      I shan’t hold my breath waiting for the MSM or the BBC to start report it in shocked headlines.
      Of course any “comment” could prejudice a “fair” trial and be used as the “get out of hail free” card.

  9. I’m sure he’ll feel at home in the ‘ol sunny days retirement gaff, were he can sniff away at the blue rinse brigades locks 👃…..and think that he’s at the 🌻pre-nursery instead with all the young 👯…🙄

  10. Biden gave us other old shufflers a bad name with his inbuilt numptyness. What staggered, shocked and amazed me was that the Democrats couldn’t see what a hopeless case he was/had become, and hadn’t put him out to pasture before the election. On that lack of “good judgement” alone they displayed complete ineptitude and unfitness for office.
    But hey, who am I to criticise our friends in the Colonies considering the Brains Trust we have masquerading as competent operators here.
    I would like to think that Trump wasn’t all talk and rhetorique, but he is a politician, and on that basis alone I have my doubts, but only time will tell.
    Meanwhile the daff bulbs are well up out of the ground, and they are of more importance.
    Mornin’ all.

    • Ayup Triton.

      I noticed a dandelion beginning to fliwer yesterday!

      I always like to see the first crocus, then I now the season is changing.

      You’re right, nature’s little miracles are far more rewarding than anything TPTB can come up with.

  11. Sirs:

    The Incredible Husk also let 2500 criminals off the hook to varying degrees, because they were supposedly non-violent offenders who suffered under unjust laws that treat crack cocaine offenses more harshly than powder cocaine offenses.

    The last bit is the clue. The Dindu Nuffins have been screaming forever that they were shafted by the War on Drugs, with the crack/powder thing a frequent refrain.

    So when the Husk’s leftist staffers set about compiling their list the main thing was “is this poor man black?”

  12. Summed him up when he had the debate with The Donald. Sounded familiar with the jellyheads we’ve got running the UK at present. The Donald: “I’ve no idea what he’s talking about and frankly neither does he”.

    • Excellent (refreshing) read you linked there, Ron.

      Unfortunately clumsy scrolling near the end saw me clicked on today’s news about that murdering ‘Welsh’ subhuman … a cunt for whom the death sentence would be wholly appropriate, and an example of why it should never have been totally 100% taken off the books.

    • More cunt actions by him, that were undertaken while he was the subject of a live cunting, for fuck’s sake.

      Confirming its righteousness, on this well chosen(admin!) day for same, despite the record-low yield of comments in the hours since it went up…

      • And all of this is supposed to make us forget that Trump has promised to pardon the rioters who attacked the Capitol on January 6th 2021. People were injured, people died. Anyone with eyes, ears, a tv set and half a brain knows what happened and who caused it. But because they were breaking the law for Trump, that’s supposed to make it alright.

        I don’t believe there should be any such thing as a presidential pardon. If someone has broken the law they should be prosecuted, end of story. Rioters are not patriots.

      • At least Mr T is doing it with open honesty, not as a last ditch underhanded sneaky fucking (cowardly) gesture as he slithers away.

      • No Capitol protestors were suspected of child abduction or murder on Jan 6, and if they were, Trumo would not pardon them.

        Apples and oranges Allan, try again.

      • Stow it Allan!

        Nobody believes that bullshit anymore…if they ever believed it in the first place.

      • Good morning Termujin,

        I generally like your posts.

        But be gone with your negativity!

        Today we sing in triumph!

    • I chose this particular link because it was supposed to have lyrics. It does not.

      So for those of you who wish to sing along:

      Raise the sky
      We got to fly over the land, over the sea
      Fate unwinds, and if we die, souls arise
      God, do not seize me please, till victory

      Take arms, take aim, be without shame
      No one to bow to, to vow to, to blame
      Legions of light, virtuous flight ignite, excite

      And you will see us coming, V-formation through the sky
      Film survives, eyes cry
      On the hill hear us call through a realm of sound
      Oh, oh-oh, down and down
      Down and ’round, oh, down and ’round
      ‘Round and ’round, oh ’round and round

      Rend the veil and we shall sail
      The nail, the grail: that’s all behind thee
      In deed, in creed, the curve of our speed
      And we believe that we will raise the sky
      We got to fly over the land, over the sea
      Fate unwinds, and if we die, sounds arise
      God do not seize me please, till victory

      Victory, till victory
      Victory, till victory

    • Pardoning powers should be removed, from three days prior to any presidential election, and running to the end of the term in question.

      They woukd then have to play their dirty tricks in public BEFORE the public might have some say over what out and out cunt’s games they see the incumbent (party) are willing to play.

      Think about it. Would the 37 murderers/rapists etc. have gotten their undeserved gift from the cunt in chief if he had to do it prior to Nov 12th last year? Or the cunts from earlier today? Or his fuckin’ redneck-acting *prick* of an offspring?

      I think not.

      • That link doesn’t seem to work even though it appears correct. As Cheney and Kinzinger were both part of the Jan. 6 committee it is a bit redundant.

        Schiff was one of the Impeachment prosecutors.

    • Fauci needs to go down, not just for his gain of function shenanigans and where that led but also all the little Beagles he tortured and murdered. He’s in the same league as Mengele.

      I hope they get him on something.

  13. Fauci has committed no crime!

    But he’ll accept the preemptive pardon anyway?

    Another thing that irks me is Biden escaped impeachment for the reason he was not mentally adept enough to stand trial, that should have ended his presidency but no he’s now mentally fit to pardon people who were potentially involved in the biggest crime against humanity dwarfing the Holocaust.

    What a crock of shit, if you drained the swamp there’d be no politicians left.

    • I beg your pardon, I promised you a brown envelope in the rose garden.

      From the Bidens new album.

      Watch the vans full of documents leave Washington pronto.

  14. From ‘The Hill’

    “Biden announced 5 more pardons for members of his family in the last minutes of his presidency, a shocking development as President-elect Trump’s inauguration was already underway.

    The blanket pardons were granted to his brother, James Biden; Sara Jones Biden, his sister-in-law; his sister, Valerie Biden Owens; John T. Owens, his brother-in-law; and Francis Biden, Biden’s other brother.

    Biden said the pardons do not acknowledge any wrongdoing, nor should acceptance be viewed as an admission of guilt. They cover any nonviolent offenses from Jan. 1, 2014, to Sunday past”.


    Right. Pardons granted, though no wrongdoing acknowledged.

    Why would any innocent person(feel the need to) accept a blanket pardon? .. is a question I’d like to know the answer to.

    So these 5 cunts have dirty bibs, .. crimes as yet unknown. But if they never get caught for these crimes, they’ll sey there never WERE crimes in the first place. Talk about having your cake (with a presidential file in the fucking thing!) AND eating it. Fucking scum. And this cunt wanted another four years?

    • … and the *cheek* of the cunt, specifying ‘non violent’ re: his wealth covetous kin’s unspecified (must be alll financial, fraud, avoiding taxes etc)crimes …. he didn’t really care too much about the violence quotient in the over fifty murders he forgave (yeah I’m using ‘forgave’l back in December.

      The 9-sided, utterly contemptible CUNT. A disgrace to America.

  15. Been watching Trump’s inauguration. So fun! Great day for the USA.

    Message to senile old cunt Biden:

    🎵 You’re not president, you’re not president,
    You’re not president anymore, you’re not president anymore 🎵

    Go Trump!

    Starmer and his cronies are now in deeper shit. Go UK!

    • I am just glad that Kamala didn’t get run her knickers up the White House flag pole. If she had any, that is.

      The Grauniad called Harris ‘their female black president’.
      Well, her being black is a matter of opinion (see Megain Mantis). And, she never has been and never will be president. So up yours.

      I hope the Big D settles a few scores in the USA, and puts a few cunts out of the game for good.

      Viva Big Don.

    • Terrific speech from Trump. Some great touches too like reinstating service people who refused to take the jib-jab and giving them back pay! Plus deporting all illegal migrants!!!

      People kept standing up to applaud whilst Kamala sat stony faced. Biden sat in his seat like a good boy.

      I am happy for the promise of a new dawn for the USA. I really hope it works out well and acts as a mirror to the awful UK Labour party, who we can’t get out but can only be made to look bad. C’mon Trump, show them what a nation state of growth is about.

      • p.s. that Kamala and her ‘don’t you dare wish anyone Merry Christmas’. Lefty nut job.

  16. There’s a shitload of people who are very upset to find out there are only two genders, could it be that trans terrorism will mean more than waking up next to Suzy Eddie Izzard?

    Obviously if you’re named Thomas this comment might just go over your head……

  17. How inspiring was that speech by The Donald? The man has the pulse of what ordinary Americans are thinking, what’s concerning them and what they would like to change. A man who’s puts his own country’s interest first. And what do we have? A wet fish who wants to release some sausages.

  18. Just watched the clip of Donald T walking back into the office for the first time. A large group of different folks assembled around. He mentioned the weather being cold, .. the people nodded and agreed and one or two laughed little ha ha of agreement. There was an air of nervousness in the minions, I thought.

    Trump sat down at the desk.

    And that was the moment I would have absolutely fucking loved it had he (joking, but sounding serious for 5 to 10 secs) said.

    “Right. Someone get me the nuclear codes”


  19. Now Big Don is well and truly back, I fully expect David Tennant’s eyes to goggle out even more than they do now. And for him to froth at the mouth as he throws yet another monumental woke eppy..

    He’ll look like Klytus from Flash Gordon.

  20. Those who might (and hopefully will) have their card marked: those Clinton cunts, that Stormy Daniels slag, Harry Hewiit and Megain Mantis, and numerous other cunts could call their comeuppance a case of the DTs.

    But, please Big Don. Don’t deport Hewitt and the Mantis. We don’t want them back.

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