Jess Philips [12]

Does anybody still get their milk in bottles?. If so, could they send a gold top to toothy, mouthy Brummie gobshite MP Jess Phillips, a cowardly hypocrite, because she wants a medal.

It seems this “brave” man-hating MP (unless you are a Mudslime of a poof – she seems to be Streeting’s fag hag), always sees herself as a heroine. The latest “poor me in danger” moment has been caused by Elon Musk, writing a few homes truths about the careerist old bag. This isn’t the first time she has put herself in imaginary danger for opening up her big gob, and no doubt it won’t be the last as she is a self-advertising exhibitionist.

BBC News.

If she can’t take the heat she should stay out of the kitchen.

Nominated by : W. C. Boggs

69 thoughts on “Jess Philips [12]

  1. “Harold! HAROLD!!
    Neeyh, they’re calling for a national inquiry into rape gangs Harold.
    You fed that horse yet?
    Samson can’t go out on the round without his breakfast!”

    • OT but I’ve been reading the reports across the media this morning Mis, following the demise of Tulip Siddique and with Rachel Reeves predicted to be next to be ejected. (All four wimminz so far; not sure what to read into that?) My point is I would suggest you quote Nigel Farage to move him into number ten. I appreciate that it may be difficult to turn a profit on the job from where you are but just think what the publicity would be worth! Your van with your name on it in huge letters being shown on peak time television across all channels going through the gates into Downing street. To buy such effective advertising would cost a fortune and I’m sure Nigel would be more than happy for people to know the first job he put out was to someone well clear of the metropolitan bubble.

      • Not since Æthelred `the Unready`, some 1000 and a bit years ago, has someone been so unready to lead a nation.

      • Well Sam, considering the twats who have been in charge for the last thirty years I’m fully prepared to give him a go.

  2. For anyone having a late breakfast or early elevensies, imagine the fragrant Jess performing a sloppily enthusiastic 69 with Dianne Abbott, each of them choking and gagging at the repulsive, feotid stench issuing forth from their respective filth trenches, yet unable to stop sucking until they both climax horribly, Dianne collapsing onto Jess, crushing her rib cage and necessitating a visit from a fire crew to use the jaws of life to prise them apart.
    Yum yum!

      • Why thanks!
        I’d love to go into far greater detail, but simply don’t have the time at work to raise my level of boner-inducing eroticism.

    • Blimy Tom you are at work and they let you use the work computer to publish your thoughts and musings. What a thoroughly decent company, are they recruiting?

      Good Morning.

    • Hey Thomas,

      May I propose a warning for your more lurid posts?

      CAUTION: This post may conjure up images that are disturbing to normal or less imaginative Cunters. Some readers may be scarred for life.

  3. You would think being that ugly with breath that melts faces quicker than the ark of the covenant you would keep your head down..

    Oh no fatlips toured all the news channels playing the victim.
    Being gang raped by inbred Pàkis is nothing compared to being called out on social media as a hypocritical cunt, which you are, you vile pig.

  4. She’s not at the same level of ‘danger’ as the thousands of predominantly white teenage girls whose safety she seems oblivious to. Perhaps approaches from predatory peacefuls are all she’s ever enjoyed.

  5. It’s quite something,really remarkable to witness even more cowardly Islamist appeasement by the present rabble since the last rabble were booted out of “office”.

    There are no depths they won’t go to to kneel before this medieval horde of the worst vermin to pollute the earth.

    They all belong in the same Oven.

    Good morning.

  6. Of all the horrible bastards that make up the Labour cabinet, Phillips is quite possibly the worst of the lot.

    I don’t know whether it’s the voice, the teeth, the hair, the accent or if it’s the clearly disingenuous and cowardly nature of her personality.

    Fair enough, the insults about the hair and teeth etc may well just be cheap straw man shots but there’s just something so deeply abhorrent about Jess Phillips which makes me want to vomit.

    Hard as nails, tough as old boots feminist and a force to be reckoned with when it comes to “men”

    A meek, fork tongued career politician with more blind spots than Stevie Wonder when it comes to her brown coloured constituents.

    I fucking despise her and I hope Elon Musk’s hurtful tweets keep her awake at nights for the rest of her life to be honest.

    Fuck Labour.

  7. I see that the cunts who are the labour party are putting out a party political broadcast tonight. That should be good for a laugh. I bet my house that they gloss over the things that make our collective piss boil over.

    • The sooner we get a stars and stripes fluttering above Downing Street and the current crop of Westminster/Wef/Windsor cancers are permanently removed from our land’s,can we begin to make any kind of progress.

  8. When you promote yourself as a snarling cow don’t start crying when it backfires, the great defender of women (and girls) suffering domestic violence seems to have a blind spot for certain communities when ‘white trash’ are being systematically raped by Stanleys
    Couldn’t even condemn the Stanleys as the demographic who were harassing her in the GE, they were ‘men’

    Her huge majority has been smashed down to a few hundred and sticking it to the Muslims with a national inquiry would give her all sorts of problems in Yardley, she thought she had got away Scott free but Musk has given her a kick up the arse.

    Now she is having a good cry, fuck off you cunt.

  9. Elon Musk is a South African living in the United States, and as such, he should keep his fucking big nose out of other country’s affairs. He thinks he knows everything because he’s rich, when in fact he has no idea what he’s talking about.

    He’s just as stupid as his rich mate Trump, who’s shown himself up once again by criticizing the firefighters and politicians in California. He knows as much about firefighting as he does about anything else. He hasn’t taken up their offer to go to California and see for himself. He doesn’t need to smell the smoke when he can smell the opportunity to make political capital out of other people’s misfortune. Why would he do that? Because California isn’t a Republican state. They didn’t vote for him.

    Hypocritical twats.

    • The same way Labour should have kept their big noses out, by not sending people to help Kamala with her campaign?

      And Jess Philips isn’t a hypocrite, because???

      • I reckon Allan has secret desires over Jess Pissflaps, perhaps being stirred by Thomas’ desires earlier in the thread. With all due respect, Allan reminds me of those eager Labourites who call out Rishi and Boris for being rich, but fail to notice that Kweer is a multi-millionaire himself, who, nevertheless allowed another rich man to buy him suits and glasses.

        They fail to see the very things they castigate the Conservatives for, they turn a blind eye to exactly similar actions by Labour.

    • I agree with nearly all of your post there Allan but the point is that Elon is saying what a good many in this country think but are inhibited from saying it because they don’t fancy a prison sentence.

    • Will you be having a little cry next Monday Allan.

      Musk may not be up to speed on British politics but you don’t need to be an expert to see the wood when all the trees have been chopped down.

    • @Allan

      Musk may very well be all of those things.

      I imagine your lord and saviour Sir Keir lay awake at night pleasuring himself at the very thought of releasing a violent criminal in order to make an extra prison space available for Elon.

      Unfortunately for Sir Keir, he can’t silence or jail Musk like he can silence the working class in Britain.

    • You don’t have to be a Musk fan to appreciate greatly the upset he causes our “elite”.

      Personally I couldn’t care less who “puts the boot in” the cunts just so long as it causes them “alarm and distress” as they so quickly claim.

      Unaccountable right wing billionaires who can’t be put in prison by Kweers lackeys are a joy to behold,hope there is much more to come.

      • Yeah he’s worth nearly £400 billion and he also knows that Britain’s Labour Party are a bunch of inept, treacherous, pigs in the trough cunts.

        Yep… obviously a very stupid man.

      • Morning HJ…how’s tricks?
        Musk should stick his cock in the enviromentalists’ arses by producing a V16 hyper car, a competitor to Bugatti or a Henessey Venom and make it fo a genuine 350mph.
        It’d still have shit quality fit and finish though, the same as all Teslas.

    • No cunt over here was going to do anything about this bitch and her covering up of industrial scale muzzey raypies gangs, including her own constituents. Tommy Robinson is in prison to keep him quiet. So Elon Musk’s intervention is most welcome, in my view. Labour/liberals/ Democrats can take their appeasement of barbarians and shove it up their spunk soaked shitters. Good afternoon.

    • @Allan… If he is resident in the USA why the f*** shouldn’t he be entitled to have his say in what goes on in California? He’ll be paying tax in the USA as a resident so why would you seek to silence him?
      As for the bean flicking left wing appointed DEI firefighting chiefs of LA then yes he probably does know as much as them as putting out fires i.e. f. all, the same as the lefty state governor Newsome who pretended to be on the phone to Biden to avoid being called out by a local for having done nothing or the alphabet mayor who made her holiday in Africa a priority over the fire warnings.

      • Why would he put himself in another assassination scenario by ging there? the Demonrats know they’re facing oblivion when DJT takes command,many are arch criminals and will be facing death penalties for treason especially after illegally installing themselves in 2020 as they did.

        No wonder he’s not personally attending satan central’s Davos this year.Musk has every reason to stick the boot into the rancid UK establishment having direct ancestral links as he does to Liverpool of all places.You speak from low information mode perspective it’s clearly evident,

      • That satanic POS Newsome is related via marriage to the Pelosi criminal cartel and he certainly radiates evil to a big degree.

        I recall Trump being critical of thankfully deceased traitor ‘War Hero’ John Mcain for getting captured when he was shot down in Vietnam following a spot of napalming innocent Vietnamese villagers during that evil campaign but subsequent evidence tells a very different tale of that particular reptoid especially his cosying up with America’s ISIS (CIA/Mossad/MI6) major players.No wonder he got the’wrinkled flag on the coffin’ treatment at his funeral,the sign of a traitor.

    • Trump Derangement Syndrome has now mutated into Musk Derangement Syndrome.

      It’s too bad TDS / MDS can’t be cured with a shot of penicillin.

    • His grandmother was British. I think he should be able to say what he wants, when he wants, on his global social media platform.

    • Why would he put himself in another assassination scenario by ging there? the Demonrats know they’re facing oblivion when DJT takes command,many are arch criminals and will be facing death penalties for treason especially after illegally installing themselves in 2020 as they did.

      No wonder he’s not personally attending satan central’s Davos this year.Musk has every reason to stick the boot into the rancid UK establishment having direct ancestral links as he does to Liverpool of all places.You speak from low information mode perspective it’s clearly evident,

    • A bit like the Labour Party then. I remember Kier Starmer making political capital out of that trans girls mother being in Parliament that day after Sunak had made that crack about him and defining a woman/man. You know Allan, like Starmer gave a shit. Yeah right, the greasy haired, opportunistic cunt.

  10. Another student politician with no idea how the world actually works.

    I’ll be careful what I say about Jess because das fuhrer Starmer treats all criticism of Jess as a death threat.

    So whilst wishing Jess a long and peaceful life I must also highlight that she’s exactly the sort of ideologically challenged dullard that epitomises everything wrong with her party in government.

    Useless cunt

  11. Is Phillips the ugliest female MP of all time?
    She’s even worse than Maggie was.

    Only one who is as repulsive as Phillips is Abbott the Hutt.

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