is a cunt.
There have been calls to ban first-cousin marriage because of copious defects in the offspring of family members. However, Iqbal Mohamnad, MP for some northern Bradistani shit-hole, stood up in the House of Commons to defend incest.
It’s bad enough that these browntowns are rife with inter-Pakîstanki marriages, accidentally entering the wrong bed in the wrong bedroom, but to attempt to prevent it becoming law is vile. This inbreeder said that it doesn’t require legislation, just a “cultural shift”.
Oh, Britain must bend to your savage, desert ways, so you can play the ‘best family game for two to four players’ as Uncle Dad.
What’s Urdu for ‘Fuck off’?
What next? Allow child marriage?
We should not increase the risk of Cerebral Palsy, Cystic Fibrosis, or Down’s Syndrome just so Faizal, Hussein, Nasreen, Iqbal, and Mohammed can keep it in the family and be sister-fisters.
Nominated by Captain Magnanimous link provided by Cuntemall.
The sooner the world admits we’ve got an Islam shaped problem the better.
With reference to my bringing the ‘traveller’ similarities to this subject on the previous page, … the F.U.C.K.S. as anagrammed….
Might I just add, in general terms, … I’m not sure how much exactly we are supposed to dance around this particular detestable portion of ‘society’ … I just checked the K-word online and oh, boy you should see Google squirming to bury the well-known meaning of same.
No mention of the animal cruelty, the celebrated-among-themselves crime-perpetrating lifestyle, .. the monies with menaces from old folk for overpriced jobs, half done(badly), theft, trespass, blanket tax avoidance with maximum benefits exploitation etc. etc.
The original, honky version of the current brown invasion.
AND … the only case I ever witnessed of Viz magazine backing down. Issue 44’s The Thieving Gypsy Bastards was followed by an apology (and undertaking to never reprint it) in issue 46. I thought THAT was a meta joke for a second upon first viewing but then realised it was not.
I still have those two issues in pristine condition. During my always-moderated days at the beginning of my IsAC tenure (due to the apostrophe in Cunt’emAll, it transpired later) .. I proffered to share T.T.G.B. with cunters via making an imgur-link or similar of the strip. That never went through. I thought maybe admin poo-poohed it, knowing better than I .. but just for pig iron (other cunters have referenced T.T.G.B – from memory but fondly – previous to my signing up here) .. if anyone wants to see it again, 35 years on and it’s OK with ‘the management’ … I’ll scan it up.
That is all.
That would be great.I wish VIZ had a website to peruse those gold dust early issues that really had a bigger impact on the cultural zeitgeist than it’s credited for.
Those awesome characters deserve to be revisted and not the standard roger melly type stuff,more art citics,modern parents,student grant,folk singer type stuff,Not the same deal with viz these days alas.
I flicked through issue 44 while snapping the page for this. Your summation is true!
Here’s the jpeg, well zoomable, on Imgur.
Still would love to know who held sway over Viz about this. Nothing untrue nor farfetched about the content.
I’m sure emphasis on medieval mindset was raised in SOME dystopian novel, given how every single one if them are becoming reality…
September 11 2001 should have been used as an excuse to wipe the muzzie cunts off the face of the civilised world.
Never mind half arsed ‘invasions’ of easy targets like Iraq and Afgahnistan. The two biggest turds in the world’s U-Bend, Pakistan and Iran, should have been obliterated off the face of the Earth. The savages should have been turned to glass. Flushed down the bog, never to resurface again.
And all the others well and truty warned. You put one foot wrong and you get the same.
Another problem that is caused by these cousin marriages is the fucking huge cost of the medical treatment required for the genetically damaged offspring. Another problem is the parents keep on having kids hoping for a normal child.. Read about a family in Dewsbury who had 5 kids all with the same genetic problems. Cannot see any law that has a negative effect on peaceful cultural being passed. Diversity is strength but obviously not for peacefuls
I think this sums these medieval 5 knuckle shuffle rs up a treat