Or, more precisely, the Labour government’s bullshit attempts at ‘reforming’ it.
The main problem with the current system, as far as I can see, is the element of compulsion, not the price, ie being forced under threat of all sorts of legal sanctions, including imprisonment, to pay for the propaganda department of Labour Party.
Changing the name of the telly tax and/or the method/reason for collection, without making it entirely voluntary, is yet another load of flim-flam from the degenerates in power, merely to protect their own interests when they’re eventually slung out of Parliament, hoping for a cushy earner with the Beeb, and of course protecting their own, horrendously biased, bloated PR company.
There’s talk of putting it on Income tax, or internet fees, or telephone bills, or, or, or ffs! It’s dead simple; encode the transmissions.
Anyone mad enough to want to watch Nònces on Ice, Celebrity Queers Cooking or the party political broadcast on behalf of the Labour Party – Question Time, is more than welcome to do so. We all know that the BBC would be bankrupted overnight because it’s not commercially viable, because it’s shit.
The ONLY reason for this change is that millions of people are refusing to pay for this garbage and the Beeb/Gov need to come up with a way to make it unavoidable if you have a phone, computer or any income whatsoever.
Do piss off.
Nominated by Termujin.
They might as well charge people Vehicle Excise Duty even if you don’t own a car.
I believe they’re working on this right now…
Hopefully it’ll stay the way it is now.
Then I can carry on watching the snooker, smug in the knowledge that weak-minded people are paying and I’m not.
5 years now and all they ever send me is a pathetic threatening letter every six weeks.
No licence “inspector”, alas.
I’d really like to have a visit from one of those pricks.
Just do it…don’t send them a letter stating you don’t need one or remove the right of implied access…just stop paying those commie pædos.
It’s easy.
I get an email every couple of years, laced with thinly veiled threats asking if anything has changed and do I now need a TV licence.
Takes about two minutes to tick the boxes and feed them the fuck off tablet the cultural Marxist shit bags deserve.
My daughter is in a rented place. Got a threatening letter from the TV cunts and was scared about it – told her to put it where it belongs (in the bin), never let them in and just shut the door if they do come round. Wankers.
I agree entirely
The last line, ‘do piss off sums’ it up nicely
After carefully weighing all the evidence I’ve concluded that the best course of action is to throw every last one of the cunts into a pit of starving wolves.
Good morning.
Is your oven being renovated? Upgraded?
It’s a brief return to more “natural” times.
The Devil makes work for idle hands you see..
Just ask any Afghans you might encounter.
3rd world shithole Oven.
I’ve adapted your oven Unkle Terry. Its an Aga run on human beings. Blacks are the best option on 3 for 1 basis to whites. Due to them coming into the country for free, I’m encouraging them to come to my lair on lies, similar to what they told our government to get here in the first place. What an irony. I’ll also be reducing these cunts on a daily basis on a reverse Windrush situation. What a laugh.
Keep warm on a woggle. Scouts honour, your grace. Any local blacks are willing to try it. Any generation, I’m not fussy.
I see, Net Zero Oven. Got to move with the times.
The whole thing is nonsense. We all know that, thanks to Reeves’ economic master plans, by the time we get to 2027 no one will pay tax. Everyone will be on dtugs, and bennies, and living in caves. Bumming will be compulsory, obvs.
Good morning, everyone.
Are you a bennie tied to a tree?
(that’ll only make sense if you’re about 50ish)
Lol, I get it.
Seems the government like to partially fund the fucking BBC so as to get the “truth” ( their version of it no doubt) out into the big bad world..!
So a fully taxpayer funded version is definitely on the cards. Especially when lisping fatty Lisa says it isn’t…!
Micks – protect those tatties now !
Hang on to your Munchie Box in Glasgae.
I refuse to pay it, the Cunts can fuck off.
Wwe can’t possibly let the licence fee go. How will the BBC be able to employ all those sodomites to dance on Saturday nights?, how will they pay the drag queens? – what about all those “celebrities” that do daytime TV and all those wonderful shows like Eastenders and Songs of Praise.
Let’s also not forget the politicians. Poor little Wes Streeting not having a makeup girl (or boy). He will just be coated in gravy browning, and they won’t be able to afford that rubber ring they put on the chair for Mandy to ease his piles.
Like I’ve told you before, I’m of age now where they can’t touch me for it. Enabling me to enjoy these annoying twats’ archive when they weren’t so bad. Still best for avoiding those confounded advertisements that have blighted my enjoyment since idiot tv encouraged them.
Advertising has not been the same since they stopped the adverts for corsets, bras, the woman having the bath with Camay and Cadbury’s Flakes. Now it’s all funeral plans, fast food and incontinent women’s plastic knickers.
Belueve me Sammy, they can ‘touch’ you, in your special place, they like that.
Show me on the dolly where the nasty man hurt you lol.
The BBC earn plenty of money without threatening old age pensioners with jail for not paying their fee.
Although I rarely watch their shit array of ‘buy something cheap and sell it for a profit’ programmes I am pretty sure that only BBC 1 and 2 are without adverts.
They also own…..
These all have advertising (?).
On top of that they sell their programmes all over the world.
How fucking arrogant do you need to be to call a TV channel Dave.
I can imagine the meeting.
“So that’s the new channel for our viewers sorted. What shall we call it.”
“Fuck them. Call it Dave”
They are not without adverts, they are constantly advertising their own programmes.
Cancelled it 10 years ago. We have a gargantuan tele, but all it’s used for is our DVDs and Blu-Rays. We have no ‘receiving’ equipment. They said they’d send someone round to check, but we’ve never heard fuck all.
Even if we did watch ‘tell lie vision’, I still wouldn’t pay the pedophile tax anyway.
No one in the house without a warrant. No exceptions.
Or you get to meet Piggy.
She’s a good girl, very obedient, very protective, very likely to attack if I say so.
When they broadcast on the spot news reports from around the world it’s always a woman. Same with the newsreaders. Couple that with their unnaturally excessive employment of non-whites, gays and drag artistes (known in our house as piss artists) and there’s no justification in expecting a straight white bloke to pay for a service from which he’s excluded. That’s my defence, m’lud.
I absolutely refuse on principle to fund their ‘BBC Fact Check’ or whatever it’s called, and that insufferably smug cunt that presents it. I’d love to see a Cannibal Holocaust ‘impaled woman’ done on her.
Simple. Watch the beeb archive. No blacks, or advertising. I’ve been preaching, the blacks have shot themselves in the foot. They no longer can appear in anything about humanity, which would be laughable. They can’t appear to be robbing murdering rapists ( which is more authentic ) any more because of being racist. They will gradually disappear from our screens in the not to distant future.
We will have to revert to watching them back in the jungle where they belong, boiling David Attenborough in a pot for his farewell performance.
We do it too but we’re more discreet in the States. General Tax revenue rather than a direct charge funds the State Propaganda machine known as the Public Broadcasting System (PBS).
Charging the citizens for propaganda. What a racket.
I don’t know if you’re aware General but we have a channel “PBS America” on television this side of the pond. The programmes broadcast are all high quality documentaries but it may be that those are all that are licensed for the UK market. Commonly I scan down the programmes available on our 100+ channels of an evening and decide they are all shit except for PBS America. Often the wife has said; “The telly’s all shit tonight as usual, try PBS America.” It intrigues me that there are a number of programmes on the channel which relate purely to the UK. Are you offered those or is it specifically for the UK market?
Hey arfur,
Sorry for the late reply.
Never heard of PBS America. What PBS produces here in the States is biased left wing news along with documentaries and other programs with a decidedly left wing slant.
I’d be interested in what specific documentaries they are showing in the UK.
It could be a bit like BBC America. They sometimes have decent programs and movies like the original Bond flicks. But in America Beeb in the States is a total commercial whore…5 minutes of movie and 5 minutes of paid commercials followed by 5 minutes of BBC promos and then repeat…
Damn me and auto correct really botched that post.
Let’s try again…in America, Auntie Beeb is a real whore. She runs 5 minutes of movie followed by 5 minutes of paid commercials followed by 5 minutes of Beeb promos and then repeat.
My turn to apologise for late response General.
From PBS America over past few days;
The Story of Egypt
The Korean War
1945-1953 from World War to Cold War
Rise of the Clans
Messages Home: Lost Films of The British Army
The battle of Verdun
75 Years of Nato: New Challenges and Chances
On a militaristic theme this week it seems. It’s broadcast from 13:00 to 00:00. This is rigid. I have watched programmes which have run late and at midnight the transmission is cut dead even in mid-sentence.
I second you, Arfur. Of the countless documentary channels, PBS America is about the best.
Hey arfur, Hey Izzie,
That’s interesting to me. PBS produced programs are almost always filled with vomit inducing leftist spin. Those you listed don’t seem to be PBS productions.
A couple of clues you can look for in spotting such propaganda:
1. The infamous “P” head. The PBS logo was a kind of stylized letter P meant to resemble a human head and was almost always used with a “Corporation for Public Broadcasting” voice over. It was derisively called the P head.
2. Alphabet soup production credits. PBS productions always gave credit to some local PBS channel for production. WGBH Boston…WTTW Chicago and so on.
3. Legacy credit. PBS always thanked some legacy foundation for their “generous support” such as the Arthur Vining Davis Foundation or the John D. and Katherine T. MacArthur Foundation.
If you aren’t seeing this then it’s not a US government run, taxpayer funded, Neo Marxist, revisionist, Public Broadcasting System program. And that’s good!
O/T…..122 times one of the innocent girls was stabbed, 122 let that sink in for a minute…and he apparently said he was glad they were dead…may I ask what the real sentence should be for this abhorrent piece of 💩…fucking sick of it
Barbeque the cunt’s onion head in Unkle Terry’s oven.
Honestly? The sentence should be blinding, followed by being eaten alive by rats.
Lead posioning, of the head.
I’d like to see him fed feet first into the world’s slowest meat grinder, televised 24/7.
The savage tree swinger should be chained to a post, doused in petrol and set on fire..🔥
The reason they want you to pay for it is because they are aware that nobody below Gen X (and quite frankly most of them too) won’t pay for type of shit they turn out . The good stuff , docs etc will go to Amazon like Top Gear did .
The government doesnt really give a shit but the elephant in the room in the room is the £740 million deficit in the pension scheme .
Down from £2bn but they won’t be reducing it any further if Maud from Cleethorpes is the only one still paying
It’s not true its come down, it’s increased.
Rejoice citizens! Your chocolaye ration has increased, from 25g to 15g! All hail The Leader.
The BBC is a shadow of what it once, has never been more bloated, yet fails to educate, inform, or entertain, especially if you’re a straight white man.
Over the last few decades they’ve got rid of Formula 1, Cricket, Rugby Union, Men’s Football, and any decent detective show with a white British male lead. You’ve now got loads of output for women’s sports, sequins on doctor who and strictly for the dainty men, and black and Asian networks for that lot.
It’s not just Labour that get the rub from these tools either, Al Beeb failed to take any politician to task since that grinning war criminal Tony B Liar came to power. They could have nailed the pig fucker for austerity, but never did that either. The BBC do not serve the public in any way.
Another reason for the TV tax is to pay off all the victims of the hoardes of rapists and paedophiles they have there.
As the nominator suggested, make the BBC self funded and see if they make a profit. That miserable shit show EastEnders would be axed straight away, and all the stars would abandon it quicker than a gimmiegrant jumps out of a lorry at Dover.
It amazes me that the BBC gets away scot free with their ‘public broadcasting service’ story when they have so many commercial companies, undoubtedly setup as separate entities to show their is no cross pollination.
Accountants are wonderful for showing separate revenue streams. I have my suspicions as to how all these companies were funded to develop, but no politician seems to have the cojones to investigate. The more umbrella companies that are setup the more powerful the BBC becomes.
It’s called empire building.
A very insightful comment.
Also as “separate” companies they can hide behind the “commercially sensitive” excuse when questioned about issues. Like J.Vine and his “company” that employs his daughter as a director.
Nest of vipers. .
Without the beeb, whose gonna pick up the slack and hire all the pèdo’s and dog rapists?
Sorry I forgot about the Labour Party..
I now have three years of “You have no licence” letters all neatly stapled together. I don’t have a tv and don’t need to tell them that I don’t. When I buy a helicopter I’ll apply for a pilots licence, but until then I won’t bother to apply for one.
Indeed. I have some milk in the fridge. However I don’t have a cow in the fucking back garden.
Haven’t paid the paedo tax for years and never will.
From what I hear, the BBC is a nest o gayers and lefty liberal English hating racist cunts.
Stopped paying for it 4 years ago, I can’t believe anyone still pays for it.
Every so often I can’t a letter saying they are going to visit me, I wish they would.
I’ve also noticed the letters don’t have my name on, just addressed to the legal occupier.
Leave it as it is, but margarine man starmer will find a way to tax us for it.
I watch certain things but the BBC can fuck off, I would love a visit from TV licence, I would call them cunts and kiddy fiddlers to their face
just watching the news on TV about the scum child murderer trial on gbnews all ok watching gbnews turned over to see the BBC news and protesters were holding up placards saying leave our children alone behind the reporter then they went to a prerecorded section and afterwards the reporter and camera crew had moved away from the courts exterior further away, , really how cuntish can the BBC really get? fuck the BBC and it’s licence
Seen a clip this morning from sly news on X a scouse muslim saying we should come together, and diversity is our strength
Without diversity there wouldn’t be any need for community sensitivities.
If the piece of shit had been white he would have been locked up years ago.
Out of interest, is there still a tv license for white & black sets ?
There is Sammy, £57 I believe, 50% discount for the blind…WTF?!
Luckily we are entitled to a FREE tv licence, cos I self-identify as an illegal immigrant.
The only downside is being subjected to a continuous stream of online Non-Crime Hate Incidents and bricks through the window curtesy of the Far-Right. A small price to pay, really.
Our next door neighbour gets a 50% discount for self-identifying as blind… plus a further 40% off for his LG 55SK8000PLB 55-Inch Super UHD 4K HDR Premium Smart LED Freeview Colour TV which self-identifies as an old Ferguson black & white portable, the jammy cunt!
I would willingly pay the licence if I didn’t have to see a single black face, similar to when I first clapped eyes on a TV set in my teens.
Did you never watch the Black & White Minstrel Show, Sammy?
I was just about to GT, but Billy Cotton shot them.
I would not willingly pay it.
Once you pay the Dane…
There were loads of blacks on British television in the late1950s, when my folks got their first TV.
Off the top of my head: Charlie Williams, Cy Grant, Sir Lawrence Olivier…
And those Minstrels. and that cunt Kenny Lynch.
If it’s paid for via direct taxation then it must become a public service broadcaster. No commercial arm, no strictly, no Eastenders, none of that bullshit.
Shouldn’t cost more than a few million a year, oh and no opinion ls on anything.
No Glastonbury piss up either.
52 years minimum for the savage black tree swinging cunt….
Hopefully in chokey someone will meter out proper justice with a very blunt instrument..☠️
hopefully he will be in a cell with a Adolf gay fan and get bummed to death
I’ve got him in my Dead Pool.
Good call…💀
good, that child killing baboon got 52 years for murder, I’m waiting for the BBC to call him a victim of racism like that cunt mark duggan, FFS.. watching the BBC live now just asked a police officer if he was a misogynist, FFS , I don’t believe I heard that!
Don’t insult baboons. That thing is a product of a pile of shit and a puddle of spew having sex.
So, less than 4 years per murder/attempted murder, much less if you consider the usual sentence for possession/manufacture of a biological weapon plus the terrorist materials charges. Utterly disgusting.
Why not a whole life life sentence?
And why several years for shouting in the street and laughing at fireworks?
There’s gonna be a shitstorm if this fuckwittery carries on.
In an ideal world, so to speak…
A an ongoing gofundme with the collected amount transferred to the next of kin of whoever horrifically maims the little cunt in prison, time after time. Killing the cunt outright would be one thing, but making him suffer first would be preferable.
Of course in an ideal world, there’d be no gofundme, and more importantly none of the *millions* of little plainly worthless wrong ‘uns, like this cunt ..
He’ll be KOS for the rest of his life.
A lot of sctews would be willing to look the other way 5 minutes I reckon.
Paying for the BBC is paying to have your brain raped through your eye sockets.