Or, more precisely, the Labour government’s bullshit attempts at ‘reforming’ it.
The main problem with the current system, as far as I can see, is the element of compulsion, not the price, ie being forced under threat of all sorts of legal sanctions, including imprisonment, to pay for the propaganda department of Labour Party.
Changing the name of the telly tax and/or the method/reason for collection, without making it entirely voluntary, is yet another load of flim-flam from the degenerates in power, merely to protect their own interests when they’re eventually slung out of Parliament, hoping for a cushy earner with the Beeb, and of course protecting their own, horrendously biased, bloated PR company.
There’s talk of putting it on Income tax, or internet fees, or telephone bills, or, or, or ffs! It’s dead simple; encode the transmissions.
Anyone mad enough to want to watch Nònces on Ice, Celebrity Queers Cooking or the party political broadcast on behalf of the Labour Party – Question Time, is more than welcome to do so. We all know that the BBC would be bankrupted overnight because it’s not commercially viable, because it’s shit.
The ONLY reason for this change is that millions of people are refusing to pay for this garbage and the Beeb/Gov need to come up with a way to make it unavoidable if you have a phone, computer or any income whatsoever.
Do piss off.
Nominated by Termujin.
There’s absolutely no way this current government is going to alter the BBCs charter in any shape or form.
They’ll talk a good game of course, but ultimately, it’s all just window dressing.
And before you know it, the BBC will have another 10 years on condition they explore alternative income streams, which they’ll halfheartedly pretend to do.
The BBC are simply too valuable to the leftist, commie cunts currently in power.
They parrot every announcement and initiative this government utters without challenge.
They align politically in almost every aspect, from climate change lies to transgender bullshit, to the hatred of Israel and Trump, to the belief that uncontrolled immigration is for the greater good, that indigenous British people are scum, to the fantastical existence of a coordinated ‘far right’ movement that threatens our security.
The only way to make them see sense is to refuse to pay. But it needs millions of us to do it.
Have we, as a nation got the bollocks?
Let’s see.
I think you’ve miss the point FMG.
They will change it, definitely, but only because millions are tefusing to pay it in its current form.
It will, most likely, be a monthly charge, added to your internet or mobile bill, whether you watch it or not, totally inescapeable if you don’t live in a cave, like green taxes on leccy, flights, etc.
I guaranted it will involve the BBC getting a LOT more cash, in perpetuity, and it will be dressed up as though the Labour party were the only party brave enough to scrap the TV “license”.
Absolutely right. They’ll filch the money from us one way or another. A simple subscription along the lines of Netflix would see them bankrupt within 12 months.
Indeed, because who in their right mind would pay to watch the dirge and biased crap the Boring Bastard Co-op churns out?
You’ve nailed it there Termy. That’s what’s going to happen as surely as the sun rises in the east.
Shit weasels 🤦
Not quite Hanging Judge JPs recommendation, but a minimum of 52 years will do for a start.
Southport MP has referred the case for review, calling the sentence “unduly lenient”
Good man.
Hopefully he will not last long in prison.
Evening JP, evening all.
Fingers crossed.
Agreed! cell door ‘accidentally’ left unlocked, ‘napalmed’, a fucking murderous kicking, plenty good enough apart from outright murdered,so many nice things can happen to the cunt, rule 43 for him for rest of!!
The cunt has the same crazed eyes as that other cunt Ed Milliberk.
Time to bring back the “DEATH PENALTY”..☠️
Yes, indeed, although I don’t think it was completely abolished.
I’m under the impression that acts of High Treason could still carry the DP, I’m probably out of date on the subject and I’m happy to be put straight.
I’ve answered myself with a quick search.
Yes. Blair abolished it in 1998 to save his own skin.
That made me laugh out loud, quite startled the dog as he’s not used to jollity.
Thank you, S-c B, much appreciated.
It really was the reason it was abolished, Blair knows hes a treasonous bastard and, slightly out of character, decided to cover his arse.
He’ll answer for his crimes one day, one way or another, just like the rest of us.
Axe the tax 🐷🐷🐷
Just had a butchers at the United match. The Rangers goalie punched the ball into his own net because he felt sorry for the once famous club. Why are the still wearing those ridiculous knickers (once called when I first started watching them) that look like they’re just about to go for or have just been for a shit, with braces hanging down and left the Daily Mirror in the shithouse.
Bruno has just put us in front, Sammy. I’m too old and unwell to get up to no good these days. But, had this game been forty, thirty or even twenty years ago I would have had the Rangers hooligan detector on full beam. Time was, I’d have fought the lot of them. No love lost between us and and that lot.
Had this game been in the 70s or 80s, it would have been much more interesting.
The result appears to be a plaster over a bullet wound.
Rangers would struggle to compete in the Championship, and it took an OG and a nutmeg from a piss poor goalie to get that result.
Amorim appears clueless and Maguire is a joke.
Only glimmer of hope is your number 2 goalie, who is infinitely better than the coloured gentleman.
Utd are due a proper thrashing, and I think they’ll get it before the season is up.
They cannot get rid of this shitshow, OFCOM won’t get any new recruits.
The cunts.
O/T, a special cunting is required for this DICKHEAD…!
The biggest pussy to ever front a British rock band.
The vegan sandal wearing henpecked couldn’t fight his way out of a paper bag under the thumb blackie loving poove appeasing ‘But… But’ cunt incarnate.
Well, him and that nepo-cunt Healy from The 1975. Another twat.
I am not paying for Ncunti Gayblack, David Tennant and John Barrowman chasing one another around with sonic dildos.
Nor do I wish to see E.T in a Ramones wig hosting The Traitors.
And Sharon Watts (Tweety Pie after taking the Hyde Formula) shagging the latest in a long line of baldie thug Mitchells can fuck off and all.
When you think you couldn’t hate that greasy pòof any more, he does this..
I hope he suffers a long and painful death..
Isn’t it about time he got a good ‘egg’ing by the masses next time he makes a public appearance – if he ever does.
Too busy globe trotting or hiding in the panic room behind his tax payer funded bodyguards. He won’t go near the people of this country. Doesn’t need any of us for the next 4 and half years, the lying bastard.
I have just read that the corpulent cow who was Suckdick’s “Night Czar” who presided over the 25% decline in London’s night life works for the BBC. They refuse to say how much she is paid. Nice to know the licence fee is spent so constructively.
Leave her alone, she’s “sick”.
There’s been talk of the licence fee being transferred to the Council Tax.
Easy to collect, just appears as a surcharge on your bill.
Inescapable, as a tenant or an owner occupier, you can’t hide a property.
Regardless of wether you watch telly or not, you’ll still have to pay, as the charge will be on the property.
Good morning 🌄👍
*BBC Storm Warning. Stay Inside! Don’t Go Out!*
“We’ll send reporters out to stand in the howling wind and pissing rain, to tell you how bad it is, which you already know anyway”.
Why do the cunts always do this?
(ITV is just as bad)
Morning all.
Fucking twats
How irresponsible!
It’s been a bit wild here in Sunny Sheffield, but nowt to get worrit about.
The sun did actually shine this afternoon, lulled into a sense of false security at the sight, I flung the backdoor open, only to find myself clinging to the door handle for grim death!
All tjhis windy weather talk has got me thinking of that weather lady on Granada/ITV, Jo Blythe.
The words ‘bang like an outside bog door in a force nine gale’ do certainly come to mind,
Ahhh, the lovely Jo Blythe.
Not lucky enough to live in whatever region she usually covers, but always a rare treat when I get to ogle her when she does the national weather.
The licence fee should be paid exclusively by vegans, since they so love ingesting utter crap.